Evaluation of the Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program

Key Dates

Planning phase completed - February 2015
Report sent for management response - May 2016
Management response received - July 2016
Report tabled before the Departmental Evaluation Committee - July 14, 2016
Report approved by the Deputy Minister - September 16, 2016

List of Key Acronyms

Audit and Evaluation Branch
Assistant Deputy Minister
Director General
Departmental Performance Report
Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Canadian Environmental Protection Act
Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development
Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Environmental Stewardship Branch
Federal Sustainable Development Act
Federal Sustainable Development Strategy
Grants and Contributions
Greening Government Operations
Meteorological Services Canada
Other Government Departments
Program Alignment Architecture
Performance Measurement Framework
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Risk-based Audit and Evaluation Plan
Report on Plans and Priorities
Science and Technology Branch
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Sustainable Development Advisory Council
Strategic Policy Branch
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


The Evaluation Project Team would like to thank those individuals who contributed to this project, particularly members of the Evaluation Committee as well as all interviewees and survey respondents who provided insights and comments crucial to this evaluation.

The Evaluation Project Team was led by Susan Wharton, under the direction of William Blois, and included Kevin Marple, Lindsey Derrington, Katheryne O'Connor and Science-Metrix Inc.

Version Control

File name: SuRI - Evaluation Report_Final-2016-09-01.trackchanges.docx

Date: September 1, 2016

Executive Summary


A key area of focus of the Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program involves working with other government departments and agencies to implement the Federal Sustainable Development Act (FSDA), which mandates ECCC to lead the development of, implementation and reporting on the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS). The FSDS 2013-2016 brings together goals, targets and implementation strategies under four priority themes: addressing climate change and air quality; maintaining water quality and availability; protecting nature and Canadians; and shrinking the environmental footprint--beginning with government (frequently referred to as “Greening Government Operations”).

The program also helps other federal departments and agencies to develop their individual departmental sustainable development strategies (DSDSs) that outline how their program activities will support the FSDS. In addition to its ongoing interaction with departments when developing the FSDS and triennial reports on progress, the program works with other government departments, through the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program, to provide data and information on the state of the environment and to measure the progress toward the goals and targets of the FSDS.

The program is delivered by the Sustainability Directorate in ECCC's Strategic Policy Branch. In addition, within ECCC, the Science and Technology Branch, Environmental Stewardship BranchFootnote1 and the Meteorological Service of Canada contribute to the program by providing subject-matter expertise, managing data collection arrangements with partners and supporting the development of the indicators.

The evaluation was undertaken between January and October 2015 and examined the four-year time frame from fiscal year 2010-2011 to 2014-2015. ECCC expenditures for the program were approximately $6.2 million in 2014-2015, or less than 1% of departmental spending.Footnote2 Of this amount, approximately $2 million is transferred to other branches to support science and monitoring associated with CESI indicators.

Findings and Conclusions


There is a continued need to consider environmental sustainability in government decision-making and to provide parliamentarians and Canadians with information on the state of the environment. There is also a need for a transparent, whole-of-government view of what actions are being taken to address climate change and air quality, maintain water quality and availability, and protect nature and Canadians.

The program fulfills a requirement outlined in the FSDA for the development, implementation and reporting of an FSDS, including sustainable development goals and targets in Canada. It also addresses federal roles and responsibilities outlined in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and the Department of the Environment Act related to information on the environment.

The program is aligned with government priorities related to ensuring a clean and healthy environment for Canadians and responsible development.

Performance - Effectiveness

The program's performance was assessed against four thematic outcomes: increased awareness and access; continuous improvements to environmental indicators and the FSDS; increased integration of environmental sustainability into federal planning and reporting processes; and support for increased integration of environmental sustainability into federal decision-making. The latter of these reflects the program's longer-term outcome.

The program has made progress on the three shorter-term outcome themes. Access to environmental indicators and the FSDS has increased through the development and ongoing improvement of the CESI and FSDS websites. Additionally, the program has recognized the importance of engagement and outreach campaigns and has undertaken initiatives to enhance awareness among the federal government, key stakeholders and the general public. While evidence points to moderate improvement in awareness, the need to continue to raise awareness, including helping programs and stakeholders understand the value and potential impact of the FSDS and CESI, was identified as critical for the program to add greater value and ultimately play a greater role in supporting decision-making.

Since 2010, internal research, as well as both internal and external quality assessment and revision processes, support ongoing improvements that have led to an increase in the overall quality and coverage of environmental indicators and the FSDS. Consistent with the process of continual improvement, additional opportunities for improvement continue to be identified.

The program has met its commitments under the FSDA to deliver an FSDS and to report on progress against the strategy. OGDs reported high levels of usage and were positive about the quality of ECCC's guidance to support the development and presentation of their DSDSs.Over the evaluation time frame, departmental environmental sustainability reporting in federal reports on plans and priorities (RPPs) and departmental performance reports (DPRs) has become more consistent, comparable and aligned with the FSDS.

