Forward Regulatory Plan: 2024 to 2026 - ESDC
This Forward Regulatory Plan provides information on regulatory initiatives that ESDC aims to propose or finalize in the next 2 years through:
- pre-publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I
- final publication in the Canada Gazette, Part II
The Forward Regulatory Plan may also include regulatory initiatives that are planned to come forward over a longer timeframe. Comments or enquiries can be made using the contact information included with each regulatory initiative.
Regulatory initiatives
Regulatory initiatives planned or anticipated to be proposed or finalized between 2024 and 2026:
- Information and Communication Technologies Accessibility Regulations
- Miscellaneous Amendment Regulations Amending the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations and the Canada Student Loans Regulations
- Regulations Amending the Social Insurance Number Regulations - Miscellaneous Amendments
- Canada Disability Benefit Regulations
- Regulations Amending the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations
- Regulations Amending the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations, Canada Student Loans Regulations
- Regulations Amending the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Regulations
Consult ESDC's acts and regulations web page for:
- a list of acts and regulations administered by ESDC
- further information on ESDC's implementation of government-wide regulatory management initiatives
Consult the following for links to the Cabinet Directive on Regulation and supporting policies and guidance, and for information on government-wide regulatory initiatives implemented by departments and agencies across the Government of Canada:
To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit:
Information and Communication Technologies Accessibility Regulations
Enabling Act
The Accessible Canada Act (ACA) aims to create a barrier-free Canada by 2040 through the identification, removal and prevention of barriers in 7 areas, including information and communication technologies (ICT).
To that end, the ACA provides authority to make regulations based upon standards that are intended to remove barriers and improve accessibility in the 7 areas.
The Department undertook early engagement from November 2022 to January 2023. Proposed regulations, based on an ICT accessibility standard, will then be drafted for Canada Gazette, Part I consultations.
Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)
ESDC has formed a working group with ACA regulatory partners, Canadian Transportation Agency and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, as well as the Canadian Human Rights Commission, of which the Accessibility Commissioner is a member. The working group will ensure regulatory alignment.
A technical advisory group of ICT accessibility experts from across the Government of Canada is also being formed to provide input to regulatory development.
ESDC also liaises with Accessible Standards Canada, which is developing a standard on ICT accessibility.
Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses
There would be cost implications for federally regulated entities and a cost-benefit analysis is being conducted.
Early engagement with federally regulated entities and disability organizations were held virtually, using a variety of engagement modalities, such as online publication and virtual meetings with the disability community and federally regulated entities, from November 2022 to January 2023. The feedback received will inform the design of proposed regulations which will be posted for stakeholder comments and feedback in the Canada Gazette, Part I.
Further Information
Departmental contact information
Rupa Bhawal-Montmorency
Director General
Accessible Canada Directorate
Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan
October 2022
Miscellaneous Amendment Regulations Amending the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations and the Canada Student Loans Regulations
Enabling Acts
On October 15, 2020, ESDC was notified of issues with regulatory amendments published in the Canada Gazette, Part II on September 16, 2020. These regulations implemented interest-free and payment-free leave from student loan repayment for medical or parental reasons.
Specifically, the proposed amendments would align the French version of the definition of "parental leave" with the English version as originally intended. The proposed amendments would also amend the stipulation that the Minister “may” grant a period of postponement of repayment, by replacing “may” with “shall” or “must.” That is because “may” denotes discretion, and the Minister does not have discretion in these cases, as the Minister has only to determine whether the factual circumstances to grant or deny the measure have been met. Proposed amendments would also be required to ensure Ministerial power to grant extensions to the period of postponement of repayment.
Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)
Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses
There are no expected business impacts.
No public consultation is considered to be required at this time, as these amendments are administrative in nature.
Further information
Departmental contact information
Jonathan Wallace
Director General, Canada Student Financial Assistance Program
Learning Branch
Employment and Social Development Canada
Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan
October 2022
Regulations amending the Social Insurance Number Regulations - Miscellaneous amendments
Enabling Acts
This regulatory initiative aims to address a number of issues raised by the Standing Joint Committee on the Scrutiny of Regulations. The Standing Joint Committee on the Scrutiny of Regulations is a joint committee of the House of Commons and Senate that is tasked with reviewing and making recommendations on the legality and procedural aspects of regulations. The issues identified by the Committee are administrative in nature and would improve consistency and clarity within the Social Insurance Number Regulations. The modifications consist of ensuring concordance of French and English, repealing of words and sections, and making clarifications and modifications of wording used to reflect operational practices.
Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses
There are no expected business impacts.
Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)
Given the administrative nature of these regulatory amendments, there are no public consultation opportunities planned at this time. Treasury Board Secretariat approval will be sought for exemption to Canada Gazette, Part I pre-publication.
