Annex E – Estimated administrative ratios

Estimated Administrative Ratios for RDGO–Ontario
Program Components Total Salary Estimated Salary Associated with Gs&Cs Total O&M Estimated O&M Associated with Gs&Cs Gs&Cs Disbursed Number of Projects Estimated Administrative Ratio ([Col. 2 + Col. 4]/Col. 5)
2010–2011: Great Lakes Action Plan $1,508,758 $502,919 $618,288 $20,000 $2,899,500 45 0.18
2011–2012: Great Lakes Action Plan $1,217,162 $405,721 $920,514 $20,000 $2,900,000 46 0.15
2012–2013: Great Lakes Action Plan $1,128,358 $376,119 $1,269,425 $20,000 $2,900,000 56 0.14
2012–2013: Great Lakes Nutrient Initiative $110,653 $50,000 $358,598 $5,000 $100,000 2 0.55
2013–2014: Great Lakes Action Plan $1,058,769 $352,923 $1,215,770 $20,000 $2,900,000 53 0.13
2013–2014: Great Lakes Nutrient Initiative $287,287 $50,000 $370,679 $5,000 $125,000 4 0.44
2014–2015: Great Lakes Action Plan $1,123,207 $374,402 $1,426,647 $20,000 $2,899,314 52 0.14
2014–2015: Great Lakes Nutrient Initiative $304,244 $25,000 $277,346 $5,000 $105,000 2 0.29
Total $6,738,438 $2,137,084 $6,457,267 $115,000 $14,828,814 260 0.15

Figures from ECCC’s financial system as provided by Finance Branch, July 17, 2015. For purposes of calculating administrative ratios, estimates of salary and O&M associated with administering the Gs&Cs were provided by the Great Lakes program (see columns 2 and 4). For example, program representatives estimated that one-third of staff time/salaries is spent on Gs&Cs administration for GLAP. Estimated O&M consists of costs for travel and overhead such as postage, courier and photocopying.

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