With respect to the program's longer term outcome, although there is evidence related to support for increased integration of environmental sustainability considerations into decision-making for government operations (Theme IV of the 2013-2016 FSDS), there is limited evidence available regarding support for increased integration of Themes I-III into federal decision-making as a result of the program. At this time, the FSDS is primarily a way to provide an integrated, comprehensive picture of actions across the federal government that contribute to environmental sustainability, but there is limited evidence of how it is being used to support decision-making. The consideration of FSDS goals and targets as part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process is currently identified as one of the main mechanisms in which the program's work contributes to integrating environmental sustainability into federal decision-making. In 2013, the program was recognized by the CESD for its efforts to strengthen its practices in this area. Representatives from other government departments suggested that there may be opportunities to further leverage the role of the program among related program areas to improve horizontal information sharing and facilitate discussions. It was felt that in addition to contributing to further improvements in environmental indicators, this could also lead to important policy discussions and ultimately support increased integration of environmental sustainability into decision-making.

Performance - Efficiency and Economy

Governance for the program is clearly defined and understood. Likewise, the roles and responsibilities of those who contribute to the FSDS and CESI are generally well understood. However, a challenge was identified related to the effectiveness of current governance processes to secure senior management participation at critical points and obtain input of a strategic nature associated with implementing the FSDA.

The program is viewed by stakeholders as employing efficient operational and administrative processes, including making effective use of technology.

The program collects some performance measurement data related to both the FSDS and CESI. There are gaps in the availability of data for the period of this review for half of the performance measures identified in the FSDS performance measurement framework, although most of the measures with missing data are not due to be reported on until 2016. With respect to CESI, the current logic model is outdated, there is no performance measurement framework (although a few indicators are measured) and there are gaps related to measuring the program's contribution to information on the state of the environment, including the program's work to improve the quality of environmental indicators collected by other federal programs.


The following recommendations are based on the findings and conclusions of the evaluation. The recommendations are directed to the senior departmental official responsible for the program, the Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) of the Strategic Policy Branch (SPB).

Recommendation 1: Conduct more outreach appropriate to the target audiences, to build greater awareness of the FSDS and CESI indicators.

Recommendation 2: Within the context of developing the FSDS, seek opportunities to facilitate horizontal discussions among environmental sustainability stakeholders that will encourage cross-learning and support policy development.

Recommendation 3: Revisit current tactics and communication approaches to ensure senior management engagement at critical stages.

Recommendation 4: Develop and implement a performance measurement strategy that enables the Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program to tell its performance story.

The ADM, SPB, agrees with the recommendations and has developed a management response that appropriately addresses each of the recommendations. The full management response can be found in section 6 of the report.

1. Introduction

This report presents the results of the Evaluation of the Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program, which was conducted by Environment Canada's (ECCC) Evaluation Division, Audit and Evaluation Branch. The evaluation was identified in the 2014 Departmental Risk-Based Audit and Evaluation Plan and conducted in order to respond to the requirements of the Financial Administration Act and the Treasury Board of Canada Policy on Evaluation to evaluate all ongoing grants and contributions programs and direct program spending at least once every five years.

2. Background

2.1 Program Profile

The Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program supports policy related to sustainable development.Footnote3 The program involves leading the development of, implementation and reporting on the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS), helping other federal departments and agencies to develop their individual departmental sustainable development strategies (DSDSs) in support of the FSDS, and working with other government departments through the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators initiative (CESI) to provide data and information to report to Canadians on the state of the environment and to measure the progress toward the goals and targets of the FSDS.

Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS)

The Federal Sustainable Development Act (FSDA), which was approved by Parliament in June 2008, has as its purpose “to provide the legal framework for developing and implementing a FSDS that will make environmental decision-making more transparent and accountable to Parliament.” It gives the Minister of the Environment the legislated mandate to lead the development and implementation of the FSDS.Footnote4 The Act requires that the Minister of the Environment table in Parliament a FSDS encompassing the activities of some 26 federal departments and agencies, engage in mandated consultations, and report on progress. In the 2013-2016 FSDS, seven departments and agencies voluntarily participated in the Strategy, bringing the total number to 33.

The FSDS brings together goals, targets and implementation strategies established through the regular course of government decision-making and consultations. In the 2010-13 and 2013-16 FSDS, goals, targets and implementation strategies are organized under four priority themes:Footnote5

  1. Addressing climate change and air quality;
  2. Maintaining water quality and availability;
  3. Protecting nature and Canadians; and
  4. Shrinking the environmental footprint - beginning with government.

The Sustainable Development Office works with OGDs to develop a sustainable development planning and reporting framework that includes goals, targets and government actions. The resulting strategy then establishes the framework for departments to report on and be transparent and accountable for the integration of environmental and sustainability considerations. The FSDS also supports integrated decision-making --a key principle of sustainable development -- by making stronger links to economic and social policy.Footnote6 One way in which this is done is that, since the establishment of the first FSDS in 2010, SEAS conducted by federal departments and agencies have been required to consider how proposals could affect the achievement of the FSDS goals and targets.Footnote7

The Guidelines for the Implementation of the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals, updated in October 2010, includes public and parliamentary reporting requirements and consideration of the impacts of new policy, plan or program proposals on the goals and targets of the FSDS.

