Applicant guide: Funding for Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity

On this page

This guide provides you with additional information to help you complete the Application for Funding Form.

Note: It is recommended that you read the following guide in its entirety before you start completing your application. This guide contains important details on the information and supporting documentation ESDC requires to assess your application.

Part 1: Organization

Section 1A: Organization information

Employment and Social development (ESDC) uses the information you provide in this section to establish your organization’s identity. This information will be used to verify the organization’s eligibility for funding based on a valid business or registration number.

Question 1: Legal name

Please provide the legal name of your organization. Usually, this is the name associated with your registration with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), or the name that would appear on funding cheques.

Question 2: Operating (common) name (mandatory field if different from legal name)

Please provide the operating (or common) name of your organization if it is different from the legal name.

Question 3: Business or registration number

Please provide your 15-digit CRA business number or for registered charities and not-for-profit organizations, your registration number.

Example: 123456789 RR 0001

For more information, please visit the Canada Revenue Agency Website.

Question 4: Organization type

Your answer to this question must be one (1) of the following:

  1. not-for-Profit
  2. private
  3. public

Note: Please refer to the Eligibility section.

Question 5: Organization category

Please select the appropriate category from the following:

  1. Indigenous Not-for-Profit Groups
  2. Associations of Workers and/or Employers
  3. International Non-governmental Organizations
  4. Local community, charitable, voluntary organizations
  5. Non-governmental Organizations with a focus to encourage employment
  6. National Non-governmental Organizations
  7. Not-for-Profit Band Councils
  8. Provincial Non-governmental Organizations
  9. Sector Councils
  10. Unions
  1. Banks
  2. Businesses, bodies incorporated or unincorporated
  3. Indian Band Corporations (profit basis)
  4. International Sector
  5. Private Band Councils
  6. Private Universities and Colleges
  1. Contributions to Provinces and Territories
  2. International Government Organizations
  3. Municipal Governments and Agencies
  4. Provincial Governments and Agencies
  5. Public Degree-Granting Colleges
  6. Public Degree-Granting Universities
  7. Public Community Colleges and vocational schools
  8. Public Health
  9. School Board/Other Educational Institution not classified elsewhere
  10. Territorial Governments

For more information, please refer to the Eligibility section.

Question 6: Year established

Please indicate the year your organization or business was established.

Questions 7 to 11: Organization address

Please indicate the address of your organization or business. Applicants must provide an address that is complete and in the correct format recognized by Canada Post. Information is available on the Canada Post website.

Questions 12 and 13: Telephone number and fax number

Please indicate the telephone and fax number (if applicable) of your organization or business.

Question 14: E-Mail address

Please indicate the e-mail address of your organization or business.

Questions 15 to 19: Mailing address

Please indicate the mailing address, if different from your organization or business’ address.

Questions 20 and 21: Telephone number and fax number

Please indicate the telephone and fax number, if different from your organization’s address.

Question 22: Organization’s mandate

Please describe the primary work of your organization or business, including your mission, mandate and objectives, if applicable.

Section 1B: Organization primary contact

Please provide a main contact so that ESDC can communicate with your organization or business about the proposed project. This could be the president/organization leader/owner/manager or a delegate of their choice.

Question 23: Given name and surname

Please provide the name of the person in your organization who will be ESDC’s main contact for the proposed project.

Question 24: Position title

Please provide the title of the organization contact identified in Question 23.

For example, Business Owner, President, Executive Director.

Question 25: Preferred language of communication

Please indicate the preferred language of the organization’s main contact for both written and spoken communication.

Question 26: Organization contact address

Please indicate whether the address for the organization’s main contact is the same address as the organization or same as the organization mailing address provided in Section 1A. If different, please indicate in the box.

Questions 27 to 31: Contact address

If you selected “Different” in Question 26, please provide the address for the organization’s main contact.

