Clean Technology |
Work with the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and the Minister of Natural Resources to position Canada as a global leader in clean technology. (ML) |
- As part of free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) seeks to negotiate comprehensive and ambitious environmental provisions, including the elimination of tariffs on Canadian environmental goods and services.
- As part of the implementation of FTA environment provisions, ECCC is organizing events with trading partners to promote and showcase Canadian clean technologies.
- Working in tandem with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED), ECCC is actively engaged in the Clean Growth Hub helping Canadian clean technology companies navigate federal funding programs and regulations.
- In its unique role as an environmental regulator, by notably developing codes, standards, and regulations, ECCC creates incentives for businesses and consumers to adopt clean technology solutions.
- In leading the development of the Strengthened Climate Plan, ECCC has worked closely with ISED and NRCan to ensure clean technology is a key aspect of climate mitigation action (e.g., the Fall Economic Statement decision to recapitalize Sustainable Development Technology Canada).
Climate Adaptation |
As part of Canada’s climate plan, work with the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities and the Minister of Natural Resources, and with the support of the Special Representative for the Prairies, to develop a national climate change adaptation strategy and invest in reducing the impact of climate-related disasters, like floods and wildfires, to make communities safer and more resilient. (SL) |
- Officials from ECCC, in collaboration with NRCan, have initiated engagement with provinces, territories, National Indigenous Organizations (NIOs), and other key partners, to discuss the process to develop a National Adaptation Strategy and linkages to ongoing work.
- In the coming months, ECCC will be holding a virtual forum with a broad and inclusive set of partners and stakeholders to develop a vision for the National Adaptation Strategy, identify its key components, and put in place a process to develop the strategy’s framework.
- The Parks Canada Agency (PCA) undertakes wildfire risk reduction across the many sites and parks under its jurisdiction. This work is an important activity for reducing the risks and impacts of potential climate-related wildfire disasters and making communities safer and more resilient. Since December 2019 the Agency’s National Fire Information Management System shows an investment of $698,208.53 in 19 wildfire risk reduction initiatives across the country.
Work with the Minister of Natural Resources and provinces and territories to complete all flood maps in Canada. (ML) |
- ECCC is working with NRCan and Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC) to strengthen both the policy and science related to flood mapping.
- ECCC is also engaging provinces and territories through existing governance structures to inform flood mapping engineering methods and approaches to assess flood maps, supporting NRCan in advancing a national flood-mapping standard.
Climate Mitigation |
In close collaboration with all colleagues, implement the government-wide climate plan to exceed Canada’s 2030 climate goal, A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy. Work with provinces and territories, Indigenous peoples and stakeholders on advancing climate action. (SL/ML) |
- On December 11, 2020, the Government of Canada (GoC) released A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy—Canada's Strengthened Climate Plan (SCP) announcing federal policies, programs and $15 billion in investments to accelerate the fight against climate change, create good new jobs, make life more affordable for households, and build a more resilient and sustainable future. The SCP builds on the important achievements and work underway to implement the 2016 Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF), in collaboration with provinces, territories, and Indigenous peoples. ECCC is working with other implicated federal departments to quickly implement measures in the SCP and to put in place the building blocks for a robust and resilient recovery and a prosperous net-zero emissions future.
- ECCC senior officials have established a whole-of-government governance structure to track progress and coordinate implementation of SCP measures.
- Work has begun across government to implement the SCP measures funded in the Fall Economic Statement.
- ECCC has initiated on each of the regulatory measures announced in the SCP.
- Outreach and background work has been initiated to inform the design of the Net-Zero Challenge.
- Canada has committed to announcing an enhanced 2030 mitigation target by the U.S.-hosted Leaders’ Summit on Climate on April 22-23, 2021.
- Through senior bilateral tables, federal officials have met with First Nations (January) and Metis (February) representatives to discuss the SCP and its implementation. A meeting with the Inuit is planned for late April/May.
