Environment Climate Change Canada - Fees report, Fiscal year 2018 to 2019
Subsequent to the tabling in Parliament and online publication of Environment Climate Change Canada 2018-2019 Fees Report, an error was identified. Corrections have been made to both the PDF and HTML versions of the document published online. Please note that the detailed table for Application under Four Corners Agreement fee have been added under the section Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice.
Document information
Environment Climate Change Canada - Fees report, Fiscal year 2018 to 2019
Issued also in French under title:
Environnement et Changement climatique Canada - Rapport sur les frais, Exercice 2018 à 2019
Cat. No.: En1-79E-PDF
ISBN: 2562-3389
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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 2019
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Minister’s message
On behalf of Environment and Climate Change Canada, I am pleased to present our report on fees for fiscal year 2018 to 2019, my organization’s second annual report under the Service Fees Act.
The Act provides a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services and, through better reporting to Parliament, improves transparency and oversight.
Last year, a detailed listing of individual fees under the department’s authority, along with anticipated increases, was added to the reporting requirements.
This year’s report provides more detail on each fee, such as the type and rate of adjustment, the service standard and the performance result. This information provides additional context on each fee, in the spirit of open and transparent fee management.
I welcome the increased transparency and oversight that the Service Fees Act’s reporting regime embodies. I will continue to lead my department’s transition to this modern framework.

The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Environment and Climate Change
About this report
This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act and section 4.2.8 of the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees that Environment and Climate Change Canada had the authority to charge in the 2018 to 2019 fiscal year.
This report contains information about all fees that are under Environment and Climate Change Canada’s authority, even if some or all of the fees are collected by another department.
The information reported includes fees that:
- fall under the Service Fees Act
- are exempt from the Service Fees Act
The information covers fees set by:
- contract
- market-base, auction or both
- act, regulation or fees notice
For fees set by the following mechanisms, the report provides totals only:
- contract
- market-base, auction or both
For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, the report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each individual fee.
Although the fees charged by Environment and Climate Change Canada under the Access to Information Act are subject to the Service Fees Act, they are not included in this report. Information on Environment and Climate Change Canada’s access to information fees for fiscal year 2018 to 2019 can be found in our access to information report, which is posted on Reports tabled in Parliament: Environment and Climate Change Canada.
A remission is a partial or full return of a fee to a fee payer who paid for a service for which a department deemed that the service standard was not met.
Under the Service Fees Act, departments must develop policies for determining whether a service standard has been met and for determining how much of a fee will be remitted to a fee payer. This requirement does not take effect until April 1, 2020. This report therefore includes only those remissions issued under Environment and Climate Change Canada’s enabling legislation. It does not include remissions issued under the Service Fees Act.
Overall totals, by fee type
The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that Environment and Climate Change Canada had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2018 to 2019, by fee type.
Fee type | Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
Fees set by contract | 82,639,483 | 83,377,980 | Remissions do not apply to fees set by contract. |
Fees set by market base, auction or both | 0 | 0 | Remissions do not apply to fees set by market base, auction or both. |
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice | 6,849,071 | 15,835,382 * | 0 |
Total | 89,488,554 | 99,213,362 | 0 |
*Includes Vote Netted and non-Vote Netted costs.
Totals for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, by fee grouping
The following tables present, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that Environment and Climate Change Canada had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2018 to 2019 that are set by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
A fee grouping is a grouping of all of the fees that a department has the authority to charge for activities relating to a single business line, directorate or program.
