Backgrounder - New Horizons for Seniors Program 


The New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) is a federal grants and contributions program that supports projects led or inspired by seniors who make a difference in the lives of others and their communities. Through the NHSP, the Government of Canada encourages seniors to share their knowledge, skills and experiences to the benefit of others.

The objectives of the NHSP are:

•      promoting volunteerism among seniors;

•      engaging seniors in the community through mentoring of others;

•      expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse;

•      supporting social participation and inclusion of seniors; and

•        providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors.

NHSP funding supports community-based projects and pan-Canadian projects.

Community-based projects

Community-based project funding supports activities that engage seniors and address one or more of the program's five objectives: volunteering, mentoring, expanding awareness of elder abuse, social participation and capital assistance. These projects are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in grant funding. Approximately $35 million is provided each year for community-based projects.

Close to 1,850 projects across Canada were approved through the NHSP 2016–2017 Call for Proposals for Community-based Projects and these are now in progress.

The NHSP 2017–2018 Call for Proposals for Community-based Projects closed on June 23, 2017. It invited organizations to apply for funding of up to $25,000 for projects that help empower seniors to share their knowledge, skills and experiences with others and support communities by increasing their capacity to address local issues.

For more information, visit

Pan-Canadian projects

Pan-Canadian projects test and share best practices across the country and replicate interventions that have worked well in addressing seniors’ issues.

Projects that have received funding through the NHSP 2015–2016 Call for Proposals for Pan-Canadian Projects are using a collective impact approach where project partners work together to achieve measurable results in addressing social isolation among seniors.

These projects are funded for up to three years and receive financial support of up to $750,000.

More than $21 million is being made available for pan-Canadian projects funded through the NHSP 2015–2016 Call for Proposals.

For more information, visit

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