Legislate Canada’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. (SL/ML) |
- The Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act (Bill C-12) was introduced in the House of Commons on November 19, 2020. This proposed legislation would codify the Government’s commitment for Canada to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and require the government to set national emission reduction targets at five-year intervals for 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2045. Once the bill becomes law, the government will be required to develop an emission reduction plan for each target and explain how that plan will contribute to reaching net-zero in 2050. In addition, the Act would require interim progress reports on implementation and effectiveness, as well as final assessment reports on the achievement of each target. As well, the Act would require that Canada’s Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development examine and report on implementation of the measures intended to achieve the target, at least once every five years.
- The Act also formally establishes an independent expert Advisory Body to engage with Canadians and provide expert advice. In particular, the Advisory Body would provide advice respecting measures and sectoral strategies that the GoC could implement to achieve a greenhouse gas (GHG) target and to conduct engagement activities related to achieving net-zero emissions.
- The Advisory Body was launched on February 25, 2021. Within the first three months of its establishment, the Advisory Body will provide a summary of net-zero pathways work completed domestically and internationally.
Continue putting a price on pollution while putting that money back in the pockets of Canadians. (SL) |
- Carbon pollution pricing systems aligned with the federal standard (benchmark) are in place in all jurisdictions.
- Parliament passed the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act in 2018. The Supreme Court of Canada confirmed the constitutionality of the carbon pricing regime on March 25, 2021.
- The studies and reviews of carbon pricing committed to in the PCF have all been initiated or completed. All will be complete by spring 2021. In 2020’s SCP, the GoC proposed to increase the carbon price by $15/year starting in 2023, out to $170 in 2030, and to strengthen the federal benchmark criteria for all systems to support meeting climate goals while allowing provinces and territories to choose the pricing system that works best for them. ECCC officials’ engagement with provinces and territories and NIOs on the federal proposal for strengthened carbon pricing made in the SCP has been completed. The GoC is developing a Federal GHG Offset System to incent reductions in sectors such as agriculture and forestry. Draft regulations were published in Canada Gazette Part 1 in March 2021; final regulations are targeted for fall 2021.
- ECCC posted the list of priority project types for which offset protocols will be developed first in January 2021.
- The review of the federal Output-based Pricing System was initiated, with a scoping paper, on February 12, 2021.
Support the Minister of Natural Resources and the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food in their efforts to support farmers, foresters and ranchers in reducing emissions and building resilience as key partners in the fight against climate change. (SL) |
- ECCC is working with the agricultural and forestry sectors on opportunities created by the Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) and federal offsets.
- In coordination with NRCan and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), ECCC continues to prepare for the launch of the Natural Climate Solutions Fund to ensure that the program will be a success.
Work with the Minister of Natural Resources, the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry and the Minister of Transport, and with the support of the Special Representative for the Prairies, to implement the Net-Zero Accelerator Fund in continuing to support Canada’s manufacturing, transportation, natural resource and energy sectors as they work to transform to meet a net-zero future, creating good-paying and long-lasting jobs. (SL) |
- ECCC is providing support to ISED in designing the Net-Zero Accelerator (NZA), including advice on the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF)-NZA Governance Structure and industry outreach approach.
Work with the President of the Treasury Board to apply a climate lens to all government decision-making. (SL) |
- ECCC is working closely with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) on developing a Climate Lens that aims to ensure that decision-makers have the information needed to understand the effects of their decisions on the GoC’s climate goals in a robust and coherent manner.
Work with the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Natural Resources to advance toward our zero-emission vehicles targets of 10 per cent of light-duty vehicles sales per year by 2025, 30 per cent by 2030 and 100 per cent by 2040. (ML) |
- ECCC is continuing work to develop, implement and administer legislation, regulations and tools related to the transportation sector (e.g. Light Duty and Heavy Duty Vehicles, Off-Road Vehicles and Engines, Renewable Fuels). This commitment is a measure in the SCP.
Heritage |
Work to provide clearer direction on how national heritage places should be designated and preserved, and to develop comprehensive legislation on federally owned heritage places. (ML) |
- The PCA is exploring the development of a legislative framework to strengthen the protection of federally-owned historic places for present and future generations.
- This work is informed by feedback received from federal government departments and organizations, stakeholders and Indigenous groups, as well as from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action #79 and various parliamentary committees.
- Engagement has taken place over the past few years and more recently in targeted engagement sessions with federal departments and stakeholders.
