Non-domestic Substances List
Environment and Climate Change Canada has published and continues to maintain the Non-domestic Substances List (NDSL). The NDSL is a list of substances that are not used commercially in Canada above trigger quantities specified in the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers), but that are known to be in international commerce. It contains more than 49 000 substances and can be accessed through Substances Search.
Substances on the NDSL are subject to the notification and requirements set out in the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers); however, they are subject to fewer information requirements in comparison to new substances that are not on the NDSL.
Updates to the Non-domestic Substances List
The NDSL is based on substances that have been on the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (U.S. EPA) Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory for a minimum of 1 year. Beginning in 1995, the NDSL has undergone regular revisions that have added or deleted certain substances to reflect changes to the TSCA inventory.
Substances on the confidential portion of the TSCA inventory are not automatically added to the NDSL. Such a substance can be listed confidentially or publicly on the NDSL if a nominating company demonstrates that it has been on the confidential TSCA inventory for a minimum of 1 year. Substances can be nominated to the NDSL using the Non-domestic Substances List nomination form.
Certain substances on the TSCA inventory are not added to the NDSL. This includes substances subject to risk management controls in Canada or the U.S. and substances subject to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants or the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade.
Contact us
Program Development and Engagement Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Blvd
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
Telephone: 819-938-3232 or 1-800-567-1999 (Canada only)
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