Sequence of events
Zoom video conference
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Time: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. (EDT) with likely delays (possibly one hour) due to votes in the House of Commons
Event description
The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, has been invited to appear before the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (ENVI) to speak to the Environment Portfolio’s Main Estimates for the fiscal year 2021- 2022 that were tabled in Parliament on February 25, 2021.
The Minister will appear for the first hour accompanied by:
- Christine Hogan, Deputy Minister, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Linda Drainville, Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Services and Finance Branch
- Ron Hallman, President and CEO, Parks Canada Agency
- Catherine Blanchard, Vice-President, Finance
- David McGovern, President, Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
The Minister will depart following completion of the first hour of the meeting leaving behind Christine Hogan, Ron Hallman, and David McGovern, and the following senior portfolio officials to respond to questions from Committee Members during the second hour:
ECCC (Confirmed)
- Doug Nevison, Assistant Deputy Minister, Climate Change Branch
- John Moffet, Assistant Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Branch
- Helen Ryan, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Branch
- Tara Shannon, Assistant Deputy Minister, Canadian Wildlife Services
- Linda Drainville, Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Services and Finance Branch
IAAC (Confirmed)
- Terrence Hubbard, Vice-President, Operations
- Patricia Brady, Vice-President, Policy
- Simon Brault, Chief Financial Officer
PCA (Confirmed)
- Catherine Blanchard, Vice-President, Finance
- Andrew Campbell, Senior Vice-President, Operations
- Darlene Upton, Vice-President, Protected Areas and Establishment and Conservation
- Michael Nadler, Vice-President, External Relations and Visitor Experience
- Christine Loth-Bown, Vice-President, Indigenous Affairs and Cultural Heritage
Video Conference (Zoom) – The meeting will be conducted through Zoom. All Environment Portfolio officials including the Minister have already been provided with mandatory head-sets by ENVI prior to their previous appearances before the Standing Committee. Committee technicians will conduct tests with each participant prior to the meeting to ensure that all equipment is fully operational.
Log-in – Witnesses are encouraged to log onto Zoom a full half-hour prior to the meeting. The Clerk of ENVI will provide Parliamentary Affairs with contact information for those who wish to follow the proceedings in real time as observers.
Chat Session – Adam Borden, Senior Parliamentary Affairs Officer, will create a chat on MS Teams to link in officials who will be on standby to assist our ECCC witnesses.
Official Invitation – Adam Borden will send out an official invitation to all officials ensuring that all pertinent information is contained within their respective schedules.
Event timeline
3:30 p.m.
Francis Scarpaleggia, Chair of ENVI, will open the meeting by welcoming the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Christine Hogan, Deputy Minister of ECCC, Ron Hallman, President and CEO of the Parks Canada Agency, and David McGovern, President of the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada. (Note that Minister Wilkinson is committed to participating for a full hour even if this meeting is delayed by as much as a full hour due to votes in the House of Commons.)
3:35 p.m.
Minister Wilkinson delivers a 5-minute opening statement.
3:40 p.m.
The Chair of ENVI opens the floor to a round of 6 minutes of questions for the Minister and his colleagues beginning with Dan Albas, Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) critic for ECCC who will be followed by a representative of the Liberal Party, and ECCC critics Monique Pauzé, Bloc Québécois (BQ), and Laurel Collins of the New Democratic Party (NDP). Following completion of the first round of questions, Members will move on to a second round of 5-minute questions allotted to the CPC and Liberal Parties with 2.5 minutes going to the BQ and NDP parties.
4:30 p.m.
Minister Wilkinson departs the meeting leaving Deputy Heads and their senior officials behind to answer questions over the next hour in the same order as described above.
5:30 p.m.
Chair of ENVI thanks the witnesses putting an end to the meeting.
Video conference ends.
Logistics contact from ECCC
Adam Borden
Senior Parliamentary Affairs Officer
Parliamentary Affairs Unit
Mobile: 613-716-7971
Page details
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