Further Information
Departmental contact
Stéphanie Brodeur
A/Director, Policy and Partnerships
Integrity Services Branch
Service Canada
Employment and Social Development Canada
Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan
April 2023
Canada Disability Benefit Regulations
Enabling Act
The Government first committed to introduce the Canada Disability Benefit in the 2020 Speech from the Throne and reiterated this commitment in Budget 2021, the former Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion's 2021 mandate letter, as well as Budget 2023. The Canada Disability Benefit Act was introduced in Parliament on June 2, 2022, as Bill C-22 and received Royal Assent on June 22, 2023.
The goal of the Benefit is to reduce poverty and improve the financial security of working-age persons with disabilities.
The proposed regulatory package will operationalize the Canada Disability Benefit by putting into place requirements and details with respect to:
- eligibility
- benefit amount calculations
- indexing; payment periods
- the application process
- changes to decisions made by the Minister
- reviews, reconsiderations and appeals of decisions
- retroactive payments
- applications made on behalf of others
- what to do in the event of an applicant's or beneficiary's death
- the correction of administrative errors
- the identification and recovery of debts and overpayments
- offences
- administrative monetary penalties as well as other compliance and enforcement provisions
- the provision of additional information for the application process
As specified in the Act, persons with disabilities from a range of backgrounds must be provided with meaningful and barrier-free opportunities to collaborate in the development and design of the regulations. Within 6 months of the Act coming into force, the Government is also required to report publicly and to Parliament on how the disability community was engaged in the development of the regulations.
Unless an earlier date is specified by the Governor in Council, the Act will come into force on the first anniversary of its royal assent. As well, the Act requires that regulations allowing the benefit to be paid must be made within 12 months of the Act coming into force.
Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)
The Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) aims to reduce poverty by supplementing existing federal and provincial / territorial (FPT) income measures for working-age persons with disabilities. The benefit aligns with international approaches to addressing the financial needs of persons with disabilities. Most Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries have a national disability income support program, although poverty reduction may not be their explicit focus.
There is not an opportunity to pursue a regulatory cooperation or alignment approach with any other jurisdictions or international organizations for this proposal. The initiative is not under a formal regulatory cooperation work plan.
However, PT governments play a critical role in providing benefits and supports to many Canadians with disabilities. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has been working with PTs throughout the policy development process to better understand potential interactions between the new benefit with PT programs and to limit possible negative interactions with existing PT social assistance and disability income support programs. ESDC will continue to engage with PTs to ensure the CDB will be harmonized with PT disability supports and benefits, which may require PTs to update regulations. ESDC will also take into consideration input from PTs for the CDB regulations to facilitate harmonization.
For persons with disabilities, receiving the CDB could also impact any existing federal supports and benefits they receive such as the Allowances payable to spouses and survivors under the Old Age Security Act, the Canadian Forces Income Support program, the War Veterans Allowance, the Family Supplement to Employment Insurance (including sickness benefits), the Canada Child Benefit, the Canada Workers Benefit and the Canada Workers Benefit Disability Supplement. ESDC will engage other federal departments to aim to ensure the exemption of the CDB from the definition of income for other federal benefits.
Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses
The broad stakeholder groups who will be impacted by these regulations are those representing persons with disabilities.
There are no expected, significant impacts on international trade or investment.
There are no expected business impacts. The CDB regulations will only directly impact benefit applicants and the responsibilities of the federal government for benefit administration.
In summer 2021, ESDC held 4 roundtables with stakeholders, as well as an online survey to engage on the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP), including the CDB. The survey received approximately 8,500 responses (60% of respondents self-identified as having a disability). In winter 2022, ESDC held 4 CDB-specific roundtables with disability researchers and academics, organizations working with racialized communities, national disability organizations and disability service providers.
The Government also provided up to $650,000 in 2021 to 2022 and 2022 to 2023 to national disability organizations to support them to engage the disability community on the DIAP, including the CDB. Independent Living Canada lead this work in partnership with Muscular Dystrophy Canada.
In addition, ESDC engaged with First Nations, Inuit and Métis governments and organizations. ESDC launched a distinctions-based targeted process in January 2022 to provide up to $500,000 in funding through existing Engagement Protocol Agreements to National Indigenous Organizations to seek their advice on developing and implementing the DIAP, the CDB and National Autism Strategy (led by the Public Health Agency of Canada).
In order to respect the government-to-government relationships embedded in Modern Treaties and Self-Government agreements, in fall 2022, ESDC sent letters to holders of Modern Treaties and Self-Government agreements to request their input into the design and delivery of the CDB. As well, in summer 2022, ESDC engaged the private disability insurance sector through bilateral meetings with the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association and the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.
Engagement with P/Ts has been ongoing through the Federal, Provincial, Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services Forum, the Federal, Provincial, Territorial Deputy Ministers Responsible for Social Services Forum and the Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee. In addition, the former Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion had engaged provincial and territorial counterparts through bilateral meetings to discuss the objective of the CDB. ESDC will continue to engage provinces and territories at all levels through the consultation process.
Budget 2023 committed $21.5 million in 2023 to 2024 to continue work on the future delivery of the CDB, including engagement with the disability community and PTs on the regulatory process. Engagement will continue throughout the process of developing the benefit and related regulations.
