A Performance Indicator Framework for Accessibility Data: Transportation
(English Content)
On this page
- List of acronyms
- List of definitions
- Ambition for transportation
- Performance indicators
- Core indicators
- Related links
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List of acronyms
- Canadian Transportation Agency
List of definitions
- Accommodations
- Arrangements which allow persons with disabilities to fully take part in society, including accessing services, employment, or housing. When an environment is not inclusive and cannot be modified for persons with disabilities, accommodations can allow for equal participation.
(English Content)
- Barrier
- Refers to anything — including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice — that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation (Accessible Canada Act).
(English Content)
- Disability
- Refers to any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment — or a functional limitation — whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society (Accessible Canada Act).
- Modes of Transportation
- Refers to any form of public transportation. For example, planes, trains, ferries, buses that travel between provinces, intercity buses, specialized transit including paratranspo, and taxis.
- Proportion
- A measurement that describes a part, share, or number considered in comparison to the whole. It is always expressed between 0 and 1 or as a percentage.
Ambition for transportation
(English Content)
Barrier-free transportation for persons with disabilities.
Performance indicators
Performance indicators are a specific, observable, and measurable characteristic. They are used to show progress (either positive, or negative) towards achieving a specific outcome.
Each performance indicator has a description and data sources that will help inform progress against that indicator. In some instances, data sources are still being identified.
The following list contains only core indicators. Core indicators are high-level performance indicators that measure progress and trends over time. These measures identify achievement of a specific outcome (either positive or negative). For example, decreased number of persons with disabilities with unmet transportation needs.
Core indicators
1. Proportion of persons with disabilities whose transportation needs have been met
This indicator refers to persons with disabilities who have not experienced any barriers to accessibility while using transportation services.
Data source
- Data sources being explored
(English Content)
2. Proportion of persons with disabilities with unmet transportation needs
This indicator refers to persons with disabilities who are completely unable to travel because of one or more barriers within the transportation system.
Data source
- Data sources being explored
3. Proportion of persons with disabilities whose specialized transportation needs have not been met
This indicator refers to persons with disabilities who require specialized transportation and are unable to access it. For example, Para Transpo, Handi-Van and HandyDart.
Data source
- Data sources being explored
4. Proportion of persons with disabilities using transportation services who experience barriers related to the built environment
This indicator refers to barriers encountered with structures, features and facilities related to any mode of transportation. Examples of barriers include a lack of curb cuts at bus stops or a lack of elevators in airport terminals, and entrances and exits that are blocked by snow or other obstructions.
Data source
- Data sources being explored
(English Content)
5. Proportion of persons with disabilities using transportation services who experience barriers related to information and communication technologies
This indicator refers to barriers encountered in the digital world. This includes devices, applications, systems, and networks specific to transportation. Examples of barriers include a lack of accessible self-serve kiosks, and a lack of accessible services that are primarily offered digitally.
Data source
- Data sources being explored
6. Proportion of persons with disabilities using transportation services who experience barriers related to communication
This indicator refers to barriers encountered with written, verbal, non-verbal, or visual communication such as signs. Examples of barriers include difficulties making travel arrangements over the phone, difficulties receiving and following directions, and lack of signage and other wayfinding mechanisms in accessible formats.
Data source
- Data sources being explored
(English Content)
7. Proportion of persons with disabilities using transportation services who experience barriers related to accommodations
This indicator refers to barriers encountered getting appropriate supports when travelling via any mode of transportation. Examples of barriers include difficulties arranging travel with a service animal or other aids and devices.
Data source
- Data sources being explored
8. Proportion of persons with disabilities who report damage or loss to mobility/assistive aids and devices when travelling
This indicator refers to complaints related to the loss or damage of aids and devices during the travel journey in federally regulated transportation spaces. For example, lost or damaged wheelchairs.
Data source
- Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) administrative data
(English Content)
9. The proportion of transportation-related complaints for reason of accessibility or disability received by the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA)
This indicator refers to the number of accessibility or disability-related complaints sent to and monitored by the CTA.
Data source
- CTA administrative data
10. The proportion of transportation-related complaints for reason of accessibility or disability addressed in favour of the complainant by the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA)
Addressed complaints refer to those complaints that are:
- deemed to be in the scope of the CTA’s mandate, or otherwise valid, and
- have been through the entire complaints process to conclusion
Data source
- CTA administrative data
Related links
Page details
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