Interface transaction standards - Canada Disability Savings Program system
Contains detailed data formats for the electronically exchanging financial and contract transactions between financial institutions and ESDC.
Disclaimer: RDSP issuers
The information contained on this page is technical in nature and is intended for Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Canada Disability Savings Grant (grant) and Canada Disability Savings Bond (bond) issuers. For general information, visit the RDSP section.
Consult this page frequently for newer versions. The following laws and regulations take precedence over information contained in InfoCapsules in the event of discrepancies:
- Income Tax Act
- Canada Disability Savings Act
- Canada Disability Savings Regulations
On this page
- Versions
- 1.0 Background to the Interface Transaction Standards
- 2.0 File submission
- 3.0 Logical record types
- 4.0 Files
- 5.0 Technical specifications
- 6.0 Transaction formats
- 7.0 Error file
- 8.0 Transaction processing file
- 9.0 SIN usability file
- 10.0 Contract status file
- 11.0 Transfer extract file
- 12.0 Beneficiary DTC eligibility file
- 13.0 Trailer record
- Appendixes
Alternate formats
Canada Disability Savings Program System: Interface Transaction Standards [PDF - 1.8 MB]
Large print, braille, MP3 (audio), e-text and DAISY formats are available on demand by ordering online or calling 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232). If you use a teletypewriter (TTY), call 1-800-926-9105.
- Version number: 3.3
- Version date: June 2023
- Latest update: June 2023
Document version history
- Version: 1.0 Draft
- Date: January 2008
- Description: Initial draft commenced on this date. Final version expected for distribution on June 9, 2008
- Version: 1.0
- Date: June 2008
- Description: RDSP Interface Transaction Standards Version 1.0. This document covers all functionality for phase 1 of the CDSP system
- Version: 1.1
- Date: September 2008
- Description: RDSP Interface Transaction Standards Version 1.1. This document covers all functionality for phase 1a of the CDSP system
- Version: 1.2
- Date: February 2009
- Description: RDSP Interface Transaction Standards version 1.2. This document covers all functionality for phase 1a and phase 1b of the CDSP system
- Version: 1.2
- Date: May 2009
- Description: Amendments to Version 1.2 of the RDSP Interface Transaction Standards
- Version: 2.0
- Date: September 2009
- Description: RDSP Interface Transaction Standards Version 2.0. This document covers all functionality for phases 1a, 1b and 2a of the CDSP system
- Version: 2.1
- Date: February 2010
- Description: Version 2.1 of the RDSP Interface Transaction Standards. This document covers all functionality for phases 1 and 2 of the CDSP system
- Version: 2.1
- Date: May 2010
- Description: Amendments to Version 2.1 of the RDSP Interface Transaction Standards to include DAP and LDAP Reversals and changes to Reporting Transactions
- Version: 2.1
- Date: July 2010
- Description: Amendments to Version 2.1 of the RDSP Interface Transaction Standards to include Current Contract Status to RT-951 - Contract Status Report
- Version: 2.2
- Date: December 2010
- Description: Version 2.2 of the RDSP Interface Transaction Standards. This document includes the introduction of the Retirement Savings Rollover/Retirement Savings Rollover Reversal functionalities into the CDSP system
- Version: 2.3
- Date: June 2011
- Description: Version 2.3 of the RDSP Interface Transaction Standards. This document introduces RDSP Carry Forward and Shared Custody functionalities into the CDSP system including the Add Consent and Revoke Consent transactions
- Version: 3.0
- Date: September 2012
- Description: Version 3.0 of the RDSP Interface Transaction Standards. This document covers Budget 2012 changes to implement the Transfer Information Extract file and remove the 60 day Contract, 120 day Transfer and 180 day Financial submission requirements
- Version: 3.1
- Date: May 2013
- Description: Version 3.1 of the document provides guidelines for the submission of information relating to the Rollover of RESP investment income into RDSP, Episodic DTC Elections and Specified Disability Savings Plans Elections
- Version: 3.1
- Date: June 2014
- Description: Amendments to Version 3.1 of the RDSP Interface Transaction Standards. This document introduces the RT-981 - Beneficiary DTC Eligibility File
- Version: 3.2
- Date: June 2020
- Description: Version 3.2 of the RDSP Interface Transaction Standards introduces the Cessation of DTC Eligibility Requirement and Related Changes as outlined in Budget 2019. Updates to align with issuer training material
- Version: 3.3
- Date: June 2023
- Description: Version 3.3 of the RDSP Interface Standards replaces the term sex with gender and introduces 2 new gender values
Comments and questions regarding this document may be addressed to
Employment and Social Development Canada –ESDC
Electronic Services Section
Phase IV, Mailstop: Bag 4
140 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau QC K1A 0J9
Telephone: 1-888-276-3632
Note: ESDC is responsible for the administration and delivery of the CDSG and the CDSB. Within ESDC, the Canada Education Savings Program (CESP) provides the delivery mechanism and necessary supports for the effective administration of the CDSG and CDSB.
1.0 Background to the Interface Transaction Standards
In this section
In the Budget speech of March 19, 2007, the Minister of Finance, the Honourable Jim Flaherty, P.C., M.P., announced the investment of $140 million to establish a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP). RDSPs have been established under the Income Tax Act (ITA) and are administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). An RDSP is a long-term savings plan to help Canadians with severe and prolonged disabilities and their families save for the future. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is tasked with the administration of the disability savings incentives, which has 2 components: a Canada Disability Savings Grant (CDSG) component that is awarded as a percentage of contributions made to a particular RDSP as an incentive to encourage savings and for families with more modest means, there is a Canada Disability Savings Bond (CDSB) component that is awarded annually, based on net family income.
1.1 Foreword
The CDSP system Interface Transaction Standards (ITS) document outlines the procedures for formatting and submitting transactions electronically to the CDSP system. This foreword provides additional information about the requirements in the ITS and explains how the CDSP system, developed in support of the RDSP, CDSG and CDSB, validates and processes the transactions reported by the RDSP issuer.
The words "authorized agent" are used throughout this document to mean the organization conveying information electronically to the CDSP system and receiving CDSG and CDSB payments from the CDSP system. This organization must be the issuer of the RDSP as approved by the CRA, or an agent for the RDSP issuer. There may only be one agent and one issuer per RDSP specimen plan. However, the CDSP system does not consider a service provider who purely facilitates the electronic transfer of information to be the sending organization or authorized agent on behalf of the RDSP issuer.
The term "contract" is used throughout this document to mean a registered disability savings plan approved by the CRA.
When reference is made to the "RDSP issuer", this is the organization ultimately responsible for the administration of the RDSP, CDSG and CDSB and, specifically, the organization that has secured approval for the particular RDSP specimen plan from the CRA. This organization has been authorized to offer its services to the public as an issuer, has been identified as the issuer for a particular specimen plan, and has signed an agreement with ESDC allowing the issuer to administer the CDSG and CDSB.
Although the CDSP system validates certain information that it receives electronically prior to making CDSG and CDSB payments, RDSP issuers are reminded that all amounts of CDSG and CDSB are paid on the condition that the RDSP complies with all relevant legislative requirements. This includes the RDSP registration rules described in Section 146.4 of the Income Tax Act and the conditions relating to the RDSP found in the Canada Disability Savings Act and its related regulations. All amounts of CDSG and CDSB are subject to repayment to the Crown should ESDC or the CRA later discover payment was made inappropriately.
2.0 File submission
In this section
When submitting electronic files, each authorized agent is required to use a unique identifier that will identify their files to the CDSP system. The CDSP system uses the business number (BN) as assigned by the CRA as the unique identifier. The authorized agent BN will appear in the transaction file name and in the header and trailer records of the file. The issuer BN will appear in each individual transaction within the transaction file. It is essential that each individual issuer transaction number is unique to the issuer BN. If 2 or more authorized agents are submitting transactions for an issuer, the issuer is responsible for ensuring that the authorized agents do not use the same issuer transaction number.
Before submitting any file for processing, the authorized agent must pass industry testing. This is a process to verify that the authorized agent can provide the proper information in the correct format to the CDSP system. If a service provider is submitting files on behalf of 2 or more authorized agents, each one of those authorized agents must pass industry testing using their own data.
2.1 File format overview
Authorized agents can submit one or more files for processing in any reporting period. The file name is structured to allow several files to be reported on a given day or for a given period. In addition to the authorized agent BN and the file date, a file number is added for further distinction. The file number need not be in any specific order. It exists solely to make multiple file names unique for files sent on the same day.
The file itself must conform to a specific structure. A file must consist of a header record (record type 001) followed by the transaction(s) formatted as specified below in this document, with a trailer record (record type 999) at the end. Failure to follow this structure will result in rejection of the file.
Any files the CDSP system receives from an authorized agent after the data delivery cut-off date will be held and processed in the next reporting period, unless otherwise notified. The authorized agent is responsible for ensuring that files arrive in a timely manner to be processed within a particular processing period.
2.2 Record format overview
Once all certification requirements are met, it is necessary for the authorized agent to inform the CDSP system of all relevant activity concerning the RDSP. All activity must be reported to the CDSP system electronically as follows:
- contract registration information, which is used to establish the contract, beneficiary and holder information for purposes of registration
- information updates and changes relating to the non-financial aspects of the RDSP, such as beneficiary and holder information (personal), contract information and consent information
- financial transactions such as contributions, requests for grant or bond, retirement savings rollover and reversal, education savings rollover and reversal, grant/bond repayment and reversal, disability assistance payment (DAP), lifetime disability assistance payment (LDAP) and their reversals and contribution corrections
- election transactions, which report occurrences of Specified Disability Savings Plan (SDSP) elections
- reporting transactions, which are utilized to report fair market value (FMV), and contract transfer information
Transactions submitted to the CDSP system are categorised by record type and transaction type. Contract registration information is reported using a record type 101, while changed or updated information to previously registered contracts is reported using a record type 102 (contract) or 201 (beneficiary and holder). Information adding or revoking consent for residency, DTC eligibility and income validations at the CRA is reported utilizing record type 202. All financial transactions fall into record type 401. Record type 501 is utilized for SDSP elections. A record type 701 includes all reporting transactions. Within each record type there are one or more transaction types.
When the CDSP system receives a file for processing, the format and content of each transaction is validated (see each record type as described in this document for layout format and validation rules). If transactions are not submitted within the guidelines outlined, the transactions may be rejected and the authorized agent will be responsible for performing the necessary corrections and resubmitting the data. The authorized agent will receive confirmation of acceptance in the processing files that the CDSP system sends back to the authorized agent. If any transaction is rejected, it will appear in the error file identifying the nature of the error.
2.3 Transaction reporting sequence
Transactions must be submitted in a logical sequence. A contract must achieve a status of registered via the submission of contract registration information before any update or change transactions (RT 201 - beneficiary and holder update information) can be processed. As well, the CDSP system must have received contract registration information before any financial transactions (RT 401 - financial transactions) can be processed. While transactions may be in any order in the submission file, the CDSP system will process all transactions in the following order: contract registration information (RT 101 and RT 102), update/change information (RT 201), consent information (RT 202), elections (RT 501), financial (RT 401) and reporting information (RT 701).
2.4 Timeliness of transaction processing
In Budget 2012, the requirements that new contracts are reported within 60 days, that contributions and bond requests are reported within 180 days and that transfers be completed within 120 days, were removed. These were replaced with a requirement that the issuer act without delay in reporting these transactions.
2.5 Reporting period cut-off date
The CDSP system will process files and pay CDSG and/or CDSB on a monthly basis. Schedules with processing dates (transaction periods, file submission cut-off and CDSG and/or CDSB payment dates) will be sent out to the authorized agent via ListServ (an electronic notice) on a periodic basis. Reporting periods extend from the first day of the month to the last day of the same month. Authorized agents are given 4 business days after the reporting period ends to finalize their file(s) to be sent for processing. Authorized agents are not to include any transactions that occurred after the last day of the reporting period.
2.6 Transaction formats
There are several transaction formats that will be used to report information to the CDSP system. These formats are outlined in detail in the Transactions format section of this document. The CDSP system implementation date for each defined transaction is listed in the Transactions format section as well.
3.0 Logical record types
In this section
The following is a description of the logical record types that will be used for the administration of the CDSP system. The detailed format is outlined in the Transaction formats section of this document.
3.1 Contract registration transactions
3.1.1 Record type 101, transaction types 01, 02, 03 – Contract registration information
Financial institutions must submit a Contract registration information transaction (record type 101) in order to establish a contract in the CDSP system and to provide the required elements to register the contract with the CRA. The CDSP system will validate the information provided and assign a registration status to the submission. The record will contain 3 separate components that include contract information (transaction type 01), information on the beneficiary (transaction type 02), and information on one or more holders (transaction type 03). Please note that information about a primary caregiver (PCG) must be included in the contract information component (transaction type 01) when the beneficiary is under the age of 18.
New contracts involving the transfer of funds from an existing contract must be reported in the contract information component (transaction type 01) with the specimen plan and contract number of the relinquishing contract and the transfer indicator set to "Y" (Yes).
Note: A contract must achieve a status of registered prior to the payment of any CDSG or CDSB in an RDSP. When re-submitting contracts which are not initially registered, the contract registration information transactions must be submitted as a whole (all 3 components) until registration is obtained.
3.2 Contract update transactions
3.2.1 Record type 102, transaction type 10 – Close contract
This record is used to report that an RDSP has been closed. A plan could close following the death of a beneficiary, after a transfer of all assets to another contract, after a plan has been de-registered by the CRA, following the loss of disability tax credit (DTC) eligibility or because of other circumstances allowed by RDSP legislation. The close contract transaction should only be submitted when all assets held under that particular contract have been disbursed.
3.2.2 Record type 102, transaction type 11 – Rename contract
Once a contract registration information transaction has been submitted and the contract established in the CDSP system, the issuer may wish to change the contract number or identifier. This transaction will be used to update that information. This record will be useful during specific events such as a takeover or merger where an issuer acquires contracts from another issuer and then must rename the acquired contracts.
3.3 Beneficiary and holder update transactions
3.3.1 Record type 201, transaction type 02 - Update beneficiary
This transaction is used to update beneficiary tombstone information. During the life of a contract, there may be information such as a name or address that needs to be brought up to date about a beneficiary. An update beneficiary transaction cannot be submitted until a contract for that particular beneficiary has achieved a status of registered.
3.3.2 Record type 201, transaction type 03 - Update holder
This transaction is used to update holder tombstone information. During the life of a contract, there may be information such as a name or address that needs to be brought up to date about a holder. An update holder transaction cannot be submitted until a contract that includes the particular holder information has achieved a status of registered.
3.3.3 Record type 201, transaction type 13 - Add a holder to a contract
At any given time during the life of an RDSP there could be more than one holder named to the contract. The add holder record is used when an additional holder is named to a contract. Only the issuer that owns the contract can submit an add holder record for that contract. This record may also be used in conjunction with a remove holder record, when changing a holder.
3.3.4 Record type 201, transaction type 23 - Remove holder
During the life of an RDSP there could be the requirement to remove a holder of a plan. This record will be used to report that a particular holder is no longer associated with that contract. Only the issuer that administers the contract can submit a remove holder transaction for that contract.
3.4 Consent transactions
With the introduction of the carry forward measures in Budget 2010, RDSPs may now attract CDSG and/or CDSB for the current year plus the 10 previous years. Entitlements may be paid dating back to the later of the implementation of the RDSP in 2008 and the beneficiary's year of birth.
The holder and PCG information provided within the contract, holder and financial transactions is used in order to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income for the beneficiary. Authorized agents may request that the personal information of additional PCGs be used for the same purpose by submitting consent transactions.
3.4.1 Record type 202, transaction type 01 – Add consent
The add consent transaction is used to add or update yearly PCG data which provides consent for the information to be used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income for the beneficiary.
3.4.2 Record type 202, transaction type 02 – Revoke consent
The revoke consent transaction is utilized to cancel consent previously granted by a PCG or former holder. A current holder must first be removed from the RDSP before consent can be revoked.
3.5 Financial transactions
To ensure the proper payment of the CDSG and CDSB, authorized agents must report to the CDSP system all financial transactions for a beneficiary utilizing record type 401. Financial transactions include all movements of funds in and out of an RDSP, but not the growth or investment activities (these amounts are to be reported using record type 701 - reporting information). The CDSP system will determine eligibility and the amount of CDSG and/or CDSB payment using the information provided in the request transactions. Payments of CDSG and/or CDSB will only be made to contracts that have achieved a registered status. The following transactions can be submitted:
- contributions and/or request for grant
- contributions and/or request for grant corrections
- retirement savings rollovers
- retirement savings rollover reversals
- bond requests
- grant and/or bond repayments including termination adjustments
- grant and/or bond repayment reversals
- LDAP reversals
- DAP reversals
- education savings rollovers
- education savings rollover reversals
Note: System implementation dates for each of the defined financial transactions above are listed in the Transaction formats section of this document.
3.5.1 Record type 401, Contribution and/or grant request transaction types
- 01 – Contribution and/or grant request
- 02 – Contribution and/or grant request correction
Authorized agents must provide the details of all contributions made to an RDSP even when CDSG has not been requested. The record type 401 - transaction type 01 - Contribution and/or grant request is used to do so. Please note that for every contribution that is reported for a beneficiary under age 18, the PCG information or the BN of the responsible agency for a child in care at the time of the contribution must be reported on the transaction. When the contribution and request for grant transaction is processed, the CDSP system will record all contributions in the beneficiary's records and update all contribution and CDSG limits accordingly.
The record type 401 - transaction type 02 - Contribution and/or grant request correction is utilized by the authorized agent to correct a previously submitted and successfully processed contribution. Issuers submit the 401-02 transaction under the following circumstances:
- correcting a contribution amount
- correcting PCG information
- requesting grant on a contribution transaction where grant was not originally requested
3.5.2 Record type 401, Bond payment transaction types
- 05 - Bond payment request
- 06 - Stop bond payment request
To request payment of the CDSB, authorized agents must provide the CDSP system with a transaction type 05 - Bond payment request. These transactions will be processed and accounts will be updated for all eligible beneficiaries.
