Backgrounder: Age Well At Home Initiative


The Age Well at Home initiative (AWAH) is a one-time federal grants and contributions initiative. It includes two streams:

  • Scaling Up for Seniors
  • In Home Support Pilot Projects

Scaling Up for Seniors stream

Projects funded under the Scaling Up for Seniors stream will expand services that have already demonstrated positive results in helping seniors age at home. This funding will help organizations to expand services to reach more seniors, including in other provinces or territories.

Projects are required to include the delivery of services in more than one province or territory. Indigenous governments were able to choose whether to propose to scale up within a single province or territory or within more than one province or territory. Organizations in Quebec could propose to scale up projects only in Quebec.

The objectives of the Scaling Up for Seniors stream of AWAH are to:

  • scale up services, previously delivered in Canada, that have already shown positive results in helping seniors age at home; and
  • deliver services directly to beneficiaries (seniors or seniors-serving organizations) to help seniors age at home.

Eligible organizations for the Scaling Up for Seniors stream include:

  • not-for-profit organizations;
  • municipal governments;
  • educational institutions;
  • Indigenous entities (including band councils, tribal councils and self-government entities); and
  • health and social services institutions.

Provincially/territorially funded public institutions are eligible to receive funding, with the agreement of the provincial/territorial government.

Projects must end by fall 2025, with funding between $100,000 and $2 million available per project.

A total of 11 Scaling Up for Seniors projects have been approved in Ontario, representing $13.95M.

The following 11 organizations have been funded in Ontario:



Project Description

Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care

Ontario – British Columbia


Bridging the service gap to keep seniors aging in place.

This project proposes to offer system navigation services, fall prevention clinics and handyperson services to seniors.

Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care will work with the support of communities, senior-serving organizations and other agencies to increase the sense of belonging and connection of low-income and otherwise vulnerable seniors to their communities. Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care will expand the delivery of eligible services in Ontario and British Columbia.

Alzheimer Society of Canada

All provinces and territories


Scaling Up Support Services for Seniors Living with Dementia and their Caregivers

This project will include creating an advisory committee to oversee the expansion of InfoLine and First Link, expanding the capacity and quality of the InfoLine and First Link program and enhancing the sustainability and effectiveness of the program expansion.

Rural Ottawa South Support Services

Ontario – Prince Edward Island – New Brunswick – Nova Scotia – Newfoundland and Labrador


A Friendly Voice: Maritime Provinces Expansion Project

This project proposes to build on A Friendly Voice’s success with supporting seniors in Ontario and expand the service to serve seniors in the maritime provinces. This will strengthen the phone line's capacity to ensure more seniors in Canada are able to age well at home through meaningful social connection. 

Fédération des aînées et aînés francophones du Canada

Ontario – Newfoundland and Labrador –

Prince Edward Island – Nova Scotia –

New Brunswick – Manitoba – Saskatchewan –

Alberta – Yukon


Services de soutien à domicile en français pour les francophones en situation minoritaire au Canada

Ce projet visera à assurer la mise à l'échelle des services de soutien à domicile pour les aînés francophones en situation minoritaire afin de leur permettre d’avoir accès à des services en français dans des localités où ces services sont inexistants ou déficients dans leur langue, et ce, dans 8 provinces et 1 territoire au pays.

The Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology

Ontario – Alberta – Quebec – Nova Scotia


Technology Essentials Part 2: Virtual Programming for Seniors

This project proposes to scale up the existing local Technology Essentials: Virtual Programming for Seniors program to a national, bilingual initiative accessible to 360 seniors aging in their homes across the country.

Osteoporosis Canada

Ontario – Quebec – British Columbia – Alberta


Hiring Osteoporosis Canada Community Engagement Coordinators in QC and BC

The project aims to scale up existing program and support services to broaden their base and increase the number of Canadian seniors reached, particularly in Western Canada, Quebec and French speaking communities in Canada. Activities scaled up will include raising awareness of the importance of bone health and educating and supporting seniors on how staying fracture-free helps them age well at home.

Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre

Ontario – British Columbia


Age Well at Home

This project proposes to scale up services previously delivered in Canada that have already shown positive results in helping seniors age at home. It will deliver services directly to beneficiaries (seniors or seniors-serving organizations) to help seniors age at home.

March of Dimes Canada

Ontario – British Columbia – Nova Scotia – Prince Edward Island – Newfoundland and Labrador – New Brunswick


After Stroke: Empowering Stroke Survivors to Positive Health Outcomes through Peer Support

This project proposes to scale up the existing peer support groups to create a national After Stroke Peer Support Network.

Queen's University at Kingston

Ontario – British Columbia – New Brunswick


Scaling up the Oasis NORC-based program to support aging well at home.

This project aims to support older adults to age well through further scale-up and evaluation of the Oasis Program in diverse naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs) across Canada. The specific objectives are to scale up the Oasis Program, refine and evaluate a business model, evaluate the scalability in diverse settings and monitor and evaluate the influence of the program on healthy aging, including social isolation, physical and mental well-being. 

Hospice Toronto

Ontario – Alberta – Nova Scotia


Creating Caring Communities for Seniors

This project proposes to scale up the Creating Caring Communities prototype program of volunteer-driven support and navigation to assist partners in supporting vulnerable seniors in their communities. 

Uzima Women Relief Group International

Ontario – Quebec


Expanding effective organizational capacity to support Black seniors to improve their lives

This project proposes to scale up existing services by providing more targeted support to Black seniors in Ontario and Quebec who are adversely affected by COVID-19. This project will focus on building the capacity of service providers who may not be well versed in culturally appropriate approaches for supporting Black seniors in Canada.

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