Clean Canada: protecting the environment and growing our economy


In December 2016, on a chilly Friday in Ottawa, Canada’s First Ministers came together to agree on the country’s first truly national climate plan, developed through a year-long negotiation with provinces and territories, with input from Indigenous peoples, and through engagement with Canadians, businesses and civil society across the country.

Clean Canada tells the story of how that plan – along with other actions to protect the environment and accelerate Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy – are setting us on the path to a cleaner, healthier and more prosperous future. It shows how people across Canada are coming together, rolling up their sleeves and finding new ways to protect nature, improve our health, and make our economy stronger and more sustainable. We’re generating cleaner, renewable energy and using it more efficiently to get around, heat our homes and fuel our industries – keeping life affordable, fighting climate change, and helping us build a better future for our kids and grandkids.

We’re also taking steps to make our communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change. In recent years, we’ve seen floods in urban and rural areas, from the National Capital Region to New Brunswick. In 2018, spring in Manitoba brought with it one of the worst droughts on record, sending feed prices through the roof for farmers. In the same year in Montréal, more than 50 people died from a summer heat wave. The forest fires that devastated parts of B.C. and Alberta and drove hundreds of thousands from their homes that year are still talked about, especially as each new spring brings the threat of yet another fire season.

Meantime, it seems like once a year we hear reference to ’the storm of the century.’ These events are becoming more frequent, more expensive to clean up, and more devastating for Canadians. Between 1983 and 2008, insurance claims from extreme weather averaged $400 million a year. Between 2009 and 2017, those costs quadrupled to an average of $1.8 billion a year. Insurance claims are expected to continue to increase, as is damage to personal and business property and public assets. We cannot just stand by and refuse to act.

Taking action on climate change will help address these growing costs. It’s also the key to succeeding in the new low-carbon economy. Meeting the global challenge of climate change is an opportunity to mobilize our skilled workers, natural resources and fast-growing tech sector to fight climate change while creating good jobs and opening up new opportunities for Canadians. Because the whole world is in search of new solutions, every clean approach we develop here at home can help our businesses compete and win, building a stronger, more sustainable economy.

Compared to business as usual, bold action on climate change is expected to add at least $26 trillion to the global economy by 2030, along with 65 million new jobs. Canada is ready to seize that opportunity and make the most of it to benefit families, communities and businesses.

Clean Canada offers a snapshot of how we’re coming together to build a cleaner, healthier, more affordable future that we can be proud to have our children inherit. It includes:

These changes will make life better and more affordable for Canadians. For example, phasing out coal means fewer problems for people with asthma and other breathing difficulties. More efficient buildings mean lower costs for heating and cooling. And, just by using cleaner fuels in our cars, we can have an impact equivalent to taking millions of vehicles off the road by 2030.

Then there’s the economic impact: by taking action to build a cleaner future, we are helping Canadian companies to innovate, develop new and better technologies, reduce carbon pollution, strengthen competitiveness and create jobs. And let’s not forget that the global clean-growth market represents a multi-trillion dollar opportunity for the companies and countries that choose to lead it.

Clean Canada represents the combined efforts of provinces and territories, small and big businesses, cities and towns, Indigenous peoples, universities, schools and families – all working together to fight climate change, save money, create good jobs and position Canada as a leader in the clean economy of the 21st century. At its heart, it’s about people – especially our young people. We want them to look forward to a better, cleaner, healthier Canada with more jobs, less pollution and more opportunities. This plan shows the way.