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees | |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
344,222 | 4,165,956 | 0 |
Fee grouping | Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area | |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
194,971 | 916,039 | 0 |
Fee grouping | Migratory Bird Program | |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
3,299,784 | 6,210,563 | 0 |
Fee grouping | Disposal at Sea Program | |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
3,010,094 | 4,542,824 | 0 |
Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
This section provides detailed information on each fee that Environment and Climate Change Canada had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2018 to 2019 and that was set by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 1 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 500: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,000: $13-26 million in annual sales; 1,500: $26-40 million in annual sales; 2,000: >$40 million in annual sales |
Total fee revenue ($) | 10,093 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 521.22: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,042.44: $13-26 million in annual sales; 1,563.66: $26-40 million in annual sales; 2,084.88: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 30 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 100% of the time (11 of 11 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 2 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 500: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,000: $13-26 million in annual sales; 1,500: $26-40 million in annual sales; 2000: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 3,845 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 521.22: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,042.44: $13-26 million in annual sales; 1,563.66: $26-40 million in annual sales; 2,084.88: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 30 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 100% of the time (2 of 2 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 3 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 50: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 100: $13-26 million in annual sales; |
Total fee revenue ($) | 2,564 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 51.10: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 102.20: $13-26 million in annual sales; |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 30 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 35% of the time (42 of 120 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 3 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 150: $26-40 million in annual sales; 200: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 9,645 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 156.37: $26-40 million in annual sales; 208.49: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 30 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 35% of the time (42 of 120 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 4 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 500: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,000: $13-26 million in annual sales; 1,500: $26-40 million in annual sales; 2000: $40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 14,515 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 521.22: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,042.44: $13-26 million in annual sales; 1,563.66: $26-40 million in annual sales; 2,084.88: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 60 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 100% of the time (12 of 12 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 5 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 875: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,750: $13-26 million in annual sales; 2,625: $26-40 million in annual sales; 3,500: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 31,769 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 912.14: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,824.27: $13-26 million in annual sales; 2,736.41: $26-40 million in annual sales; 3,648.54: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 75 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 100% of the time (12 of 12 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 6 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 125: ≤$13 million in annual sales; |
Total fee revenue ($) | 1,998 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 127.75: ≤$13 million in annual sales; |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 30 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 86.4% of the time (51 of 59 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 6 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 250: $13-26 million in annual sales; 375: $26-40 million in annual sales; 500: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 20,207 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 260.61: $13-26 million in annual sales; 390.92: $26-40 million in annual sales; 521.22: $40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 30 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 86.4% of the time (51 of 59 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 7 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 875: ≤$13 million in annual sales. 1,750: $13-26 million in annual sales. 2,625: $26-40 million in annual sales. 3,500: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 45,443 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 912.14: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,824.27: $13-26 million in annual sales; 2,736.41: $26-40 million in annual sales; 3,648.54: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 60 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 96.6% of the time (28 of 29 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 1, Item 8 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 875: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,750: $13-26 million in annual sales; 2,625: $26-40 million in annual sales; 3,500: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 0 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 912.14: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,824.27: $13-26 million in annual sales; 2,736.41: $26-40 million in annual sales; 3,648.54: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 60 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | No applications were received in 2018-19. |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 2, Item 1 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 750: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,500: $13-26 million in annual sales; 2,250: $26-40 million in annual sales; 3,000: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 31,529 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 781.83: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,563.66: $13-26 million in annual sales; 2,345.49: $26-40 million in annual sales; 3,127.32: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 60 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 85% of the time (17 of 20 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Assessment Fees, Schedule 2, Item 2 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 375: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 750: $13-26 million in annual sales; 1,125: $26-40 million in annual sales; 1,500: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 106,626 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 390.92: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 781.83: $13-26 million in annual sales; 1,172.75: $26-40 million in annual sales; 1,563.66: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 30 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met 95.3% of the time (82 of 86 applications received). |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Confidential search, Schedule 3, Item 1 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 62.50: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 125: $13-26 million in annual sales; |
