Alternate leak detection and repair program notification
Notification form
An alternative leak detection and repair (LDAR) program can be used if it is demonstrated that it results in the same, or better, fugitive emissions reductions quantities than the regulatory LDAR program.
Operators using an alternative LDAR program must notify the minister. This can be done by submitting this form and including details regarding each facility to which its alternative LDAR applies, as per subsection 29(2).
Pursuant to subsection 29 (regulatory or alternative LDAR programs) of the Regulations Respecting Reduction in the Release of Methane and Certain Volatile Organic Compounds (Upstream Oil and Gas Sector):
- an operator for a facility must, in order to limit fugitive emissions containing hydrocarbon gas from equipment components at the facility, establish and carry out at the facility:
- a regulatory leak detection and repair program that satisfies the requirements of sections 30 to 33, or
- an alternative leak detection and repair program referred to in subsection 35(1) that results in at most the same quantity of those fugitive emissions as would result from a regulatory program referred to in paragraph (a), as demonstrated in a record, with supporting documents, made by the operator before the program is established and, at least once per year and at least 90 days after a previous demonstration, while the program is being carried out
Notice to minister.
- an operator for a facility that establishes a leak detection and repair program referred to in paragraph (1)(b) must, without delay, notify the Minister to that effect
This form does not in any way supersede or modify the regulations, or offer any legal interpretation of those regulations. Where there are any inconsistencies between this form and the regulations, the regulations take precedent.
For more details on information that needs to be kept in record, please refer to subsection 36(2) of the regulations.
The minister may request records in addition to those provided in this form to support the application for an alternative LDAR program.
If using this template, please save in Excel or comma-separated values (CSV) format and send by email to
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) __________
Operator information
Name __________
Civic address
Civic address - street address (for example, 1 Main street) __________
Civic address - city __________
Civic address - province or state __________
Civic address - country __________
Civic address - postal code (for example, K1A 0H3) or zip code __________
Authorized official information
Name __________
Job title __________
Telephone (for example, XXX‑XXX‑XXXX + ext.) __________
Email address __________
Civic address
Civic address - street address (for example, 1 Main street) __________
Civic address - city __________
Civic address - province or state __________
Civic address - country __________
Civic address - postal code (for example, K1A 0H3) or zip code __________
Postal address
Postal address - street address (for example, 1 Main street) __________
Postal address - city __________
Postal address - province or state __________
Postal address - country __________
Postal address - postal code (for example, K1A 0H3) or zip code __________
Contact person information
(If different from the authorized official, provide contact person information)
Name __________
Job title __________
Telephone (for example, XXX‑XXX‑XXXX + ext.) __________
Email address __________
Civic address
Civic address - street address (for example, 1 Main street) __________
Civic address - city __________
Civic address - province or state __________
Civic address - country __________
Civic address - postal code (for example, K1A 0H3) or zip code __________
Postal address
Postal address - street address (for example, 1 Main street) __________
Postal address - city __________
Postal address - province or state __________
Postal address - country __________
Postal address - postal code (for example, K1A 0H3) or zip code __________
Facility information
Facility name __________
Facility civic address
Civic address - street address (for example, 1 Main street) __________
Civic address - city __________
Civic address - province __________
Civic address - country __________
Civic address - postal code (for example, K1A 0H3) __________
(If the civic address is not available, provide one of the following:)
Longitude (at least 3 decimal places) and __________
Latitude (at least 3 decimal places) __________
Information on the alternative LDAR program (see section 35)
Alternative LDAR program name and/or number, if applicable __________
Description of the inspection program for leaks (include details on technology chosen, frequency of inspection, who performs the inspection, etc.) __________
Description of instrument operation, maintenance and calibration (include details on frequency, quantification of leaks, viewing distances if applicable, etc.) __________
Description of the process to repair leaks detected (include details on determination of period to execute the repair, who executes the repair, how the repair is verified, etc.) __________
Comments __________
Version 1.0
Page details
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