Improving where we live and work

Imagine if every new house in Canada was so efficient it could power and heat itself. This isn’t sci-fi – it’s an attainable reality and, with growing innovation in the building sector, we’re already on our way. Constructing better homes and buildings puts people to work. And building owners and residents save money in the long run. We also benefit from cutting-edge technologies that result in cleaner indoor air, higher resale values and less of an impact on our environment. Here’s what we’re doing to bring those benefits to more families and communities across Canada:

Building better

  • Working with provinces and territories to improve building codes and make “net-zero-energy ready” the standard for all new construction by 2030.
$1=$5: for every $1 invested in engergy efficiency programs Canadians save up to $5

Making existing buildings cleaner and more efficient

Nova Scotia-based Carbon Cure is creating jobs and reducing carbon pollution by capturing emissions from industrial plants and plugging the carbon into concrete to make it stronger and greener. Its world-leading technology is being used by over 100 plants across North America, including a concrete supplier for California’s $64-billion High Speed Rail project.
Mohawk College in Hamilton has commissioned Canada’s largest net-zero-energy institutional building. The 96,000-square-foot Joyce Centre for Partnership & Innovation will be heated and powered by geo-exchange wells and solar panels. It’s been chosen as a national pilot project for the Canada Green Building Council, demonstrating its new net-zero energy carbon standard.

Working together

  • Canada’s Build Smart strategy combines the efforts of federal, provincial and territorial governments to make our homes and buildings more efficient. It’s designed to ensure that, by 2030, all Canadians will be saving on energy costs and enjoying better buildings.
Canadian target for clean electricity = 90%

Making electricity cleaner + investing in renewables

  • We’re phasing out traditional coal-fired power plants by 2030 and helping workers, communities and businesses affected by the transition find new opportunities as we build a cleaner economy together.
  • We’re also supporting off-grid communities to switch from diesel to cleaner sources of heat and power like biomass and solar.
  • By 2030, the goal is to generate 90% of Canada’s electricity from clean sources.
12.8 million tonnes = cut in carbon pollution from phasing out coal power
Nunavut launched the Net Metering Program in April 2018 to encourage residential renewable energy systems installation. Nunavut’s Qulliq Energy Corporation partnered with Yukon College to analyze renewable energy possibilities within existing power plants.
Saskatchewan’s First Nations Power Authority helps Indigenous people get involved in the energy sector. It provides knowledge, expertise and links between the industry and Indigenous businesses, creating opportunities for investment, employment and sustainable development in Indigenous communities.

Getting around

More and more Canadians are choosing cleaner transportation. Between 1996 and 2016, the number of people taking transit to work increased by about 60 per cent. So did the number of people commuting by bike. Interest in zero-emission vehicles is growing. These choices save energy and money while protecting the environment. And building clean transportation networks brings good jobs and economic growth. That’s why we’re focusing on finding faster, cheaper, cleaner ways to get where we’re going

Cleaner fuels and cleaner vehicles

Using cleaner fuels in transportation, industry and buildings is one of the biggest steps Canada can take to reduce carbon pollution and make its economy cleaner and more competitive.

More support for transit and electric vehicles

New Brunswick is the first fully connected province, with a fast charging network for electric vehicles spanning over 19 communities. New Brunswick installed 49 public charging stations in partnership with the Government of Canada and is adding 12 more chargers in provincial parks and historic sites in 2018. New Brunswick is also the fastest growing electric vehicle market in the country with a 124% year-over-year increase. The New Brunswick Government has also invested in electric school buses and electric vehicles for government travel.
Quebec’s Agrisoma turns the oil from a mustard-like seed called carinata into a powerful biofuel, used by Qantas Airlines for the first-ever commercial flight between the U.S. and Australia powered by a bio-based fuel. Bio-based jet fuels like Agrisoma’s could reduce emissions from air travel by up to 77 per cent.
Over the next 25 years, electric vehicles will become a key mode of transportation—making our cities healthier and less polluted. Winnipeg’s New Flyer Industries makes electric buses that run smoothly and quietly and with zero emissions. And the company is creating good middle- class jobs. Innovative companies, like New Flyer Industries, are creating jobs and helping build our green economy through clean transportation.

Creating jobs and economic growth

Along with our actions for fighting climate change, Clean Canada is a blueprint for building a stronger, more sustainable economy. The same innovations that reduce carbon pollution and improve our quality of life can drive economic growth, create jobs and help Canadian companies compete and win in the lucrative low-carbon economy.