Nature |
With the support of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, work with the Minister of Natural Resources to operationalize our plan to use nature-based solutions to fight climate change and stop biodiversity loss, including by planting two billion trees. (SL/ML) |
- In coordination with NRCan and AAFC, ECCC has launched the $631 million Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund as a component of the $3.9 billion Natural Climate Solutions initiative announced in the 2020 Fall Economic Statement.
- ECCC has successfully developed a detailed, evidence-based program design in collaboration with AAFC and NRCan to deliver on the commitment, *redacted*, and reflected in the 2020 Fall Economic Statement.
- In January 2021 ECCC and AAFC hosted an engagement session on the Climate-Smart Ecosystems (CSE) Initiative (the ECCC element has since been renamed the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund), which was used to gather input from key stakeholders and to validate the current thinking on program design.
- In March 2021 ECCC issued a call for Expressions of Interest for projects that could be started in the 2021-2022 FY.
- As mandated, ECCC is working with NRCan to establish an Advisory Panel to support the ongoing implementation of this 10-year commitment. ECCC is also working closely with NRCan on planning to deliver targeted funding for tree planting that supports forest habitat restoration for species at risk.
- Parks Canada has completed the planning to plant 150,000 trees in 2021 working together with local community groups in up to 18 Parks from coast to coast. This includes 45,000 trees in Rouge National Urban Park.
Work with the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, and with municipalities, provinces and territories and Indigenous peoples to expand urban parks to increase Canadians’ access to green spaces. (SL/ML) |
- As the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted, access to nature is vitally important for Canadians’ health and wellbeing. In a survey by Park People focused on urban parks, 70% of respondents said they appreciate parks more since physical distancing began. Urban parks was one of the five key themes of the 2020 Minister’s Round Table on Parks Canada. The Agency is finalizing its review of the input received and will share the outcomes of this consultation in a What We Heard report, which will be available online.
- There has been high interest in this mandate commitment, with several interested proponents reaching out to Parks Canada to discuss potential opportunities. The Agency is evaluating possible elements of an urban parks program, including options for providing support to municipalities and their partners.
- As this analysis continues proponents are being encouraged to share views on the types of policies and programming that would be effective in responding to feedback received and delivering on this new aspect of this mandate commitment.
Expand the Learn-to-Camp program to meet the target that 400,000 kids each year learn basic camping skills. (ML) |
- Every year the Parks Canada Learn-to Camp program introduces thousands of children and families to the safe enjoyment of nature and the outdoors. The program delivers outdoor skills development activities in cities across the country as well as in Parks Canada places and offers experiences of short, medium, and long durations, including overnight camping experiences.
- In 2019, Parks Canada held over 600 Learn-to Camp events and served over 100,000 participants. In 2020, as the country rose to the challenge of flattening the curve of COVID-19, millions of Canadians chose national historic sites and national parks as outlets for health and wellness and as destinations for recreation and vacations. The program was adapted to delivering knowledge, skills, and information to the countless Canadians who were trying camping and recreating in wild and natural settings for the first time in 2020. Learn-to Camp programming was delivered on digital platforms and through program partners to reach Canadians in their homes and their backyards as they prepared for their excursions or vacations. These adaptations continue for 2021 and will be complemented by innovations in the program’s delivery throughout the spring, summer and fall. As the restrictions related to COVID-19 are likely to be in place at least for the tourism season of 2021, the modified target for delivery to the Learn-to Camp program has been reduced to 50,000 participants per year for 2020-21 and 2021-22.
Provide a bursary for children and their families who live in poverty or underprivileged circumstances that create significant barriers to visiting national or provincial parks. (ML) |
- Canada’s national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas have been established for the benefit of all Canadians and Parks Canada is committed to ensuring that these places are accessible to everyone. Parks Canada admission fees are maintained at affordable levels and the Agency works collaboratively with a wide variety of community partners to facilitate transportation, access and enjoyment of these places from the cities and towns near Parks Canada destinations. Also, Parks Canada outreach and Learn-to Camp programming is delivered in collaboration with community partners, such as service organizations, with the goal of reaching individuals and families who might not otherwise have opportunities to visit and enjoy natural and cultural heritage places. Combined, these programs reached an estimated 160,000 Canadians in 2019. In 2020, outreach programming was adapted to digital delivery and physically-distanced experiences. These adaptations will continue in 2021, but with ongoing innovations applied throughout the spring, summer, and fall. While the government has not implemented a specific bursary for low-income families to visit national and provincial parks, Parks Canada has adapted its programming to achieve similar objectives and reach this audience with opportunities to learn about and enjoy natural and cultural heritage places.