Note: All CDSB requests for a beneficiary under the age of 18, PCG information or the BN of the responsible agency for a child in care must be reported on the transaction.
The CDSB, once paid, will continue to be paid automatically in subsequent years if the beneficiary remains eligible. If a holder no longer wishes to receive the CDSB, authorized agents must provide the CDSP system with a transaction type 06 - Stop bond payment request. This will prevent any further payments of the CDSB from being made in respect of that beneficiary and to that specified contract. If the holder wishes to receive the CDSB in the future, a new transaction type 05 - Bond payment request will result in resumption of CDSB payments from the date of new request. In other words, if the stop bond payment request was chosen in a previous year, and a new bond payment request was submitted in a subsequent year, the CDSB payment will be resumed as of the transaction date of the new request for the current year and subsequent years in accordance with CDSB eligibility rules.
3.5.3 Record type 401 Retirement savings rollover and Retirement savings rollover reversal transaction types
- 08 - Retirement savings rollover transaction
- 09 - Retirement savings rollover reversal transaction
Introduced in Budget 2010, to give parents and grandparents more flexibility in providing for a disabled child's long-term financial security, an Retirement savings rollover (transaction type 08) allows certain amounts from a deceased individual's Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Registered Retirement Income Fund, Registered Pension Plan, Specified Pension Plan and Pooled Registered Pension Plan to be transferred to the RDSP of a beneficiary who was financially dependent on the deceased because of physical or mental infirmity.
The amount transferred (rolled over) does not attract incentives and, like a regular contribution and education savings rollover, decreases the beneficiary's lifetime contribution room, currently set at $200,000. The amount rolled over, when added to contributions made in the name of the beneficiary, is not permitted to exceed the $200,000 lifetime limit.
Should an authorized agent discover that a Retirement savings rollover was processed in error, a Retirement savings rollover reversal (transaction type 09) must be submitted to the CDSP system.
3.5.4 Record type 401, Grant and/or bond repayment transaction type
- 10 - Grant and/or bond repayment request
- 11 - Grant and/or bond repayment reversal request
When a repayment of CDSG and/or CDSB paid by the CDSP to a beneficiary is required, authorized agents must provide the CDSP system with a transaction type 10 - Grant and/or bond repayment request. This transaction is also utilized to report any termination adjustment (investment loss) of CDSG and/or CDSB.
Should an authorized agent discover that a repayment of CDSG and/or CDSB was processed in error, a transaction type 11 - Grant and/or bond repayment reversal must be submitted to the CDSP system.
3.5.5 Record type 401, DAP and LDAP transaction types
- 20 - DAP
- 21 - LDAP
- 22 - DAP Reversal
- 23 - LDAP Reversal
An ad-hoc payment (DAP) made to a beneficiary must be reported by the authorized agent employing a transaction type 20 - DAP. This transaction requires the reporting of the proportional amounts of contribution, CDSG and CDSB, the non-taxable amount of DAP and total amount of DAP paid to the beneficiary.
LDAPs are recurring (at least annually) payments that, once started, must be paid until either the plan is terminated or the beneficiary has died. LDAPs may begin at any age but must commence by the end of the year in which the beneficiary turns 60. A transaction type 21 - LDAP, requiring the same type of information as detailed above in the DAP transaction (401-20), must be reported for this type of payment.
Should an authorized agent discover that a DAP or LDAP transaction was processed in error, a transaction type 22 - DAP reversal or transaction type 23 - LDAP reversal must be submitted to the CDSP system.
3.5.6 Record type 401, Education savings rollover and Education savings rollover reversal transaction types
- 30 - Education savings rollover
- 31 - Education savings rollover reversal
The rollover of RESP investment income into an RDSP on a tax-free basis offers an additional option to parents who save in an RESP for a child with a severe disability, if the plans share a common beneficiary. As indicated in Budget 2012, this type of rollover is available for beneficiaries with a severe and prolonged mental impairment that is expected to prevent them from pursuing post-secondary education. The amount transferred (rolled over) does not attract incentives and, like a regular contribution and retirement savings rollover, decreases the beneficiary's lifetime contribution room, currently set at $200,000.
Should an authorized agent discover that an education savings rollover was processed in error, an Education savings rollover reversal (transaction type 31) must be submitted to the CDSP system.
3.6 Election transactions
3.6.1 Record type 501, transaction types 03 SDSP Election and 04 SDSP election reversal
Announced in Budget 2011, SDSP elections provide increased flexibility to withdrawals of assets in respect of a beneficiary with a life expectancy of 5 years or less, as they do not require the repayment of CDSG and CDSB paid into the plan in the preceding 10 years. Once an election is made and reported to the CDSP system, a total of $10,000 of taxable assets or higher amount based on a legislative formula can be withdrawn annually. Further to an election, no additional CDSG and CDSB are to be paid into the SDSP. The start of the election is recorded as the date the election information is received by the CDSP system.
Should the authorized agent discover that an SDSP election transaction was processed in error, a transaction type 04 - SDSP election reversal must be submitted to the CDSP system.
3.7 Reporting transactions
At the beginning of each month, authorized agents are required to report various growth and investment activities by contract to the CDSP system. These activities are conveyed using record type 701 - reporting information. The following transactions must be submitted:
- monthly reporting of FMV
- reporting of FMV and earnings when transferring a contract
3.7.1 Record type 701, reporting transaction types
- 01 - Monthly reporting of FMV
- 02 - Transfer reporting of FMV and earnings
Every month, authorized agents are required to submit a 701-01 Monthly reporting of FMV transaction to report the FMV for each contract.
When a contract has been closed due to a transfer of funds to a new contract, it is the responsibility of the relinquishing authorized agent to report specific required data elements of the contract to the to the CDSP system by employing the 701-02 Transfer reporting transaction. In addition to reporting the same data as in the 701-01 transaction, the earnings of the transfer out contract must also be reported.
4.0 Files
In this section
At the completion of a processing period, the CDSP system will report back to each authorized agent the following file types:
- an error file (.err)
- a transaction processing file (.pro)
- a contract status file (.reg)
- a Social Insurance Number (SIN) usability file (.sur)
- a transfer information extract file (.xfr)
- a beneficiary DTC eligibility file (.dtc)
4.1 Error file
This ITS details the format that is required for each transaction type, and provides the authorized agent with the validation rules for those transaction types. If transactions are not submitted in compliance with these format and validation requirements, the transactions are subject to rejection. Each transaction error, whether due to problems in format or invalid data, is reported back to the issuer or authorized agent for correction and resubmission. This is done electronically via the transaction error file.
These transaction errors include:
- failure to correctly format the file
- failure to correctly format a transaction
- failure to supply the necessary information for a mandatory field
- failure to comply with CDSP system business rules
The error file contains 2 different record types, RT 801 - Errors and RT 851 - Severe errors. A list of error codes can be found appended to this document (Appendix A).
4.2 Transaction processing file
At the end of each processing period, the CDSP system returns a transaction processing file to the authorized agent. The processing file provides the details of results for all successfully processed transactions submitted (such as how much CDSG and/or CDSB money was paid in respect of each contribution or bond request, or how much CDSG and/or CDSB money was repaid). Every transaction submitted to the CDSP system and successfully processed will appear in this file including those financial transactions which have been processed without CDSG or CDSB being paid. A refusal reason will accompany each of the aforementioned transactions which have not received CDSG or CDSB. A list of refusal reasons can be found appended to this document (Appendix A).
The file is the CDSP system's confirmation to the authorized agent that the submitted transactions were correctly formatted, contained all the mandatory information and passed all the necessary validation rules. The processing file will also list all contract, beneficiary and holder information transactions that were successfully processed.
CDSG and/or CDSB transactions which have been re-adjudicated (either positively or negatively) are also reported to the authorized agent in the transaction processing file. The CDSP system performs re-adjudication on financial transactions under the following situations:
- contract registration - authorized agent resubmission of contract information after the processing of unpaid grant and/or bond requests
- contribution correction - authorized agent submitted financial transaction releasing grant for previously submitted contributions
- retirement savings rollover reversal - authorized agent submitted financial transaction releasing grant for previously submitted contributions
- education savings rollover reversal - authorized agent submitted financial transaction releasing grant for the previously submitted contributions
- contract closure (transfer completed) - authorized agent transferring out closes contract allowing for the re-adjudication of pending grant/bond for authorized agent transferring in
- CRA reassessment or update of DTC, residency, income and/or contract status
The transaction origin field (transaction position 68-69 in the RT file) documents the above circumstances allowing for the differentiation of CDSP system-generated transaction records and authorized agent transaction results records.
The processing of an authorized agent's file(s) results in a series of CDSG and/or CDSB payments and repayments. Repayments are netted out from the payments. This generally results in a payment to the authorized agent. The payment will be automatically deposited into the authorized agent's account according to the banking information supplied to the CDSP system.
The record type 901 - Transaction processing file carries with it an indication of the effect the transaction has on the payment received by the authorized agent. The payment requisitioned flag tells the authorized agent if the 901 record is a payment or repayment of CDSG or CDSB, to or from the CDSP system. For example, the processing of a contribution transaction would result in the payment of CDSG to the authorized agent (assuming it passed all the rules and no refusal reason was present). The payment requisitioned flag would be set in this case. In the case of a DAP or LDAP there is no money moving between the authorized agent and the CDSP system. The payment requisitioned flag would not be set for those transactions. The authorized agent can reconcile all flagged transactions with the payment received from the CDSP system.
4.3 Contract status file
Each month the CDSP system will process all contract registration information transactions and report back the current status of the contract transaction to the financial institution. In certain circumstances the CDSP system will receive information from the CRA that affects the contract registration status of a particular contract. Any change in the contract status (current and/or at contract signature date) will be reported back to the authorized agent with the record type 951 in the contract status file. If there is more than 1 change, only the most up to date status will be indicated. The 'reason for change of contract status' field was added to this report in version 2.0 of the ITS in order to clarify why a contract status has been changed. The 'transfer status' field was added to this record type in version 2.1 of the ITS in order to convey the current status of a contract being transferred. Beginning with version 3.1 of the ITS, the purpose of the contract status file is expanded to inform the financial institution of the successful processing of new or updated SDSP elections.
4.4 SIN usability file
Each month the CDSP system will verify the integrity of all beneficiary and holder SINs through the Social Insurance Registry (SIR). As a result of this monthly verification, any particular SIN may either be identified (flagged) by SIR as not usable or identified (un-flagged) by SIR as usable. The CDSP system will report the information regarding the usability status of SINs back to issuers/authorized agents via the record type 921 - SIN usability file (.sur).
4.5 Transfer information extract file
Beginning in January 2013, ESDC will provide to the receiving issuer, all historical transactional information in ESDC's possession from all previous contracts for a particular beneficiary for all RDSP transfer transactions when following criteria is met:
- a valid close contract transaction must be received from the originating/relinquishing issuer
- the contract transfer from the relinquishing to the receiving issuer must be resolved, and
- the new contract under the receiving issuer must be registered
The record type 971 - Transfer information extract file (.xfr) will include all information from all prior issuers that can be used by the receiving issuer for the ongoing administration of a particular beneficiary's RDSP.
The transactions of the .xfr file are as follows:
- 971-01 - Contribution/Contribution correction information
- 971-02 - Bond request information
- 971-03 - Retirement savings rollover/Retirement savings rollover reversal information
- 971-04 - Grant/Bond repayment - Grant/Bond repayment reversal information
- 971-05 - DAP/DAP reversal information
- 971-06 - LDAP/LDAP reversal information
- 971-07 - Education savings rollover/Education savings rollover reversal information
The details of each individual transaction type for the RT-971 - Transfer information extract file (.xfr) are outlined in Section 11 of this document.
4.6 Beneficiary DTC eligibility file
Beginning in February 2015, the CDSP system will extract and send authorized agents all updated beneficiary DTC eligibility information via a record type 981 - Beneficiary DTC eligibility file (.dtc). This monthly generated file will report all updates which have been made by the CRA to the yearly DTC eligibility status of beneficiaries who have a pending (having passed Social Insurance Registry (SIR) validation) or registered contract. In transfer situations, this information will be sent to the latest relinquishing issuer if the transfer is unresolved or to the receiving issuer upon resolution of the transfer and registration of the contract.
The record type 981 - Beneficiary DTC eligibility file will also include an annual DTC eligibility status update produced in February of every calendar year providing an update of all beneficiary DTC eligibility profiles for that calendar year.
The initial file scheduled to be sent during the February 2015 processing period will report the DTC eligibility profiles of all beneficiaries by year, beginning from the year of the contract signature date to the year the file is produced. It will not provide information for carry forward years or for contracts that have a status other than pending (passed SIR validation) or registered.
Note: The authorized agent will receive a blank file when no DTC eligibility update has been made in that period for any beneficiaries.
5.0 Technical specifications
In this section
- 5.1 Scope
- 5.2 CDSP system transaction processing record format overview
- 5.3 Logical record types
- 5.4 File/record structure
- 5.5 Data formats
- 5.6 Record separators
- 5.7 End of file
- 5.8 File naming standards
- 5.9 File type
- 5.10 Source data definition standard
- 5.11 Standard data formats
- 5.12 Transaction sequence
This section of the ITS document describes the data interface for the exchange of information between the CDSP system and issuers/authorized agents. These technical specifications are intended for use in support of system development to implement data interchanges with the CDSP system.
5.1 Scope
This document is the standard by which information is exchanged with the issuer/authorized agent for the application and administration of the CDSG and/or CDSB. Data integrity rules are described in detail in this document. Descriptions of the business and general rules under which data is processed within the CDSP system are described in the foreword of this document.
Operational aspects of the movement of data and functions used to manage the movement of data files are not part of this document but are found in the Data Operations and Connectivity Guide. Operational functionality includes the following:
- logging of files
- authentication of authorized agent
- transmission verification
- transmission mechanisms
Detailed operational instructions concerning reporting schedules and methods of transfer of information may be obtained by using the contact information below or by accessing the Service Partner page on the ESDC website.
Employment and Social Development Canada
Electronic Services section
Phase IV, Mailstop Bag 4
140 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau QC K1A 0J9
Telephone: 1‑888‑276‑3632
5.2 CDSP system transaction processing record format overview
These technical specifications describe a data interface that is based on the exchange of bulk data files. Authorized agents are required to conform to the record formats and rules specified herein as well as other data interchange rules described in the Data Operations and Connectivity Guide.
This portion of the ITS outlines both input and output data record formats. Input records are used to record contract registration information, record beneficiary and holder information and report financial transactions. Output records report the status of reported data in the form of transaction processing files and error files on a record-by-record basis.
5.3 Logical record types
Source transactions are identified by a record type code as outlined in the following table:
Record type | Description |
001 | Header record (source of transaction) |
002 | Sub-header record (used only when the CDSP system reports back to authorized agent in processing report) |
003 | Files processed (used only when the CDSP system reports back to authorized agent in processing report) |
101 | Contract registration information |
102 | Contract update transactions |
201 | Update beneficiary and holder or add/remove holder |
202 | Add/update and revoke consent transactions |
401 | Financial transactions
501 | Election transactions
701 | Reporting transactions |
801 | Transaction errors in error file |
851 | Severe errors in error file |
901 | Successfully processed transaction in transaction processing file |
921 | SIN usability information in SIN usability file |
951 | Contract status in contract status file |
953 | SDSP elections in contract status file |
971 | Transferred information in transfer extract file |
981 | DTC eligibility in beneficiary DTC eligibility file |
999 | Trailer record (control count) |
5.4 File/record structure
All transaction files have a header record containing standard identification details and a trailer record containing a count of the number of records in the file (including the header and trailer records).
Files contain a mix of transactions, identified by a numeric record type code. This has been set at 3 digits to allow for possible future expansion.
Source input files contain fixed length records, with record types being padded as necessary to meet a consistent standard. This enables different record types to be included in the same file.
5.5 Data formats
The ISO-8859-1 Latin 1 Character set is the official Treasury Board of Canada, Information Technology Standard (TBITS) for data interchange. All data is provided in ISO-8859-1 format (numeric values are stored in their character representation) as shown in Appendix B.
All fields are fixed length and occupy fixed positions within a record.
Character data is left justified and padded with trailing spaces except for business number. A BN cannot be padded with spaces. If a record type 001 contains a space character (ASCII value 32) the file is rejected, and if any other record contains a space in the authorized agent BN field the record is rejected.
Numeric data is right justified with leading 0.
Most amount fields are standardized at 9 digits (10 bytes) with 2 explicit decimal places (up to a maximum of $9,999,999.99); negative amounts contain a minus sign "-" as the first character in the field. The amount field in record type 002 is longer than other amount fields allowing a maximum value of $9,999,999,999.99 (13 bytes).
List-type data fields use code tables whenever practical (such as province codes and error codes).
Record types 101, 102, 201, 202, 401, 501, 701 and 971 include a transaction type code. Separate codes are used with each type of transaction in order to identify the specific processing requirements.
5.6 Record separators
Records within files must be separated by a record separator character(s). Record separator characters vary depending on the originator's operating system. The CDSP system replaces the carriage return (CR) (CR, decimal value 13) record separator character with the UNIX new line (NL) character (NL, decimal value 10).
Only the newline and carriage return characters are acceptable as record separators. No other record separator characters may be used.
5.7 End of file
The CDSP system rejects files that do not conform to the following rules:
- files must have a record type 999 as the last record
- the record type 999 must have a record separator character following it
If the end of file (EOF) character is provided, the following rules apply:
- the CDSP system accepts any single character as an EOF character following the record type 999
- no characters may follow the EOF character
5.8 File naming standards
The physical naming of files is described as follows:
- to the CDSP system: "CDSP" + file type + authorized agent BN + transactions latest month + date sent + file number
- from the CDSP system: "CDSP" + file type + authorized agent BN + date processed + CDSP system file number + extension
If the filename is not 36 characters long, and/or not formatted as outlined, an error record type 8001 is generated.