Helping small and medium business

  • We reduced the small business tax rate to 9%, beginning in 2019, giving small businesses in Canada the lowest combined average tax rate in the G7.
  • We’re helping businesses improve energy efficiency and cut energy costs through the $2-billion Low Carbon Economy Fund.
  • We’re investing in Canada’s farmers, including support to help them adopt clean technologies like precision agriculture.
  • In provinces where the federal price on pollution applies, we’re committed to helping smaller businesses save money and stay competitive. Under the Climate Action Incentive Fund, a portion of federal fuel charge revenue will be used to support small and medium-sized businesses. These investments will help make small and medium-sized businesses more productive and competitive as they reduce their energy costs.
Over 1 million new jobs in Canada since 2015

Support for clean tech

In 2018, Newfoundland and Labrador provided $235,000 in funding to support the SmartICE Sea Ice Monitoring and Information project. Through this investment, SmartICE will commercialize its SmartBUOY prototype instrumentation for measuring sea-ice thickness and establish a technology production centre in Nain to be operated by trained Inuit youth.
Enerkem Alberta Biofuels in Edmonton is the world’s first major collaboration between a large city and an innovative waste-to-biofuels producer. Every year it turns about 100,000 tonnes of household waste into millions of litres of ethanol and methanol. That ingenuity led to a $125-million deal to bring Enerkem’s technology to China.

Cleaner industry

  • Provinces, territories, communities, businesses and non-profits are tapping into the Low Carbon Economy Fund for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and grow the economy.
  • The oil and gas sector is working to cut methane emissions nearly in half as companies find cleaner ways to run their operations.
$26 trillion = value of the clean economy globally in 2030
Ontario-based VeriForm, a steel fabricator, earned $135,000 in annual energy savings by investing in simple retrofits like smart thermostats and automated receiving doors. The company’s greenhouse gas emissions fell by 77% and the energy savings made it more competitive, allowing it to boost its workforce by 25%.
Manitoba’s Farmers Edge is developing technology that helps farmers find fuel and resource savings through easy-access data and analytics. The company’s “precision agriculture” platform has earned it tens of millions in investment, customers on almost every continent, and the prospect of reducing carbon pollution from the agricultural sector worldwide.

Reducing plastic pollution and protecting  nature

Plastic pollution is a growing problem in our environment, and a waste of a valuable resource. Instead of being reused or recycled, plastic waste ends up in our landfills and incinerators, litters our parks and beaches, and pollutes our rivers, lakes, and oceans – being eaten by and entangling birds, turtles, fish, and marine animals.

Without a change in course, the plastics thrown away in Canada will be worth $11 billion in 2030. However, by improving how we manage plastic waste and investing in innovative solutions, we can reduce 1.8 million tonnes of carbon pollution, generate billions of dollars in revenue, and create approximately 42,000 jobs.

With the longest coastline in the world and one-quarter of the world’s freshwater, Canada has a unique responsibility – and opportunity – to lead in reducing plastic pollution.

Keeping plastic out of the environment

How Canada is supporting global action on plastic pollution

At the 2018 G7 in Charlevoix, Canada launched the Ocean Plastics Charter, which outlines concrete actions to eradicate plastic pollution and recognizes the need for urgent action to address the devastating impacts of marine litter on the health and sustainability of our oceans, seas, coastal communities, and ecosystems. As of June 2019, the Charter has been endorsed by 21 governments and over 60 businesses and organizations.

Investing in waste management solutions in developing countries is essential to reducing marine litter. The Government of Canada is contributing $100 million to help developing countries prevent plastic waste from entering the oceans, address plastic waste on shorelines, and better manage existing plastic resources. This includes $65 million through the World Bank, $6 million to strengthen innovative private- public partnerships through the World Economic Forum’s Global Plastic Action Partnership, and $20 million to help implement the G7 Innovation Challenge to Address Marine Plastic Litter.

Protecting our lands and oceans

Nature is our most precious resource—yet it is increasingly under threat from climate change, industrial activity, and habitat loss. Since 1970, the world has lost approximately 60 percent of the populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians.

