Implies that the service (deployment) involves a certain level of risk, threat, hardship or operational intensity.
The term “deceased” is used for a recipient who qualified for an honour before death or is awarded a decoration for action which took place before death and with which the subsequent death is not directly related but occurs before the announcement and presentation of the honour (i.e. a person is awarded an MMV for an action on 1 June but the person is killed in a separate action on 10 June, the person would be referred to as Cpl J.A. Smith, MMV (deceased) as opposed to (posthumous).
Refers to the sending of military forces into an area of operation. In the case of peacekeeping missions a deployed force relates to Canada’s formal commitment to the international force. Stationed military forces assigned to a peacekeeping mission operate in a clearly defined locality for a specified duration according to a mandate.
Died Under Honourable Conditions/Décédé lors de circonstances honorables
Died under honourable conditions on or after 7 October 2001 as a direct result of hostile action or as a direct result of military service outlined in Chapter 9,Appendix 3,paragraph 1.
Enemy (In the Presence of)/Ennemi (en présence de l’)
Implies that the troops are in “combat” with an organized, armed “enemy” that is recognized as such by the Canadian people. It must be understood that “combat” is not merely the presence of fire. Rather, the fire has to be directed at our troops, with the intent of our troops being the destruction of the opposing force as a valid entity. The word “enemy” in this context means a hostile armed force, and includes armed terrorists, armed mutineers, armed rebels, armed rioters and armed pirates.
Implies that service in an approved operation is outside or above the bounds of routine or normal duty.
Refers to a UN or international force and not the Canadian Forces (CF) or the RCMP. The phrase “service performed with a force” means that the individual, detachment, element or unit must be directly subordinate to the International Force Commander.
Hostile Action/Acte d’hostilité
The following interpretations apply:
“Hostile” means the act is perpetrated either by a uniformed armed force or armed terrorists, armed mutineers, armed rebels, armed rioters and armed pirates. A random act of violence or criminal action not corresponding with the aforementioned description does not meet the intent of the award;
“Action” means that an actual hostile act must have occurred. The threat, fear, potential or perception that a hostile force might be present or might undertake an action is not sufficient.
Any of the wearable medals associated with official honours whether an order, decoration, medal or commendation.
An official document listing the names of recipients. The award of Canadian orders, decorations and medals are made with the approval of Her Majesty, on the recommendation of duly formed committees, by instrument signed by the GG. The award of an order, decoration or medal is not official until the instrument is signed.
Integral Member/Membre à part entière
The term “integral” or “an integral member of the unit or contingent” refers to an individual who is on the posted strength of the unit or a person who has been Attached Posted to the force and includes TAVs.
International Force/Force internationale
Is defined as a force, which is responsible to a supranational organization such as the UN, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO or the Organization of American States.
Ceremony during which insignia of honours are formally presented to recipients.
Means optional (permissive).
Non-integral Member/Membre non intégré
A non-integral member is not on the posted strength of the unit or the mission. Non-integral members provide CF support that is national in scope and not mission-specific, i.e., support which could be provided outside the mission area without affecting the success of the mission. This could include academic studies, surveys, courts martial, boards of inquiry, trial evaluations, summary/criminal/administrative investigations.
Order in council/Décret du conseil
All eligibility criteria for Canadian honours, which includes campaign and service medals as well as the CD, emanate from Orders in Council (OIC) which are the Regulations used for the processing and administration National honours. OiCs are legal instruments made by the Governor in Council pursuant to a statutory authority or, less frequently, the royal prerogative. All OiCs are made on the recommendation of the responsible Minister of the Crown and take legal effect only when signed by the Governor General.
Posthumous/À titre posthume
The term “posthumous” is related to an honour which is earned by virtue of the death of the recipient (i.e. the Sacrifice Medal (SM) and a campaign or service medal when earned because of the death, that is when the time criteria was not yet met at the time of death) or that is awarded for an action which directly resulted in the death of the recipient (either the person is killed performing the action or dies of wounds sustained in the action).
Qualified Mental Health Care Practitioner/Praticien en soins de santé mentale qualifié
It is based on a review done by a qualified mental health care practitioner who can make a diagnose according to the criteria set out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association.
Senior Authority (for the Purposes of CPSM Guidelines)/L’autorité supérieure (en matière de directives relatives à la MCMP)
Is the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) or the Commissioner of the RCMP or other designated military or police commanders appointed by the CDS or the Commissioner.
Means imperative.
Special Duty Area (SDA)/Zone de service spécial (ZSS)
An area outside Canada designated as a special duty area by the Minister of National Defence.
Special Duty Operation (SDO)/Opération de service spécial (OSS)
An operation designated as a special duty operation by the Minister of National Defence.
Task Force/Force opérationnelle
Means a temporary grouping of units under one commander, formed for the purpose of carrying out a specific mission.
CF members deployed for a defined period of time to provide specific integral support in a SDA/SDO as a result of identified specific technical problems in the mission area or the national requirement to verify technical integrity of systems and equipment.