Reports and publications: Occupational health and safety
The following information is a reproduction of Health and Safety publications which summarize the information contained in Part II of the Canada Labour Code.
While these publications provide basic information, they are not intended to replace the actual text of:
- Part II of the Canada Labour Code
- the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, and
- other related regulations
- Aches and pains – Hand held tools
- Aches and pains – Long haul truck driving
- A guide to the investigation and reporting of hazardous occurrences
- A guide to the management hazardous substances
- Are you in danger
- Attention young workers
- Confined spaces - No easy way out
- Control banding guideline
- Control measures for diesel engine exhaust emissions in the work place
- Employer and employee duties
- Engineered nanoparticles: Health and Safety Considerations
- Following preventive measures in order: A requirement to address workplace hazards and support inclusive workplaces New
- Health and safety committees or representatives
- Hazardous occurrence investigation recording and reporting
- Hazard prevention program guide
- Health and safety representatives
- Hot work environment
- Internal complaint resolution process
- Isocyanates: Control measures guideline
- Laboratory inspection guideline
- Managers and supervisors training
- National Standard of Canada - Life jackets (Content archived)
- Occupational chemical agent compliance sampling guideline
- Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) for flour dust
- Our hands at work
- Policy health and safety committees
- Pregnant and nursing employees
- Process for implementing ergonomics regulatory requirements
- Protect your back
- Protect your ears
- Protect your eyes
- Protect your feet
- Protect your head
- Protect your lungs
- Protect your skin
- Psychological health in the workplace
- Requirement to provide menstrual products in federally regulated workplaces
- Right to refuse dangerous work
- Summary of Part II of the Canada Labour Code
- Technical guideline to asbestos exposure management programs
- Thermal stress in the work place
- Welding and allied processes: A guide to health hazards and hazard control measures
- Work place health and safety committees
- Workplace health and safety – Know the facts
- Workplace inspections: A matter of health and safety
Workplace hazard alerts
- 3D Printers
- Asbestos
- Beryllium dust or fumes
- Cleaning a grain elevator
- E.N.G. vehicle safety: fatality alert
- Falling from heights
- Flour dust - general information sheet
- Grain dust - general information sheet
- Hazardous substances
- Legionella in the workplace
- Loading and unloading flatbed trucks at shipping and receiving sites
- Mobile shelving units
- Operating a pellet mill
- Risks of electric shock
- Ship cargo holds
- Unloading free-flowing material
- Vermiculite insulation containing tremolite asbestos
- Working and driving on ice-covered water
Interpretations, Policies and Guidelines (IPGs)
Infographics and posters
- Asbestos - Occupational exposure in federally regulated workplaces
- Chemical hazards in federally regulated workplaces
- If a work-related accident occurs
- Mental health in the workplace
- Nanoparticles - Occupational exposure in federally regulated workplaces
- Occupational exposure to asbestos in federally regulated workplaces - Appoint a qualified person
- Occupational exposure to Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions (DEEEs) in federally regulated work places
- Occupational exposure to heat stress in federally regulated workplaces
- Occupational exposure to flour dust and grain dust in federally regulated workplaces
- Occupational exposure to cold stress in federally regulated workplaces
- Personal protective equipment: doing it right
Annual reports
Occupational injuries in the Canadian federal jurisdiction
- 2022 annual report – Occupational injuries in the Canadian federal jurisdiction
- 2021 annual report – Occupational injuries in the Canadian federal jurisdiction
- Occupational Injuries in the Canadian Federal Jurisdiction, 2020
- Occupational injuries amongst federal jurisdiction employers, 2019
- Occupational injuries amongst federal jurisdiction employers, 2018
- Occupational injuries amongst federal jurisdiction employers, 2017
Harassment and violence in work places under Canadian federal jurisdiction
Archived information
To access archived Occupational injuries amongst federal jurisdiction employers reports not appearing on the webpage, please refer to the Government of Canada publications catalogue.
Consultation reports
Related links
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