The combination of BN, transactions latest month, date sent, and file number must be unique. If the same combination has already been received and processed by the CDSP system, the file is rejected and an error record type 8002 is generated.
If the transactions latest month is in the future, the file is rejected and an error record type 8013 is generated.
The following definitions apply to the components of the file-naming standard:
Component | Format |
Program identifier | The program identifier must be CDSP. |
File type | 1 uppercase character indicates the file type. The file type character indicates whether the file is a production file, a summary reporting file, a test file or a test summary reporting file.
Authorized agent BN | 15 character business number |
Transactions latest month | 6 numeric character date YYYYMM The latest month to which the transaction dates in the file relate |
Date sent | 8 numeric character date YYYYMMDD |
File number | 2 digit file number |
Must be between 01 and 99 | |
Generated by CDSP system for .pro, .err, .sur, .reg, .xfr and..dtc files. | |
. | .(period) |
Extension | The file extension is 1 of:
5.9 File type
Production files being submitted to the CDSP system must begin with "CDSPP" while files starting with "CDSPT" are used strictly for industry testing and are never part of a production file group. The procedures for industry testing are outlined in the CDSP System Industry Testing Guide.
5.9.1 File number
There may be instances where an authorized agent wishes to send more than 1 file in a single day. In order to be able to give each file a unique name, the file name contains a file number. If the authorized agent sends 1 file in a day, a file number must be provided, though it can be any 2-digit value. The ordering of the file numbers will not be enforced. The file number is used purely to distinguish files sent on the same day.
5.9.2 File extension
Files returned to the authorized agent have the same file type and BN but have the CDSP system processing date and file number in the prefix. In each reporting period a .pro, .err, .reg (if applicable), .xfr (if applicable) and .dtc file is returned to the authorized agent. The SIN usability file, a .sur file, is returned to the authorized agent following the monthly production run. The following is an example of a filename group:
- input files
- CDSPP123456789RC00012009113098
- CDSPP123456789RC00012009113099
- output files
- CDSPP123456789RC00012009121501.err
- CDSPP123456789RC00012009121501.reg
- CDSPP123456789RC00012009121501.sur
- CDSPP123456789RC00012009121501.xfr
- CDSPP123456789RC00012009121501.dtc
All file names are in uppercase except file extensions.
5.9.3 Header and trailer record
The header record (adhering to the file identification standard) is the first record in the file and the trailer record, providing a control count of the records in the file, is the last.
The trailer record sent by CDSP system contains the unique file number assigned by the CDSP system and the date the CDSP system processing occurred.
5.10 Source data definition standard
Transaction format and content is defined in this document using a common (COBOL) standard, with the following symbols for data attributes:
Symbol | Description |
X | Any printable alphanumeric character (includes numbers, letters, punctuation marks, spaces and other special characters). The entire field contains spaces if not used. For example: the letter A in a 3 character alphanumeric field is stored as "A". The number 5 in a character alphanumeric field is stored as "5". |
9 | Any number. The entire field contains 0 if unused (blanks are not allowed). If larger than 1 digit, the contents are right justified with leading 0. For example: the number 5 in a 3 character numeric field is stored as "005". Note: Negative amounts are preceded by a minus sign "–" as the first character in the field. |
( ) | Indicates a recurrence of the preceding data type, with the number of occurrences stored inside of the parenthesis. For example: 9(6) means a number up to 6 digits long, X(6) means 6 consecutive characters of alphanumeric data. |
5.11 Standard data formats
The following table outlines standard formatting rules for common data field types:
Type | Type size | Format |
Dates | X(8) | Valid date formatted YYYYMMDD. |
Amount fields | 9(9).99 or -9(8).99 | Up to maximum of $999,999,999.99. Decimals are explicit. For example, a contribution of $1000.00 is reported as 000001000.00 with the appropriate number of leading 0 for padding the field to the correct length (000001000.00). |
Filler | X(n-500) | Unused field. Must contain the specified number of spaces, or optional comments and is ignored regardless of its contents. |
All record types follow a standard layout, with the same fields occurring in the same positions to the extent possible.
5.12 Transaction sequence
The CDSP system will process transactions in a logical order. Issuers should be aware of this and as much as possible all transactions should be submitted in a logical sequence.
All contract elements, including beneficiary, holder and PCG (where the beneficiary is under the age of 18) must be established in the CDSP system before financial transactions can be processed.
Contract registration information and the respective financial transactions pertaining to the contract can be sent in the same file. However, the processing of the financials remains dependent on the successful establishment of the contract elements.
6.0 Transaction formats
In this section
- 6.1 Record type 001 - Header record
- 6.2 Record type 002 - Sub-header record (transaction processing report)
- 6.3 Record type 003 - Files processed record (transaction processing report)
- 6.4 Record type 101 - Contract registration information
- 6.5 Record type 102 - Contract update information
- 6.6 Record type 201 - Beneficiary and holder update information
- 6.7 Record type 202 - Consent information for beneficiary
- 6.8 Record type 401 - Financial transactions
- 6.9 Record type 701 - Reporting transactions
- 6.10 Record type 701 - Reporting transactions
This section contains detailed descriptions of all transaction record formats. If any record is rejected, at least 1 record of the error is written into the error file (filename.err). If any field designated as mandatory is blank, an error message is generated with error code of 8104.
6.1 Record type 001 – Header record
Purpose: To identify the source of a transaction file.
Requirements: None.
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 001 - header record | n/a |
Program identifier | X(4) | 4 to 7 | CDSP | n/a |
Authorized agent BN | X(15) | 8 to 22 | n/a | n/a |
Date sent | X(8) | 23 to 30 | Date on which file was sent to the CDSP system or date on which the CDSP system created the file. | YYYYMMDD |
File number | 9(2) | 31 to 32 | Number to distinguish files sent on the same day. Range 01 to 99 | n/a |
Data version | X(4) | 33 to 36 | Version of the CDSP system Interface Transaction Standards currently in use. | n/a |
Filler | X(464) | 37 to 500 | Spaces | n/a |
6.1.1 Record type 001 validation rules
When record type 001 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable. For files being sent to the CDSP system, the header record type 001, is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | There must be a header record. | 8004 |
Record type | The first record in every file must be type 001. | 8003 |
Record type | No other record can be type 001. | 8005 |
Program identifier | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Program identifier | Must be CDSP. | 8012 |
Authorized agent BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Authorized agent BN | The authorized agent BN must match the authorized agent BN in the filename. | 8000 |
Authorized agent BN | The authorized agent BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8101 |
Authorized agent BN | The authorized agent BN must be identified in the CDSP system as authorized to send files. | 8006 |
Authorized agent BN | The authorized agent BN must be associated to a specimen plan. | 8006 |
Date sent | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Date sent | The date sent must match the date in the filename. | 8000 |
Date sent | The date sent must be on or before the current date. | 8100 |
Date sent | The date sent must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8100 |
Date sent | The date sent must be in a valid format. | 8100 |
File number | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
File number | The file number must match the file number in the file name. | 8000 |
Data version | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Data version | Data version must be 02.1, 02.2, 02.3, 03.0, 03.1, 03.2 or 03.3. | 8007 |
6.2 Record type 002 – Sub-header record (transaction processing file)
The record type 002 is only included in the transaction processing file produced by the CDSP system.
Purpose: The sub-header records supply reporting period information, 1 for each issuer in the transaction processing file.
Requirements: This record is generated by the CDSP system and occurs as the second record type in the transaction processing file.
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 002 - sub-header record | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 4 to 18 | BN of the issuer. | n/a |
Reporting period start date | X(8) | 19 to 26 | Valid date. | YYYYMMDD |
Reporting period end date | X(8) | 27 to 34 | Valid date. | YYYYMMDD |
Summary amount | 9(10).99 | 35 to 47 | Sum of CDSG and CDSB payments less the sum of repayments for an issuer in this reporting period. | Positive if CDSG plus CDSB disbursed exceeds repayment by the issuer. |
Payment amount | 9(10).99 | 48 to 60 | CDSG and CDSB money paid to authorized agent in this reporting period. | $0 if net repayment of CDSG or CDSB. |
Payment requisition ID | 9(10) | 61 to 70 | n/a | Generated by the CDSP system. |
Filler | X(430) | 71 to 500 | n/a | n/a |
6.2.1 Record type 002 validation rules
Because record type 002 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable.
6.3 Record type 003 – Files processed record (transaction processing file)
The record type 003 is only included in the transaction processing file produced by the CDSP system.
Purpose: The files processed record gives the name of a production file sent by the authorized agent that was processed by the CDSP system during the production run. 1 record is generated for each production file sent and processed.
Requirements: This record is generated by the CDSP system and occurs as the third record type in the transaction processing file.
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 003 - files processed record | n/a |
Authorized agent BN | X(15) | 4 to 18 | BN of authorized agent. | n/a |
Date sent | X(8) | 19 to 26 | Date authorized agent sent the file to the CDSP system. | n/a |
Date received | X(8) | 27 to 34 | Date the CDSP system received the file. | n/a |
File number | 9(2) | 35 to 36 | File number generated by the authorized agent. | n/a |
Filler | X(464) | 37 to 500 | n/a | n/a |
6.3.1 Record type 003 validation rules
Because record type 003 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable.
6.4 Record type 101 - Contract registration information
Record type 101 is used to provide all contract information relating to registration.
Purpose: Issuers use this record type to provide all information elements necessary to register a new contract.
Requirements: The record type 101 requires 3 separate components to achieve registration of a contract. These include:
- record type 101, transaction type 01, contract information
- record type 101, transaction type 02, beneficiary information
- record type 101, transaction type 03, holder information (report 1 transaction type 03 for each holder named on the contract)
All components of a contract registration information record must be submitted during the same production cycle, and all must have the same issuer transaction number. The CDSP system will process all components as 1, and return the results to the authorized agent, identifying errors on each component, if applicable. A single error on any 1 component will "error out" all 3 components. All 3 components must be resubmitted in 1 processing cycle when correcting an error.
Note: If the contract is already registered, please refer to record type 201 to add, update or remove holder information as well as to update beneficiary information.
6.4.1 The 101-01 transaction - Record component layout - Contract registration - Contract information
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 101 - Contract registration information | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 01 - contract information | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. The transaction ID must be identical for all components (01, 02 and 03) of the contract registration information record. |
Issuer transaction number must not be reused to submit corrections. |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Filler | X(3) | 43 to 45 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 46 to 60 | Issuer's contract number. | n/a |
Contract signature date | X(8) | 61 to 68 | The date that the contract was signed with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | X(15) | 69 to 83 | Used to determine: Disability Tax Credit (DTC) eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN provided by the CRA: 9 digits + X (2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Primary caregiver name | X(30) | 84 to 113 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. Specified only when the PCG is an individual. |
Primary caregiver surname or agency name | X(60) | 114 to 173 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver type | X(1) | 174 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Transfer indicator | X(1) | 175 | Y - There is an existing contract for the beneficiary with assets that will be transferred into this contract. N - This contract registration request does not involve the transfer of another contract. |
n/a |
Contract creation or update date | X(8) | 176 to 183 | Date the contract was created or updated with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Other contract | X(15) | 184 to 198 | Contract number of relinquishing contract if transfer indicator = Y. | In order for the transfer to be resolved, must match existing contract in CDSP system. |
Other specimen plan | X(7) | 199 to 205 | Specimen plan of relinquishing contract if transfer Indicator = Y. | In order for the transfer to be resolved, must match existing specimen plan in CDSP system. |
Filler | X(295) | 206 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 101-01 transaction validation rules
The 101-01 Contract information transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Issuer BN must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each contract registration requests at the issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Issuer transaction number | Contract registration request is missing a component (101-02 or 101-03). | 8238 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Must not already be registered, closed, de-registered or nullified. | 8230 |
Contract | The beneficiary must not already have a pending, registered or de-registered contract unless the transfer indicator is Yes on the current submission. | 8231 |
Contract | Duplicate contract registration in the same period. | 8239 |
Contract | Only 1 contract registration request for the beneficiary in the same period is permitted. | 8240 |
Contract | Conflicting contract transactions pertaining to the same contract received in the period. | 8254 |
Contract signature date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract signature date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Contract signature date | Contract signature date cannot change once a contract status is pending. | 8233 |
Contract signature date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Contract signature date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | Mandatory field until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18 years old. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | When present, the first 9 characters are numerals only. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | When present, the SIN or BN must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | When PCG type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver given name | Mandatory field if PCG SIN is present and the PCG type = 1- (individual). | 8104 |
Primary caregiver surname or agency name | Mandatory field if PCG BN/SIN is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type | Mandatory field if PCG BN/SIN is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
Transfer indicator | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Transfer indicator | Must be Y or N. | 8101 |
Transfer indicator | There must not already be a contract awaiting transfer in the CDSP system for the beneficiary. | 8253 |
Contract creation or update date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract creation or update date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Contract creation or update date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Contract creation or update date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Contract creation or update date | Must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Other contract | Mandatory if transfer indicator = Y. | 8104 |
Other contract | Must exist in CDSP system. | 8102 |
Other contract | Must be associated to the beneficiary and other specimen plan and must be pending, registered, de-registered or closed. | 8234 |
Other contract | Must not change after transfer resolved. | 8261 |
Other Specimen plan | Mandatory if transfer indicator = Y. | 8104 |
Other Specimen plan | Must exist in CDSP system. | 8102 |
Other Specimen plan | Must not change after transfer resolved. | 8261 |
6.4.2 The 101-02 transaction - Record component layout - Contract registration - Beneficiary information
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 101 - contract registration information | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 02 - Beneficiary information | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. The transaction number must be identical for all components (01, 02 and 03) of the contract registration information record. | Issuer transaction number must not be reused to submit corrections. |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 36 to 44 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary given name | X(30) | 45 to 74 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary surname | X(30) | 75 to 104 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary date of birth | X(8) | 105 to 112 | n/a | YYYYMMDD |
Beneficiary gender | X(1) | 113 | 1 - female 2 - male 3 - another gender 4 - not provided |
n/a |
Address line 1 | X(40) | 114 to 153 | Street name, number, and apartment. | n/a |
Address line 2 | X(40) | 154 to 193 | Street name, number, and apartment (cont'd). | n/a |
Address line 3 | X(40) | 194 to 233 | If country = 002, contains "state, ZIP code". If country = 999 contains "province equivalent, postal code, country". |
n/a |
City | X(30) | 234 to 263 | n/a | n/a |
Province | X(2) | 264 to 265 | Refer to Appendix A. | If country not Canada, province ignored. |
Country | X(3) | 266 to 268 | 001 - Canada 002 - USA 999 - Other Country |
n/a |
Postal code | X(6) | 269 to 274 | Postal code if country is Canada. | n/a |
Language | X(1) | 275 | 1- English 2- French |
n/a |
Filler | X(225) | 276 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 101-02 transaction validation rules
The 101-02 Beneficiary information transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | BN of issuer must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Issuer transaction number | Contract registration information is missing a component (101-01or101-03). | 8238 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Beneficiary SIN | Contract already associated to another beneficiary SIN. | 8252 |
Beneficiary given name | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary given name | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Beneficiary surname | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary surname | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Beneficiary date of birth | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary date of birth | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Beneficiary date of birth | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Beneficiary date of birth | Year of birth must be the same if beneficiary is already in CDSP system. | 8251 |
Beneficiary gender | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary gender | Must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. | 8101 |
Beneficiary gender | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Address line 1 | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Address line 2 | Not validated. | n/a |
Address line 3 | Not validated. | n/a |
City | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Province | Mandatory if country is Canada. | 8104 |
Province | If country is Canada, must match code in Appendix A, Province codes. | 8101 |
Country | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Country | Must be 001, 002 or 999. | 8101 |
Postal code | Mandatory if country is Canada. | 8104 |
Language | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Language | Must be English or French. | 8101 |
6.4.3 The 101-03 transaction - Record component layout - Contract registration - Holder information
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 101 - contract registration information. | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 03 - holder information. | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. The transaction ID must be identical for all components (01, 02 and 03) of the contract registration information record. | Issuer transaction number must not be reused to submit corrections. |
Holder SIN or BN | X(15) | 36 to 50 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | 9 left justified digits with 6 trailing blanks when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN as provided by the CRA; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Holder given name | X(30) | 51 to 80 | n/a | n/a |
Holder surname or holder agency name | X(60) | 81 to 140 | n/a | n/a |
Holder type | X(1) | 141 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
n/a |
Holder relationship | X(2) | 142 to 143 | 01 - beneficiary 02 - legal parent 03 - guardian 04 - tutor 05 - curator 06 - legal representative or qualified family member 07 - public department 08 - agency 09 - institution |
n/a |
Holder date of birth | X(8) | 144 to 151 | n/a | YYYYMMDD |
Holder gender | X(1) | 152 | 1 - female 2 - male 3 - another gender 4 - not provided |
n/a |
Address line 1 | X(40) | 153 to 192 | Street name, number, and apartment. | n/a |
Address line 2 | X(40) | 193 to 232 | Street name, number, and apartment (cont'd). | n/a |
Address line 3 | X(40) | 233 to 272 | If country = 002, contains "state, ZIP Code" If country = "999" contains "province equivalent, postal code, country". |
n/a |
City | X(30) | 273 to 302 | n/a | n/a |
Province | X(2) | 303 to 304 | Refer to Appendix A. | If country not Canada, province ignored. |
Country | X(3) | 305 to 307 | 001 - Canada 002 - USA 999 - Other country |
n/a |
Postal code | X(6) | 308 to 313 | Postal code if country is Canada. | n/a |
Language | X(1) | 314 | 1 - English 2 - French |
n/a |
Filler | X(186) | 315 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 101-03 transaction validation rules
The 101-03 Holder information transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | BN of issuer must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Issuer transaction number | Contract registration request is missing a component (101-01 or 101-02). | 8238 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | The SIN or BN must be numerically valid | 8250 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | When holder type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Holder given name | Mandatory field if holder type is individual. | 8104 |
Holder given name | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder surname or holder agency name | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder surname or holder agency name | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder type | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder type | Must be 1 (individual) or 2 (agency). | 8101 |
Holder relationship | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder relationship | Must be 01 through 09. | 8101 |
Holder date of birth | Mandatory field if holder type is individual. | 8104 |
Holder date of birth | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Holder date of birth | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder gender | Mandatory field if holder type is individual. | 8104 |
Holder gender | Must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. | 8101 |
Holder gender | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Address line 1 | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Address line 2 | Not validated. | n/a |
Address line 3 | Not validated. | n/a |
City | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Province | Mandatory if country is Canada. | 8104 |
Province | If country Canada, must match code in Appendix A, Province codes. | 8101 |
Country | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Country | Must be 001, 002 or 999. | 8101 |
Postal code | Mandatory if country is Canada. | 8104 |
Language | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Language | Must be English or French. | 8101 |
6.5 Record type 102 - Contract update information
Record type 102 is used by the issuer to update contract information. There are 2 contract update transaction types reported, 10 - Close a contract and 11 - Rename a contract.