Questions 32 to 33: Telephone number and fax number

If you selected “Different” in Question 26, please indicate the telephone and fax numbers of the organization’s main contact.

Question 34: E-mail address

Please indicate the e-mail address of the organization’s main contact. Please note that this is where all correspondence from ESDC will be sent.

Question 35: Given name and surname

Please provide the name of the secondary contact in case the main contact is not available.

Question 36: Position title

Please provide the title of the organization’s secondary contact identified in Question 35.

For example, Business Owner, President, Executive Director.

Question 37: Preferred language of communication

Please indicate the preferred language of the organization’s secondary contact for both written and spoken communication.

Question 38: Organization contact – Address

Please indicate whether the address for the organization’s secondary contact is the same address as the organization or the same as the organization mailing address provided in Section 1A. If different, please indicate in the box.

Questions 39 to 43: Contact address

If you selected “Different” in Question 38, please provide the address for the organization’s secondary contact.

Questions 44 to 45: Telephone number and fax number

If you selected “Different” in Question 38, please indicate the telephone and fax numbers of the organization’s secondary contact.

Question 46: E-Mail address

If you selected “Different” in Question 38, Please indicate the e-mail address of the organization’s secondary contact. Please note that this is where all correspondence from ESDC will be sent.

Section 1C: Organizational capacity

ESDC uses the information provided in this section to help assess the organization’s capacity to manage a project.

Question 47: How many employees does your organization currently have?

Please indicate the total number of people employed in your organization or business. The number of employees must be a whole number.

Question 48: Has your organization undergone any important transformations in the past 2 years?

Important transformations refer to events such as:

  • a change in leadership in the board of directors or at the executive level
  • an important reduction, increase or turn-over in staff
  • a merger with or split from another organization
  • a change in mandate or main activities, etc.

Please indicate Yes or No.

If you answer "yes", please provide a description of the changes.

Question 49: Please describe how your organization has the experience and expertise to carry out the proposed project activities? If applicable, please include any past experience with ESDC and the results of the project.

Please provide a description of your organization’s experience and expertise in administering projects. This information will help ESDC to assess the extent to which your organization is capable of undertaking the proposed project activities and achieving the expected results. You may wish to highlight related past achievements in addition to describing current expertise and activities or projects.

Question 50: Does your organization owe any amounts to the Government of Canada? Please indicate Yes or No.

If you answer "yes", please indicate the amounts owing in the spaces provided. The following is an example:

Amount owing Nature of amount owing Department or agency to which money is owed
$10,000 Overpayment Employment and Social Development Canada

Question 51: If an amount is owing, is a payment plan in place?

Please indicate if payment arrangements were made.

Answering "yes" to this question will not invalidate your application. However, you must provide details as to the type of debt owed and the arrangements made for repayment.

Part 2: Project

Section 2A: Project identification

Question 52: Project title

Please provide a brief, descriptive project title.

Questions 53 and 54: Planned project start and end dates

Please indicate the planned start and end dates of your proposed project.

Proposed activities cannot begin before your project is approved and both you and ESDC have signed a Funding Agreement. Any activities that occur prior to the signing of the Funding Agreement by ESDC cannot be reimbursed.

You should not assume any commitment on the part of ESDC until funding has been approved and a representative of ESDC signed the Funding Agreement. ESDC will notify you in writing of the outcome of the review of your application.

Note: WORBE limits its funding to projects of a maximum duration of 3 years.

Section 2B: Project description

ESDC uses the information you provide in this section as part of the assessment in determining whether or not your proposed project is eligible for funding.

At this time, applicants may only provide answers to the following questions:

1) Which sector(s) will be the focus of your project?

  • Banking and financial services
  • Communications
  • Transportation
  • ‘Other’

2) Which designated group(s) (or subgroup(s) within a designated group, for example Indigenous women or South Asians) will be the focus of your project?

  • Women
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Members of visible minorities

3) Which occupational group(s) will be the focus of your project?

