Backgrounder: Homelessness Partnering Strategy


Homelessness Partnering Strategy

The Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) is a unique community-based program aimed at preventing and reducing homelessness by providing direct support and funding to 61 designated communities in all provinces and territories.

The HPS supports community efforts and allocates funds accordingly, which provides communities with the flexibility to invest in proven approaches that reduce homelessness at the local level. The HPS funds are targeted directly toward community priorities which have been identified through an inclusive community planning process, involving officials from all orders of government, community stakeholders, and the private and voluntary sectors. The objectives of the HPS are achieved through several funding streams.

Regional Funding Streams

The majority of HPS funding is delivered regionally through three funding streams:

  • Designated Communities;
  • Rural and Remote Homelessness (non-designated communities); and
  • Aboriginal Homelessness.

These streams focus on the needs of homeless individuals and individuals at imminent risk of homelessness at the local level, and provide funding to help individuals gain and maintain a stable living arrangement.

National projects

The national funding streams help to develop a better understanding of homelessness based on local data collection, and make surplus federal real properties available to organizations that plan to use the facilities to address homelessness.

  • National Homelessness Information System;
  • Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative; and
  • Innovative Solutions to Homelessness.

Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative

The Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative is one of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy funding streams. It makes surplus federal real properties available to communities for projects that help stabilize the living arrangements of homeless individuals and families and those at risk of becoming homeless. Since its inception, the Initiative has proven to be an effective way of supporting communities in their effort to prevent and reduce homelessness, while ensuring that surplus federal real properties continue to further the objectives of the federal government even after they have outlived their original purpose.

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