Backgrounder: Youth Employment and Skills Strategy and Canada Summer Jobs 2022 in New Brunswick
Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS)
The YESS, which is delivered by 12 departments and agencies across the Government of Canada, aims to provide more flexible employment services and enhanced supports to all young Canadians. Funding is provided to organizations that deliver a range of activities to help youth overcome barriers to employment and develop a broad range of skills and knowledge in order to participate in the current and future labour market. In 2021-22, the YESS Program helped about 45,000 youth.
Support is tailored to the needs of youth who are facing barriers to employment, which often includes youth who are:
- early leavers from high school;
- recent immigrants;
- from visible minority groups;
- living with disabilities;
- single parents;
- living in low-income households;
- experiencing homelessness or precarious housing; and
- living in rural or remote areas.
The following projects in New Brunswick are helping youth get the skills and opportunities they need to transition into the workforce.
Organization: John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc.
Title: Future Foundation for Youth
Description: Over 36 months, the John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick will help youth facing barriers to develop their skills and employability to prepare them for obtaining and keeping employment.
Region: Moncton, New Brunswick
Funding dates: April 6, 2020, to March 31, 2023
Funding amount: $422,133
Target number of participants: 20
Organization: New Brunswick Multicultural Council Inc.
Title: Skills Launch – Immigrant and Refugee Youth Transition to Employment & Education Initiative
Description: Over 156 weeks, New Brunswick Multicultural Council Inc. will deliver employment skills training and quality employment opportunity interventions to assist youth facing barriers by giving them the opportunity to benefit from supports that will enable them to develop skills to prepare them for obtaining and keeping employment.
Region: Fredericton, New Brunswick
Funding dates: April 6, 2020, to March 31, 2023
Funding amount: $1,684,066
Target number of participants: 108
Organization: Human Development Council (HDC)
Title: UYES!
Description: Over 153 weeks, HDC will deliver employment skills training and quality employment opportunity interventions to assist youth facing barriers, including Indigenous youth, visible minorities, youth with disabilities, and youth living in rural and remote communities, to enable them to develop their skills and employability to prepare them for obtaining and keeping employment.
Region: Saint John, New Brunswick
Funding dates: April 20, 2020, to March 24, 2023
Funding amount: $2,178,133
Target number of participants: 150
Organization: Place aux compétences Inc.
Title: Jeunes au travail
Description: Over 84 weeks, Place aux compétences Inc. will provide employment skills training and quality jobs to help youth facing barriers by providing them the opportunity to access interventions and supports that will enable them to develop their skills and employability to prepare them for obtaining and maintaining employment.
Region: Shediac, New Brunswick
Funding dates: January 11, 2021 to August 19, 2022
Funding amount: $581,721
Target number of participants: 48
Organization: ONE Change
Title: ONE Future 2.0
Description: Over 130 weeks, One Change will deliver interventions to youth facing barriers, giving them the opportunity to develop their skills and employability to prepare them for obtaining and keeping employment.
Region: Saint John, New Brunswick
Funding dates: August 10, 2020 to February 3, 2023
Funding amount: $782,373
Target number of participants: 45
Organization: Wolastoqey Tribal Council Inc.
Title: Wolastoqey -YESS- Youth Navigator/Job Coach
Description: Over 109 weeks, the Wolastoqey Tribal Council will provide Indigenous youth facing barriers with the opportunity to benefit from interventions and supports, which will enable them to develop their skills and employability to prepare them for obtaining and keeping employment.
Region: Fredericton, New Brunswick
Funding dates: March 1, 2021 to March 31, 2023
Funding amount: $429,429
Target number of participants: 75
Organization: John Howard Society of New Brunswick, Fundy Region Inc.
Title: Career Opportunity Program in Southern N.B.
Description: Over 126 weeks, the John Howard Society of New Brunswick, Fundy Region will assist youth facing barriers, giving them the opportunity to develop their skills and employability to prepare them for obtaining and keeping employment.
Region: Saint John, New Brunswick
Funding dates: June 15, 2020, to November 11, 2022
Funding Amount: $ 1,573,141
Target number of participants: 88
Organization: John Howard Society of Miramichi
Title: Career Placement Program Miramichi Region
Description: Over 126 weeks, the John Howard Society of Miramichi will deliver employment skills training and quality employment interventions to youth facing barriers, enabling them to develop their skills and employability to prepare them for obtaining and keeping employment.
Region: Saint John, New Brunswick
Funding dates: June 15, 2020, to November 11, 2022
Funding amount: $699,838
Target number of participants: 40
Organization: Restigouche CBDC
Title: On the Way to Success
Description: Restigouche CBDC will provide employment training, employability and skills development training, work experience, mentoring/coaching and case management/client assessment to assist youth facing barriers to employment by providing them the opportunity to access interventions and supports that will enable them to develop their skills and employability to prepare them for obtaining and maintaining employment.
Region: Campbellton, New Brunswick
Funding dates: April 6, 2020, to March 31, 2023
Funding amount: $1,591,205
Target number of participants: 118
Organization: YWCA Moncton
Title: YW Access
Description: Over 40 weeks, YWCA Moncton will provide youth facing barriers the opportunity to benefit from tailored interventions which will enable them to develop their skills and employability in order to obtain and keep employment.
Region: Moncton, New Brunswick
Funding dates: September 27, 2021, to June 30, 2022
Funding amount: $ 285,000
Target number of participants: 18
Organization: R2 Ressources Humaines
Title: Connexion Talent N.-B.
Description: Over 35 months, R2 Ressources Humaines will offer employment sessions, work experience, mentoring, employer support and case management or client evaluation to help youth facing barriers to employment by giving them an opportunity to benefit from interventions and supports that will allow them to develop their skills and employability to prepare them to get and keep a job.
Region: Campbellton, New Brunswick
Funding dates: April 20, 2020, to March 31, 2023
Funding amount: $1,973,802
Target number of participants: 108
Organization: John Howard Society of Fredericton Inc.
Title: Youth Options Centre
Description: Over 56 weeks, the John Howard Society of Fredericton will provide youth facing barriers the opportunity to benefit from tailored interventions, which will enable them to develop their skills and employability in order to obtain and keep employment.
Region: Fredericton, New Brunswick
Funding dates: March 7, 2022, to March 31, 2023
Funding amount: $ 406,137
Target number of participants: 30
Canada Summer Jobs 2022
Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) is part of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which is the Government of Canada’s commitment to help young people —particularly those facing barriers to employment— get the information and gain the skills, work experience and abilities they need to transition successfully into the labour market. CSJ is delivered by Employment and Social Development Canada.
The program provides wage subsidies to private sector organizations with 50 or fewer full-time employees, not-for-profit organizations, and public sector organizations to create quality summer work experiences for young people between the ages of 15 and 30 and facing barriers to employment. CSJ provides them with opportunities to develop and improve their skills. It also responds to national and local priorities and improves access to the labour market for youth.
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