  • Senior managers
  • Middle and other managers
  • Professionals
  • Semi-professionals and technicians
  • Supervisors
  • Supervisors: crafts and trades
  • Administrative and senior clerical personnel
  • Skilled sales and service personnel
  • Skilled crafts and trades workers
  • Clerical personnel
  • Intermediate sales and service personnel
  • Semi-skilled manual workers
  • Other sales and service personnel
  • Other manual workers

4) Which program outcome(s) will your project fulfill?

  • Improved representation of one (1) or more of the four (4) designated groups within workplaces, occupational groups or sectors with low representation as outlined in Additional Information
  • Improved understanding among stakeholders of industry-specific barriers to inclusion and effective human resources practices to address them
  • Development of new inclusion tools and guides tailored to industry specific needs

Question 55: Project objectives

Please outline the objectives of your project. It must be clearly linked to the objectives of the program to which you are applying.

Concepts should provide an overview of clear and achievable objectives. The objectives should be described in terms of quantifiable and measurable goals to be achieved through this project. Multi-faceted proposals should include major steps and sub-objectives.

Objectives are statements of desired change that describe what should be accomplished and provide a context in which progress can be monitored and success can be measured.

Project objectives should:

  • be S.M.A.R.T.: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely
  • be consistent with the funding program’s objectives and linked to the program objectives
  • identify the specific outcome(s) that the project is designed to accomplish
  • ensure that these outcome(s) are measurable
  • identify who will benefit from the project, and
  • show how meeting the project objectives will help to achieve the identified outcomes

Note: As this is the Concept stage, you are expected to present your project idea. Ensure enough information is provided to demonstrate how the project objectives are linked to WORBE’s objectives and expected results/outcomes. Please refer to the objectives.

Question 56: Project activities

Please describe the proposed major project activity(ies).

Project activities are the steps that will be taken to meet the objectives of the project. Activities should be specific, measurable, realistic and relevant to the project objectives and demonstrate how the project outcome(s) will be achieved.

Your answer to this question must include details regarding only planned major activities; further details on all planned activities will be requested in the second step of the application process. Please refer to the Eligibility section for examples and additional details on eligible activities.

Applicants must include the following details:

  • a description of each major activity and explanation of how each relates to the objective(s) of the project. There should always be a clear link between the project activities and the project objective(s) (refer to Question 55). Please list the project activities in a logical sequence, including timelines and/or duration of each, and descriptions where needed. Timelines must be clearly established and feasible
  • clear linkages how the proposed major activity(ies) addresses the program funding priority areas
  • the potential impact on representation in targeted occupational groups and sectors of the major activity(ies)

Please include details about how the project will be delivered. For example, will there be third-party agreements or will the organization deliver all aspects of the project?

The information you provide here will have a significant bearing on the assessment of your proposed project and of your organization’s ability to undertake the project successfully.

Note: you must develop at least one (1) of the identified types of eligible activities.

Question 57 – Expected results of the project

Please describe the expected results of your project. The expected results of the project must be clearly linked to the project objectives identified in question 55. The expected results must also be specific, concrete and measurable (qualitative or quantitative) and must be defined as outcomes.

Outcomes are the short-term and intermediate changes that are expected to occur as the result of the project (more than 1 outcome could be directly related to an objective). They answer the questions “How do we know the project is successful?” and “How do the activities lead to improvements for the beneficiaries?”

Outputs are tangible products, including goods and services that will be produced to generate the desired outcomes; several activities could contribute to 1 output.

Note: Include in project description how the proposed outcomes will be measured and evaluated and how project results will be disseminated to employers and industry at large.

The following are examples of specific, measurable expected results that are linked to a sample set of project objectives in relation to WORBE:

  • increased access for Indigenous peoples and/or members of visible minorities to services, programs and employment opportunities
  • increased opportunities for current or future Indigenous or visible minority employees to obtain or maintain employment and participate in the economy
  • individuals have the improved skills to succeed in the [name of profession/industry/sector]
  • individuals experience improved labour market outcomes, and enhanced engagement of stakeholders and partners

Section 2C: Project details

Question 58: Does the project include Results Measurement indicators?