Purpose: Issuers use these record types to perform specific updates to a contract.
Requirements: The record type 102 will refer to the contract number requiring updates.
6.5.1 The 102-10 transaction - Record component layout - Contract updates - Close a contract
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 102 - contract update | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 10 - close a contract | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | Business number of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | Issuer transaction number must not be reused to submit corrections. |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Filler | X(3) | 43 to 45 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 46 to 60 | Issuer's contract number. | n/a |
Closure reason | X(2) | 61 to 62 | 01 - death of beneficiary 02 - loss of DTC 03 - transfer 04 - plan de-registered 05 - other |
n/a |
Closure reason date | X(8) | 63 to 70 | Date related to closure reason. | YYYYMMDD |
Closure date | X(8) | 71 to 78 | Date the contract was closed with the issuer. | n/a |
Filler | X(422) | 79 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 102-10 transaction validation rules
The 102-10 Close a contract transaction is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Issuer BN must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Must be a contract that is pending, registered, or de-registered. | 8246 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Closure reason | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Closure reason | Must be 01 through 05. | 8101 |
Closure reason date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Closure reason date | Mandatory if closure reason = 01 (death of beneficiary). | 8104 |
Closure date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Closure date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Closure date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Closure date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Closure date | Must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
6.5.2 The 102-11 transaction - Record component layout - Contract update - Rename a contract
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 102 - contract update | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 11 - rename a contract | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | Business number of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Filler | X(3) | 43 to 45 | Spaces | Filler |
Contract | X(15) | 46 to 60 | Issuer's new contract number. | n/a |
Original contract | X(15) | 61 to 75 | Issuer's original contract number. | n/a |
Rename date | X(8) | 76 to 83 | Date the contract was renamed. | YYYYMMDD |
Filler | X(417) | 84 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 102-11 transaction validation rules
The 102-11 Rename a contract transaction, is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Issuer BN must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Must not exist in the CDSP system. | 8245 |
Contract | Conflicting contract transactions pertaining to the same contract received in the period. | 8254 |
Original contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Original contract | Must exist in the CDSP system with a status of registered, pending or closed. | 8247 |
Rename date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Rename date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Rename date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Rename date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Rename date | Must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
6.6 Record type 201 - Beneficiary and holder update information
Record type 201 is used to update beneficiary information, update holder information, as well as adding and removing a holder from a contract. These transactions are only to be used in situations where the contract has already achieved a status of registered.
Purpose: Issuers use these record types to change the contract information elements that have been previously reported on a registered contract registration information transaction with respect to the beneficiary and or the holder.
Requirements: The record type 201 refers to the beneficiary or holder where the information held in the CDSP system needs to be changed.
6.6.1 The 201-02 transaction - Record component layout - Update beneficiary information
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 201 - beneficiary and holder updates | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 02 - update beneficiary information | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | Business number | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 36 to 44 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary given name | X(30) | 45 to 74 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary surname | X(30) | 75 to 104 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary date of birth | X(8) | 105 to 112 | n/a | YYYYMMDD |
Beneficiary gender | X(1) | 113 | 1 - female 2 - male 3 - another gender 4 - not provided |
n/a |
Address line 1 | X(40) | 114 to 153 | Street name, number, and apartment. | n/a |
Address line 2 | X(40) | 154 to 193 | Street name, number, and apartment (cont'd). | n/a |
Address line 3 | X(40) | 194 to 233 | If country = 002, contains "state, ZIP code". If country = 999 contains "province equivalent, postal code, country". |
n/a |
City | X(30) | 234 to 263 | n/a | n/a |
Province | X(2) | 264 to 265 | Reference : Appendix A. | If country not Canada, province ignored. |
Country | X(3) | 266 to 268 | 001 - Canada 002 - USA 999 - other country |
n/a |
Postal code | X(6) | 269 to 274 | Postal code if country is Canada. | n/a |
Language | X(1) | 275 | 1 - English 2 - French |
n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 276 to 282 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Filler | X(3) | 283 to 285 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 286 to 300 | Issuer's contract number. | n/a |
Update date | X(8) | 301 to 308 | Date the beneficiary information was updated with the issuer. | n/a |
Filler | X(192) | 309 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 201-02 transaction validation rules
The 201-02 Update beneficiary information transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | BN of issuer must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must be numerically valid | 8250 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Beneficiary given name | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary given name | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Beneficiary surname | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary surname | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Beneficiary date of birth | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary date of birth | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Beneficiary date of birth | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Beneficiary date of birth | Year of birth must match beneficiary already in CDSP system. | 8251 |
Beneficiary gender | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary gender | Must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. | 8101 |
Beneficiary gender | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C. | 8105 |
Address line 1 | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Address line 2 | Not validated. | n/a |
Address line 3 | Not validated. | n/a |
City | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Province | Mandatory if country is Canada. | 8104 |
Province | If country Canada, must match code in Appendix A, Province codes. | 8101 |
Country | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Country | Must be 001, 002 or 999. | 8101 |
Postal code | Mandatory if country is Canada. | 8104 |
Language | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Language | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must be registered. | 8241 |
Update date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Update date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Update date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Update date | Date must be on or after the contract signature date. | 8206 |
Update date | Must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
6.6.2 The 201-03 transaction - Record component layout - Update holder information
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 201 - beneficiary and holder updates | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 03 - update holder information | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | Business number. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Holder SIN or BN | X(15) | 36 to 50 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | 9 left justified digits with 6 trailing blanks when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Holder given name | X(30) | 51 to 80 | n/a | n/a |
Holder surname or holder agency name | X(60) | 81 to 140 | n/a | n/a |
Holder type | X(1) | 141 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
n/a |
Holder relationship | X(2) | 142 to 143 | 01 - beneficiary 02 - legal parent 03 - guardian 04 - tutor 05 - curator 06 - legal representative or qualified family member 07 - public department 08 - agency 09 - institution |
n/a |
Holder date of birth | X(8) | 144 to 151 | n/a | YYYYMMDD |
Holder gender | X(1) | 152 | 1 - female 2 - male 3 - another gender 4 - not provided |
n/a |
Address line 1 | X(40) | 153 to 192 | Street name, number, and apartment. | n/a |
Address line 2 | X(40) | 193 to 232 | Street name, number, and apartment (cont'd). | n/a |
Address line 3 | X(40) | 233 to 272 | If country = 002, contains "state, ZIP Code" If country = 999 contains "province equivalent, postal code, country". |
n/a |
City | X(30) | 273 to 302 | n/a | n/a |
Province | X(2) | 303 to 304 | Refer to Appendix A. | If country not Canada, province is ignored. |
Country | X(3) | 305 to 307 | 001 - Canada 002 - USA 999 - other country |
n/a |
Postal code | X(6) | 308 to 313 | Postal code if country is Canada. | n/a |
Language | X(1) | 314 | 1 - English 2 - French |
n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 315 to 321 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Filler | X(3) | 322 to 324 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 325 to 339 | Issuer's contract number. | n/a |
Update date | X(8) | 340 to 347 | Date the holder information was updated. | n/a |
Filler | X(153) | 348 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 201-03 transaction validation rules
The 201-03 Update holder information transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | BN of issuer must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | The SIN or BN must be numerically valid | 8250 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | When holder type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Holder given name | Mandatory field if holder type is individual. | 8104 |
Holder given name | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder surname or holder agency name | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder surname or holder agency name | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder type | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder type | Must be 1 (individual) or 2 (agency). | 8101 |
Holder relationship | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder relationship | Must be 01 through 09. | 8101 |
Holder date of birth | Mandatory field if holder type is individual. | 8104 |
Holder date of birth | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Holder date of birth | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder gender | Mandatory field if holder type is individual. | 8104 |
Holder gender | Must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. | 8101 |
Holder gender | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Address line 1 | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Address line 2 | Not validated. | n/a |
Address line 3 | Not validated. | n/a |
City | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Province | Mandatory if country is Canada. | 8104 |
Province | If country is CAN, must match code in Appendix A, Province codes. | 8101 |
Country | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Country | Must be 001, 002 or 999. | 8101 |
Postal code | Mandatory if country is Canada | 8104 |
Language | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Language | Must be English or French. | 8101 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be currently associated to the holder. | 8237 |
Contract | Contract must be registered. | 8241 |
Update date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Update date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Update date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Update date | Date must be on or after the contract signature date. | 8206 |
Update date | Must be between the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
6.6.3 The 201-13 transaction - Record component layout - Add holder to contract
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 201 - beneficiary and holder updates | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 13 - add holder | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | Business number. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Holder SIN or BN | X(15) | 36 to 50 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | 9 left justified digits with 6 trailing blanks when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Holder given name | X(30) | 51 to 80 | n/a | n/a |
Holder surname or holder agency name | X(60) | 81 to 140 | n/a | n/a |
Holder type | X(1) | 141 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
n/a |
Holder relationship | X(2) | 142 to 143 | 01 - beneficiary 02 - legal Parent 03 - guardian 04 - tutor 05 - curator 06 - legal representative or qualified family member 07 - public department 08 - agency 09 - institution |
n/a |
Holder date of birth | X(8) | 144 to 151 | n/a | YYYYMMDD |
Holder gender | X(1) | 152 | 1 - female 2 - male 3 - another gender 4 - not provided |
n/a |
Address line 1 | X(40) | 153 to 192 | Street name, number, and apartment. | n/a |
Address line 2 | X(40) | 193 to 232 | Street name, number, and apartment. (Cont'd) | n/a |
Address line 3 | X(40) | 233 to 272 | If country = 002, contains "state, ZIP Code". If country = 999 contains "province equivalent, postal code, country". |
n/a |
City | X(30) | 273 to 302 | n/a | n/a |
Province | X(2) | 303 to 304 | Refer to Appendix A. | If Country not Canada, province ignored. |
Country | X(3) | 305 to 307 | 001 - Canada 002 - USA 999 - other country |
n/a |
Postal code | X(6) | 308 to 313 | Postal code if country is Canada. | n/a |
Language | X(1) | 314 | 1 - English 2 - French |
n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 315 to 324 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Filler | X(3) | 322 to 324 | Spaces | Filler |
Contract | X(15) | 325 to 339 | Issuer's contract number. | n/a |
Add date | X(8) | 340 to 347 | Date the holder was added to the contract with the issuer. | n/a |
Filler | X(153) | 348 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 201-13 transaction validation rules
The 201-13 Add holder transaction is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | BN of issuer must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | The SIN or BN must be numerically valid | 8250 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | When holder type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Holder given name | Mandatory field if holder type is individual. | 8104 |
Holder given name | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder surname or holder agency name | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder surname or holder agency name | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder type | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder type | Must be 1 (individual) or 2 (agency). | 8101 |
Holder relationship | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder relationship | Must be 01 through 09. | 8101 |
Holder date of birth | Mandatory field if holder type is individual. | 8104 |
Holder date of birth | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Holder date of birth | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Holder gender | Mandatory field if holder type is individual. | 8104 |
Holder gender | Must be a valid gender. | 8101 |
Holder gender | Must pass SIR validation as outlined in Appendix C, if holder type is individual. | 8105 |
Address line 1 | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Address line 2 | Not validated. | n/a |
Address line 3 | Not validated. | n/a |
City | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Province | Mandatory if country is Canada. | 8104 |
Province | If country is CAN, must match code in Appendix A, Province codes. | 8101 |
Country | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Country | Must be 001, 002 or 999. | 8101 |
Postal code | Mandatory if country is Canada. | 8104 |
Language | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Language | Must be English or French. | 8101 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be registered. | 8241 |
Contract | Must not be currently associated to the holder. | 8248 |
Add date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Add date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Add date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Add date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Add date | Must be between the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
6.6.4 The 201-23 transaction - Record component layout - Remove holder from contract
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 201 - beneficiary and holder updates | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 23 - remove holder | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | Business number. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Holder SIN or BN | X(15) | 36 to 50 | n/a | 9 left justified digits with 6 trailing blanks when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an Agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 51 to 57 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Filler | X(3) | 58 to 60 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 61 to 75 | Issuer's contract number. | n/a |
Removal date | X(8) | 76 to 83 | Date the holder was removed with the issuer. | n/a |
Filler | X(417) | 84 to 500 | Spaces. | n/a | The 201-23 transaction validation rules
The 201-23 Remove holder transaction is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | BN of issuer must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Holder SIN or holder agency BN | Must not be the only active holder on the contract. | 8249 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be currently associated to the holder. | 8237 |
Contract | Contract must be registered. | 8241 |
Removal date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Removal date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Removal date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Removal date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Removal date | Must be between the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
6.7 Record type 202 - Consent information for beneficiary
Record type 202 is used to add or revoke consent for the beneficiary as well as to update said consent.
Purpose: Issuers use these record types to add, revoke or change consent information required by the CRA with respect to the beneficiary.
Requirements: The record type "202" will refer to the beneficiary where add, revoke or update consent information is required.
6.7.1 The 202-01 transaction - Record component layout - Add or update consent for beneficiary
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 202 - consent for beneficiary | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 01 - add/update consent for beneficiary | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | Business number. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | Issuer contract number. | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Add consent date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date the add consent transaction was completed with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Consent SIN/BN | X(15) | 75 to 89 | The SIN/BN of the individual/agency granting consent. | 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an Agency's BN provided by the CRA: 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number |
Consent given name | X(30) | 90 to 119 | Given name of the individual granting consent. | n/a |
Consent surname/agency | X(60) | 120 to 179 | Surname/name of the individual/agency granting consent. | n/a |
Consent type | X(1) | 180 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
n/a |
Filler | X(320) | 181 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 202-01 transaction validation rules
The 202-01 Add/update consent for beneficiary transaction is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | BN of issuer must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system database. | 8102 |
Add consent date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Add consent date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Add consent date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Add consent date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Add consent date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Add consent date | When consent already exists, must be later than the last consent transaction date. | 8264 |
Consent SIN/BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Consent SIN/BN | First 9 characters are numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Consent SIN/BN | When consent type = 2 (agency), must be 15 in length. | 8101 |
Consent SIN/BN | The SIN or BN must be numerically valid | 8250 |
Consent SIN/BN | Must not exist as an active holder on any contract of the reported beneficiary. | 8265 |
Consent given name | Mandatory field, if consent type = 1 (individual). | 8104 |
Consent surname/agency | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Consent type | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Consent type | Value must be 1 or 2. | 8100 |
6.7.2 The 202-02 transaction - Record component layout - Revoke consent for beneficiary
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 202 - consent for beneficiary | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 02 - revoke consent for beneficiary | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | Business number. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | Issuer's contract number. | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Revoke consent date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date the revoke consent transaction was completed with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Consent SIN/BN | X(15) | 75 to 89 | The SIN/BN of the individual/agency granting consent. | Must not be an active holder on the current contract. |
Filler | X(411) | 90 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 202-02 transaction validation rules
The 202-02 Revoke beneficiary consent transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | BN of issuer must be identified in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Revoke consent date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Revoke consent date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Revoke consent date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Revoke consent date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Revoke consent date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Consent SIN/BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Consent SIN/BN | Must be 9 or 15 characters. | 8101 |
Consent SIN/BN | First 9 characters are numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Consent SIN/BN | The SIN or BN must be numerically valid | 8250 |
Consent SIN/BN | Must already be recorded as a consent for the beneficiary. | 8266 |
Consent SIN/BN | Must not be an active holder on the current beneficiary contract. | 8267 |
Consent SIN/BN | Beneficiary cannot revoke consent. | 8268 |
6.8 Record type 401 - Financial transactions
Record type 401 is used by the issuer to report all financial transactions and to request CDSB payments. There are 14 financial transactions types reported, as follows:
- 01 – contribution/grant request
- 02 – contribution/grant request correction
- 05 – request for bond payment
- 06 – stop bond payment
- 08 – retirement savings rollover
- 09 – retirement savings rollover reversal
- 10 – repayment of grant and/or bond
- 11 – reverse repayment of grant and/or bond
- 20 –DAP
- 21 –LDAP
- 22 – DAP reversal
- 23 – LDAP reversal
- 30 – education savings rollover
- 31 – education savings rollover reversal
Purpose: Issuers use these record types to report all financial transactions that occur on a registered contract.
Requirements: The record type 401 will refer to the contract number of the contract and the date on which the financial transaction occurs with the issuer.
