Reply to Comments on the Proposed On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations - Transportation Systems Branch
Table of Contents
- 1. Parties Providing Submissions
- 2. Issues on Regulatory Text: Comments and Reply
- 3. Issues Related to the Regulations: Comments and Reply
- 4. Other Transportation-Related Issues: Comments and Reply
- 5. Appendix 1: Scenario Analysis: Fleet Average NOx Emissions in Canada - Introduction
- 6. Appendix 1: Scenario Analysis: Fleet Average NOx Emissions in Canada - Recent Canadian Sales Mix vs. U.S. Sales Mix
- 7. Appendix 1: Scenario Analysis: Fleet Average NOx Emissions in Canada - Projection of Future Canadian Sales Mix by Vehicle Class
- 8. Appendix 1: Scenario Analysis: Fleet Average NOx Emissions in Canada - Estimation of Future Vehicle Emission Certification Bin Distribution
- 9. Appendix 1: Scenario Analysis: Fleet Average NOx Emissions in Canada - Estimation of Future Fleet Average NOx Emission Rates
- 10. Appendix 1: Scenario Analysis: Fleet Average NOx Emissions in Canada - Fleet Average NOx Emission Rates - Per Company Basis
- 11. Appendix 1: Scenario Analysis: Fleet Average NOx Emissions in Canada - Conclusions
- 12. Appendix 1: Scenario Analysis: Fleet Average NOx Emissions in Canada - Appendix A
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On February 17, 2001, the Minister of the Environment published the Federal Agenda on Cleaner Vehicles, Engines and Fuels in the Canada Gazette Part I. This agenda outlined the Minister's intent to develop and implement a series of measures over the next decade to reduce emissions from vehicles, engines and fuels.
One of the major elements of the federal agenda is the development of new regulations under the authority of Part 7, Division 5 of CEPA 1999, to continue aligning Canada's emission standards for on-road vehicles and engines with those of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
In November, 2001 Environment Canada held public consultations on a Discussion Draft of new federal emission standards. The comments of interested parties were taken into account in the development of the proposed "On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations". The Regulations were published in the Canada Gazette Part I on March 30, 2002, for a formal 60-day public consultation. Environment Canada has considered all the comments received during this consultation in developing final regulations.
The major issues raised by commenters in regards to the proposed Regulations are addressed in the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS) that accompanies the publication of the final Regulations in the Canada Gazette Part II. This document provides a more detailed summary of the comments received from stakeholders and provides Environment Canada's responses to these comments.
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