Governance review, Environment and Climate Change Canada

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Executive report

The governance review was included in the Audit and Evaluation Branch’s 2015 Integrated Risk-Based Audit and Evaluation Plan, as approved by the Deputy Minister upon the recommendation of the External Audit Advisory Committee.

The objective of this review was to assess whether the Department’s key governance mechanisms were meeting the needs of senior management and supporting effective decision making and coordination.

This review was intended primarily as a consulting assignment, the purpose of which was to provide advice to the Deputy Minister and to identify good practices and areas for consideration in further improving Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) governance. The project used primarily a consultation-based approach, through interviews with all Executive Management Committee (EMC) members and selected Directors General (DG). The observations and considerations contained in the review are primarily derived from the result of these consultations and from our summary examination of key departmental documents.

The project also included a comparative review of a few selected Science-Based Departments and Agencies (including Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, National Resources Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency), which focussed on key aspects and challenges of governance.

The governance review included some items for consideration by ECCC’s senior management in the areas of:

Actions on these items for consideration have already been noted. For example:

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