In accordance with the Act, federal departments and agencies are to table individual strategies (DSDSs) to reflect how their program activities support the FSDS. The Sustainable Development Office (SDO) within ECCC's Strategic Policy Branch is responsible for developing and maintaining systems and procedures to monitor progress on the implementation of the FSDS. Specifically, at least once every three years it must provide the Minister with a report on the federal government's progress in implementing the FSDS. The FSDS Management Framework 2013-2016 outlines the key systems and procedures required to implement the Act and guidelines for managing and monitoring the FSDS.Footnote8

Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI)

The CESI initiative was initially launched in 2004 to produce environmental baseline data and report environmental indicators for three key issues: clean air, clean water and greenhouse gas emissions. With the introduction of the FSDS in 2010, the CESI initiative was identified by the government as the key vehicle to measure progress toward the goals and targets of the FSDS. Its set of indicators was expanded in certain areas such as air quality and climate change, water quality and availability, and protecting nature. In addition, through CESI, ECCC partially fulfills its requirements to monitor environmental quality under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) and to provide Canadians with environmental information under the Department of the Environment Act. Overall, the CESI initiative now provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental issues of concerns to Canadians.

The indicators are developed and reported on by ECCC with the support of other federal departments such as Health Canada, Statistics Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, as well as provincial and territorial government departments.

ECCC regularly updates the CESI (four to six times per year) as new data become available for release.Footnote9 Additional indicators are developed, subject to data availability, and existing ones may be adjusted or further refined to cover any revisions to the CESI's scope or to address gaps. The CESI initiative is an authoritative source of evidence to demonstrate progress on the government's environmental agenda and the indicators are regularly incorporated into communication materials such as speeches and media lines. The indicators are a foundational piece of the performance stories found in ECCC's RPP and DPR. The information is also used by researchers, students and others and can be found in numerous reports and analyses.

From a public perspective, the indicators are designed to be a source of information that is readily accessible to the general population and presented through the use of graphics, maps and short explanatory text. Indicators are national in scope, with information and data available at the provincial, regional and local levels for some indicators, through such tools as interactive maps. To promote transparency, the CESI initiative also publishes comprehensive explanations of source data and indicator methodologies and makes indicator data available for download, on both the Environmental Indicators websiteFootnote10and the Open Data Portal of the Government of Canada.Footnote11

2.2 Governance and Management

The Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program is managed by the Director General of the Sustainability Directorate, within ECCC's Strategic Policy Branch.

There are three divisions within the Sustainability Directorate:

  1. Information and Indicators Division: This Division's key mandate is to deliver the CESI initiative. It is responsible for development, quality management and public dissemination of the indicators and related data and information, including ongoing improvements and updates to the CESI website.
  2. Sustainable Development Policy Division: This Division's activities include leading the development of the triennial FSDS, maintaining the FSDS Management Framework and its related processes (i.e. facilitating interdepartmental DG and ADM committees), coordinating ongoing engagement and the legislated public consultations, and monitoring progress toward medium and long-term sustainable development targets.
  3. Sustainability Reporting and Accountability Secretariat: Key responsibilities for this team include leading the development of triennial reports on the progress of the FSDS, contributing to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat guidance for annual departmental reporting on DSDSs, and helping ECCC to respect the requirements of the Cabinet directive concerning SEAs of policy, planning and program proposals.

In addition to the work carried out by the Sustainability Directorate, the following organizations within ECCC also contribute or have contributed to the program:

Governance mechanisms relevant to the program include the:


Key stakeholders for the program include:

Other program stakeholders include the Sustainable Development Advisory Council (SDAC) which is a stakeholder council established and chaired by the Minister of the Environment and including representatives from the provinces, indigenous peoples, environmental non-governmental organizations, business and labour.

2.3 Resource Allocation

ECCC's total program expenditures for the years 2010-2011 through 2014-2015, by branch, are presented in Table 1 below.

The program expenditures identified for the Strategic Policy Branch represent the core program delivery expenditures. As described above, expenditures mapped to the Corporate Services Branch (CSB) represent costs for developing CESI web tools (development was completed in 2013-2014) and expenditures for MSC, STB and ESB represent expenditures related to such areas as the provision of subject-matter expertise, management of data collection arrangements with partners including provinces and territories, and reporting in support of their respective indicators. The increase in program expenditures from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012 primarily reflects CESI funding renewal and new indicator development in support of expanded reporting for the FSDS.