Total fee revenue ($) | 481 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 63.88: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 127.75: $13-26 million in annual sales; |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 30 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met more than 95% of time for the 16 applications received. |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Confidential search, Schedule 3, Item 1 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 187.50: $26-40 million in annual sales; 250: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 4,325 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 195.46: $26-40 million in annual sales; 260.61: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 30 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met more than 95% of time for the 16 applications received. |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Masked name application, Schedule 3, Item 2 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 150: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 300: $13-26 million in annual sales; 450: $26-40 million in annual sales; 600: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 51,763 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 156.37: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 312.73: $13-26 million in annual sales; 469.10: $26-40 million in annual sales; 625.46: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | The program has determined that no service standard has yet been established for this fee. As a result, a service standard will be developed by April 1st, 2020. |
Performance result | There were 28 applications received. For the New Substances program, a plan for review will be developed by the end of the fiscal year. Regulatory amendments may follow depending on the result of the review. |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Application under Four Corners Agreement, Schedule 3, Item 3 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 500: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,000: $13-26 million in annual sales; 1,500: $26-40 million in annual sales; 2,000: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 0 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 521.22: ≤$13 million in annual sales; 1,042.44: $13 to 26 million in annual sales; 1,563.66: $26 to 40 million in annual sales; 2,084.88: >$40 million in annual sales. |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | As per the regulations, New substances notification submissions for this fee were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within 90 days of their receipt. |
Performance result | No applications were received in 2018-19. |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Matched notification |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 200 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 3,653 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 208.49 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | New substances notification submissions for this fee were received in 2018–19 were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within the service standard established for each schedule. The average acknowledgement was 30 days |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met more than 95% of time for the 107 applications received. |
Fee grouping | New Substances Fees |
Fee | Consolidated Notification |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2005 |
Fee type | Assessment Fee |
Fee amount ($) | 250 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 5,767 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 260.61 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | New substances notification submissions for this fee were received in 2018–19 were acknowledged by letter, email or facsimile within the service standard established for each schedule. The average acknowledgement was 30 days. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met more than 95% of the time for the 10 applications received. |
Fee grouping | Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area |
Fee | Access Fees, Schedule 2, Items 1, 2 and 3 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 1985 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2018 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 6.00 (adults), 5.00 (students), 25.00 (adult annual access), 20.00 (students annual access), 5.00 (adult group price), 3.50 (student group price), 2.00 (0 to 5-year-old children's group price) |
Total fee revenue ($) | 137,097 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 6.00 (adults), 5.00 (students), 25.00 (adult annual access), 20.00 (students annual access), 5.00 (adult group price), 3.50 (student group price), 2.00 (0 to 5-year-old children's group price) |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | Requests for access (April to October) in the Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area are to be processed and entry granted within 5 minutes of arrival at the main entrance. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met for 100% of the 37,231 applications received with an average response time of 5 minutes. In 2018–19, all visitors (37,231) received access to services within 5 minutes of entering the National Wildlife Area. A survey of 500 visitors was conducted in July 2013 and October 2014 to assess the service standards and to obtain results on program performance. The results demonstrate a high-level of satisfaction with the quality of visitor and interpretation services as 96% of participants were “extremely satisfied” with the services offered. |
Fee grouping | Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area |
Fee | Winter Access Fee, Schedule 2, Item 4 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 1985 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2018 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 4.00 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 2,734 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 4.00 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | Requests for winter access in the Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area are to be processed and entry granted within 5 minutes of arrival at the main entrance. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met for 100% of the 1,214 applications received with an average response time of 5 minutes. In 2018–19, all visitors (1,214) received access to services within 5 minutes of entering the National Wildlife Area. A survey of 500 visitors was conducted in July 2013 and October 2014 to assess the service standards and to obtain results on program performance. The results demonstrate a high-level of satisfaction with the quality of visitor and interpretation services as 96% of participants were “extremely satisfied” with the services offered. |
Fee grouping | Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area |
Fee | Private Naturalist Service Fee, Schedule 2, Item 5 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 1985 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2018 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 60.00 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 365 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 60.00 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | Requests for a Private Naturalist Service in the Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area are to be processed and entry granted within 15 minutes of arrival at the main entrance. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met for 100% of the 7 applications received with an average response time of 15 minutes. In 2018–19, all private naturalist service (7) received access to services within 5 minutes of entering the National Wildlife Area. A survey of 500 visitors was conducted in July 2013 and October 2014 to assess the service standards and to obtain results on program performance. The results demonstrate a high-level of satisfaction with the quality of visitor and interpretation services as 96% of participants were “extremely satisfied” with the services offered. |
Fee grouping | Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area |
Fee | Application Fees Payable for the Drawing of Lots for a Hunt, Schedule 3, Part 1, Item 1 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 1972 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2018 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 6.96 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 6,897 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 6.96 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | Requests for a Hunting Permit Registration in the Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area for the controlled fall hunt for greater snow goose are issued through a lottery system for which the following service standards apply:
