Appendix B: Engineering Justification Sheet Template

An example of a completed engineering justification sheet for a Master Minium Equipment List, entitled MMEL Candidate Engineering Review Data Sheet, is illustrated in this annex to TAA Advisory 2013-07. Internally, within DND, the original template is available in RDIMS under AEPM number 1667980. If you do not have access to RDIMS and wish to obtain a copy of the original MS Word template, please contact the OPI for this advisory.

This picture offers an example of how to record an engineering justification on a Master Minimum Equipment List Candidate Engineering Review Data Sheet. The example relates to the Cabin Heat Control System (with the S1000 Code SYSTEM 21 Environmental Control) and it offers a description of the normal aircraft and system operation versus the system failure conditions. It also identifies the method of substantiating the level of safety, recommended remarks or exceptions, if any, and technical recommendations for repair.

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