Table 1: ECCC Expenditures for Sub-Program 1.3.1 from 2010-2011 to 2014-2015

Strategic Policy Branch
2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
Salary $2,453,481 $2,658,953 $3,202,256 $2,917,395 $3,295,403
O&M $743,168 $705,183 $918,667 $809,127 $829,210
G&C $45,000 $13,500 $21,500
Total $3,241,649 $3,377,637 $4,142,422 $3,726,522 $4,154,612
Other ECCC Branches
2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
CSB $578,382 $467,620 $395,654 $366,911 -
$76,165 $104,709 $130,151 $117,292
STB $75,000 $1,832,084 $1,486,714 $1,546,126 $1,652,640
ESB $129,186 $387,781 $323,540 $277,210 $303,470
Total $782,568 $2,763,651 $2,310,617 $2,320,398 $2,073,405
All ECCC Branches
2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
Salary $2,686,817 $3,924,971 $4,291,062 $4,104,961 $4,290,513
O&M $1,207,400 $1,976,293 $1,939,915 $1,792,820 $1,716,259
$142,021 $115,563 $74,139 $116,245
G&C $130,000 $98,002 $106,500 $75,000 $105,000
Grand Total $ $4,024,217 $6,141,287 $6,453,040 $6,046,920 $6,228,017

Source: Extracted from ECCC's financial system and confirmed with program representatives.

Table 2 provides detail on the expenditures of G&C projects funded by the program during the study period sorted by branch. SPB funds were primarily used to support the Carbon Disclosure Project aimed at building capacity to collect corporate climate change information. For STB, G&C funding was used to enhance the Province of Saskatchewan's capacity to contribute to CESI water quality indicators. ESB funding was primarily directed at issues related to the reporting and tracking of protected areas. The program's G&C projects are administered under the authority of two of ECCC's umbrella contribution terms and conditions: Contributions to Support Sustainable Ecosystems and Contributions in Support of Water Resources.

Table 2: G&C Expenditures for Sub-Program 1.3.1 from 2010-2011 to 2014-2015

Strategic Policy Branch
2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
Carbon Disclosure Project $25,000 $13,500 $21,500 - $20,000
University of Guelph $8,000 - -
United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) $12,000 - -
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) - - - - $10,000
Total SPB $45,000 $13,500 $21,500 - $30,000
Science and Technology Branch
2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
Government of Saskatchewan $75,000 $74,502 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Total STB $75,000 $74,502 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Environmental Stewardship Branch
2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
Canadian Council on Ecological Areas $10,000
Canadian Council on Ecological Areas $10,000 $10,000
Total ESB $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Total All Branches $130,000 $98,002 $106,500 $75,000 $105,000

Source: Extracted from ECCC's financial system and confirmed with program representatives.

2.4 Intended Outcomes

There is no single logic model that encompasses all activities and intended outcomes for the program. Rather, the program has separate logic models for its two key components, namely the:

For the purposes of this evaluation, program performance was assessed against four thematic outcomes presented below, which incorporate the concepts included in the program's two component logic models and the PMF 2014-2015. The fourth thematic outcome represents the program's longer term outcome, and is intended to address the concept of use. Consistent with the purpose of the FSDA, the focus of this outcome is on integration of environmental sustainability in federal decision-making, however, any evidence of the program's contribution to decision-making outside the federal context was also considered.

  1. Increased awareness of and access to environmental indicators and the FSDS
  2. Ongoing improvements to environmental indicators and the FSDSFootnote14
  3. Increased integration of environmental sustainability into federal planning and reporting processesFootnote15
  4. Support for increased integration of environmental sustainability into federal decision-making

The thematic approach was used to avoid repetition for related concepts. The thematic outcome statements were developed by the evaluation team in collaboration with program representatives and endorsed by senior management during the evaluation's planning phase. A mapping of the outcomes from the two component logic models and the PMF expected results to the four thematic outcome statements can be found in Annex B.

3. Evaluation Design

3.1 Scope

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the relevance and performance (including effectiveness, efficiency and economy) of the Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program over the four-year timeframe from 2010-2011 to 2014-2015. The focus of the evaluation was on the activities of the Sustainability Directorate related to:

The assessment of GGO is limited to the role played by the Sustainability Directorate (i.e., providing guidance and monitoring) and does not extend to the implementation of GGO activities by the Department, as this is primarily the responsibility of Corporate Services Branch and is outside the scope of the program.

The involvement of other ECCC branches in the evaluation was limited to their role as program partners which provide input for CESI indicators (MSC, STB, ESB), or as enablers, as is the case for CSB which has provided support for the development of web-enabled tools.

The evaluation was conducted to respond to the requirements of the Financial Administration Act and the Treasury Board of Canada Policy on Evaluation to evaluate all ongoing grants and contributions programs and direct program spending at least once every five years.

3.2 Evaluation Approach and Methodology

The following data collection methodologies were used to address the evaluation issues and questions. For each line of evidence, instruments were developed to capture and organize data by evaluation issue. These data were then analyzed to develop overall findings, conclusions and recommendations.Footnote16

Document Review: A review was conducted of descriptive program information, departmental and Government of Canada publications, performance and financial information, and other internal planning and operational documents. A review of past evaluations and audits was also conducted to complement the analysis.

Literature Review: A review of existing research and literature related to sustainable development strategies was conducted to identify best practices in the development of sustainable development strategies and the development of objectives, indicators and targets.

Key Informant Interviews: A total of 24 key informant interviews were conducted with program staff, federal partners and external stakeholders in order to obtain a cross-section of views. The distribution of interviews by respondent category is shown below:

On-line Survey of OGD Stakeholders: An on-line survey questionnaire was sent to 177 individuals from 30 federal departments and agencies involved in the program (excluding ECCC). A total of 57 respondents from 22 departments and agencies completed the survey, for a 33% response rate.