6.8.1 The 401-01 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - Contribution/Grant request
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 01 - contribution | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | Issuer transaction number must not be reused to submit corrections. |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA |
Filler | X(3) | 43 to 45 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 46 to 60 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 61 to 69 | n/a | n/a |
Contribution date | X(8) | 70 to 77 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Contribution amount | 9(7).99 | 78 to 87 | The amount of the contribution. | n/a |
Grant requested | X(1) | 88 | N - No Y - Yes |
If grant request flag is N, no CDSG is awarded for the transaction. |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | X(15) | 89 to 103 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Primary caregiver given name (1) | X(30) | 104 to 133 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. Specified only when the PCG is an Individual. |
Primary caregiver surname (1) or primary caregiver agency name (1) | X(60) | 134 to 193 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver type (1) | X(1) | 194 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | X(15) | 195 to 209 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | Used only up until December 31 the year beneficiary turns 18. 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Primary caregiver given name (2) | X(30) | 210 to 239 | n/a | Used only up until December 31 the year beneficiary turns 18. Specified only when the PCG is an individual. |
Primary caregiver surname (2) or primary caregiver agency name (2) | X(60) | 240 to 299 | n/a | Used only up until December 31 the year beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver type (2) | X(1) | 300 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
Used only up until December 31 the year beneficiary turns 18. |
Filler | X(200) | 301 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-01 transaction validation rules
The 401-01 Contribution and/or Grant request transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Contribution date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contribution date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Contribution date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
Contribution date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Contribution date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Contribution date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Contribution date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Contribution amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contribution amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Contribution amount | Amount must be greater than $0. | 8106 |
Grant requested | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Grant requested | Must be Y (yes) or N (no). | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | Mandatory field until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | When present, the first 9 characters are numerals only. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | When present, the SIN or BN must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | When PCG type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver given name (1) | Mandatory if PCG (1) is present and the PCG type = 1 - (individual). | 8104 |
Primary caregiver surname (1) or primary caregiver agency name (1) | Mandatory if PCG (1) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (1) | Mandatory if PCG (1) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (1) | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | Mandatory field up until December 31 the year beneficiary turns 18. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | When present, the first 9 characters are numerals only. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | When present, the SIN or BN must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | When PCG type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver given name (2) | Mandatory if PCG (2) is present and the PCG type = 1 - (individual). | 8104 |
Primary caregiver surname (2) or primary caregiver agency name (2) | Mandatory if PCG (2) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (2) | Mandatory if PCG (2) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (2) | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
6.8.2 The 401-02 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - Correction of contribution/grant request
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 02 - contribution correction | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | Issuer transaction number must not be reused to submit corrections. |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Filler | X(3) | 43 to 45 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 46 to 60 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 61 to 69 | n/a | n/a |
Contribution date | X(8) | 70 to 77 | The date on which the contribution was originally made. | YYYYMMDD |
Contribution amount | 9(7).99 | 78 to 87 | The correct amount of the contribution. Can be the same as the original contribution amount. | n/a |
Grant requested | X(1) | 88 | N - no Y - yes |
If grant request flag is N, no CDSG is awarded for the transaction. |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | X(15) | 89 to 103 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Primary caregiver given name (1) | X(30) | 104 to 133 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. Specified only when the PCG is an individual. |
Primary caregiver surname (1) or primary caregiver agency name (1) | X(60) | 134 to 193 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver type (1) | X(1) | 194 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | X(15) | 195 to 209 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | Used only up until December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 18. 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Primary caregiver given name (2) | X(30) | 210 to 239 | n/a | Used only up until December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 18 Specified only when the PCG is an individual. |
Primary caregiver surname (2) or primary caregiver agency name (2) | X(60) | 240 to 299 | n/a | Used only up until December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver type (2) | X(1) | 300 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
Used only up until December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 301 to 315 | BN of the original issuer for the transaction to be corrected. | n/a |
Original issuer transaction number | X(15) | 316 to 330 | Unique identifier used on the original transaction for which the correction has been submitted. | n/a |
Correction date | X(8) | 331 to 338 | Date the correction was made for the contribution. | YYYYMMDD |
Filler | X(162) | 339 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-02 transaction validation rules
The 401-02 Correction of contribution and/or grant request transaction is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Contribution date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contribution date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Contribution date | Must match the original contribution date in the CDSP system. | 8242 |
Contribution date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Contribution amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contribution amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Contribution amount | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Grant requested | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Grant requested | Must be Y (yes) or N (no). | 8101 |
Grant requested | Grant requested may only change from N (no) to Y (yes). | 8243 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | Mandatory field until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | When present, the first 9 characters are numerals only. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | When present, the SIN or BN must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | When PCG type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver given name (1) | Mandatory if PCG (1) is present and the PCG type = 1 (individual). | 8104 |
Primary caregiver surname (1) or primary caregiver agency name (1) | Mandatory if PCG (1) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (1) | Mandatory if PCG (1) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (1) | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | Mandatory field up until December 31 of the year the beneficiary turns 18. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | When present, the first 9 characters are numerals only. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | When present, the SIN or BN must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | When PCG type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver given name (2) | Mandatory if PCG (2) is present and the PCG type = 1 (individual). | 8104 |
Primary caregiver surname (2) or primary caregiver agency name (2) | Mandatory if PCG (2) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (2) | Mandatory if PCG (2) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (2) | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
Original issuer BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | 8101 |
Original issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP database. | 8102 |
Original issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original issuer must have previously reported the transaction to the CDSP system. | 8303 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not have been in error. | 8301 |
Original issuer transaction number | A more recent correction transaction is already associated to the contribution. | 8307 |
Correction date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Correction date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Correction date | Must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Correction date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Correction date | Date must be on or after the original contribution date. | 8244 |
6.8.3 The 401-05 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - Bond payment request
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 05 - bond request | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA |
Filler | X(3) | 43 to 45 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 46 to 60 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 61 to 69 | n/a | n/a |
Bond request date | X(8) | 70 to 77 | The date on which the CDSB was requested by the holder to the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | X(15) | 78 to 92 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Primary caregiver given name (1) | X(30) | 93 to 122 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. Specified only when the PCG is an individual. |
Primary caregiver surname (1) or primary caregiver agency name (1) | X(60) | 123 to 182 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver type (1) | X(1) | 183 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | X(15) | 184 to 198 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | Used only up until December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 18. 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Primary caregiver given name (2) | X(30) | 199 to 228 | n/a | Used only up until December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver surname (2) or primary caregiver agency name (2) | X(60) | 229 to 288 | n/a | Used only up until December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver type (2) | X(1) | 289 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
Used only up until December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Filler | X(211) | 290 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-05 transaction validation rules
The 401-05 Bond payment request transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Bond request date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Bond request date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Bond request date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
Bond request date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Bond request date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Bond request date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Bond request date | Date must be on or before December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 49. | 8204 |
Bond request date | Must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | Mandatory field until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | When present, the first 9 characters are numerals only. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | When present, the SIN or BN must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Primary caregiver SIN (1) or agency BN (1) | When PCG type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver given name (1) | Mandatory if PCG (1) is present and the PCG type = 1 (individual). | 8104 |
Primary caregiver surname (1) or primary caregiver agency name (1) | Mandatory if PCG (1) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (1) | Mandatory if PCG (1) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (1) | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | Mandatory field up until December 31 the year beneficiary turns 18. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | When present, the first 9 characters are numerals only. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | When present, the SIN or BN must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Primary caregiver SIN (2) or agency BN (2) | When PCG type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver given name (2) | Mandatory if PCG (2) is present and the PCG type = 1 (individual). | 8104 |
Primary caregiver surname (2) or primary caregiver agency name (2) | Mandatory if PCG (2) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (2) | Mandatory if PCG (2) is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type (2) | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
6.8.4 The 401-06 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - Stop bond payment request
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 06 - stop bond request | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA |
Filler | X(3) | 43 to 45 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 46 to 60 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 61 to 69 | n/a | n/a |
Stop request date | X(8) | 70 to 77 | Date the stop request was made by the holder. | YYYYMMDD |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 78 to 92 | Issuer BN reported on the transaction to be stopped. | n/a |
Original issuer transaction number | X(15) | 93 to 107 | Transaction number of the transaction to be stopped. | n/a |
Filler | X(393) | 108 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-06 transaction validation rules
The 401-06 Stop bond payment request transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Stop request date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Stop request date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Stop request date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Stop request date | Must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Stop request date | Must be on or after original bond request date. | 8208 |
Original issuer BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Original issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | 8101 |
Original issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original issuer must have previously reported the transaction to the CDSP system. | 8303 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not have been in error. | 8301 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not be stopped more than once. | 8306 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must have been designated as the active request. | 8305 |
6.8.5 The 401-08 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - Retirement savings rollover
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 08 - retirement savings rollover | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Retirement savings rollover date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Retirement savings rollover amount | 9(7).99 | 75 to 84 | The amount of the retirement savings rollover. | n/a |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | X(15) | 85 to 99 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or; 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number. |
Primary caregiver given name | X(30) | 100 to 129 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. Specified only when the PCG is an individual. |
Primary caregiver surname or primary caregiver agency name | X(60) | 130 to 189 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver type | X(1) | 190 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Filler | X(310) | 191 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-08 transaction validation rules
The 401-08 Retirement savings rollover transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Issuer transaction number | Original transaction and its reversal were found in the same processing period. | 8308 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Specimen plan | Must be designated by the CRA to accept rollovers. | 8262 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Retirement savings rollover date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Retirement savings rollover date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Retirement savings rollover date | Must be on or after July 1 2011. | 8113 |
Retirement savings rollover date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Retirement savings rollover date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Retirement savings rollover date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Retirement savings rollover date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Retirement savings rollover date | Must be within the date range the specimen plan is designated by the CRA to accept rollovers. | 8263 |
Retirement savings rollover amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Retirement savings rollover amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Retirement savings rollover amount | Amount must be greater than $0. | 8106 |
Primary caregiver SIN or Agency BN | Mandatory field until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver SIN or Agency BN | When present, the first 9 characters are numerals only. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN or Agency BN | When present, the SIN or BN must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Primary caregiver SIN or Agency BN | When PCG type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver given name | Mandatory if PCG is present and the PCG type = 1 (individual). | 8104 |
Primary caregiver surname or primary caregiver agency name | Mandatory if PCG is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type | Mandatory if PCG is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
6.8.6 The 401-09 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - Retirement savings rollover reversal
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 09 - retirement savings rollover reversal | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Retirement savings rollover reversal date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 75 to 89 | Issuer BN reported on the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Original issuer transaction number | X(15) | 90 to 104 | Transaction number of the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Filler | X(396) | 105 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-09 transaction validation rules
The 401-09 Retirement savings rollover transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Retirement savings rollover reversal date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Retirement savings rollover reversal date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Retirement savings rollover reversal date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Retirement savings rollover reversal date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Retirement savings rollover reversal date | Must be on or after original rollover date. | 8300 |
Original issuer BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Original issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original issuer must have previously reported the transaction to the CDSP system. | 8303 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction and its reversal were found in the same processing period. | 8308 |
Original issuer transaction number | Error in original transaction, current transaction cannot be processed. | 8301 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not already have been reversed. | 8258 |
Original issuer transaction number | Must not be more than 1 reversal for the same transaction within the current processing period. | 8259 |
6.8.7 The 401-10 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - Repayment of grant and/or bond
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 10 - repayment | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Repayment date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Grant repayment amount | 9(7).99 | 75 to 84 | The amount of CDSG to be repaid. | n/a |
Bond repayment amount | 9(7).99 | 85 to 94 | The amount of CDSB to be repaid. | n/a |
Grant termination adjustment amount | 9(7).99 | 95 to 104 | The amount of the CDSG termination adjustment. | n/a |
Bond termination adjustment amount | 9(7).99 | 105 to 114 | The amount of the CDSB termination adjustment. | n/a |
Repayment reason | X(2) | 115 to 116 | Allowable values : 01 - DAP 02 - LDAP 03 - contract terminated 04 - contract ceases to be registered 05 - beneficiary ceases to be DTC eligible 06 - death of beneficiary 07 - non entitlement (as per legislation) 08 - bond payment rectification |
Reason closest to original event. |
Filler | X(384) | 117 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-10 transaction validation rules
The 401-10 Repayment transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Issuer transaction number | Sum of all amounts reported must be between 0.01 and 9,999,999.99. | 8110 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Repayment date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Repayment date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Repayment date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
Repayment date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Repayment date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Repayment date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Repayment date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Grant repayment amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Grant repayment amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Grant repayment amount | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Grant repayment amount | Amount is greater than $0, grant must have been paid. | 8111 |
Bond repayment amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Bond repayment amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Bond repayment amount | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Bond repayment amount | Amount is greater than $0, bond must have been paid. | 8112 |
Grant termination adjustment amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Grant termination adjustment amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Grant termination adjustment amount | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Grant termination adjustment amount | Amount is greater than $0, grant must have been paid. | 8111 |
Bond termination adjustment amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Bond termination adjustment amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Bond termination adjustment amount | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Bond termination adjustment amount | Amount is greater than $0, bond must have been paid. | 8112 |
Repayment reason | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Repayment reason | Must be a valid repayment reason. | 8101 |
6.8.8 The 401-11 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - Reverse repayment of grant and/or bond
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 11 - repayment reversal | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Repayment reversal date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Original issuer BN | (15) | 75 to 89 | Issuer BN reported on the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Original issuer transaction number | X(15) | 90 to 104 | Transaction number of the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Reverse repayment reason | X(2) | 105 to 106 | Allowable values: 01 - DAP/LDAP reversal 02 - change in payment date of DAP/LDAP 03 - assistance holdback amount calculated incorrectly 04 - administrative error - wrong plan 05 - administrative error - misunderstood instructions 06 - administrative error - input |
n/a |
Filler | X(394) | 107 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-11 transaction validation rules
The 401-11 Reverse repayment of grant and/or bond transaction is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Reverse repayment date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Reverse repayment date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Reverse repayment date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
Reverse repayment date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Reverse repayment date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Reverse repayment date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Reverse repayment date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Reverse repayment date | Date must be on or after original repayment date. | 8300 |
Original issuer BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Original issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original issuer must have previously reported the transaction to the CDSP system. | 8303 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not have been in error. | 8301 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not already have been reversed. | 8258 |
Original issuer transaction number | Must not be more than 1 reversal for the same transaction within the current processing period. | 8259 |
Reverse repayment reason | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Reverse repayment reason | Must be a valid reverse repayment reason. | 8101 |
6.8.9 The 401-20 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - DAP
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 20 - DAP | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
DAP date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Contribution portion of the non-taxable formula | 9(7).99 | 75 to 84 | Amount by which prior contributions exceed the non-taxable portions of prior DAPs and LDAPs. Refer to Appendix D. | Variable B of the non-taxable formula in subsection 146.4(7) of the Income Tax Act. |
Grant portion of the DAP | 9(7).99 | 85 to 94 | Amount of CDSG included in the DAP. Refer to Appendix D. | CDSG will not be included in DAP transactions before 2019. |
Bond portion of the DAP | 9(7).99 | 95 to 104 | Amount of CDSB included in the DAP. Refer to Appendix D. | CDSB will not be included in DAP transactions before 2019. |
Non taxable portion of the DAP | 9(7).99 | 105 to 114 | The proportion that total contributions is to the total value of the plan's assets. Refer to Appendix D. | Result of the non-taxable formula in subsection 146.4(7) of the Income Tax Act. |
Total DAP amount | 9(7).99 | 115 to 124 | The total DAP amount. | n/a |
DAP retirement savings rollover amount | 9(7).99 | 125 to 134 | Discontinued | n/a |
Filler | X(366) | 135 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-20 transaction validation rules
The 401-20 DAP transaction is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
DAP date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
DAP date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
DAP date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
DAP date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
DAP date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
DAP date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
DAP date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Contribution portion of the non-taxable formula | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contribution portion of the non-taxable formula | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Contribution portion of the non-taxable formula | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Grant portion of the DAP | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Grant portion of the DAP | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Grant portion of the DAP | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Bond portion of the DAP | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Bond portion of the DAP | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Bond portion of the DAP | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Non taxable portion of the DAP | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Non taxable portion of the DAP | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Non taxable portion of the DAP | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Total DAP amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Total DAP amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Total DAP amount | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