Advance Parks Canada’s efforts to play a leadership role in natural and cultural heritage conservation and promotion, and work to ensure that Canada’s national parks and national historic sites are a source of national pride and enjoyment today and for future generations. (ML) |
- Promoting Parks Canada places and programs helps to improve Canadians’ awareness of their nation’s greatest treasures and further helps to strengthen their connection to nature and understanding of the importance of science and conservation. Visiting a Parks Canada place is one of the most effective ways of connecting Canadians to their culture and heritage and ensuring support for Parks Canada’s mandate. In 2019–20, Parks Canada met its visitation target to maintain or increase visitation to Parks Canada places, with 24.9 million visitors. In 2020-21, after a brief pause in visitor access required to adjust services to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, Parks Canada resumed visitor access and services beginning June 1, 2020. Parks Canada received 13.3 million visitors from April 1 to September 30, 2020; an additional 1.9 million visitors enjoyed places between October 1 and December 31, 2020.
- On September 25, 2020, Parks Canada signed an agreement with the Yellowknives Dene First Nation to confirm their role in a regional management body and provide funding for them to promote and protect their culture and heritage through the development of a tourism strategy related to the recently established Thaidene Nene National Park Reserve.
Work with the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard to introduce a new ambitious plan to conserve 25 per cent of Canada’s land and 25 per cent of Canada’s oceans by 2025, working toward 30 per cent of each by 2030. This plan should be grounded in science, Indigenous knowledge and local perspectives. Advocate at international gatherings that countries around the world set a 30 per cent conservation goal for 2030 as well. (ML) |
- Since 2015 Canada has protected an additional 2% of land (close to 200,000 km2, almost equivalent to three New Brunswicks combined)
- To date, Canada has conserved 12.5% of our land – and current projections and recent gains from provinces and territories show us being closer to 13.1%. We are on track to conserve 17% of Canada’s lands by 2023.
- These gains are in part due to the Government’s historic 2018 investment in Canada Nature Legacy and the Canada Nature Fund. 100 Indigenous, provincial, territorial and municipal protected areas are being established in all regions of the country, of which 30 are Indigenous protected and conserved areas. (Examples: Edéhzhíe Indigenous Protected Area, Thaidene Nene National Park Reserve and Territorial Park).
- Additionally, over 250 private land areas have been secured under the Natural Heritage Conservation Program in all provinces, mainly in southern Canada, where the most biodiversity-rich areas are and where most Canadians live.
- The Government is working on a plan to protect 25% of Canada’s land, and to set the stage for 30% by 2030, which the government hopes to release by early summer. The plan will be grounded in science, Indigenous knowledge, and local perspectives. In developing the plan, the department has consulted provinces and territories, National Indigenous Representative Organizations, Indigenous leaders, ENGOs, industry sectors, and philanthropic foundations.
- Canada has joined the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People and the Global Ocean Alliance to advocate internationally for conserving 30% of the world’s lands and oceans by 2030 and the conservation of biodiversity for now and for future generations.
- Canada continues to advocate strongly for the inclusion of the “30 by 30” goal across a number of international multilateral fora including G7/G20, Commonwealth, Arctic Council, UN, etc., including as part of negotiated outcomes.
- Canada will host and lead the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) in Vancouver, June 23-30, 2022. As many as 80 nations are expected to participate. The Congress will culminate in an international Leadership Summit at which marine commitments to 25 x 25 and 30 x 30 will be affirmed or announced.
- Parks Canada currently contributes 2.12% of Canada’s total of 13.81% protected marine and coastal areas and is a key partner working on the final protection for the High Arctic (Tuvaijuittuq Marine Protected Area). On the terrestrial side, the Agency contributes 3.4% of the total of 12.1% protected lands and freshwater areas.