As home to the second-largest remaining wilderness area, one fifth of the world’s fresh water, and the world’s longest coastline, Canada’s leadership is essential to reverse the drastic loss of animals, plants, and habitat worldwide. The action we take today will ensure our kids and grandkids also have the opportunity to enjoy the wildlife and wilderness we cherish as Canadians.

The Edéhzhíe region in Northwest Territories was declared an Indigenous Protected Area in 2018, thanks to a partnership between the Dehcho First Nation and the Government of Canada. The step preserves lands,waters and wildlife that are integral to the Dehcho while contributing to Canada’s target of doubling the amount of nature protected in our lands and oceans.

Putting a price on carbon pollution

“I refuse to leave this problem to be dealt with by some other person at some other time. We have to deliver a safer, healthier, more prosperous future for Canadians and their families. We can, and we will.”
– Prime Minister JustinTrudeau

Helping communities adapt

Even as we work to fight climate change, Canadians are feeling its impacts. Canada’s Changing Climate Report, a study led by Environment and Climate Change Canada and released in the spring of 2019, provided an assessment of current knowledge about how and why Canada’s climate has changed, and what changes are projected for the future.

The reportfound that on average,Canada is warming about twice as fast as the globalaverage, and three times faster in the North. Science shows that warming is influenced by human activities in the past, present and future.

In the last decade, insurance claims related to severe weather in Canada have averaged $1.8 billion ayear – four times higher than in 2008. Every dollar invested in preparing for the impacts of climate change saves up to 40 dollars, not to mention the benefits to our health. So we’re taking action to help our country and communities adapt and prepare for what’s ahead. That includes:

We’re also working with Indigenous communities to better understand our changing climate through the Indigenous Community Based Climate Monitoring Program. It’s one more example of how strong partnerships can help create a better future for all people.

Working together globally

In the 1980s, Canada played a key role in developing the Montreal Protocol to phase out the use of chemicals depleting the ozone layer. Now, as part of the same agreement, we’re joining other countries to phase-down the use of HFCs – greenhouse gases with thousands of times the impact of carbon dioxide. We’ve also made a difference by:

Summerside, P.E.I. is using smart technologies to make the most efficient use of its various power sources. The city gets almost half its energy from wind. It also uses solar power as well as more conventional fuels. Smart technology is expected to improve the city’s grid efficiency by up to 20 per cent.

Measuring our progress

Every year, we’re issuing a progress report so Canadians can see how our climate commitments are translating into action. The federal, provincial and territorial governments report together so all the results are in one place. Our second annual progress report was released in December, 2018 and we will continue to engage with Canadians to help ensure we stay on track. As new ideas and findings emerge, we will adjust our plans with an eye to continual improvement – so people can see results and realize the benefits sooner.

Governments have collaborated with Indigenous peoples as they move toward more efficient new building standards. In spring 2018, the National Research Council began consultations with stakeholders, including the First Nations National Building Officials Association, on the development of a guide that will leverage Traditional Knowledge and support sustainable housing on reserves. British Columbia is working on a pilot with the Heiltsuk First Nations in Bella Bella to install air-source heat pumps in homes that are currently using oil for heating.
New initiatives launched by governments this year support access to financing and skill development for clean technology producers. The Government of Canada and Yukon College collaborated to launch the Yukon Innovation Hub, bringing together entrepreneurs, business advisory support services and Yukon College under one roof.

Reductions to achieve 2030 target

The concrete actions we are taking with partners across Canada to improve the buildings we live and work in, to build cleaner transportation systems, support new technologies in our industries, and create new jobs and economic growth have put us on a path to achieve our 2030 climate target. These measures will result in a historic level of emission reductions in Canada. Through ongoing collaboration with provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous peoples, and businesses, we will continue to improve on our plan and capture the emerging opportunities in technology and innovation.