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met for 100% of the applications received. In 2018–19, 991 applications were submitted and 512 hunters participated in the program (128 permits for 4 hunters each were drawn). Informal comments received confirm that hunters continue to be satisfied with the services received. In 2013–14, a survey on the hunting program was conducted with 166 hunters to assess the service standards and obtain performance results. The results demonstrated high overall satisfaction with the quality of the site and equipment (81% were satisfied) and services (86% were satisfied). Service satisfaction is also demonstrated by the steady number of hunting permit applications (800-950 per year), including the 128 hunting packages sold each year. |
Fee grouping | Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area |
Fee | Permit for a hunt without a guide (up to three guests), Schedule 3, Part 3, Item 4 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 1972 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2001 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 373.84 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 47,878 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 373.84 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | Selected hunters obtain their official and signed hunting permit on the morning of the first day of hunting. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met for 100% of permit applications. |
Fee grouping | Migratory Bird Program |
Fee | Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit, Schedule 2, Item 1 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 1966 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2018 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 8.50 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 1,645,572 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 8.50 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | A sufficient number of permits are available for distribution for the open hunting season, and Canadian citizens or other individuals acquiring a permit can obtain one within a reasonable time. A Canadian wildlife habitat conservation stamp must be affixed to the permit to make it valid. The fee for the stamp is separate (see user fee on Migratory Bird Program - Wildlife habitat conservation stamp). Migratory game bird hunting permits are available for sale as of August 1 at Canada Post offices, from select provincial and private vendors and directly from Environment and Climate Change Canada through an online ordering system, Hunters can also purchase their permits online and receive them by email, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week. |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met for 96% of the applications received. Migratory game bird hunting electronic permits were available online on August 31, 2019. The permits were available within minutes after transactions were completed. |
Fee grouping | Migratory Bird Program |
Fee | Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp, Schedule 2, Item 9 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 1985 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2018 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 8.50 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 1,645,572 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 8.50 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard |
Performance result | The service standard for this fee was met for 96% of the applications received. Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation stamps were available in the numbers required for the Migratory Game Bird Hunting permits and for predicted philatelic purposes. The permits were available for purchase through independent vendors and Canada Post outlets within minutes after transactions were completed. Hunters who chose to purchase their permit online received it by email, with the option of receiving a physical stamp by mail. The physical stamp was delivered directly to the applicant’s address within 21 days. Environment and Climate Change Canada also ensured sufficient philatelic products were transferred to Wildlife Habitat Canada for sale through Rousseau Collections. |
Fee grouping | Migratory Bird Program |
Fee | Aviculture, Taxidermy or Eiderdown Permits, Schedule 2, Item 3, 6 and 7 |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | Taxidermy 1946; Aviculture and Eiderdown 1976 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2018 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 10 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 8,640 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 10 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Exempt |
Adjustment date | Not applicable |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Exempt |
Service standard | The current service standard for a decision to issue or refuse a permit is set at 14 calendar days for eiderdown and 35 calendar days for aviculture and taxidermy after receipt of completed application. Performance targets for taxidermy, aviculture and eiderdown permits are set at 90% from 2016–17 onward. Where a permit application made under the Migratory Birds Regulations involves activities that may affect a species protected by the Species at Risk Act, a 90-day service standard will apply in order to ensure consistency with the Permits Authorizing an Activity Affecting Listed Wildlife Species Regulations under Species at Risk Act. To be successful, applicants must meet certain requirements. Each region can attach specific conditions to each permit. Permits generally expire on December 31 of the year issued. |
Performance result | Services standards were met for the following fees:
Performance results for all permit types issued under the Migratory Birds Regulations are posted annually on the departmental website, no later than June 1, for the preceding fiscal year. |
Fee grouping | Disposal at Sea Program |
Fee | Disposal at Sea Permit Application Fee |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 2001 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2014 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 2,500 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 200,000 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index) |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 2,606.10 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | The service standard is to reach a permit decision within 90 days after the applicant has been advised that their application is complete. This standard is subject to some conditions under which the 90 day period is suspended or does not apply, for example, if the applicant asks for a later date. Under the application fee, each application is reviewed according to Schedule 6 of Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and the Disposal at Sea Regulations. This involves public notice, an application that provides detailed data, scientific review, and the payment of fees. Each permit is published on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act Registry and issued to the permit holder. |
Performance result | 100% of permits received were delivered within timelines as per the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 regulations. |
Fee grouping | Disposal at Sea Program |
Fee | Disposal at Sea Permit Fee |
Fee-setting authority | |
Year introduced | 1999 |
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended | 2010 |
Fee type | Permit |
Fee amount ($) | 470 per 1,000 cubic meters of dredged or inert material. |
Total fee revenue ($) | 2,810,094 |
Adjustment type | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | 2.0 |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | 489.95 |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not applicable |
Adjustment date | April 1, 2020 |
Fee‑adjustment authority | Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index). |
Service standard | The following service standards apply:
The permit holder has access to a permitted site and the ability to dispose of 1,000 m3 of dredged or excavated material for each $470 paid. Refunds are issued for units that are not disposed. |
Performance result | For the period from April 1, 2018 to March 30, 2019:
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