- Parks Canada is leading Canada’s input to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress motions process, including making interventions during the online debate on motions that support adoption of a 30% conservation goal. As a lead partner in the IUCN One Nature One Future virtual Global Youth Summit (April 5-16, 2021), the Agency is creating a space for Canadian and international youth to share their ambitious visions for action on climate and conservation.
- The Nature Legacy investment has:
- Supported and enhanced conservation actions that have led to concrete conservation gains in places administered by the PCA. The Agency has strengthened national science capacity, has implemented on-the-ground conservation and restoration projects, and has initiated new work to support collaborative, integrated planning with partners aimed at improving conservation outcomes within parks and at the landscape scale.
- Supported Parks Canada working with the Assembly of First Nations, the Metis National Council and the Conservation through Reconciliation partnership to gain conservation perspectives that are important to Indigenous peoples. This supports modernizing Parks Canada conservation programming by including Indigenous Knowledge in conservation programming and funding conservation projects that exemplify Indigenous Leadership in conservation.
- Parks Canada has maintained or improved the ecological integrity in 86% of ecosystems in national parks, which is an improvement of 4% from the previous fiscal year.
- Parks Canada, DFO and ECCC are developing guidance to implement the Government of Canada’s April 2019 protection standards for federal marine protected areas.
Continue to work to protect biodiversity and species at risk, while engaging with provinces, territories, Indigenous communities, scientists, industry and other stakeholders to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing Species at Risk Act and assess the need for modernization. (ML) |
- The Government of Canada has advanced new policy and program approaches to improve and modernize the implementation of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) and are achieving better outcomes for all species at risk, before considering amendments to the Act.
- The Pan-Canadian Approach to Transforming Species at Risk Conservation in Canada is advancing collaborative outcomes and building support for and implementing further improvements to the species at risk program by engaging provinces, territories, National Indigenous Organizations, stakeholders and the general public for protecting and recovering species at risk.
- The Canada Nature Fund for terrestrial species at risk provides directed and application-based grants and contributions currently targeting 11 federal/provincial/territorial priority places, 15 community-nominated priority places, six priority species, three priority sectors and threats, and a broad suite of Indigenous partnerships. ECCC has issued tens of millions of dollars in grants and contributions to support this work; changing the way we work together and support conservation.
- Parks Canada also contributes to advancing the Pan-Canadian Approach to species at risk, which was approved by federal, provincial and territorial ministers, through national parks in or adjacent to six priority places where the Agency has existing relationships and partnerships for conservation.
- Parks Canada has been an early leader in implementing multi-species action plans. The Agency has developed 22 multi-species action plans (one since December 2019) and is implementing on-the-ground conservation actions using multi-species, ecosystem-based, and threat-based approaches. Since 2019, Parks Canada has also completed a single-species recovery strategy and action plan for the Sable Island Sweat Bee. The Agency engages with Indigenous peoples, partners and stakeholders in this work.
Support the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard in implementing the Oceans Protection Plan. (ML) |
- ECCC improved weather services for mariners by developing local forecasts for 12 to 24 hour periods by deploying 5 new, state-of-the-art weather buoys and launching a Marine weather observations website which lists local forecasts, buoy data, and forecaster notes.
- ECCC collected 16,000 km of coastal shoreline aerial imagery and more than 1200 km of at-sea marine bird abundance and distribution information in Northern B.C. ECCC also completed GPS-tracking studies of seven marine bird species to understand habitat use and threats and initial assessment of diluted bitumen toxicity to birds.
- ECCC identified gaps in data inventory; engaged with Indigenous partners on data collection about environmentally sensitive areas; participated in the response planning; and conducted review of current federal legal authorities, technical and resource capacities, policies and programs relevant to recovery.
- *redacted*
- ECCC staffed Environmental Emergency Officers and Enforcement Officers on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts and Wildlife Emergency Response Coordinators across the country; and expanded Wildlife Emergency Response Equipment Caches for Pacific Region. In addition, ECCC developed new oil spill modelling capacity and enhanced its marine patrols in the Pacific and Atlantic areas. ECCC also established a Notification Desk and a National Environmental Emergencies Operations Centre which have contributed to enhanced 24/7 response capacity.