Long description

Unmodelled measures and future reductions

For example:

  • public transit
  • clean innovation
  • new technology
  • future federal, provincial and territorial measures
79 Mt CO2e*
Stored carbon in forests and soils 24 Mt CO2e
Quebec-California markets 13 Mt CO2e
Waste and other sectors 18 Mt CO2e
Agriculture 2 Mt CO2e
Buildings 44 Mt CO2e
Heavy industry 21 Mt CO2e
Transportation 23 Mt CO2e
Electricity 32 Mt CO2e
Oil and gas 47 Mt CO2e

* Increase relative to 2017 projections is due to updates to underlying data and economic trends (+7 Mt) and Ontario’s cancellation of climate action programs, which led to a revision in the provincial target (+30 Mt). Those changes are balanced by the contribution from Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (-24 Mt).

Note: Carbon pollution pricing is estimated to achieve 50-60 Mt of reductions in 2022 across all economicsectors.

2030 Target
Starting point 815 Mt
(BR2) Total -302 Mt
Reductions target = 513 Mt

Not all of the action we are taking to reduce carbon pollution is reflected in the measures modelled in Canada’s climate plan, the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. These ‘unmodelled measures’ are outlined below.

We are witnessing a rapid evolution of technologies that will reduce pollution through the economy. We know that our actions are working and that we will achieve our 2030 goals through these and future emission reduction opportunities including:

Every year we will report on our progress and provide a transparent update on how our existing and new actions to reduce pollution and grow the economy are working for all Canadians. To fight climate change and create the future we want for our kids and grandkids, we will have to work together and continuously improve our Clean Canada plan.

Next steps

Clean Canada sets the stage for a cleaner, healthier future with the largest reduction in carbon pollution in Canada’s history. It puts us on a path to a stronger, more sustainable economy and shows how we’ll meet our targets as part of the global Paris Agreement.

Key steps forward in 2019 will include areas such as cleaner fuels, renewable energy projects and investing in energy efficiency and clean technology to create real benefits for people, including good jobs, more convenient ways to get to work, healthier air, cleaner water, and lower costs to heat our homes and businesses.

Canada still has lots of work to do. We know we will face new challenges as the world around us changes. But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – not just to save the planet but to build a better quality of life and take full advantage of the fast-growing market for new ideas, technologies and products.

Canadians have what it takes to win in a cleaner future. We’re building the future our children deserve, so they can look forward with confidence. Together, we’re bringing that future to life.

Clean Canada by sector

Improving where we live and work

Net-zero ready buildings

Building retrofits

Improved technologies and design

Better equipment

Phasing out coal-fired electricity

Helping remote communities

Emerging renewables and the smart grid

Getting around

Cleaner fuels

Public and active transit

Charging and fueling infrastructure

More effcient vehicles

Zero-Emission Vehicles

Creating jobs and economic growth

Clean technology research and development

Support for business

Supporting workers and communities

Reducing methane emissions

Improving industrial energy effciency

Research and development

Protecting nature

Increasing stored carbon

Using more wood in construction

Generating bioenergy and bioproducts

Plastics strategy

Putting a price on carbon pollution

Pricing carbon pollution

Helping communities adapt

Providing authoritative climate information

Building resilience through infrastructure

Protecting human health and wellbeing

Supporting particularly vulnerable regions

Federal investments in climate action and clean growth

Since 2015, the Government of Canada has committed about $60 billion to reduce emissions, adapt to a changing climate, and support clean technology innovation and the transition to a clean growth economy.

Commitments include:

The Annex provides a detailed list of key funding programs, allocated across three of the four pillars of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

