Departmental results framework
This information from the Minister’s transition binder was current as of November 2019. We don’t update this page as it is part of the historical record.
Core responsibilities / Minister’s mandate priorities
Core Responsibilities are the functions related to the ongoing departmental mandate. The items listed under each Core Responsibility are specific ministerial mandate commitments drawn from the Minister’s Mandate Letter, the Speech from the Throne and Budget 2016.
Taking Action on Clean Growth and Climate Change
Through engagement with other federal departments and agencies, provinces, territories, Indigenous Peoples, and other stakeholders, and external experts,the Department will support and coordinate the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF); work to reduce Canadian greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; drive clean growth; develop regulatory instruments; support businesses and Canadians to adapt and become more resilient to climate change; and contribute to international climate change actions to increase global benefits.
Preventing and Managing Pollution
Collaborate with provinces, territories, Indigenous peoples and others to develop and administer environmental standards, guidelines, regulations and other risk management instruments to reduce releases and monitor levels of contaminants in air, water and soil; and promote and enforce compliance with environmental laws and regulations.
Conserving Nature
Protect and recover species at risk and their critical habitat; conserve and protect healthy populations of migratory birds; engage and enable provinces and territories, Indigenous Peoples, stakeholders, and the public to increase protected areas and contribute to conservation and stewardship activities; expand and manage the Department’s protected areas; and collaborate with domestic and international partners to advance the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development.
Predicting Weather and Environmental Conditions
Monitor weather, water, air quality and climate conditions; provide forecasts, information and warnings to the Canadian public and targeted sectors through a range of service delivery options; conduct research; develop and maintain computer-based models for predicting weather and other environmental conditions; and collaborate and exchange data with other national meteorological services and with international organizations.
Departmental Results and result indicators for each Core Responsibility / Minister’s mandate priorities
By defining Results/outcomes and indicators, progress against Core Responsibilities will be monitored and updated through public reporting and departmental management
Canadian greenhouse gas and short-lived climate pollutant emissions are reduced
- GHG emissions from light duty vehicles
- GHG emissions from heavy duty vehicles
- Black carbon emissions, as reported in Canada’s Black Carbon Emissions Inventory
- HFC emissionsReduced methane emissions from the oil and gas sectorEmissions reductions are being achieved under the Clean Fuel Standard building on the Renewable Fuels Regulations
- Percentage of coal-fired electricity generation units meeting their regulated GHG emissions intensity performance requirement
- Carbon pricing systems are in place in CanadaGHG emissions from ECCC operations
- Co-development of indicators with Indigenous Peoples to ensure they are engaged in the implementation of the PCF, through three distinct senior-level joint tables with First Nations, Inuit, and the Métis Nation.
- Canada’s public sector investments leverage private sectorclimatefinanceGHG reductions resulting from international initiatives funded by CanadaNumber of people in developing countries who benefitted from Canada’s adaptation fundsCanadians
- Number of individuals, businesses, and governments accessing climate services and using that information to inform decision making
- Percentage of Canadians living in areas where air quality standards are achieved
- Percentage of wastewater systems where effluentquality standards are achieved
- Number of substances assessed, identified as toxic, and for which control measures were put in place
- Percentage of Canadian areas conserved as protected areas and other effective areas-based conservation measuresCanadian
- Percentage of species at risk for which changes in populations are consistent with recovery objectives
- Percentage of Indigenous Peoples engaged with ECCC who indicate that the engagement was meaningful
- Index of the timeliness and accuracy of severe weather warnings on a scale of 0 to 10
- Percentage of Canadians that use ECCC information to address water-related impacts on health, safety, economy and environment
Program inventory
Provides an overview of how the Department’s Programs are organized to achieve the Departmental Results
- Clean Growth and Climate Change Mitigation
- International Climate Change Action
- Climate Change AdaptationCore
- Air Quality
- Water Quality and Ecosystems Partnerships
- Substances and Waste Management
- Community Eco-Action
- Compliance Promotion and Enforcement -Pollution
- Species at Risk
- Biodiversity Policy and Partnerships
- Migratory Birds and other Wildlife
- Habitat Conservation and Protection
- Environmental Assessment
- Compliance Promotion and Enforcement -Wildlife
- Weather and Environmental Observations, Forecasts and Warnings
- Hydrological Services
Page details
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