This question is not requested at this time.

Question 59: Does the proposed project fit with your organization’s other activities?

Please indicate Yes or No.

Please describe how the project relates to the ongoing work of your organization. You may wish to highlight how achievements and current activities and/or projects are related to your proposed project. This information helps ESDC to determine the extent to which your organization is able to undertake the proposed project and to achieve the expected results.

Please include any previous work done by your organization, your partners and your potential partners. Include details as to how your project builds on, and does not duplicate, this previous work.

Note: Please include any previous experience with Employment and Social Development Canada/Service Canada/Labour funding programs and the results of the project.

Question 60: Will any of the project activities be delivered in a different location than where your organization is located?

Please indicate Yes or No.

If you answer “yes”, please list the main address first, followed by each additional location.

If there are more than five (5) locations, please include in Appendix A.

Question 61: Is your project designed to benefit or involve people in English or French-language minority communities?

Please indicate Yes or No.

If you answer "yes", please provide an explanation and any details on whether consultations will take place with these communities. (“If applicable”)

ESDC is committed to enhancing the vitality of the English and French linguistic minorities in Canada by supporting and assisting their development and fostering the full recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society. Official Language Minority Communities are English-speaking communities established within the province of Quebec and French-speaking communities established outside the province of Quebec.

If your proposed project will involve official language minority communities, you should answer "yes" to this question and ensure that this is listed and described in your answer to question 55.

Please also identify the linguistic profile of the beneficiaries targeted by the project, document any special needs of the official language minority community and indicate whether they were consulted. The related budgetary items can be identified in Part 3 of the Application.

Answering "no" to this question will not invalidate your application.

Question 62: Will any other organizations, networks, or partners be involved in carrying out the project?

This question is not requested at this time.

Question 63: Does the proposed project address the program’s national, regional or local priorities?

Please indicate Yes or No.

If you answer “yes”, please select all that apply.

Note: WORBE provides funding to eligible recipients to develop targeted solutions to support sectors or occupational groups experiencing low representation. Funding for broad collaborative approaches among government, industry, and labour will help reduce or remove barriers to improved representation.

WORBE does not have regional or local priorities, but projects can be conducted at a regional or local level.

If applicable, you may want to reference these priorities when completing question 55 and question 56.

Question 64: Does your project include activities that are listed in the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) Regulations Designating Physical Activities established under the Canadian Impact Assessment Act 2019?

This question is not requested at this time.

Part 3: Funding

Section 3A: Anticipated sources of funding

ESDC’s funding programs generally encourage and/or require applicants to seek cash and/or in-kind contributions for their proposed project from other sources of funding. Each program has a “stacking limit”, that is, a maximum permitted amount of combined funding from federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments for any one project or initiative. Contributions to the project cannot exceed 100% of eligible expenditures.

ESDC uses the information provided in this section to verify that your funding request conforms to any stacking limit or requirement for funding from other sources.

“Other sources of funding” includes any source of funding (including from your organization) other than the program to which you are applying for funding.

Note: Funding of up to $3,000,000 total per fiscal year is available. Applicants may request up to $500,000 per fiscal year with a maximum of $1,500,000 in total funding for a project, provided recipients contribute financially (no minimum) or in-kind to the project.

Expertise, services, or facilities are examples of in-kind contributions. Each organization and/or partner may offer administrative or managerial services, facilities, or access to equipment. Each organization and project partner may also lend staff to work on the project. If no money is exchanged for the service or resource, it is considered an in-kind contribution.

Money contributions to cover eligible project costs are considered a cash contribution.

If a Concept is selected, a mandatory partnership form will be provided at the full proposal stage and will need to be completed for each partner contributing in-kind and/or in cash to the project.

