Summary: Assessment of the Migrant Worker Support Network pilot: Final report

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About the network

The Migrant Worker Support Network was a pilot under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) from 2018 to 2020 with a budget of $3.4 million. The goal was to better protect and empower TFWs by:

  • increasing their knowledge on their rights in Canada
  • providing them with resources and services

The network had 2 components:

  • a funding program, which gave funding to non-profit organizations
  • network meetings, such as working groups, worker forums, and government and network meetings

Scope of assessment

This assessment included:

  • document review
  • interviews
  • focus groups
  • surveys with 78 diverse stakeholders (including migrant workers)

Main findings

The assessment found that the network made clear and recognized progress in:

  • stakeholders sharing important information:
    • with migrant workers, including how to exercise their rights
    • with other stakeholders, including information needed to improve the support they give to migrant workers
  • collaboration among stakeholders
  • helping migrant workers report abuse

Areas to continue improving are:

  • detecting and preventing abuse of migrant workers by employers
  • developing policy and funding advice that inform government action to improve worker protections


After analyzing the network's strengths, weaknesses, risks and opportunities, the following points were made:

  • extend the network in British Columbia, keeping findings in mind
  • make sure there are clear ways to regularly share information back to network stakeholders
  • reach out to migrant workers and employers in streams other than agriculture
  • enable planning during Network meetings to inform the funding program
  • use the Government Network to improve collaboration among governments
  • explore if and how the network can influence government policies and funding
  • develop a logic model and a way to collect and report data
  • if the network is expanded to other areas, test local interest and need first

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