Reports Tabled in Parliament
Under the International Labour Organization (ILO) Constitution, all member States are required to bring newly adopted ILO instruments to the attention of the competent authority or authorities and to inform the ILO that this has been done, and subsequently, when so requested, to report on the position of its law and practice with respect to the matters dealt with in the instruments.
In a federal State such as Canada, when the subject of an instrument is partly within provincial and territorial jurisdiction, the federal government brings the instrument to the attention of all the competent authorities by tabling a report in Parliament and providing copies to the provincial and territorial governments.
These reports include general descriptions of the instruments adopted and assessments of the extent to which current Canadian law and practice comply with their provisions.
The following reports concerning instruments adopted by the International Labour Conference (ILC) have recently been tabled in Parliament:
2016 ILO Report
ILO Report 2016: Canadian Report with Respect to International Labour Organization Instruments adopted at the 103rd session (June 2014) and 104th session (June 2015) of the International Labour Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
- Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 2014 (Protocol 29)
- Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy, 2015 (Recommendation 204)
2014 ILO Report
ILO Report 2014: Canadian Position with Respect to a Convention and Recommendations adopted at the 99th session (June 2010), 100th session (June 2011) and 101st session (June 2012) of the International Labour Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
- HIV and Aids Recommendation, 2010
- Domestic Workers Convention and Recommendation, 2011
- Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012.
2011 ILO Report
ILO Report 2011: Canadian Position with Respect to Conventions and Recommendations adopted at the 91st (June 2003), 92nd (June 2004), 95th (June 2006) and 96th (June 2007) sessions of the International Labour Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
- Seafarers Identity Documents Convention (Revised);
- Human Resources Development Recommendation;
- Employment Relationship Recommendation;
- Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention and Recommendation; and
- Work in Fishing Convention and Recommendation.
2006 ILO Report
ILO Report 2006: Canadian Position with Respect to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.
The MLC 2006 is a comprehensive new labour standard for the world's maritime sector that sets out seafarers' rights to decent working conditions and helps to create conditions for fair competition for shipowners. The new Convention brings most of the existing maritime labour instruments together in a single Convention with a new format and updated language that better reflects modern working conditions in the industry.
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