Question 65: Source name

Please include the names of organizations that are anticipated, at this stage of the funding application, to contribute funds and/or in-kind contributions to this project. ESDC should be listed as the first source name and any other sources listed below.

Note: If a Concept is selected, a full list of all organizations that will contribute financially or in-kind to the project will be requested. In addition, a mandatory partnership form will be provided at the full proposal stage and will need to be completed for each partner contributing in-kind and/or in cash to the project.

Question 66: Source type

Please identify the types of organizations that are contributing funds to this project from the following options:

  1. crown corporation
  2. federal department or agency
  3. foreign governments
  4. not-for-profit
  5. private sector
  6. provincial/territorial government
  7. regional or municipal government
  8. sponsor/organization/recipient
  9. union
  10. other (please specify)

Question 67: Cash

Please include the amount of funding that will be provided.

Question 68: In-kind ($ value)

In-kind contributions are non-monetary goods or services that may be contributed to the project by your organization or other organizations or partners for which your organization will not be requesting re-imbursement. In-kind support may include donated equipment, services or facilities necessary for the proposed project that would otherwise have to be purchased.

To be considered valid, in-kind contributions should contribute to the success of the project, and their monetary equivalent estimated at fair market value.

Question 69: Confirmed cash and in-kind

Cash contributions (if applicable) and in-kind contributions (if applicable) must be committed to in writing by the contributing party. Please check (x) if this has been confirmed and include with your application letters from each contributing partner confirming cash and in-kind contributions.

Section 3B: Budget

Question 70: Cost category

This question is not requested at this time.

Question 71 to 73: Planned expenditures ESDC/ other, cash/ other- in-kind

This question is not requested at this time.

Section 3C: Budget details

Question 74: Associated businesses or individuals.

This question is not requested at this time.

Question 75: Capital assets: Will capital assets be among your planned expenditures with ESDC funding?

Please indicate Yes or No.

If you answer "yes", explain how your project will benefit from the purchase of capital assets.

A capital asset is any single or composite asset with a purchase value of more than $1,000 that is not physically incorporated into another product and that remains functional at the end of the project.

A composite asset is a collection of unique assets that form 1 identifiable functional unit, where all components are required for the asset to be functional. The collection of assets is treated as a single capital asset if the total cost of all individual items together is greater than $1,000 (before taxes).

For example, a personal computer composed of a hard-drive, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse and cabling is a composite capital asset. Four $300 chairs are not capital assets because each chair is functional on its own and, as single units, fall below the established threshold of $1,000 (before taxes).

Note: Capital acquisition are ineligible costs under WORBE, with the exception of resource tools necessary for the project or program if explicitly authorized.

Question 76: Further budget details

This question is not requested at this time.

Part 4: Attestation

In order for your application to be eligible for funding, it must be completed and signed by the official representative(s) of the applicant organization in accordance with the organization’s by-laws or other constituting documents.

Appendix A

Instructions: For each block of text you include in the Appendix A (if any), please specify the section of the Application for Funding Form it is meant to continue.

For example, if you are continuing Part 1, Section 1C, Question 36, then insert “Part 1, Section 1C, Question 36 – continued: [insert the rest of your answer]”

Additional information

Please refer to this section to see federally regulated private sector representation of the four (4) designated groups (women, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities) by occupational groups for the year 2019.

Areas of Representation – 2019

Table 1: Banking & Financial services

This sector includes all major Canadian banks.

Data for persons with disabilities are not available because the sample is too small and data would not be reliable.