DAP retirement savings rollover amount | Discontinued | n/a |
6.8.10 The 401-21 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - LDAP
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 21 - LDAP | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
LDAP date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Contribution portion of the non-taxable formula | 9(7).99 | 75 to 84 | Amount by which prior contributions exceed the non-taxable portions of prior DAPs and LDAPs. Refer to Appendix D. | Variable B of the non-taxable formula in subsection 146.4(7) of the Income Tax Act. |
Grant portion of the LDAP | 9(7).99 | 85 to 94 | Amount of CDSG included in the LDAP. Refer to Appendix D. | CDSG not included in DAP transactions before 2019. |
Bond portion of the LDAP | 9(7).99 | 95 to 104 | Amount of CDSB included in the LDAP. Refer to Appendix D. | CDSB not included in DAP transactions before 2019. |
Non taxable portion of the LDAP | 9(7).99 | 105 to 114 | The proportion that total contributions is to the total value of the plan's assets. Refer to Appendix D. | Result of the non-taxable formula in subsection 146.4(7) of the Income Tax Act. |
Total LDAP amount | 9(7).99 | 115 to 124 | The total LDAP amount. | n/a |
LDAP retirement savings rollover amount | 9(7).99 | 125 to 134 | Discontinued | n/a |
Filler | X(366) | 135 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-21 transaction validation rules
The 401-21 LDAP transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
LDAP date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
LDAP date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
LDAP date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
LDAP date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
LDAP date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
LDAP date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
LDAP date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Contribution portion of the non-taxable formula | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contribution portion of the non-taxable formula | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Contribution portion of the non-taxable formula | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Grant portion of the LDAP | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Grant portion of the LDAP | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Grant portion of the LDAP | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Bond portion of the LDAP | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Bond portion of the LDAP | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Bond portion of the LDAP | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Non taxable portion of the LDAP | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Non taxable portion of the LDAP | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Non taxable portion of the LDAP | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Total LDAP amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Total LDAP amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Total LDAP amount | Amount must be greater than or equal to $1. | 8109 |
LDAP retirement savings rollover amount | Discontinued | n/a |
6.8.11 The 401-22 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - DAP reversal
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 22 - DAP reversal | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
DAP Reversal date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 75 to 89 | Issuer BN reported on the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Original issuer transaction number | X(15) | 90 to 104 | Transaction number of the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
DAP reversal reason | X(2) | 105 to 106 | Allowable values: 01 - change in payment date of DAP. 02 - administrative error - incorrect DAP amount. 03 - administrative error - wrong plan. 04 - administrative error - misunderstood instructions. 05 - administrative error - input error. |
n/a |
Filler | X(394) | 107 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-22 transaction validation rules
The 401-22 DAP reversal transaction is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
DAP reversal date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
DAP reversal date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
DAP reversal date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
DAP reversal date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
DAP reversal date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
DAP reversal date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
DAP reversal date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
DAP reversal date | Date must be on or after original DAP date. | 8300 |
Original issuer BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Original issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original issuer must have previously reported the transaction to the CDSP system. | 8303 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not have been in error. | 8301 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not already have been reversed. | 8258 |
Original issuer transaction number | Must not be more than 1 reversal for the same transaction within the current processing period. | 8259 |
DAP reversal reason | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
DAP reversal reason | Must be a valid DAP reversal reason. | 8101 |
6.8.12 The 401-23 transaction - Record component layout - Financial information - LDAP reversal
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 23 - LDAP reversal | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
LDAP reversal date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 75 to 89 | Issuer BN reported on the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Original issuer transaction number | X(15) | 90 to 104 | Transaction number of the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
LDAP reversal reason | X(2) | 105 to 106 | Allowable values : 01 - change in payment date of LDAP. 02 - administrative error - incorrect LDAP amount. 03 - administrative error - wrong plan. 04 - administrative error - misunderstood instructions. 05 - administrative error - input error. |
n/a |
Filler | X(394) | 107 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-23 transaction validation rules
The 401-23 LDAP reversal transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
LDAP reversal date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
LDAP reversal date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
LDAP reversal date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
LDAP reversal date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
LDAP reversal date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
LDAP reversal date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
LDAP reversal date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
LDAP reversal date | Date must be on or after Original LDAP Date. | 8300 |
Original issuer BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Original issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original issuer must have previously reported the transaction to the CDSP system. | 8303 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not have been in error. | 8301 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not already have been reversed. | 8258 |
Original issuer transaction number | Must not be more than 1 reversal for the same transaction within the current processing period. | 8259 |
LDAP reversal reason | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
LDAP reversal reason | Must be a valid reverse LDAP reason. | 8101 |
6.8.13 The 401-30 transaction - Record component layout – Financial information – Education savings rollover
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 30 - education savings rollover | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Education savings rollover date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Education savings rollover amount | 9(7).99 | 75 to 84 | The amount of the education savings rollover. | n/a |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | X(15) | 85 to 99 | Used to determine DTC eligibility, Canadian residency and family income. | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. 9 digits when specifying a SIN of an individual, or 15 characters when specifying an agency's BN; 9 digits + X(2) + 4 digit reference number |
Primary caregiver given name | X(30) | 100 to 129 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. Specified only when the PCG is an individual. |
Primary caregiver surname or primary caregiver agency name | X(60) | 130 to 189 | n/a | Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Primary caregiver type | X(1) | 190 | 1 - individual (SIN) 2 - agency (BN) |
Specified only until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. |
Filler | X(310) | 191 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-30 transaction validation rules
The 401-30 Education savings rollover transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Issuer transaction number | Original transaction and its reversal were found in the same processing period. | 8308 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Specimen plan | Must be designated by the CRA to accept rollovers. | 8262 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Education savings rollover date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Education savings rollover date | Valid date. | 8100 |
Education savings rollover date | Must be on or after January 1 2014. | 8312 |
Education savings rollover date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Education savings rollover date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Education savings rollover date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Education savings rollover date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
Education savings rollover date | Must be within the date range the specimen plan is designated by CRA to accept rollovers. | 8263 |
Education savings rollover amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Education savings rollover amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Education savings rollover amount | Amount must be greater than $0. | 8106 |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | Mandatory field until the end of the month in which the beneficiary turns 18. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | When present, the first 9 characters are numerals only. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | When present, the SIN or BN must be numerically valid. | 8250 |
Primary caregiver SIN or agency BN | When PCG type = 2 (agency), must be 15 characters in length. | 8101 |
Primary caregiver given name | Mandatory if PCG is present and the PCG type = 1 (individual). | 8104 |
Primary caregiver surname or primary caregiver agency name | Mandatory if PCG is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type | Mandatory if PCG is present. | 8104 |
Primary caregiver type | Must be 1 or 2. | 8101 |
6.8.14 The 401-31 transaction - Record component layout – Financial information – Education savings rollover reversal
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 401 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 31 - education savings rollover reversal | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Education savings rollover date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the financial business was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 75 to 89 | Issuer BN reported on the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Original issuer transaction number | X(15) | 90 to 104 | Transaction number of the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Filler | X(396) | 105 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 401-31 transaction validation rules
The 401-31 Education savings rollover reversal transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Education savings rollover reversal date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Education savings rollover reversal date | Valid date. | 8100 |
Education savings rollover reversal date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Education savings rollover reversal date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Education savings rollover reversal date | Must be on or after original rollover date | 8300 |
Original issuer BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Original issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original issuer must have previously reported the transaction to the CDSP system. | 8303 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction and its reversal were found in the same processing period. | 8308 |
Original issuer transaction number | Error in original transaction, current transaction cannot be processed. | 8301 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not already have been reversed. | 8258 |
Original issuer transaction number | Must not be more than 1 reversal for the same transaction within the current processing period. | 8259 |
6.9 Record type 501 - Elections
Record type 501 is used by the issuer to report election information. There are 2 election types reported: 03 SDSP election and 04 SDSP election reversal.
Purpose: These transactions are reported in order to establish a record of SDSP elections in the CDSP system or to remove previously reported elections.
Requirements: Record type 501 must refer to the contract number and beneficiary named on the election. Once an election is established, grant and bond requests must no longer be forwarded to the CDSP system and no new CDSG and CDSB will be paid into the plan for the duration of the election.
6.9.1 The 501-03 transaction - Record component layout – SDSP election
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 501 - election | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 03 - SDSP election | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
SDSP election transaction date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the transaction was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Filler | X(426) | 75 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 501-03 transaction validation rules
The 501-03 SDSP election transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Issuer transaction number | Original transaction and its reversals were found in the same processing period. | 8308 |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
SDSP election transaction date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
SDSP election transaction date | Valid date. | 8100 |
SDSP election transaction date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
SDSP election transaction date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
SDSP election transaction date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
SDSP election transaction date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
6.9.2 The 501-04 transaction - Record component layout – SDSP election reversal
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 501 - election | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 04 - SDSP election reversal | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | n/a | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
SDSP election reversal transaction date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | The date on which the transaction was conducted with the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 75 to 89 | Issuer BN reported on the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Original issuer transaction number | X(15) | 90 to 104 | Transaction number of the transaction to be reversed. | n/a |
Filler | X(396) | 105 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 501-04 transaction validation rules
The 501-04 SDSP election reversal transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | The issuer BN must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8235 |
Contract | Must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must not be nullified. | 8255 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
SDSP election transaction date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
SDSP election transaction date | Valid date. | 8100 |
SDSP election transaction date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
SDSP election transaction date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
SDSP election transaction date | Must be on or after original SDSP election transaction date. | 8300 |
Original issuer BN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system | 8102 |
Original issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original issuer must have previously reported the transaction to the CDSP system. | 8303 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not have been in error. | 8301 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction must not already have been reversed. | 8258 |
Original issuer transaction number | Must not be more than 1 reversal for the same transaction within the current processing period. | 8259 |
Original issuer transaction number | Original transaction and its reversal were found in the same processing period. | 8308 |
6.10 Record type 701 - Reporting transactions
Record type 701 is used by the issuer to meet the reporting requirements of the CDSP. There are 2 types of reporting transactions; 01 - Monthly Reporting of FMV, and 02 - Reporting of FMV and earnings when the relinquishing issuer is transferring a contract.
Purpose: Issuers use these record types to report all required RDSP financial activity that has occurred on a registered contract.
Requirements: The record type 701 will refer to the contract number of the contract and the date on which the reporting transaction occurs at the issuer.
6.10.1 The 701-01 transaction - Record component layout - Reporting information- Monthly reporting of FMV
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 701 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 01 - monthly reporting of FMV | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | Issuer's contract number. | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Reporting date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | Date on which the financial data was reported by the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
FMV amount | 9(7).99 | 75 to 84 | Fair market value of contract. | n/a |
Filler | X(416) | 85 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 701-01 transaction validation rules
The 701-01 Monthly reporting transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must be registered. | 8241 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Reporting date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Reporting date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Reporting date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
Reporting date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Reporting date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Reporting date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Reporting date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
FMV amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
FMV amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
FMV amount | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
6.10.2 The 701-02 transaction - Record component layout - Transfer reporting of FMV and earnings amounts
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 701 - financial transaction | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 02 - transfer reporting of FMV and earnings | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer. | n/a |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 21 to 35 | Unique identifier assigned to each transaction by the issuer. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 36 to 42 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract | X(15) | 43 to 57 | Issuer's contract number. | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 58 to 66 | n/a | n/a |
Reporting date | X(8) | 67 to 74 | Date on which the financial data was reported by the issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
FMV amount | 9(7).99 | 75 to 84 | Fair market value of contract. | n/a |
Earnings | 9(7).99 | 85 to 94 | Amount of interest earned. | n/a |
Filler | X(406) | 95 to 500 | Spaces | n/a | The 701-02 transaction validation rules
The 701-02 Transfer reporting transaction is validated, and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | Mandatory field. | Severe error (2) |
Transaction type | The transaction type must be valid for the record type. | Severe error (2) |
Issuer BN | Mandatory field. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must be 15 characters. | Severe error (4) |
Issuer BN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Issuer transaction number | Mandatory field. | Severe error (3) |
Issuer transaction number | The issuer transaction number must be unique for each issuer. | Severe error (1) |
Specimen plan | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer. | 8222 |
Specimen plan | Agent must be authorized to send data for the specimen plan. | 8221 |
Specimen plan | Specimen plan must be valid. | 8220 |
Contract | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the specimen plan. | 8256 |
Contract | Contract must be associated to the beneficiary. | 8236 |
Contract | Contract must have a status of registered or closed. | 8260 |
Beneficiary SIN | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Beneficiary SIN | Numerals (9) only. | 8101 |
Beneficiary SIN | Must exist in the CDSP system. | 8102 |
Reporting date | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Reporting date | Must be a valid date. | 8100 |
Reporting date | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008. | 8200 |
Reporting date | Date must be within the dates the issuer is eligible. | 8207 |
Reporting date | Date must be on or before the current reporting period end date. | 8201 |
Reporting date | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth. | 8203 |
Reporting date | Date must be on or after contract signature date. | 8206 |
FMV amount | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
FMV amount | Numerals only. | 8101 |
FMV amount | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
Earnings | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Earnings | Numerals only. | 8101 |
Earnings | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0. | 8108 |
7.0 Error file
In this section
Error files advise the authorized agent that an error is present in a transaction or that a record or file is rejected and must be corrected and resubmitted. If an error is detected, either a record type 801 (error) or a record type 851 (severe error) is created and added to the error file.
The error file consists of:
- a header record - type 001
- a series of error records - types 801 and 851
- a trailer record - type 999
Purpose: To report back to the issuer all transactions containing errors identified during processing, which allows the originators to correct and resubmit. Transaction errors are reported in files referencing the issuer transaction number, along with the name of the field in error. The error file is only sent by the CDSP system to authorized agents. The file is always sent back to an authorized agent whether or not there are errors.
The file lists the following types of error:
- data format errors
- business rule errors
- severe errors
Requirements: The report is based on all CDSP system transaction records processed during any given production period.
7.1 Record type 801 - Errors
Error records advise the authorized agent that an error is present in a transaction, that the record submitted is rejected and must be corrected and resubmitted.
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 801 - error | n/a |
Issuer's transaction date | X(8) | 4 to 11 | Date of transaction as reported by issuer. | YYYYMMDD |
Issuer transaction number | X(15) | 12 to 26 | Present when transaction error, not for file error. | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 27 to 41 | Present when transaction error, not for file error. | n/a |
Field name | X(30) | 42 to 71 | Field name where error occurred. | n/a |
Error code | X(4) | 72 to 75 | Refer to Appendix A, Transaction error codes. | n/a |
SIN issue | X(1) | 76 | Blank if not numerically valid. Flag indicating results of SIR Validation: 0 - failed SIR validation 1 - passed SIR validation |
8105 errors on beneficiary and holder transactions. |
Given name issue | X(1) | 77 | Blank if not numerically valid. Flag indicating results of SIR Validation: 0 - failed SIR validation 1 - passed SIR validation |
8105 errors on beneficiary and holder transactions. |
Surname issue | X(1) | 78 | Blank if not numerically valid. Flag indicating results of SIR Validation: 0 - failed SIR validation 1 - passed SIR validation |
8105 errors on beneficiary and holder transactions. |
Birth date issue | X(1) | 79 | Blank if not numerically valid. Flag indicating results of SIR Validation: 0 - failed SIR validation 1 - exact match 2 - failed - exact year and month matched 3 - failed - exact year and day matched |
8105 errors on beneficiary and holder transactions. |
Gender issue | X(1) | 80 | Blank if not numerically valid. Flag indicating results of SIR Validation: 0 - failed SIR validation 1 - passed SIR validation |
8105 errors on beneficiary and holder transactions. |
Filler | X(420) | 81 to 500 | n/a | n/a |
7.1.1 Record type 801 validation rules
Because record type 801 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable.
7.2 Record type 851 - Severe error
Severe error records advise the authorized agent that a severe error is present in a transaction, that the record submitted is rejected and must be corrected and resubmitted.
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 851 - severe error. | n/a |
Severe error code | X(1) | 4 | Refer to Appendix A Severe error codes. | n/a |
Transaction data | X(496) | 5 to 500 | Original record as received by the CDSP system. | n/a |
7.2.1 Record type 851 validation rules
Record type 851 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable.
8.0 Transaction processing file
In this section
Each transaction processed successfully by the CDSP system is acknowledged by a record type 901.
The transaction processing file consists of:
- a header record - type 001
- 1 or more sub-header records - type 002
- 1 or more file processed records - type 003
- a series of transaction processing records - type 901
- a trailer record - type 999
Purpose: To create a list of transaction details for each authorized agent.
Requirements: None.
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 901 - financial/non-financial transaction. | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 4 to 18 | BN of the current issuer of the specimen plan. | n/a |
Transaction number | X(15) | 19 to 33 | As reported by the issuer or as assigned by CDSP system when transaction is initiated by the CDSP system. | n/a |
Grant amount | 9(9).99 | 34 to 45 | Gives the amount by which the CSDG balance changed due to successful processing of a financial transaction. | 0 filled for no CDSG change or non-financial transaction. |
Bond amount | 9(9).99 | 46 to 57 | Gives the amount by which the CDSB balance changed due to successful processing of a financial transaction. | 0 filled for no CDSB change or non-financial transaction. |
Date of payment | X(8) | 58 to 65 | Date the CDSP system paid the CDSG or CDSB. | Date that is to be used to determine AHA. |
Refusal reason or retirement savings, education savings rollover issue | X(2) | 66 to 67 | Indicates a retirement savings or education savings rollover issue or why full CDSG or CDSB not paid. Consult Appendix A. | Blank if not a full contribution, bond request or RDSP rollover. |
Transaction origin | X(2) | 68 to 69 | Indicates origin of transaction: 01 - issuer initiated 02 - re-adjudication due to contribution correction 03 - CDSP system initiated 04 - re-adjudication due to CRA-BPD reassessment 05 - annual bond submission 06 - inactive bond request 07 - re-adjudication due to CRA-RPD update 08 - re-adjudication due to contract closure - transfer completed 09 - re-adjudication due to contract registration 10 - reversal due to failure of contract registration - contract nullified 11 - reversal due to CRA-BPD reassessment - contract nullified 12 - reversal due to CRA-RPD update - contract nullified 13 - re-adjudication due to rollover reversal 14 - re-adjudication due to new consent 16 - re-adjudication due to episodic DTC election (Discontinued) |
See Note at end of table. |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 70 to 84 | Issuer BN under which the issuer transaction number was reported. | n/a |
Payment requisitioned | X(1) | 85 | Indicates whether payment amount is affected. Y - yes N - no |
n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 86 to 92 | n/a | n/a |
Filler | X(3) | 93 to 95 | Spaces | n/a |
Contract number | X(15) | 96 to 110 | n/a | n/a |
CDSP system date | X(8) | 111 to 118 | Date on which the CDSP system initiated a transaction or notification. | Blank if transaction origin <> 03 or 05. |
CDSP system SIN | X(9) | 119 to 127 | CDSP system beneficiary SIN. | Blank if transaction origin <> 03. |
Note: Occasions may arise where the CDSP system will create a transaction for processing and report the results back to an issuer. In the event that it does happen, the CDSP system will indicate the type of transaction in the transaction origin field as " CDSP system initiated".
8.1 Record type 901 validation rules
Record type 901 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable.
