Lists of Tables and Figures
- Table 1: Cleaning and Proofing Procedures
- Figure 1: Semi-Volatile Organics Sampling Train
- Figure 2: Moisture Analysis Data Sheet
- Figure 3: Organics Sampling Data Sheet
- Figure 4: Semi-Volatile Organics Recovery Procedure
- Figure 5: Calculation of 2,3,7,8-T4CDD Equivalent PCDDs and PCDFs
In Figure 1, a nozzle which is connected to a probe is placed in a stack. The sample flows through the nozzle and probe into a hot box where it is connected to a cyclone and then to the filter. The sample then passes through the filter into a condenser, where the organics are condensed and passed through a XAD resin. The XAD tube is then connected to a condensate trap where moisture is condensed and condensate is collected. Next the trap is connected to 3 impingers sitting in an ice bath. The impingers are connected to an umbilical line that connects to a pump with has fine and coarse valves and then to a console with a dry gas meter, orifice and manometer where the volume collected is read and recorded. The S type pitot tube is connected to a probe which is connected to a pitot manometer to measure the velocity.
Figure 2 is used to determine the mass of moisture. Record the following data before the run:
- Plant,
- Location,
- Run number,
- Date,
- Run conducted by.
The table is divided into 6 components:
- Condenser,
- Resin Trap,
- Condensate Trap,
- First Impinger,
- Second Impinger,
- Third Impinger.
Each component is weighed before the run (initial reading) and weighed after the run (final reading). The initial is subtracted from the final to produce a gain for each component. The gains from all the components are added together to calculate the mass of moisture collected. (note: All readings should be in grams)
Figure 3 is a data sheet used to record all data during a sample run. Record the following data before the run:
- Plant,
- Location,
- Run number,
- Date,
- Stack diameter,
- Probe length,
- Probe type,
- Filter media,
- Leak Check (CFM, inches mercury),
- Barometric Pressure,
- Nozzle diameter,
- Pitot coefficient,
- Moisture content,
- Dry molecular weight,
- Orifice meter coefficient,
- Dry test meter coefficient,
- Stack static pressure,
- Name of who's conducting the stack test.
During the run, the following information needs to be recorded:
- Point number,
- Time,
- Stack gas temperature,
- Velocity pressure,
- Orifice pressure,
- Gas meter volume reading,
- Gas meter temperature for both the inlet and outlet,
- Filter box temperature,
- Probe temperature,
- XAD-2 Inlet temperature,
- Pump vacuum.
This figure deals with a sketch of the glassware train and a table detailing the recovery procedure for each numbered piece of glassware. In container 1, wash and brush 3 times with Hexane the nozzle, probe liner, cyclone, and front half of the filter holder. Then wash and brush 3 times with Acetone. Into the same container rinse 3 times each part with Hexane and Acetone. In container 2, which is a Petri dish, carefully remove the filter from the filter holder. Place it on pre-cleaned foil. Fold in half. Place in a pre-cleaned glass Petri dish. For container 3, soak the back half of the filter holder and the condenser with Hexane for 5 minutes. Pour the Hexane into the container and then repeat with Acetone. Into the same container rinse 3 times each part with hexane and acetone. Container 4 is the actual XAD tube. Cap both ends and wrap with Aluminum foil. In container 5, empty contents from the condensate trap and the first impinger. Rinse each 3 times with HPLC water and pour into container. In container 6, rinse the following 3 times with Hexane. The back half of the filter holder, condenser, condensate trap, straight tube, all three impingers and connectors. Repeat 3 times with Acetone. Mark liquid levels on all bottles. All sample containers are pre-cleaned amber glass bottles with pre-cleaned Teflon lid liners.
This figure deals with a table to calculate the total mass of PCDDs and PCDFs. The table is divided into 4 sections:
- Congener,
- Train catch,
- Toxicity factor,
- Equivalent train catch.
Calculate each PCDD as follows:
- For 2,3,7,8-T4CDD, train catch multiplied by 1.0 toxicity factor equals equivalent train catch.
- For 1,2,3,7,8-P5CDD, train catch times 0.5.
- For 1,2,3,4,7,8-H6CDD, train catch times 0.1.
- For 1,2,3,6,7,8-H6CDD, train catch times 0.1.
- For 1,2,3,7,8,9-H6CDD, train catch times 0.1.
- For 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-H7CDD, train catch times 0.01.
- For O8CDD, train catch times 0.001.