Pollution |
Implement our plan to ban harmful single-use plastic products and take steps toward eliminating plastic pollution in Canada. This includes working with provinces and territories to develop national targets, standards and regulations that will make companies that manufacture plastic products or sell items with plastic packaging responsible for collecting and recycling them. (ML) |
Work is on-going to eliminate plastic pollution.
- Canada’s Proposal to add Plastics Manufactured Items on Schedule 1 of CEPA was released for public consultation.
- Consultations have been undertaken with stakeholders and provinces and territories on the Proposed Integrated Management Approach to Plastic Products discussion document – the approach proposes banning certain harmful single-use plastics, and includes a proposal for establishing recycled content requirements for plastic products.
- Significant collaborative work is ongoing through the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, including in areas such as Extended Producer Responsibility.
- The release of the Science Assessment of Plastic Pollution and the continued implementation of Canada’s Plastics Science Agenda including investments in external science on plastic pollution.
- Studies are underway looking at the value chain economics for plastics, remanufacturing, refurbishment, reuse, and recycling infrastructure in North America.
- Canada continues to administer grants and contributions to community-based projects that address plastic waste and support targeted measures for Industry-Based Solutions and fund SMEs to develop innovative solutions for problematic plastics through the Canadian Plastics Innovation Challenge – targeted measures to set the necessary conditions to drive sustainable design, production and after-use markets across industry sectors that use plastics.
- Work continues to reduce plastic waste in federal operations and departments have mobilized to begin addressing waste from Personal Protective Equipment.
- International fora work continues in global efforts to address plastic pollution, such as the G7, United Nations Environment Assembly, and international working groups including through the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), Arctic Council, and the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML).
Work with the Minister of Health to better protect people and the environment from toxins and other pollution, including by strengthening the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. (ML) |
Bill C-28 was introduced on April 13. The changes will strengthen protections for Canadians and the environment by:
- Recognizing a right to a healthy environment for every individual in Canada.
- Assessing real life exposure based on the cumulative effects of a substance in combination with exposure to other substances.
- Implementing a new regime for toxic substances that pose the highest risk.
- Supporting the shift to less harmful chemicals through the establishment of a Watch List of substances.
- Creating a new Plan of Chemicals Management Priorities.
- Amending the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) to provide the ability to develop a regulatory framework under the FDA to assess and manage the environmental risks of new drugs.
Water |
With the support of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Minister of Natural Resources and the Special Representative for the Prairies, continue work to create a new Canada Water Agency to keep our water safe, clean and well-managed. (SL/ML) |
- An interdepartmental committee to support the development of a Canada Water Agency (CWA) has been established.
- ECCC has undertaken extensive freshwater issue analysis and initial engagement of provinces and territories, National Indigenous Representatives, and key stakeholder organizations.
- A Discussion Paper, “Toward the Creation of a Canada Water Agency”, supported comprehensive engagement on the CWA mandate commitment. Public comments were open from December 17, 2020 until March 1, 2021.
- A National Freshwater Policy Forum was completed on January 27 and 28, 2021, followed with six Regional Freshwater Policy Forums (February 2 to 23, 2021), and workshops with science and data experts. Approximately 2,500 people were engaged in total and over 400 written submissions were received.
- Provinces and territories submitted feedback on the Discussion Paper. As of early April only two provinces have yet to submit feedback, but are expected to do so.
- Approximately 10 Indigenous organizations submitted feedback by early April, and more is expected in the coming months. ECCC has set up a dedicated Indigenous engagement process that will continue into 2021.
- A What We Heard Report summarizing public feedback will be published in spring 2021.
Develop further protections and take active steps to clean up the Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg, Lake Simcoe and other large lakes. (ML) |
- Phase 1 analysis of federal roles and responsibilities in relation to large lakes and other water bodies in Canada has been completed.
- ECCC has completed draft Phase 2 diagnostiques for large lakes and other water bodies in Canada where there are significant federal roles and responsibilities.
- ECCC has also completed draft Phase 3 analysis of potential actions to advance freshwater protection in the Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg and Lake Simcoe.
- ECCC is working to engage stakeholders and refine analysis of potential actions in the Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg and Lake Simcoe, as well as in other large lakes and other water bodies in Canada.