Funding opportunities to support adaptation action

Federal investments are key to supporting adaptation measures at the national, regional and local level. This page provides further details on funding opportunities for climate change adaptation by department, including a comprehensive list of adaptation programs.

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Climate Action Fund: provides up to $3 million annually for projects that raise awareness and increase participation in climate change action across Canada. Selected projects focus especially on youth, students, Indigenous Peoples and organizations, and small and medium businesses.

EcoAction Community Funding Program: provides funding to protect, rehabilitate, enhance and sustain the natural environment.

Nature Fund: supports the protection of Canada’s ecosystems, landscapes and biodiversity including species at risk. The fund is available to non-profit and Indigenous organizations, provinces and territories, and others.

Health Canada

Climate Change and Health Capacity Building Contribution Program: supports the health sector in preparing for, and adapting to, the impacts of climate change. This program supports projects by organizations at the provincial, territorial, regional and local levels that assess climate change vulnerabilities and establish adaptation plans and/or evaluation strategies.

Indigenous Services Canada

Climate Change and Health Adaptation for First Nations and Inuit Communities: funds capacity-building efforts of First Nations and Inuit communities to adapt to the health impacts of climate change. The program has two streams, for communities north and south of the 60th parallel.

Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Climate Change Preparedness in the North: works with Indigenous and northern communities, territorial and regional governments, and other stakeholders to identify priorities for climate change adaptation in Canada’s North.

First Nation Adapt: provides funding to First Nation communities located below the 60th parallel to assess and respond to climate change impacts on community infrastructure and emergency management. This program prioritizes First Nation communities most impacted by climate change related to sea level rise, flooding, forest fires, drought, fisheries and winter road failures.

Indigenous Community-Based Monitoring Program: supports Indigenous Peoples in designing, implementing or expanding long-term community-based projects that monitor the effects of climate change on traditional lands and waters.

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund: a $2-billion national, merit-based program. Large-scale infrastructure projects are supported through this fund to help communities better manage the risks of disasters triggered by natural hazards and climate change impacts.

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: through bilateral agreements with the federal government, $9.2 billion for green infrastructure projects is being delivered by provinces and territories. A portion of this funding can be used for investments in adaptation, resilience and disaster mitigation to support community resilience to climate change impacts.

Municipal Asset Management Program: with federal government support, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities offers funding, training and capacity-building activities to increase skills within municipalities and local governments to sustainably maintain their asset management programs now and in the future. Eligible project activities include the development of risk assessments or asset risk management plans.

Green Municipal Fund: with federal government support, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities offers funding, training and resources to help communities design, implement and achieve their sustainable development goals and climate change initiatives.   

Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program: this five-year, $75-million Federation of Canadian Municipalities program is supporting more than 600 municipalities in updating infrastructure and addressing climate change.

Natural Resources Canada

Climate Change Adaptation Program: project funding to advance climate change adaptation knowledge, skills and actions in Canada.

Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) Program: Funding to advance climate change adaptation actions in coastal communities

Public Health Agency of Canada

Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund: addresses the impacts of climate change on human health by building and increasing access to evidence, education and awareness of infectious diseases.

Public Safety Canada

National Disaster Mitigation Program: builds a body of knowledge on flood risks in Canada and invests in foundational flood mitigation activities. Its aim is to improve Canada’s ability to effectively mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from flood-related events.  

Transport Canada

Transportation Assets Risk Assessment Program: provides funding to assess impacts of changing climate on federally-owned transportation assets such as bridges, ports and airports. The program provides information for integration into asset management and infrastructure investment plans.  

Natural Infrastructure Program

Natural infrastructure, such as wetlands or urban forests, play a critical role in building resilience to the impacts of climate change in Canada. Compared to traditional infrastructure approaches, natural infrastructure can save costs over the long term and provide a broad range of economic, environmental and social co-benefits for our communities. The federal government is delivering a number of programs that are supporting the uptake of natural infrastructure across Canada. Contact to find out more.

Long description

Adaptation and Climate Resilience in Canada

Adapting to climate change is a long-term challenge that implicates all facets of society and the natural environment. Considering climate resilience through the perspectives presented here can help to understand and address the breadth of the challenge.

Adaptation requires a sustained, ambitious, and collaborative approach across regions, orders of government, and sectors. Governments, Indigenous Peoples, the private sector, professional associations, academia, non-governmental organizations, and individuals all have important roles to play in building resilience.

The federal government is taking action to:

  • Coordinate government policies and actions across Canada
  • Generate and share foundational knowledge and information to support decision-making and build capacity to act
  • Support healthy and resilient ecosystems and promote natural solutions to climate change
  • Improve human health and well-being by addressing risks to physical and mental health and building resilient health systems
  • Support particularly vulnerable communities and regions such as the North, coastal regions, and Indigenous communities
  • Ensure resilient communities of people with well-functioning formal (e.g. governments) and informal (e.g. social networks) institutions. (Communities are defined as people in a shared geographic space)
  • Invest in infrastructure that withstands and protects against climate impacts
  • Build a strong and resilient economy, including through resilient trade, transportation, natural resources sectors, agriculture, fisheries, and manufacturing

Policy Coordination


Health and Well-Being

Particularly Vulnerable Communities and Regions




Foundational knowledge and information

Canada is building resiliency to the impacts of climate change

Page details

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