Financial overview – Estimates of Environment and Climate Change Canada: appearance before the Standing Committee (December 2, 2020)

Overview of ECCC’s 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)


Voted vs statutory

Voted grants and contributions

Description of Items in the Supplementary Estimates B

Voted Appropriations ($2,407,922)

Statutory Appropriations ($11,455,508)

Transfers from Other Government Departments

Internal Transfers

Transfers to Other Government Departments

Annotated copy of 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates B

Environment and Climate Chanage Canada

Organization Summary (dollars)

- Authorities to date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers2 These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments1 Proposed Authorities to date
1b Operating expenditures 886,416,572 (490,240)A 1,135,207D 887,061,539
5 Capital expenditures 102,290,045 453,215B 0 102,743,261
10b Grants and contributions 829,881,990 (8,613,000)C 1,272,715E 822,541,705
Total Voted 1,818,588,608 (8,650,025) 2,407,922 1,812,346,505
Total Statutory 204,984,083 0 11,455,508F 216,439,591
Total Budgetary Expenditures 2,023,572,691 (8,650,025)1 13,863,4301 2,028,786,096

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website.

1 Total Supplementary Estimates B: $5,213,405

Explanation of Requirements (dollars)

- Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations
Funding to protect Canada's nature, parks and wild spaces Vote 10bE 1,272,715
Funding for government advertising programs (horizontal item) Vote 1bD 500,000
Funding to implement British Columbia agreements Vote 1bD 492,318
Reinvestment of royalties from intellectual property Vote 1bD 92,314
Funding to support students and youth (COVID-19) Vote 1bD 50,575
Total Voted Appropriations 2,407,922
Total Statutory Appropriations 11,455,508F
Transfers from Other Organizations
From the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to various organizations to respond to Indigenous concerns on the overal health of the Salish Sea Vote 1bA 454,760
From the Treasury Board Secretariat to various organizations for innovative approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in government operations Vote 5b 453,215B
Internal Transfers
Internal reallocation of resources from contributions ($500,000) to Grants in support of the Low Carbon Economy Fund Vote 10bC 0
Transfers to Other Organizations
From the Department of the Environment to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to continue the environmental restoration of projects under the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Vote 1bA (945,000)
From the Department of the Environment to the Department of Natural Resources for the 50 Million Tree Program under the Low Carbon Economy Fund Vote 10bC (3,363,00)
From the Department of the Environment to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to develop plastics science in support of the Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste Vote 10bC (5,250,000)
Total Transfers (8,650,025)
Total Budgetary 5,213,405







Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)

  Estimates to date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates
Grant in support of the Low Carbon Economy Fund 2,000,000 500,0001 2,500,000
Contributions in support of the Canada Nature Fund 109,175,597 1,272,715 110,448,312

1 $0.5M increase from an internal reallocation of resources from contributions to grants in support of the Low Carbon Economy Fund. The increases to grants is required in order to ensure the implementation of the Pan Canadian Framework and Canada's efforts to meet its commitments under the Paris Agreement. The increases to grants is also required to respect the funding agreements signed with the partners who accessed funds under the Low Carbon Economy Fund and to meet our federal funding commitments.

Listing of Statutory Authorities

Budgetary Authorities to date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities
Contributions to employee benefit plans 95,747,282 116,998 95,864,280
Payments to support students and youth impacted by COVID-19 pursuant to the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act 0 11,338,5101 11,338,510

1 This funding supports the government’s announcement for “Supporting Students During COVID-19 through Expanded Youth Employment and Job Skills Programming”.

A total of $128.7 million in 2020-21 was approved for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy to fund programs serving high-demand sectors such as agriculture, technology, health, and essential services. ECCC was approved for $11.4 million for 2020-21. Funding of $11.3 million for this measure in 2020-21 is provided through the statutory appropriation contained in the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act and $0.1M is sought under Vote 1 in these Estimates.

Horizontal Items

The items listed in this table are horizontal initiatives and other jointly funded items. Both types of horizontal items involve two or more organizations with a formal finding agreement (e.g. Memorandum to Cabinet or Treasury Board submission). Through horizontal initiatives, the organizations work in partnership toward the achievement of shared outcomes. In jointly funded items, organizations receive incremental funding, and each independently contributes to the realization of the stated objective(s).

Funding for government advertising programs
Organization Amount (dollars)

Department of the Environment

  • Operating expenditures to generate awareness of and engagement in key nature conservation issues

This funding of $500K has been approved for 2020-21 only and will be used to support ECCC’s Nature Legacy campaign.

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