The survey questionnaire was designed to gather only respondents' perspectives about their particular FSDS- or CESI-related involvement with ECCC, thus ensuring that each respondent was asked only those questions that were relevant to their particular experiences with the program. The distribution of respondents by type of involvement is presented below (respondents could select more than one answer):

Involvement with ECCC related to the FSDS or CESI
n, %
Members or participants in FSDS DG and ADM Committees 26 (45.6%)
Members or participants in CESI Committee or CESI Working Group 6 (10.5%)
Individuals responsible for coordinating and/or providing input into key FSDS products 35 (61.4%)
Individuals responsible for coordinating and/or providing input into the development of a Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS) 35 (61.4%)
Individuals who provided data for CESI development or reporting 15 (26.3%)

File Review: A file review of the seven G&C projects funded by the program between 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 was conducted. Project documentation was gathered from program representatives and included contribution agreements, project progress reports, financial information and final project reports, as available.

3.3 Challenges and Limitations

Challenges experienced during the evaluation, as well as the related limitations and strategies used to mitigate their impact, are outlined below.

4. Findings

This section presents the evaluation findings by evaluation issue (relevance and performance) and by the related evaluation questions.

For each evaluation question, a rating is provided based on a judgment of the evaluation findings. The rating statements and their significance are outlined below in Table 3. A summary of ratings for the evaluation questions is presented in Annex A.

Table 3: Definitions of Standard Rating Statements
Statement Definition
Acceptable The program has demonstrated that it has met the expectations with respect to the issue area.
Opportunity for improvement The program has demonstrated that it has made adequate progress to meet the expectations with respect to the issue area, but continued improvement can still be made.
Attention required The program has not demonstrated that it has made adequate progress to meet the expectations with respect to the issue area and attention is needed on a priority basis.
Not applicable There is no expectation that the program would have addressed the evaluation issue.
Unable to assess Insufficient evidence is available to support a rating.

4.1 Relevance

4.1.1 Continued Need for Program
Evaluation Issue: Relevance Rating
1. Is there a continued need for the program? Acceptable

There is a continued need to consider environmental sustainability in government decision-making and to provide parliamentarians and Canadians with information on the state of the environment and what actions the government is taking to address climate change, maintain water quality and availability, and protect nature.

4.1.2 Alignment with Federal Government Priorities
Evaluation Issue: Relevance Rating
2. Is the program aligned with federal government priorities? Acceptable

The Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program is aligned with government priorities related to ensuring a clean and healthy environment for Canadians and responsible resource development and ensuring a safe and prosperous Canada for future generations.

4.1.3 Alignment with Federal Roles and Responsibilities
Evaluation Issue: Relevance Rating
3. Is the program consistent with federal roles and responsibilities? Acceptable

The program directly fulfils requirements outlined in the FSDA and addresses federal roles and responsibilities outlined in CEPA and the Department of the Environment Act.

4.2 Performance - Effectiveness

4.2.1 Achievement of Outcomes
Evaluation Issue: Performance - Effectiveness Rating

4. To what extent have intended outcomes been achieved as a result of the program?

  • Have there been any external factors that impacted the achievement of outcomes?
  • Have there been any unintended (positive or negative) outcomes?
Separate ratings for each outcome are provided below

As previously noted, program performance was assessed against four broad thematic outcomes which incorporate the concepts included in the program's two component logic models and the program expected results identified in the PMF 2014-2015. The fourth thematic outcome represents the program's longer term outcome. Findings and conclusions related to each of the four themes are presented below.

Outcome 1: Increased awareness of and access to environmental indicators and the FSDS. - Acceptable

Access to environmental indicators and the FSDS has increased through the development and ongoing improvement of the CESI and FSDS websites. Campaigns have also been undertaken to enhance awareness among the federal government, key stakeholders and the general public. While evidence shows moderate improvement in this area, the need to further increase awareness was identified as a critical requirement for the program to add greater value and ultimately contribute toward longer-term outcomes related to increased integration of environmental sustainability in decision-making.

Table 4: Performance Measures Related to Awareness and Access
Performance Measure Baseline 2013 Result 2014 Result Target Value
# of FSDS citations per calendar year 175 (2012) 211 148 192 by 2016
# of news articles referencing the FSDS 19 (2012) 32 23 Not listed
# of CESI citations 96 (2011)
94 (2012)
112 111 106 by 2016
# of CESI website visits 78,519 (2010)
79,588 (2011)
153,393Footnote26 84,672 100,000 by 2016

Outcome 2: Ongoing improvements to environmental indicators and the FSDS. - Acceptable

Internal research and quality assessment, as well as external revision processes, support a process of ongoing improvements that have led to an increase in the overall quality and coverage of environmental indicators and the FSDS since 2010.