Annex: Clean growth and climate change funding program summary

Reducing Carbon Pollution and Investing in Public Transit
Program Program description Federal funding commitment
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Public Transit Infrastructure (INFC) Budget 2017 included $20.1 billion in funding for the construction, expansion, improvement and rehabilitation of public transit infrastructure, and active transportation projects, building on investments announced in Budget 2016. $20.1B
Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (INFC) Budget 2016 included $3.4 billion in funding over three years, through the Public Transit Infrastructure fund, to improve and expand public transit systems across Canada. $3.4B
Canada Infrastructure Bank The Canada Infrastructure Bank uses federal support to attract private sector and institutional investment to new revenue-generating infrastructure projects that are in the public interest. ($5B each for the public transit stream and the green infrastructure stream, which includes mitigation and adaptation projects). $5B + $5B
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Green Infrastructure Stream (INFC) The Green Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program supports greenhouse gas mitigation projects, infrastructure that will help communities respond and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate, and infrastructure that supports a healthy environment such as water and wastewater infrastructure. $9.2B
Low Carbon Economy Fund (ECCC) The $2 billion Low Carbon Economy Fund is an important part of Canada’s climate plan, the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. The Fund supports the Framework by leveraging investments in projects that will generate clean growth, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help meet or exceed Canada's Paris Agreement commitments. $2B
Federation of Canadian Municipalities Budget 2019 included $1.01 billion in funding, to be delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, to support energy effciency in residential, commercial, and multi-unit buildings, including support to improve effciency in affordable housing developments. $1.01B
Incentive for Zero-Emission Vehicles (iZEV) Program (TC) Effective May 1, 2019, the Government is providing a point-of-sale incentive for consumers who buy or lease an eligible zero-emission vehicle. $300M
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program (NRCan) Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program projects are aimed at reducing the reliance of rural and remote communities on diesel fuel for heat and power. There are four streams: Capacity building, bioheat, demonstration and deployment. $220M
Emerging Renewables Program (NRCan) Funding is being provided to expand the portfolio of commercially-viable renewable energy sources available to provinces and territories as they work to reduce GHG emissions from their electricity sectors. $200M
Zero-Emission Vehicle infrastructure (Budget 2019) (NRCan) Budget 2019 included additional funding to expand the network of zero-emission vehicle charging and refuelling stations in workplaces, public parking spots, commercial and multi-unit residential buildings, and remote locations. $130M
Smart Grid Program (NRCan) The Smart Grid Program provides funding for utility-led projects to reduce GHG emissions, better utilize existing electricity assets and foster innovation and clean jobs for demonstration of smart grid technologies and deployment of smart grid integrated systems. $100M
Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment – Phase 2 (NRCan) Phase two of the Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative is focused on completing the network of electric vehicle fast chargers on the national highway system, and continuing to deploy natural gas refuelling stations along key freight corridors and establish hydrogen stations in key metropolitan centres. $80M
Northern REACHE (CIRNAC) Northern REACHE provides funding for implementing renewable energy projects in off-grid Indigenous and northern communities that rely on diesel and other fossil fuels to generate heat and power. $64.2M
Green Construction through Wood (NRCan) The Green Construction through Wood program supports projects and activities that increase the use of wood as a green building material in infrastructure projects. $39.8M
Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program (AAFC) The Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program supports projects that will create technologies, practices and processes that can be adopted by farmers to understand and mitigate GHG emissions. $27M
Industrial Energy Management Program (NRCan) The Industrial Energy Management Program supports industrial energy effciency through the implementation of energy management systems. The program offers cost-shared financial assistance, capacity-building tools, access to collaborative networks, and energy management system certifications. $17M and $0.6M ongoing
Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment – Phase 1 (NRCan) Phase one of the Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative resulted in 102 new publicly-accessible electric vehicle fast chargers, seven natural gas and three hydrogen refuelling stations in seven provinces. $16.4M
Voluntary Zero-Emission Vehicle Sales Targets with Automakers (TC) Funding to support work with automakers to secure voluntary zero-emission vehicle sales targets to ensure that vehicle supply meets increased demand, as well as analysis of additional supply and demand measures that may be needed to ensure Canada’s zero-emission vehicles sales targets can be met. $5M
- Total Mitigation $46.9B
Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience
Program Program description Federal funding commitment
Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (INFC) The Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund provides funding for built and natural, largescale infrastructure projects designed to protect communities from natural disasters and extreme weather and build climate resilience. $2B
National Disaster Mitigation Program (PS) The National Disaster Mitigation Program addresses rising flood risks and costs, and builds the foundation for informed mitigation investments that could reduce, or even negate, the effects of flood events. $200M
First Nation Adapt Program (CIRNAC) The First Nation Adapt Program provides funding to First Nation communities located below the 60th parallel to enhance their capacity to assess risks related to climate change impacts and develop adaptation plans. $45M
Climate Change Preparedness in the North (CIRNAC) The Climate Change Preparedness in the North Program provides support for assessing risks related to climate change impacts, developing adaptation plans and implementing adaptation actions. $46.9M
Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program (CIRNAC) The Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program supports Indigenous communities in the development and implementation of community-based climate monitoring projects. $31.4M
Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (NRCan) The Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise Program equips decision-makers with region-specific knowledge and information, and provides training and capacity building activities that will enable them to apply available tools and information to take action to adapt to climate change. $18M
Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program (ISC) The Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program is designed to build capacity to address the health impacts of climate change by funding community-designed and driven projects. There are funding streams for First Nations and Inuit north of 60°N, and for First Nations south of 60°N. $26.2M
Transportation Assets Risk Assessment Program (TC) The Transportation Assets Risk Assessment Program will make our transportation system stronger and more resilient, by assessing the impacts of the changing climate on federally-owned transportation assets, such as bridges, ports and airports. $16.35M
Climate Change and Health Research Initiative (CIHR) The Climate Change and Health Research Initiative provides funding to develop and implement targeted research programs on health and climate change, in collaboration with stakeholders. $11M
Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative (TC) The Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative provides funding to help meet some of the challenges caused by climate change on transportation systems in the North, through research, technology development, and training. $6.9M
Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund (PHAC)

