Practicing UXO Safety in Vernon, BC

In 1911, the City of Vernon asked the Department of National Defence (DND) to establish a military camp in the Vernon area. Training with live rounds, involving artillery, mortars, tanks, and small arms is known to have taken place in some areas post WWII right up to the mid 70’s.

Unexploded Explosive Ordnance (UXO) is the term for military explosives that were used but failed to function properly. The most common UXO encounters in Vernon involve live and expended 2- or 3-inch mortars (high explosive, illumination and smoke).

The areas in which you are most likely to encounter UXO are Cosens Bay/Coldstream Ranch, The Commonage, Goose Lake Range and Madeline Lake (formerly known as the Glenemma Range). Since the 1960s several clearance operations have revealed numerous UXO items at many of these sites.

If you see something that could be UXO, do not touch it! If UXO is disturbed, it could explode and cause serious injury or death. Leave the area and call 911.

The following are examples of unexploded explosive ordnance (UXO).


Silver UXO laying on the ground
 Large UXO laying on the sand
Large UXO
  • Don’t touch it!
  • Remember the location and leave the area.
  • Call 911.

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