9.0 SIN usability file
In this section
As part of ongoing efforts to ensure integrity, the beneficiary and holder SIN information will be verified monthly with the SIR. As a result of this monthly SIN validation, certain beneficiary and holder SINs will be identified (flagged) by SIR as "SIN is not useable". As well, a beneficiary or holder SIN may have a status of ‘SIN is useable'. This is a result of SIR re-activating (un-flagging) a beneficiary or holder SIN.
In order to help issuers identify the usability of beneficiary and holder SINs, the CDSP system will be sending out a new file to issuers called the SIN usability file (SUR) each month. This file will contain a new record type called the RT 921 -SIN usability record consisting of:
- a header record - type 001
- a series of SIN usability records - type 921
- a trailer record - type 999
Purpose: The record type 921 reports SIN usability issues to the authorized agent.
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 921 - SIN usability | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 4 to 18 | BN of the current issuer of the specimen plan/contract associated to the SIN | n/a |
Transaction date | X(8) | 19 to 26 | Date the record was written to this file. | YYYYMMDD |
SIN | X(9) | 27 to 35 | Beneficiary or holder SIN | n/a |
SIN issue | X(1) | 36 | 1 - SIN is not usable 2 - SIN is usable 3 - Linked SIN |
n/a |
9.1 Record type 921 validation rules
Because record type 921 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable.
10.0 Contract status file
In this section
The contract status file reports contract status information, as well as SDSP elections. Record type 951 reports contracts for which a request to register or transfer has been submitted in the current reporting period. The same record type is also used to report status updates occurring in relation to contract registration requests submitted in earlier periods. Record type 953 reports SDSP elections established in the current period or updated from earlier periods.
The contract status file consists of:
- a header record – type 001
- a series of contract status report records - type 951
- SDSP Election records – type 953
- a trailer record – type 999
Purpose: To inform the authorized agent of the status of contracts resulting from registration requests submitted in the period, transfers between contracts or updates to such information as DTC eligibility, residency and consent. The intent is, furthermore, to inform of the recording in the CDSP system of new or updated SDSP elections.
Requirements: None.
10.1 Record type 951 – Contract status
This record type is used to report contract status information to the authorized agent.
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 951 - contract status | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 4 to 18 | BN of issuer | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 19 to 25 | n/a | Assigned by the CRA |
Filler | X(3) | 26 to 28 | n/a | n/a |
Contract | X(15) | 29 to 43 | n/a | n/a |
Current contract status | X(2) | 44 to 45 | 01 - pending 02 - registration confirmed 03 - de-registered 04 - nullified 05 - closed 99 - rejected |
n/a |
Contract information passes transaction validation | X(1) | 46 | Y = yes N = no |
n/a |
Contract information passes 60 day rule | X(1) | 47 | Discontinued | n/a |
Contract information contains minimum information requirements | X(1) | 48 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Beneficiary SIN passes identity validation at SIR | X(1) | 49 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Holder(s) SIN passes identity validation at SIR | X(1) | 50 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Current contract is waiting for a transfer to occur | X(1) | 51 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Beneficiary passes residency validation at contract signature date | X(1) | 52 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Beneficiary passes DTC eligibility validation at contract signature date | X(1) | 53 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Beneficiary SIN is usable at contract signature date | X(1) | 54 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Holder(s) SIN is usable at contract signature date | X(1) | 55 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Remaining balance on contract | X(1) | 56 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
Reported on closed contracts. |
Current reason for change of contract status | X(2) | 57 to 58 | 01 - unresolved transfer 02 - more than 365 days from contract signature date 03 - DTC is no 04 - DTC is yes 05 - Residency is no 06 - Residency is yes 07 - residency reinstated 08 - ITA violation 09 - ESDC request 10 - contract closure request 11 - contract registration request |
n/a |
Current transfer status | X(1) | 59 | Blank - no transfer action 1 - awaiting transfer 2 - transfer cancelled 3 - transfer resolved |
n/a |
Current residency eligibility of beneficiary | X(1) | 60 | Y = yes N = no U = undetermined Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Current DTC eligibility of beneficiary | X(1) | 61 | Y = yes N = no U = undetermined Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Current beneficiary SIN usability | X(1) | 62 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Current holder(s) SIN usability | X(1) | 63 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
n/a |
Contract registration - retirement savings rollover compliant | X(1) | 64 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
Applicable only in a transfer situation. |
Contract registration - education savings rollover compliant | X(1) | 65 | Y = yes N = no Blank = not evaluated |
Applicable only in a transfer situation. |
Note: Contract registration information will not be reported in the record type 951 - contract status file under the following circumstances:
- the contract component (RT101-01) is missing
- the contract ID and/or specimen plan ID are omitted from the contract component (RT101-01)
10.1.1 Record type 951 validation rules
Record type 951 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable.
10.2 Record type 953 – SDSP election
Record type 953 informs the authorized agent of new or updated SDSP elections recorded in the CDSP system.
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 953 - SDSP election | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 4 to 18 | BN of issuer | n/a |
Transaction number | X(15) | 19 to 33 | Issuer transaction number as reported. | n/a |
Transaction origin | X(2) | 34 to 35 | Indicates origin of transaction. 01 - issuer initiated 03 - CDSP system initiated 12 - reversal due to CRA-RPD update - contract nullified |
n/a |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 36 to 50 | Issuer BN under which the transaction was reported. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 51 to 57 | Specimen plan approval number as reported. | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract number | X(15) | 58 to 72 | Contract number as reported. | n/a |
Election period start date | X(8) | 73 to 80 | The date the SDSP election transaction was received by the CDSP system. | YYYYMMDD blank, when a reversal. |
Election period end date | X(8) | 81 to 88 | The date on which the SDSP election period expires. | YYYYMMDD blank |
Filler | X(412) | 89 to 500 | n/a | n/a |
Note: 953 SDSP election records will be reported under the following circumstances:
- an SDSP election (501-03) or an SDSP election reversal transaction (501-04) has been processed successfully
- an SDSP election is removed due to a contract nullification procedure initiated by CRA-RPD
10.2.1 Record type 953 validation rules
Since record type 953 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable.
11.0 Transfer extract file
In this section
- 11.1 Record type 971 Record component layout – Data elements common to all transfer information extract transaction types
- 11.2 Record type 971-01 Record component layout – Transfer information extract data elements specific to contribution / Contribution correction transactions
- 11.3 Record type 971-02 Record component layout – Transfer information extract data elements specific to bond request transaction
- 11.4 Record type 971-03 Record component layout – Transfer information extract data elements specific to rollover/rollover reversal transactions
- 11.5 Record type 971-04 Record component layout – Transfer information extract data elements specific to repayment/ repayment reversal transactions
- 11.6 Record types 971-05 DAP and 971-06 LDAP Record Component Layouts–Transfer information extract data elements specific to LDAP/DAP reversals and LDAP/LDAP reversals
- 11.7 Record types 971-07 Record component layout – Transfer extract file data elements specific to education savings Rollover/Rollover reversal transactions
- 11.8 Record type 971 validation rules
Further to the termination and transfer of a contract on the part of a relinquishing issuer and the registration of a new contract under a receiving issuer, the transfer extract file reports to the receiving issuer all successfully processed financial transactions. These include transactions that have been reported to the CDSP system for the contract of the relinquishing issuer, as well as those reported for earlier contracts also transferred for the same beneficiary.
The transfer information extract file consists of:
- RT001 - header record
- the971-01 transaction - contribution/contribution correction information
- the971-02 transaction - bond request information
- the971-03 transaction - retirement savings rollover/retirement savings rollover reversal information
- the971-04 transaction - grant/bond repayment - grant/bond repayment reversal information
- the971-05 transaction - DAP/DAP reversal information
- the971-06 transaction - LDAP/LDAP reversal information
- the971-07 transaction - education savings rollover/education savings rollover reversal information
- RT 999 – trailer record
Note: The ITS documents the data elements common to all components of the transfer information extract file in the 971 record component layout followed by the 971-01 through 971-07 record component layouts specific to each transaction. The only exceptions in the 971 common elements table are the "original issuer BN" and "original issuer transaction number" fields which are excluded in the 971-02 Bond request transaction.
Purpose: Provide to the receiving issuer all information in ESDC's possession for administrative purposes.
Requirements: None.
11.1 Record type 971 - Record component layout – Data elements common to all transfer extract file transaction types
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 971 | n/a |
Transaction type | X(2) | 4 to 5 | 01 through 07 | Refer to section 11 introduction above. |
Receiving issuer BN | X(15) | 6 to 20 | BN of issuer receiving file. | n/a |
Receiving issuer specimen plan number | X(7) | 21 to 27 | Current specimen plan number of the receiving contract. | n/a |
Receiving issuer contract | X(15) | 28 to 42 | Contract number of the receiving issuer. | n/a |
Reporting issuer BN | X(15) | 43 to 57 | Business number of the reporting issuer. | Issuer originally reported to CDSP system. |
Reporting issuer transaction number | X(15) | 58 to 72 | Transaction number of the reporting issuer or as assigned by CDSP system when manual intervention is required. | Transaction number originally reported to CDSP system. |
Reporting issuer specimen plan | X(7) | 73 to 79 | Specimen plan number of the reporting issuer. | Specimen plan originally reported to CDSP system. |
Reporting issuer contract | X(15) | 80 to 94 | Contract number of the reporting issuer. | Contract number originally reported to CDSP system. |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 95 to 103 | Beneficiary SIN. | n/a |
Reporting issuer event date | X(8) | 104 to 111 | Date reported by the reporting issuer. | Event date originally reported to CDSP system. |
Transaction origin | X(2) | 112 to 113 | Indicates origin of transaction. | Refer to record type 901. |
Original issuer BN | X(15) | 114 to 128 | Business number of issuer originally reporting reversal/correction transaction. | Field excluded in 971-02 Bond request transaction. |
Original issuer transaction number | X(15) | 129 to 143 | Transaction number originally reported in reversal/correction transaction. | Field excluded in 971-02 Bond request transaction. |
11.2 The 971-01 transaction - Record component layout – Transfer extract file data elements specific to contribution/contribution correction transactions
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Contribution amount | 9(9).99 or -9(8).99 | 144 to 155 | Amount of the contribution reported by the issuer or as assigned by the CDSP system when manual intervention is required. | Negative amount when transaction is a correction. |
Grant requested | X(1) | 156 | Indicates if CDSG has been requested as reported by the issuer. | Y = yes N = no |
Grant amount | 9(9).99 or -9(8).99 | 157 to 168 | Amount of CDSG calculated by the CDSP system. | Negative amount when transaction is a correction. |
Refusal reason | X(2) | 169 to 170 | Reported by the CDSP system when no CDSG or partial CDSG is paid. | Refer to Appendix A. |
Payment date | X(8) | 171 to 178 | Date CDSG payment is first processed in the CDSP system. | YYYYMMDD relevant for AHA calculation. |
Payment requisitioned | X(1) | 179 | Indicates whether payment amount is affected as reported by the CDSP system. | Y = yes blank if no |
11.3 The 971-02 transaction - Record component layout – Transfer extract file data elements specific to bond request transaction
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Bond amount | 9(9).99 | 114 to 125 | Amount of CDSB calculated by the CDSP system. | n/a |
Refusal reason | X(2) | 126 to 127 | Reported by the CDSP system when no CDSB or partial CDSB is paid. | Refer to Appendix A. |
Payment date | X(8) | 128 to 135 | Date CDSB payment is first processed in the CDSP system. | YYYYMMDD Relevant for AHA calculation. |
Payment requisitioned | X(1) | 136 | Payment amount indicator reported to the issuer. | Y = yes Blank if no |
11.4 The 971-03 transaction - Record component layout – Transfer extract file data elements specific to retirement savings rollover/rollover reversal transactions
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Rollover amount | 9(9).99 or -9(8).99 | 144 to 155 | Amount of the rollover reported by the issuer or as assigned by the CDSP system when manual intervention is required. | Negative amount when transaction is a reversal. |
Rollover issue | X(2) | 156 to 157 | Reported by the CDSP system when an issue occurs with a rollover. | Refer to Appendix A. |
11.5 The 971-04 transaction - Record component layout – Transfer extract file data elements specific to repayment/repayment reversal transactions
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Grant repayment amount | 9(9).99 or -9(8).99 | 144 to 155 | Amount of CDSG repayment reported by the issuer or as assigned by the CDSP system when manual intervention is required. | Negative amount when transaction is a reversal. |
Bond repayment amount | 9(9).99 or -9(8).99 | 156 to 167 | Amount of CDSB repayment reported by the issuer or as assigned by the CDSP system when manual intervention is required. | Negative amount when transaction is a reversal. |
Repayment reason or repayment reversal reason | X(2) | 168 to 169 | Reported by the issuer when a repayment or repayment reversal is completed. | Refer to RT401-10/11 for repayment reasons/repayment reversal reasons |
Payment requisitioned | X(1) | 170 | Payment amount indicator reported to the issuer. | Y = yes Blank if no |
11.6 The 971-05 DAP and 971-06 LDAP transactions - Record component layouts – Transfer extract file data elements specific to DAP/DAP reversals and LDAP/LDAP reversals
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Contribution portion of non-taxable formula | 9(9).99or -9(8).99 | 144 to 155 | Contribution amount reported by the issuer in a DAP/LDAP calculated using Variable B of the non-taxable formula. Refer to Appendix D - DAP/LDAP formulas. | Negative amount when transaction is a reversal. |
Grant portion of the DAP/LDAP | 9(9).99 or -9(8).99 | 156 to 167 | Amount of CDSG reported by the issuer in the DAP/LDAP. Refer to Appendix D - DAP/LDAP formulas. | Negative amount when transaction is a reversal. |
Bond portion of the DAP/LDAP | 9(9).99 or -9(8).99 | 168 to 179 | Amount of CDSG reported by the issuer in the DAP/LDAP. Refer to Appendix D - DAP/LDAP formulas. | Negative amount when transaction is a reversal. |
Non-taxable portion of the DAP/LDAP | 9(9).99 or -9(8).99 | 180 to 191 | Non-taxable amount reported by the issuer in the DAP/LDAP. Refer to Appendix D - DAP/LDAP formulas. | Negative amount when transaction is a reversal. |
Total DAP/LDAP amount | 9(9)99 or -9(8).99 | 192 to 203 | Total amount of the DAP/LDAP reported by the issuer. | Negative amount when transaction is a reversal. |
DAP/LDAP reversal reason | X(2) | 204 to 205 | Reason for a DAP reversal / LDAP reversal as reported by the issuer. | Refer to DAP reversals/LDAP reversals. |
11.7 The 971-07 transaction - Record component layout – Transfer extract file data elements specific to education savings rollover/rollover reversal transactions
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Rollover amount | 9(9).99or -9(8).99 | 144 to 155 | Amount of the rollover reported by issuer or as assigned by the CDSP system when manual intervention is required. | Negative amount when transaction is a reversal. |
Rollover issue | X(2) | 156 to 167 | Reported by CDSP system when an issue occurs with a rollover. | Refer to Appendix A. |
11.8 Record type 971 validation rules
Record type 971 is generated by the CDSP system, validation rules are not applicable.
12.0 Beneficiary DTC eligibility file
In this section
Commencing in February 2015, the CDSP system will extract and send to the authorized agents, via the record type 981 – Beneficiary DTC eligibility file (.dtc), all updated beneficiary DTC eligibility information for contracts with a status of pending (having passed SIR validation) or registered as provided by the CRA. The record type 981 provides a monthly update to a change of status for all beneficiary DTC eligibility profiles beginning from the year of the contract signature date to the year the file is produced.
The beneficiary DTC eligibility file will consist of the following:
- a header record – type 001
- a series of yearly beneficiaries DTC eligibility records - record type 981
- a trailer record – type 999
Purpose: To provide the authorized agent with the beneficiary DTC profile to assist in the administration of the AHA calculations and repayments, as well as enabling the provision of guidance to beneficiaries and holders pertaining to their RDSP. The authorized agents may also use the DTC file as a reference in the processing of contract registration, CDSG and/or CDSB requests and rollovers.
Requirements: None.
12.1 Record type 981 - Record component layout – Data elements
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 981- beneficiary DTC eligibility | n/a |
Issuer BN | X(15) | 4 to 18 | BN of the current issuer of the specimen plan/contract associated to the beneficiary. | n/a |
Specimen plan | X(7) | 19 to 25 | Specimen plan approval number as reported. | Assigned by the CRA. |
Contract number | X(15) | 26 to 40 | Contract number as reported. | n/a |
Beneficiary SIN | X(9) | 41 to 49 | Beneficiary social insurance number. | n/a |
Beneficiary DTC eligibility year | X(4) | 50 to 53 | Year of beneficiary's DTC eligibility. | Format: YYYY |
Beneficiary DTC eligibility status | X(1) | 54 | Beneficiary's DTC eligibility for the specified year. | U = undetermined Y = yes N = no |
Beneficiary DTC undetermined reason | X(1) | 55 | 1 - No beneficiary match at the CRA. 2 -DTC application in progress or under appeal. 3 - No DTC application received at the CRA. |
Includes any changes in undetermined reason for a beneficiary already U = undetermined. Blank if DTC eligibility is N or Y. |
Filler | X(445) | 56 to 500 | n/a | n/a |
13.0 Trailer record
Record type 999 is the last record in every file sent to or by the CDSP system.
Note: If a type 999 record is rejected, the file is rejected and a record of the error is written into the error file (filename.err).
Purpose: To provide the CDSP system and the issuer systems with a control count of the number of records in a file.
Requirements: The type 999 record must be the last record in each file and contain an accurate control count or the file is rejected.
13.1 Record type 999 - Trailer record
Data element name | Type size | Trxn posn | Description | Notes |
Record type | X(3) | 1 to 3 | 999 - trailer record | n/a |
Authorized agent BN | X(15) | 4 to 18 | n/a | n/a |
Date | X(8) | 19 to 26 | Date file sent to the CDSP system if file sent by authorized agent. Date of transaction processing if file sent by the CDSP system. | YYYYMMDD |
File number | 9(2) | 27 to 28 | Range 01 to 99 | n/a |
Record count | 9(9) | 29 to 37 | Total number of records in the file. (Total transactions in file including header, sub-header, and trailer record counts.) | n/a |
Filler | X(463) | 38 to 500 | n/a | n/a |
13.2 Record type 999 - Validation rules
The trailer record, type 999, is validated and error codes are generated for failures as outlined in the following table and notes.