Calculate each PCDF as follows:
- For 2,3,7,8-T4CDF, train catch multiplied by 0.1 toxicity factor equals equivalent train catch.
- For 1,2,3,7,8-P5CDF, train catch times 0.05.
- For 2,3,4,7,8-P5CDF, train catch times 0.5.
- For 1,2,3,4,7,8-H6CDF, train catch times 0.1.
- For 1,2,3,6,7,8-H6CDF, train catch times 0.1.
- For 1,2,3,7,8,9-H6CDF, train catch times 0.1.
- For 2,3,4,6,7,8-H6CDF, train catch times 0.1.
- For 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-H7CDF, train catch times 0.01.
- For 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-H7CDF, train catch times 0.01.
- For O8CDF, train catch times 0.001.
Add all equivalent train catch for each congener to calculate the weight of 2,3,7,8-T4CDD.
Add the barometric pressure in kPa to the average pressure drop across orifice meter also in kPa. Multiply this by the reference temperature, 298 K. Divide this value with the average of the absolute dry gas meter temperature in K multiplied by the reference pressure, 101.3 kPa. Multiply this new value with the volume of stack gas sample at dry gas meter conditions, m3 and the dry gas meter calibration factor, dimensionless.
Multiply the weight of water vapour condensed in the impingers, g, with ten to the negative third power, the universal gas constant, 8.31 kPa m3/kmol K, and the reference temperature. Divide this value with molecular weight of water, 18 kg/mol multiplied with reference pressure, 101.3 kPa.
Divide the volume of water vapour in the stack gas sample at reference conditions, m3, with the sum of volume of water vapour in the stack gas sample at reference conditions, m3, added to the volume of stack gas sample at reference conditions, m3. Or simply, use previous calculated values. Volume of water vapour divided by volume of water vapour added to dry gas meter volume.
Add the barometric pressure at the sampling site, kPa to the static pressure of the stack gas, kPa.
Subtract the volumetric fraction of water vapour in the stack gas, dimensionless, from 1 and multiply it by the molecular weight of stack gases on a dry basis, kg/kmol. Add this value to 18 multiplied by the volumetric fraction of water vapour in the stack gas, dimensionless.
Multiply the reference pressure, 101.3 kPa, with the absolute stack gas temperature at each traverse point, K. Divide this value with the absolute stack gas pressure, kPa, multiplied to molecular weight of stack gases on a wet basis, kg/mol. Take the square root of this value. Then multiply this with the number 128.95 and the S-type pitot tube coefficient, dimensionless.
Multiply the reference temperature, 298 K, with the absolute stack gas pressure, kPa. Divide this value with the average of the absolute stack gas temperature, K, multiplied to the reference pressure, 101.3kPa. Multiply this value with the volumetric fraction of water vapour in the stack gas, dimensionless, subtracted from 1. Multiply this value with the inside cross-sectional areas of stack or duct, m2, the average stack gas velocity, m/s, and 3600.
This equation is divided into 2 parts. For the first part, add the barometric pressure at the sampling site, kPa, to the pressure drop across orifice meter for each traverse point, kPa. Multiply this value with the absolute stack gas temperature at each traverse point, K. Multiply this value by 1 divided by 1 minus the volumetric fraction of water vapour in the stack gas, dimensionless. Multiply this value by the volume of stack gas sample at dry gas meter conditions for each traverse point, m3, divided by sampling duration for each traverse point, min. Multiply this final value with the dry gas meter calibration factor (ratio of the wet test meter volume to the dry test meter volume), dimensionless. For the second part add the absolute temperature at the dry gas meter inlet and outlet together for each traverse point, K, and divide by 2. Multiply this by 4.71 times ten to the negative fifth power, then multiply the inside diameter of the sampling nozzle squared, mm. Multiply this value with the absolute stack gas pressure, kPa and then the stack gas velocity measured at each traverse point, m/s. Take the value from the first part and divide by the second part. Multiply this final value by 100.
9.9 divided by 20.9 minus percent O2.
Multiply the weight of polychlorinated biphenyls collected in the semi-volatile organics sampling train, mg, with the volumetric stack gas flow rate on a dry basis at reference temperature and reference pressure conditions, m3/h. Divide this value with the volume of stack gas sample at reference conditions, m3.
Multiply the weight of 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalent PCDDs and PCDFs collected in the semi-volatile organics sampling train, ng, to the correction factor to convert concentration at dry and reference temperature and pressure conditions to 11% O2, dimensionless. Divide this value with the volume of stack gas sample at reference conditions, m3.
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