Outcome 3: Increased integration of environmental sustainability into federal planning and reporting processes. - Acceptable

The program has met its commitments under the FSDA to deliver an FSDS and to report on progress against the strategy. OGDs reported high levels of usage and were positive about the quality of ECCC's guidance to support the development and presentation of their DSDSs. Over the evaluation timeframe, departmental environmental sustainability reporting in RPPs and DPRs has been integrated in a more consistent and comparable fashion and aligned with the FSDS.

Outcome 4: Support for increased integration of environmental sustainability into federal decision-making. - Opportunity for improvement

Although there is evidence that environmental sustainability considerations are increasingly integrated into decision-making for greening government operations (Theme IV of the FSDS), for Themes I-III (related to climate change and air, water and nature), there was limited evidence of the program's contribution to support increased integration of environmental sustainability into federal decision-making other than through the consideration of FSDS goals and targets as part of the SEA process. Opportunities were identified to leverage the program's leadership and coordination role to facilitate more horizontal discussions among environmental sustainability stakeholders to encourage cross-learning and support policy development.

Survey responses
Not at all
To a small extent
To a moderate extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Don't Know
Not Applicable
The federal government has increased its integration of environmental sustainability considerations into decision-making 23%
n=13 n=57

External Factors Affecting the Achievement of Outcomes

In 2013-14, as a result of a TBS decision designed to simplify and reduce the reporting burden on departments,Footnote39 all departmental management and related policy issues, including the departmental commitments to the FSDS, were moved from the main body of the RPPs and DPRs to supplementary information tables.Footnote40Several federal interviewees (program managers and OGD partners) were of the opinion that the new format has led to reduced integration and visual prominence of environmental sustainability within the federal reporting process.

Unintended Outcomes

Interviewees from one of the implicated program areas within ECCC reported that the centralized coordination role played by CESI had the positive unintended effect of identifying subject-matter experts from other areas of the department.

4.3 Performance -Efficiency and Economy

4.3.1 Appropriateness of Program Design
Evaluation Issue: Performance - Effectiveness Rating
5. Is the program design appropriate for achieving its intended outcomes? Acceptable

The design of the Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program reflects internationally accepted “best practices” in sustainability reporting, providing an appropriate foundation to support achievement of the program's intended outcomes.

4.3.2 Program Governance and Management
Evaluation Issue: Performance - Efficiency and Economy Rating
6. To what extent is the governance structure clear, appropriate and effective for achieving expected results? Opportunity for improvement

Governance for the program is clearly defined and understood. Likewise, the roles and responsibilities of those who contribute to the FSDS and CESI are generally well understood. Challenges were identified, however, related to the effectiveness of current governance processes to ensure participation of senior management committee members at critical points.

4.3.3 Program Efficiency
Evaluation Issue: Performance - Efficiency and Economy Rating
7. Is the program implemented in an efficient and economical manner?
How could the efficiency of the program's activities be improved?
Are there alternative, more economical ways of delivering program outputs?

The program is employing efficient operational and administrative processes, including making effective use of technology. Program representatives and OGD stakeholders were of the view that the program is appropriately resourced to deliver on its current mandate.

4.3.4 Performance Measurement
Evaluation Issue: Performance - Efficiency and Economy Rating
8. Are performance data being collected and reported?
If so, is this information being used to inform senior management/ decision-makers?
Opportunity for improvement

There is some performance measurement occurring for both the FSDS and CESI. A comprehensive performance measurement framework exists for the FSDS. There are some gaps in the availability of data, although most of the missing data is for measures which are not due to be reported on until 2016. A CESI logic model also exists, however, there is currently no associated performance measurement framework and the current logic model is outdated.

5. Conclusions


The Sustainability Reporting and Indicator program is relevant. It fulfills a requirement under the FSDA and also addresses federal roles and responsibilities outlined in CEPA and the Department of the Environment Act.

The program contributes to addressing an ongoing need to consider environmental sustainability in government decision-making and provide information on the state of the environment, as well as a transparent, whole-of-government view of sustainable development actions being taken. It is aligned with government priorities related to ensuring a clean and healthy environment for Canadians and a sustainable economy.

Performance - Effectiveness

The program has made progress on its shorter-term intended outcomes. Access to environmental indicators and the FSDS has increased through the development and ongoing improvement of the CESI and FSDS websites. Additionally, outreach and engagement campaigns have been undertaken to enhance awareness among the federal government, key stakeholders and the general public. While evidence shows moderate improvement, continuing efforts to raise awareness and conduct outreach was identified as a key means to increase the program's value.

Internal research and quality assessment, as well as external revision processes, support a process of ongoing improvements that have led to an increase in the overall quality and coverage of environmental indicators and the FSDS since 2010.

Over the evaluation timeframe, departmental environmental sustainability reporting in RPPs and DPRs has become more consistent, comparable and aligned with the FSDS.

Although there is evidence that environmental sustainability considerations are increasingly integrated into decision-making for greening government operations (Theme IV of the FSDS), for Themes I-III (related to climate change and air, water and nature) there was limited evidence of the program's contribution to the integration of environmental sustainability into federal decision-making other than through the consideration of FSDS goals and targets as part of the SEA process. Opportunities were identified to leverage the program's leadership and coordination role to facilitate more horizontal discussions among environmental sustainability stakeholders to encourage cross-learning and support policy development.

