Analysis of Canada-Chile Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

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Text of the Agreement


The Canada-Chile Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (CCAEC) provides a framework for bilateral cooperation on environmental issues. The Agreement commits the Parties to effectively enforce their environmental laws and to work cooperatively to protect and enhance the environment and promote sustainable development.

The Agreement contains remedies that are available to help ensure effective enforcement. Citizens and NGOs can make submissions on enforcement matters asserting that Canada or Chile is failing to effectively enforce its environmental law. These submissions will be considered by an independent Joint Submission Committee and can result in an independent assessment through the preparation of a factual record. A consultation and dispute settlement process is available to the Parties where a persistent pattern of failure to effectively enforce an enviromnental law is alleged. This process can lead to the creation of an arbitral panel which can recommend a remedial action plan and in some cases impose a monetary enforcement assessment.

Environmental cooperation is promoted by a Canada-Chile Environmental Cooperation Commission which develops and implements an annual program of cooperative work. The Commission consists of a ministerial Council, a Joint Public Advisory Committee, and a Joint Submission Committee, which are assisted by National Secretariats.


The preamble sets out the shared foundations on which the Agreement is based. It highlights common beliefs in the importance of conservation and protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development. It recognizes the growing economic and social links between Canada and Chile, including the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA), and the desirability of building on the progress in environmental cooperation achieved through the existing Canada-Chile Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Environmental Cooperation.

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