The Infectious Disease and Climate Change Program focuses on building capacity to address the risks of infectious diseases (zoonotic, vector-borne, food-borne, water-borne) on human health. This includes: surveillance and monitoring, risk assessments, intelligence gathering, modelling, laboratory diagnostics, and health professional education and public awareness.

The Program includes the Infectious Disease and Climate Change (grants and contributions) Fund ($2M/annually), which focuses on monitoring and surveillance, education and awareness in communities, and equipping health professionals with tools and resources to protect Canadians from climate-driven infectious diseases.

$42.8M over 11 years


Climate Change and Health Adaptation Capacity Building Program (HealthADAPT) (HC) HealthADAPT provides support for assessing vulnerabilities, establishing adaptation plans/evaluation strategies to protect the health of Canadians, and supports the climate resiliency of the health system. $3M
Developing Climate Resilient Codes and Standards (NRC) The National Research Council Canada (NRC) is undertaking ground-breaking work to integrate climate resiliency into building and infrastructure design, guides, and codes. This initiative is intended to develop capacity to adapt to the increasing demands on our built infrastructure attributed to climate change, keeping Canadian communities safer from extreme weather and the effects of climate change. $40M
Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure (SCC) The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is supporting the development of a broad range of standardization solutions to adapt infrastructure to climate change impacts. This initiative includes: standardization guidance on weather data, climate information and climate change projections; new and revised standards and guidance to ensure infrastructure across Canada is climateready; and investments in new standards and guidance that support northern infrastructure. $11.7M
- Total Adaptation $2.4B
Clean Technology
Program Program description Federal funding commitment
Support for Clean Technology Financing (Business Development Bank of Canada) Funding to make available more equity finance and working capital to promising clean technology firms $700M
Support for clean technology exports (Export Development Canada) Export Development Canada offers expanded risk offering and a specialized clean-tech team to provide the financing, risk protection, market knowledge and global contacts clean-tech companies need to get their technology into new markets. $700M
Sustainable Development Technology Canada Sustainable Development Technology Canada provides targeted support for companies to develop and demonstrate pre-commercial clean technologies $400M
Canadian Agricultural Partnership – AgriScience (AAFC)

The AgriScience Program, under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, supports leading edge discovery and applied science, and innovation driven by industry research priorities. There are two components: the projects stream and the clusters stream.