Field | Rule | Error code(s) |
Record type | The trailer record is mandatory. | 8010 |
Record type | The type "999" record must be the last record in the file. | 8011 |
Record type | No other record may be type "999". | 8009 |
Authorized agent BN | Not validated. | n/a |
Date sent | Not validated. | n/a |
File number | Not validated. | n/a |
Record count | Mandatory field. | 8104 |
Record count | Must correspond with record count. | 8008 |
14.0 Appendix A - Standard code tables
In this section
This section contains lists of codes used by the CDSP system.
14.1 Severe error codes
Severe error files advise the authorized agent that a severe error is present in a transaction, that the record is rejected and must be corrected and resubmitted.
Table 83: Severe error codes | |
RT851 | Severe errors |
1 | Duplicate issuer transaction number |
2 | Invalid record type/transaction type |
3 | Issuer transaction number not provided |
4 | Issuer BN is not 15 characters |
14.2 Transaction error codes
Transaction error codes are used to identify errors or discrepancies found in processing the various record types. Error codes are common across all transactions, so that the same error generates the same code for all types of transactions.
RT801 | Errors |
8000 | Physical file name does not correspond to file name in header record |
8001 | Incorrect format of physical file name |
8002 | Duplicate record with same file name found in the CDSP system |
8003 | Header record not the first record in the file |
8004 | No header record |
8005 | Too many header records in file |
8006 | This BN is not authorized to send files or is not associated to a specimen plan |
8007 | The data version in header does not match the current version of the ITS |
8008 | Record count does not match the number of records in file |
8009 | Too many trailer records in file |
8010 | No trailer record in file |
8011 | Trailer record not last in file |
8012 | Program identifier must be "CDSP" |
8013 | The transactions latest month must be on or before the current month |
8100 | Invalid date |
8101 | Invalid value |
8102 | Is not identified in the CDSP system |
8104 | Data is missing from field |
8105 | Invalid SIN |
8106 | Amount must be greater than $0 |
8108 | Amount must be greater than or equal to $0 |
8109 | Amount must be greater than or equal to $1.00 |
8110 | Sum of reported amounts must be greater than $0 |
8111 | Grant must have been previously paid |
8112 | Bond must have been previously paid |
8113 | Date must be on or after July 1, 2011 |
8200 | Date must be on or after December 1, 2008 |
8201 | Date is of a future reporting period |
8203 | Date must be on or after beneficiary's date of birth |
8204 | Date must be on or before December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 49 |
8205 | Late transaction (Discontinued) |
8206 | Date must be on or after contract signature date |
8207 | Date must be within issuer approval dates |
8208 | Must be on or after the bond request date |
8220 | Specimen plan must be valid |
8221 | Authorized agent not authorized to send data for the specimen plan |
8222 | Specimen plan must be associated with the issuer |
8230 | Contract must not already be a contract that is registered, closed, de-registered or nullified |
8231 | The beneficiary must not already have a pending, registered or de-registered contract |
8232 | Contract registration information must be received within 60 days of contract signature date (Discontinued) |
8233 | The contract signature date cannot change once a contract status is pending |
8234 | The other contract must be associated with the beneficiary and other specimen plan and must be pending, registered, de-registered or closed |
8235 | Contract is not currently associated to the specimen plan |
8236 | Contract is not currently associated to the beneficiary |
8237 | Contract must be currently associated to the holder |
8238 | Contract registration transaction is missing a component |
8239 | Duplicate contract registration in the same period |
8240 | Only 1 contract registration request for the beneficiary in a given period is permitted |
8241 | Contract must currently have a status of registered |
8242 | Must be the same as reported on the original contribution |
8243 | Grant requested may only change from No to Yes |
8244 | Must be on or after the original contribution date |
8245 | Contract already exists in CDSP system |
8246 | Contract must already be a contract that is registered, de-registered or pending |
8247 | Contract must already be a contract that is registered, closed, or pending |
8248 | Contract is already associated to the holder |
8249 | Cannot remove last holder on the contract |
8250 | The SIN or BN is not numerically valid |
8251 | Beneficiary year of birth cannot be modified. |
8252 | Contract already associated to another beneficiary SIN |
8253 | There must not already be a contract awaiting transfer in the CDSP system for the beneficiary |
8254 | Conflicting contract transactions pertaining to the same contract received in the period |
8255 | Contract must not be nullified |
8256 | Contract is not associated to the specimen plan |
8258 | The original transaction must not have been reversed |
8259 | There must not be more than 1 reversal for the same transaction within the current processing period |
8260 | Contract must have a status of closed or registered |
8261 | The other contract and specimen plan cannot change once a transfer has been successfully resolved |
8262 | Specimen plan must be designated by the CRA to accept rollovers |
8263 | Must be within the date range the specimen plan is designated by the CRA to accept rollovers |
8264 | Must be greater than the last consent transaction date submitted |
8265 | Must not exist as a holder on any contract of the reported beneficiary |
8266 | Must already be recorded as consent for the beneficiary |
8267 | Must not be an active holder on the current beneficiary contract |
8268 | Beneficiary cannot revoke consent |
8300 | Date is earlier than original transaction date |
8301 | Error in original transaction, current transaction cannot be processed |
8303 | Unable to locate the original transaction |
8305 | Original transaction must have been designated as the active request |
8306 | Another stop bond has already been requested for the original transaction |
8307 | A more recent correction transaction is already associated to the contribution |
8308 | Original transaction and its reversal were found in the same processing period |
8309 | Date must be on or after certification date (Discontinued) |
8310 | Beneficiary must not be DTC ineligible for 5 consecutive years on or after the contract signature year and before the year of election request processing (Discontinued) |
8311 | Episodic DTC election period must not overlap with an existing episodic DTC election period for the same contract (Discontinued) |
8312 | Must be on or after January 1, 2014 |
14.3 Refusal reasons
Refusal reasons explain why a successfully processed contribution or bond request transaction did not receive CDSG or CDSB payment. Refusal reasons are found in position 66 – 67 in the record type 901.
RT901 | Grant and bond refusal reason |
01 | Maximum current entitlement of CDSG/CDSB paid |
02 | Lifetime contribution limit exceeded |
03 | Lifetime limit exceeded |
04 | Age of beneficiary |
05 | Specimen plan not valid |
06 | No grant requested |
07 | Late transaction (Discontinued) |
08 | SIN not usable |
09 | Discontinued |
10 | Invalid beneficiary SIN |
11 | Discontinued |
12 | Discontinued |
13 | Discontinued |
14 | Discontinued |
15 | Discontinued |
16 | Discontinued |
17 | Discontinued |
18 | Discontinued |
19 | Contract not registered |
20 | Discontinued |
21 | Last bond payment under this application - new 18+ bond request required |
22 | Bond request is not/no longer designated to attract bond for the beneficiary |
23 | Original contribution reported late (Discontinued) |
24 | Contract status conditions for adjustment of payment not met |
25 | Ineligible beneficiary in previous year(s) (Discontinued) |
26 | Bond resubmission date is not within issuer approval dates |
27 | Contribution date on or before DAP/LDAP (Discontinued) |
28 | Bond request date received on or before DAP/LDAP (Discontinued) |
29 | Beneficiary is a non-resident |
30 | Beneficiary DTC eligibility not confirmed |
32 | Beneficiary DTC eligibility not confirmed for 2 or more consecutive non-election years (Discontinued) |
33 | Beneficiary DTC eligibility not confirmed for 5 or more consecutive years (Discontinued) |
99 | Other |
14.4 Rollover issues
A rollover issue explains that a problem exists in a successfully processed retirement savings or education savings rollover transaction which requires the attention of the authorized agent/issuer. Rollover issues are found in positions 66 – 67 in the record type 901.
RT 901 | Retirement savings or education savings rollover issue |
90 | Contract status not registered |
91 | Age of beneficiary |
92 | Lifetime contribution limit exceeded |
93 | SIN not usable |
94 | Beneficiary is a non resident |
95 | Beneficiary DTC eligibility not confirmed |
96 | Rollover is made during an episodic DTC election period (Discontinued) |
14.5 Province codes
Province codes are based on the Canada Post standard.
Code | Canadian province |
AB | Alberta |
BC | British Columbia |
MB | Manitoba |
NB | New Brunswick |
NL | Newfoundland and Labrador |
NS | Nova Scotia |
NT | Northwest Territories |
NU | Nunavut |
ON | Ontario |
PE | Prince Edward Island |
QC | Quebec |
SK | Saskatchewan |
YT | Yukon |
15.0 Appendix B – ISO-8859-1 Latin 1 character set
Note: The CDSP system allows the new line (NL) character, decimal value 10, and carriage return (CR) character, decimal value 13. All other characters must fall between decimal values 32 and 255. Other characters between 0 and 31 inclusive are not used.
16.0 Appendix C –SIN/BN validation
Authorized agents must confirm with the holders of the contract that the basic information provided by the holder is exactly the same as the information recorded in the SIR. Confirmation can be made by referring to the beneficiary's SIN card.
The beneficiary and holder SINs are electronically validated against the ESDC SIR database in the following manner:
- every beneficiary and holder contract registration transaction is validated with the ESDC SIR to ensure that the SIN, given name, surname, birth date and gender reported on the transaction correspond with the SIR. If SIR reports that the information provided in the transaction does not match the records in the SIR, then the CDSP system will reject the transaction and report the error to the issuer in the error file. The SIR verification is performed as part of the validation of each contract registration transaction received
In 2003 the SIR implemented new regulations to enhance SIN integrity CDS 9 hundred series (900-series) SINs are assigned to people who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents. Under the 2003 SIR Regulations, a 900-series SIN will receive an expiry date correlated with the person's authorized stay in Canada : 900-series SINs without an expiry date became invalid as of April 3, 2004. As a result, all SINs included on the 101-02 and 101-03 transactions will be sent to SIR for validation including scrutiny for a status of fraudulent, expired, cancelled or deceased. In addition to the increased scrutiny for new beneficiary and holder transactions, all beneficiary and holder SINs in the CDSP system will be sent to SIR on a monthly basis for validation. A beneficiary or holder SIN returned from SIR with a ‘not useable' flag will result in a ‘not useable' status in the CDSP system and a suspension of CDSG and/or CDSB payments until the issue is resolved.
The SIR has asked ESDC to inform all SIN users that the misuse of a SIN number is a federal offence under the Employment Insurance (EI) legislation.
17.0 Appendix D - DAP/LDAP formulas
Non taxable portion of a DAP/LDAP
The non taxable portion of a DAP/LDAP is the lesser of:
- the DAP/LDAP, and
- the amount determined by the formula
A x B ÷ C + D
If this is a:
- DAP request, "A" is the amount of the DAP request
- LDAP request, "A" is always the amount of the LDAP request
"B" is the contributions made to the RDSP that have not already been used to determine the non-taxable portion of previous DAPs/LDAPs. (Do not include variable "D" when determining the non-taxable portion of previous DAPs/LDAPs).
"C" is the result of the AHA being subtracted from the FMV (at the time immediately before the payment). If this amount is negative, no payment can be made.
"D" is the amount of advantage tax that the RDSP holder pays in respect of the plan or in respect of a prior RDSP for the beneficiary that was held by the holder.
Grant portion of a DAP/LDAP
To calculate the grant portion:
A X B ÷ C
If this is a:
- DAP request, "A" is the amount of the request
- LDAP request, "A" is always the amount of the LDAP request
"B" is the amount of grant in the RDSP that is not part of the AHA.
"C" is the result of the AHA being subtracted from the FMV (at the time immediately before the payment). If this amount is negative, no payment can be made.
Bond portion of a DAP/LDAP
To calculate the bond portion:
A X B ÷ C
If this is a:
- DAP request, "A" is the amount of the request
- LDAP request, "A" is always the amount of the LDAP request
"B" is the amount of bond in the RDSP that is not part of the AHA.
"C" is the result of the AHA being subtracted from the FMV (at the time immediately before the payment). If this amount is negative, no payment can be made.
18.0 Appendix E - Abbreviations, acronyms and definitions
- Assistance holdback amount
- An assistance holdback amount refers to the CDSG and CDSB paid into an RDSP within the preceding 10 years from an event date minus any amount of CDSG or CDSB repaid to the Minister during that period.
An assistance holdback amount is re-paid to the Government of Canada when a plan is terminated or ceases to be registered under the ITA, a disability assistance payment (DAP) or a lifetime disability assistance payment (LDAP) is paid or the date on which the beneficiary dies. - Authorized agent
- Organization conveying information electronically to the CDSP system and receiving CDSG and CDSB payments from the CDSP system. This organization must be the issuer of the RDSP as approved by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), or an administrative agent for the RDSP issuer.
- Beneficiary
- An individual who is eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC) and is a Canadian resident, and for whom a DAP/LDAP will be paid.
- Business number – (BN)
- A unique business and/or organization identifier consisting of a 15 character alphanumeric code. This BN is assigned by the CRA for the purposes of information exchanges between businesses/organizations and the CRA.
- Canada child tax benefit (CCB)
- The Canada child benefit (CCB) is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. The CCB might include the child disability benefit and any related provincial and territorial programs.
- Canada disability savings bonds (CDSB)
- A bond of up to $1,000 can be paid annually to a registered disability savings plan where net family income does not exceed a certain income level set by ESDC.
No contribution is required by families to receive the CDSB; however a request for the CDSB must be made. - Canada disability savings grant (CDSG)
- A grant of up to $3,500 can be paid on eligible contributions made to a registered disability savings plan by a holder or other authorized contributor.
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
- The federal government agency responsible for the administration of the rules and regulations related to registered disability savings plans as set out in the Income Tax Act.
- CRA - Benefit Programs Directorate (BPD)
- The Benefit Programs Directorate is responsible for the administration of the disability tax credit (disability amount) along with a variety of different benefits including the Canada Child Tax Benefit program.
- CRA - Registered Plans Directorate (RPD)
- The area responsible for all program activities related to the provisions of the Income Tax Act for the registering and monitoring of disability savings plans.
- Canada Disability Saving Act (CDSA)
- The legislation that authorizes payment of the Canada disability saving grant and bond.
- Canadian resident
- A beneficiary who is considered a resident of Canada under the Income Tax Act for the purpose of administrating the RDSP.
- Consent
- In the context of registered disability savings plans means the "qualifying person" as defined in 146.4 (1) of the Income Tax Act, expressly allowing the department of ESDC, access to the personal information of the "qualifying person" in order to establish eligibility and entitlement criteria for a particular beneficiary.
- Contribution
- Amount of money deposited into an RDSP by a holder or contributor on behalf of a beneficiary.
- Contributor
- A holder or a person having written authorization from the holder, who makes a contribution to an RDSP.
- Curator (public)
- In civil law – the person who is appointed by the court to have the care of either a minor or a person who is legally incompetent (to be defined by provincial law) for the administration of his estate.
- De-registration
- De-registration of a contract occurs when the registration conditions of the Income Tax Act are no longer met. The CRA informs ESDC if an RDSP is no longer registered.
- Disability assistance payment (DAP)
- Any payment made from the RDSP to the beneficiary or to the beneficiary's estate.
- Disability tax credit (DTC)
- A non-refundable tax credit that a person with a qualifying impairment can claim to reduce the amount of income tax he or she has to pay in a year.
- Earnings
- The increase in value in an RDSP not including contributions, CDSG or CDSB. In the event of a return of CDSG and/or CDSB, earnings remain in the RDSP.
- Guardian
- An individual appointed by the courts who is authorized to make legal and financial decisions for another individual.
- Holder
- An individual who opens an RDSP with an issuer and names 1 beneficiary for whom DAPs/LDAPs will be paid.
- Issuer
- Trust companies that have been approved by the CRA and ESDC to administer RDSPs.
- Issuer agreement
- An agreement between ESDC and issuers authorizing them to administer the CDSG and CDSB.
- Lifetime disability assistance payment (LDAP)
- A payment made to a beneficiary that is made at least annually which continues until the RDSP is closed.
- Office for Disability Issues (ODI)
- The Office for Disability Issues is a focal point within the Government of Canada for key partners working to promote the full participation of Canadians with disabilities in learning, work and community life.
- Public department, agency, institution
- Any public entity that is charged with the care of a minor or someone of limited capacity. Can be a Ministry of Social Services, the Children's Aid Society or a Regional Mental Health Hospital.
- Registered disability savings plan (RDSP)
- A plan that allows funds to be invested tax-free until withdrawal. It is intended to help parents and others save for the long-term financial security of persons with a disability.
An RDSP may also attract a CDSG and/or CDSB. - Education savings rollover
- A tax-deferred transfer to an RDSP of investment income earned in the beneficiary's registered education savings plan.
- Retirement savings rollover
- A tax-deferred transfer to an RDSP of certain amounts received from a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), registered retirement income fund (RRIF), registered pension plan (RPP), specified pension plan (SPP) or pooled registered pension plan (PRPP) as a consequence of the death of the RRSP or RRIF annuitant or RPP member.
- Service provider
- An organization that provides a service, on behalf of a financial organization, to compile and submit electronic transaction information to the CDSP system.
- Social insurance registry (SIR)
- The division within the Integrity Services Branch of Service Canada that administers SIN information.
- Specimen plan
- Draft of the documents that an issuer will market to their clients. A specimen plan must be approved by the CRA Registered Plans Directorate as a condition of registration.
- Transfer
- Process of moving RDSP assets from 1 contract to another or from 1 issuer to another. This process is performed at the request of the holder on behalf of the same beneficiary.
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