If a work-related accident occurs…
From: Employment and Social Development Canada
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If a work-related accident occurs…
Employee must
- Seek first aid
- Inform your supervisor immediately
- Consult a medical practitioner, as appropriate
- Provide information about the accident and/or complete necessary forms, reports or records
Employer must
- Ensure first aid is provided
- Ensure the employee is transported to a medical treatment facility, as appropriate
- Secure the accident site and initiate the accident investigation procedures
- Complete a Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report and contact your Workplace Health and Safety Committee or Representative immediately
- Report disabling injuries or fatalities to the Labour Program as soon as possible, but not later than 24hrs
Find out more at canada.ca/workplace-health-safety
Call – 1-800-641-4049
Follow us on Twitter – @labour_ESDC
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