Table 1: Banking & Financial services
Employment Equity Occupational Group Women Indigenous Peoples Persons with Disabilities Members of Visible Minorities
Senior Managers Good Low N/A Good
Middle & Other Managers Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Professionals Good Moderate N/A Good
Semi-professionals & Technicians Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Supervisors Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Supervisors: Crafts & Trades Low Low N/A Good
Administrative & Senior Clerical Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Skilled Sales & Service Moderate Moderate N/A Good
killed Crafts & Trades Good Good N/A Low
Clerical Personnel Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Intermediate Sales & Service Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Semi-skilled Manual Workers Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Other Sales & Service Moderate Low N/A Good
Other Manual Workers Good Low N/A Low
Overall Moderate Moderate N/A Good

Table 2: Communications

Comprises radio and television broadcasting, telecommunications, and postal and courier services.

Data for persons with disabilities is not available because the sample is too small and data would not be reliable.

Table 2: Communications
Employment Equity Occupational Group Women Indigenous Peoples Persons with Disabilities Members of Visible Minorities
Senior Managers Good Good N/A Moderate
Middle & Other Managers Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Professionals Moderate Good N/A Moderate
Semi-professionals & Technicians Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Supervisors Moderate Good N/A Moderate
Supervisors: Crafts & Trades Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Administrative & Senior Clerical Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Skilled Sales & Service Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Skilled Crafts & Trades Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Clerical Personnel Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Intermediate Sales & Service Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Semi-skilled Manual Workers Good Low N/A Good
Other Sales & Service Good Moderate N/A Low
Other Manual Workers Low Low N/A Low
Overall Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate

Table 3: Transportation

Consists of employers in the air, rail, bus and water transportation industries; inter-provincial trucking; pipelines; and investigation and security services.

Data for persons with disabilities are not available because the sample is too small and data would not be reliable.

Table 3: Transportation
Employment Equity Occupational Group Women Indigenous Peoples Persons with Disabilities Members of Visible Minorities
Senior Managers Good Moderate N/A Moderate
Middle & Other Managers Good Moderate N/A Moderate
Professionals Good Moderate N/A Moderate
Semi-professionals & Technicians Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Supervisors Good Moderate N/A Moderate
Supervisors: Crafts & Trades Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Administrative & Senior Clerical Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Skilled Sales & Service Moderate Moderate N/A Low
Skilled Crafts & Trades Good Moderate N/A Good
Clerical Personnel Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Intermediate Sales & Service Good Moderate N/A Moderate
Semi-skilled Manual Workers Good Moderate N/A Moderate
Other Sales & Service Good Moderate N/A Moderate
Other Manual Workers Low Low N/A Moderate
Overall Good Moderate N/A Moderate

Table 4: Other Sectors

Encompasses a diverse group of employers working in industries such as nuclear power generation; warehousing and storage; metal ore mining; professional, scientific and technical services; finance; construction management; food, wood and equipment manufacturing; wholesale trade; arts, entertainment and recreation; and public administration.

Data for persons with disabilities are not available because the sample is too small and data would not be reliable.

Table 4: Other sectors
Employment Equity Occupational Group Women Indigenous Peoples Persons with Disabilities Members of Visible Minorities
Senior Managers Good Low N/A Moderate
Middle & Other Managers Moderate Moderate N/A Good
Professionals Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Semi-professionals & Technicians Moderate Good N/A Moderate
Supervisors Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Supervisors: Crafts & Trades Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Administrative & Senior Clerical Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Skilled Sales & Service Low Moderate N/A Moderate
Skilled Crafts & Trades Good Good N/A Good
Clerical Personnel Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Intermediate Sales & Service Moderate Low N/A Moderate
Semi-skilled Manual Workers Moderate Good N/A Moderate
Other Sales & Service Good Low N/A Moderate
Other Manual Workers Moderate Moderate N/A Moderate
Overall Moderate Moderate N/A Good


The tables identify the degree of representation using the attainment rate.

Attainment rate =
(number of designated group members in the federally regulated private-sector workforce ÷ number of designated group members available from the labour market) x 100
Low =
Low representation (attainment rate is below 50.0%)
Moderate =
Moderate representation (attainment rate is between 50.0% and 99.9%)
Good =
Good representation (attainment rate is 100% or more)

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