
The 2010 Federal Disability Report explored the key dimensions of the lives of people with disabilities, following a needs-based approach. The report began by examining fundamental needs such as housing, income and health care, and progressed to exploring personal fulfillment through learning, working and community participation.

Canadians with disabilities have the same standards for quality living and the same desires as Canadians without disabilities. However, the statistics presented in the 2010 Federal Disability Report reveal that Canadians with disabilities must also navigate unique circumstances that disability status brings. For example, Canadians with disabilities face barriers to finding adequate, affordable and accessible housing. In addition, many Canadians with disabilities have increased health care needs as a result of their disabilities.

Despite these barriers, progress is being made in some areas: accessible learning is opening doors for people with disabilities to not only learn, but also become assets to the Canadian workforce. In addition, the reduction of barriers to community participation is enabling more Canadians with disabilities to make invaluable contributions to society by volunteering and participating in political activities.

The Government of Canada delivers many programs and initiatives that support Canadians with disabilities. The spotlights at the end of each chapter highlight examples of these initiatives. An extensive listing of programs and initiatives can be found in the appendices at the back of this report.

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