Performance - Efficiency and Economy

Governance for the program is clearly defined and understood. Likewise, the roles and responsibilities of those who contribute to the FSDS and CESI are generally well understood. Challenges were identified, however, related to the effectiveness of current governance processes to secure senior management participation at critical points and obtain input of a strategic nature associated with implementing the FSDA.

The program is viewed by stakeholders as employing efficient operational and administrative processes, including making effective use of technology and leveraging G&C funding. Program representatives and OGD stakeholders were of the view that the program was appropriately resourced to meet its current mandate.

The program collects some performance measurement data related to both the FSDS and CESI. However, at the time of this evaluation, there were gaps in the availability of data for half of the performance measures identified in the FSDS performance measurement framework, although the framework covers a three-year period and most of the measures with missing data were only scheduled to be reported on in 2016. With respect to CESI, the current logic model is outdated, there is no existing performance measurement framework and there are gaps related to measuring the program's contribution to information on the state of the environment, including the program's work on improving the quality of environmental indicators collected by other federal programs.

6. Recommendations and Management Responses

The following recommendations are addressed to the ADM Strategic Policy Branch, as the senior departmental official responsible for the management of the program.

Recommendation 1: Conduct more outreach appropriate to the target audiences to build greater awareness of the FSDS and CESI indicators.

Guided by an outreach and engagement strategy, the program has already taken steps to increase awareness of the FSDS and CESI. While evidence suggests that some progress is being made in this area, the importance of building increased awareness, including helping programs and stakeholders understand the value and potential impact of the FSDS and CESI, was identified as a critical requirement for the program to increase its value and play a greater role in support of decision-making.

The ADM of SPB agrees with the recommendation.

The Sustainability Directorate (SD) acknowledges that continuing to build awareness among target audiences is an important and necessary step toward increasing the impact and use of the FSDS and CESI. The SD will work with Communications Branch to ensure that existing outreach plans are fully implemented. In addition, the SD will leverage the 2016-19 FSDS Consultation phase to both continue to build awareness and to seek input for development of an updated outreach and engagement strategy for the 2016-2019 period.

Management Action
Timeline Deliverable(s) Responsible Party
Q4 2016-17 Working in collaboration with Communications Branch, implement promotional and outreach activities, including the development of InfoByte, tweets and facebook posts for the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators program increasing the outreach and visibility of the program. DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB
Q2 2016-17 Implement the 2016-19 FSDS Consultation Plan, including the development of promotional videos, targeted outreach activities with targeted stakeholders group and development of social media DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB
Q3 2016-17 Incorporate outreach considerations into the implementation plan of the 2016-19 FSDS. DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB

Recommendation 2: Within the context of developing the FSDS, seek opportunities to facilitate horizontal discussions among environmental sustainability stakeholders that will encourage cross-learning and support policy development.

The program is uniquely positioned to identify the key individuals or groups with expertise or activities contributing to the various strategies outlined in the FSDS. An opportunity was identified to leverage the program's leadership and coordination role to improve information sharing horizontally and facilitate discussions among related program areas. This opportunity was identified as a means by which the program could add greater value and contribute to the increased integration of environmental sustainability into decision-making.

The ADM of SPB agrees with the recommendation.

The Sustainability Directorate will facilitate horizontal discussions among stakeholders.

Management Action
Timeline Deliverable(s) Responsible Party
Q1 2016-17 Engage with the international community to advance the environmental dimension of sustainable development and incorporate Canadian views and directions into the UNEP Environmental Assembly outcomes DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB
Q4 2016-17 Support the re-conceptionalization of greening government operations as part of the Pan-Canadian Framework. DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB
Q4 2016-17 Engage with the House of Commons ENVI Committee on their study of the Federal Sustainable Development Act and the draft 26-19 FSDS. Lead the government response to the committee report. DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB

Recommendation 3: Revisit current tactics and communication approaches to ensure senior management engagement at critical stages.

The program is responsible for ensuring engagement of OGD stakeholders for CESI and the FSDS to ensure they are kept informed at critical points as well as to obtain input of a strategic nature associated with implementing the FSDA. This is accomplished through the hosting of meetings at critical milestones, maintenance of a GCConnex forum, and presentation at various OGD executive tables. While feedback from OGD stakeholders was positive in terms of the program's efficient management of these meetings, an issue was identified related to ensuring senior management participation. The operational nature and length of many of the meetings was identified as a potential barrier resulting in senior managers frequently delegating their attendance to a working level representative. This in turn was viewed as limiting the degree to which discussion or decisions of a more strategic nature occur.

The ADM of SPB agrees with the recommendation.

Building on feedbacks from OGD stakeholders and in a view of continuously improving senior management engagement at critical stages, the Sustainability Directorate took actions to revisit its tactics and communication approaches.

In its capacity as the Sustainable Development Office, the Sustainability Directorate will build on established communication with stakeholders to ensure interdepartmental meetings are held only when necessary and only for the length of time required to cover the material adequately.