In Fall 2023, building on extensive engagement on the design of the benefit, the Government launched a 2-phase engagement process to inform the development of benefit regulations. Phase one the regulatory design phase -- which included Ministerial and technical roundtables, an online engagement tool and bilateral meetings - will be completed in early 2024. Phase 2 will be the formal publication of the draft regulations in Part 1 of the Canada Gazette, followed by a 65-day period for public comment and then the publication of finalized regulations in Part 2 of the Canada Gazette.
Further Information
Departmental contact information
Mausumi Banerjee
Executive Director
Office for Disability Issues
Employment and Social Development Canada
Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan
July 2023
Regulations Amending the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations, Canada Student Loans Regulations
Enabling Acts
Proposed regulatory amendments would expand the reach of the Canada Student Loan (CSL) Forgiveness benefit to more rural communities, including all communities with populations of 30,000 or less. These regulatory amendments would help to address the shortage of health professionals in rural communities and to ensure that Canadians living in rural communities get the high-quality health care they deserve.
In Budget 2023, the Government of Canada committed to provide $45.9 million over 4 years, starting in 2024 to 20F25, with $11.7 million ongoing, to Employment and Social Development Canada to expand the reach of the CSL Forgiveness benefit to more rural communities, including all communities with populations of 30,000 or fewer. Currently eligible communities with a population over 30,000 will remain eligible until the publication of the 2026 Census.
Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)
Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses
There are no expected business impacts. The one-for-one rule does not apply.
During the pre-budget consultations for Budget 2022, briefs were submitted by the Canadian Nurses Association, Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, College of Family Physicians of Canada, and the Canadian Medical Association.
On May 17, 2022, the Canada Student Financial Assistance (CSFA) Program met with National Advisory Group on Student Financial Assistance stakeholders. Difficulties with retaining health professionals in rural and remote communities was identified as an issue by both the Canada Alliance of Student Associations, Colleges and Institutes Canada and the Canadian Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.
In addition, on May 18, 2022, the CSFA Program met with provincial and territorial (PT) members of the Intergovernmental Consultative Committee on Student Financial Assistance Policy Development Committee.
On May 31, 2022, the CSFA Program also met with PT ministries of health through the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Health Workforce.
The CSFA Program also met bilaterally with, Health Canada, Statistics Canada, Innovation, Science and Development Canada (for example, Rural Secretariat) between April and August 2022. At the meetings, there was also general support for enhancements to the CSL forgiveness benefit with federal colleagues.
Furthermore, the CSFA Program engaged with stakeholders between April and November 2022 on the Budget 2022 commitments on CSL Forgiveness, which included the definition of rural and remote. In this process, 89 organizations and groups were invited to provide comments and 23 groups or organizations participated in bilateral or multilateral discussions.
Proposed regulatory amendments will be pre-published in Canada Gazette, Part I.
Further information
Departmental contact information
Jonathan Wallace
Director General, Canada Student Financial Assistance Program
Learning Branch
Employment and Social Development Canada
Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan
July 2023
Regulations Amending the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Regulations
Enabling Acts
In 2020, due to the rapid onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Service Canada closed in-person service locations as a preventative measure, to protect workers and the public health from COVID-19. The health crisis and continued work from home orders made it necessary to adapt certain processes and requirements to meet the needs of Canadians.
In response to this, a series of interim measures were implemented to support the continued delivery of Old Age Security (OAS) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) programs. Most of the interim measures were designed to allow Canadians to apply for benefits, while waiving certain requirements.
In 2022, the Benefit and Integrated Services Branch, Integrity Services and the Income Security and Social Development Branch agreed to implement 18 of these temporary measures on a permanent basis. However, changes to the OAS and CPP Regulations are required in order to permanently implement 5 of these measures.
The intent of this regulatory amendment is to streamline the evidentiary requirements for certain benefits under the CPP and OAS. This proposal would specifically allow for copies including electronic copies of certain key documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, and attestations of full-time attendance at a school or university. The validity of these documents would be validated through other means, and the Minister will retain the right to request original certified copies if required.
Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)
Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses
This proposal would reduce the regulatory burden on funeral homes by eliminating the strict requirement that they provide certified copies of certain key identity documents. In addition, the proposed regulatory amendments would reduce the administrative burden on schools and universities as students would no longer be required to have a school official sign a declaration that they are attending school full-time.
The only potential cost impact on small businesses would be a slight reduction in costs for small, independent funeral homes or schools and universities.
Some of the proposed regulatory amendments are in response to feedback and requests received from stakeholders. Funeral directors have requested the department accept proof of death from funeral homes, and student groups and universities have requested the department accept electronic evidence of full-time attendance at school or university. However, the proposed regulations will be posted for stakeholder comments and feedback in the Canada Gazette, Part I.Further Information
Departmental contact information
Neal Leblanc
Director, Canada Pension Plan Policy and Legislation
Income Security and Social Development
Employment and Social Development Canada
Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan
July 2023
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