Management Action
Timeline Deliverable(s) Responsible Party
Q4 2015-16
Sharing all information about meetings in advance through GCConnex DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB
Q4 2015-16
In collaboration with members of the CESI committee, revisit the number, length and focus of meetings. DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB
Q4 2016-17 Update the FSDS Management Framework. DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB
Q4 2017-18 To ensure that critical issues get the necessary attention and focus from senior management at the appropriate time, sub-groupings of key departments will be engaged to advance policy options and direction. DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB

Recommendation 4: Develop and implement a performance measurement strategy that addresses ECCC's role related to the FSDS and CESI and enables the Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program to tell its performance story.

The program collects performance measurement data related to both the FSDS and CESI. In combination, many of the key components for a performance measurement strategy for the program have already been developed. However, during the period of the evaluation, data is available for only 10 of 20 FSDS indicators relevant to assessing ECCC's performance, although the Management Framework covers a three-year period and most of the missing indicators were only slated to be reported on in 2016. Likewise, while there is a CESI logic model, there is currently no associated performance measurement framework and the current logic model is outdated. As currently structured, the existing performance measurement instruments do not represent the scope of the program's activities, outputs and outcomes and therefore are not adequate for monitoring and reporting on its performance.

The ADM of SPB agrees with the recommendation.

The FSDS and the CESI program have different logic models representing their different roles/responsibilities. The FSDS Management Framework is updated triennially, and contains the performance measurement strategy that is reported on over a three year period, in line with the FSDS cycle, The CESI logic model is updated as appropriate, supporting the FSDS as well as the Department of the Environment Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act by providing information on the state of the environment. Any changes will be done in accordance with the department’s implementation of the TBS Policy on Results.

Management Action
Timeline Deliverable(s) Responsible Party
November 2017 Update the performance information needs of the Sustainability Reporting and Indicators Program DG, Sustainability Directorate, SPB

Annex A - Summary of FindingsFootnote47

Evaluation Question Acceptable Opportunity for Improvement Attention Required Unable to Assess Not Applicable
1. Continued need for the program
2. Aligned to federal government priorities
3. Program consistent with federal roles and responsibilities
Evaluation Question Acceptable Opportunity for Improvement Attention Required Unable to Assess Not Applicable
4. Achievement of outcomes
i. Increased awareness of and access to environmental indicators and the FSDS
ii. Ongoing improvements to environmental indicators and the FSDS
iii. Increased integration of sustainable development into federal planning and reporting processes
iv. Support for increased integration of sustainable development into federal decision-making
External Factors
Unintended outcomes
5. Program design appropriate for achieving expected program results
6. Governance clear, appropriate and effective
7. Program implemented in an efficient and economical manner.
8. Performance data collected and reported

Annex B - Mapping of Thematic Outcomes to Logic Models

Thematic Outcome for Use in Evaluation Mapping to FSDS and CESI Logic Models, PMF Expected Results
Increased awareness of and access to environmental indicators and the FSDS
  • FSDS immediate outcome 1.1: Increased interest in the FSDS
  • FSDS intermediate outcome 4.1: Increased awareness of the breadth of federal government environmental sustainability initiatives
  • FSDS outcome 4.2: Increased awareness of socio-economic aspects of federal government environmental sustainability initiatives
  • CESI direct outcome 1: Increased knowledge of CESI indicators
  • CESI direct outcome 2: Increased user access of CESI indicators and of associated information products and services
Ongoing improvements to environmental indicators and the FSDS
  • FSDS immediate outcome 1.2: Increased recognition of improvements to the FSDS
  • FSDS immediate outcome 2.2: Increased relevance and coverage of indicators
  • FSDS immediate outcome 3.1: Increased integration of social and economic considerations in the FSDS
  • CESI intermediate Outcome 1: More favourable attitude toward the credibility of information related to the environment
Increased integration of environmental sustainability into federal planning and reporting processes
  • FSDS immediate outcome 2.1: Increased integration of environmental sustainability into planning and reporting
    (*closely resembles 2014-2015 ECCC PMF expected result for 1.3.1)
  • FSDS immediate outcome 2.3: Increased implementation of guidance material
  • CESI direct outcome 3: Increased consistency across federal departments with respect to sustainable development objectives, goals, indicators and targets
  • CESI intermediate outcome 2: Increased use of CESI indicators in sustainable development policy analysis and reporting
    (2014-2015 ECCC PMF expected result for 1.3.1)
Support for increased integration of environmental sustainability into federal decision-making
  • FSDS immediate outcome 2.1: Increased integration of environmental sustainability into planning and reporting
    (*closely resembles 2014-2015 ECCC PMF Indicator for 1.3.1)
  • FSDS intermediate outcome 3.2: Increased transparency of reporting on SEAs and other corporate policies and procedures that support integrating environmental sustainability in federal initiatives
  • FSDS final outcome 5.1: Environmental decision-making that is more transparent and accountable to Parliament
  • CESI final outcome: Policies and decisions consistent with sustainable development

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