Up to $338M
Clean Growth in the Natural Resources Sector (NRCan) The Clean Growth in the Natural Resources Sector Program provides funding for clean technology research and development and demonstration projects in Canada’s energy, mining and forestry sectors. $155M
Canadian Agricultural Partnership – AgriInnovate (AAFC) The AgriInnovate program, under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, provides repayable contributions for projects that aim to accelerate the demonstration, commercialization and/or adoption of innovative products, technologies, processes or services that increase agri-sector competitiveness and sustainability. Up to $128M
Impact Canada Initiative – Clean Technology Challenges

Clean Technology: $75M to launch a series of clean technology challenges focused on unlocking breakthrough solutions to complex and persistent problems.

  • Women in Cleantech Challenge
  • Sky’s the Limit Challenge (sustainable aviation fuel)
  • Canada-UK Power Forward Challenge (smart grids)
  • Crush It! Challenge (mining)
  • Indigenous Off-Diesel Initiative
  • Battery Innovation Challenge (launching July 2019)
Oil and Gas Clean Technology Program (NRCan) The Oil and Gas Clean Technology Program supported the development of clean oil and gas technologies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions form the oil and gas sector to help develop Canada’s hydrocarbon resources in sustainable ways. $50M
Energy Effcient Buildings RD&D (NRCan) $182M to increase energy effciency and address climate change by improving home and building design, renovation and construction. Includes $64.1 million for RD&D to support the development and implementation of building codes for existing buildings and new net-zero building codes. $182M
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations – Phase 1 (NRCan) Phase one of the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations Program provides funding to support the demonstration of next-generation electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Canada. $46.1M
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations – Phase 2 (NRCan) Phase two of the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations Program provides funding to support the demonstration of next-generation electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Canada. $30M
Agricultural Clean Technology Program (AAFC) The Agricultural Clean Technology Program supports the research, development and adoption of clean technologies through investments in, and promotion of, precision agriculture and agri-based bioproducts. $25M
Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) The Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program provides funding to assist Canada’s fisheries and aquaculture industries to improve their environmental performance through the adoption of clean technologies and/or practices in their day-to-day activities. $20M
Support for clean technology export and access to climate finance (Global Affairs Canada – Trade Commissioner Service) The Trade Commissioner Service International Business Development Strategy for clean technology helps Canadian companies capitalize on cleantech and climate finance opportunities globally. TCS CanExport and Canadian Technology Accelerator programs support Canadian industry, including cleantech, to commercialize internationally. $15M
Clean Tech Data Strategy (ISED/NRCan) The Clean Tech Data Strategy advances the transition towards clean growth by providing public and private decision-makers with data that will better convey the economic, environmental and social contributions of clean technology in Canada. $14.5M
Clean Growth Hub (ISED/NRCan) The Clean Growth Hub is a whole-of-government focal point for clean technology focused on supporting companies and projects, coordinating programs and tracking results. $12M
Clean Transportation System – Research and Development Program (TC) The Clean Transportation System – Research and Development Program supports the development of clean transportation technology and innovation across the marine, aviation, and rail modes. $1.5M
Energy Innovation Program (EIP) The EIP focuses funding on RD&D of clean energy technologies with the potential for replication and adoption prior to 2030. It will directly enable implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. $48M/year are ongoing
International Business Development Strategy for clean technology (GAC) Encourage and support Canadian firms in their efforts to capitalize on growing opportunities in the global market for clean technology $15M
- Total Clean Technology $2.8B
Program Program description Federal funding commitment
Oceans Protection Plan (TC) In November 2016, the Government launched the $1.5 billion national Oceans Protection Plan to improve marine safety and responsible shipping, protect Canada’s marine environment and offer new possibilities for Indigenous and coastal communities. $1.5B
Nature Under Budget 2018, the Government committed $1.3 billion in additional funding for nature conservation, including $500 million to create the Canada Nature Fund, and funding to support the protection of species at risk, expand national wildlife areas and migratory bird sanctuaries, increase the federal capacity to manage protected areas, continue the implementation of the Species at Risk Act, and establish a coordinated network of conversation areas. $1.3B
EcoAction Community Funding Program The EcoAction Community Funding Program provides funding for local action-based projects that produce measurable, positive effects on the environment, and engage communities. Since 1995, EcoAction has contributed funding towards climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation projects. EcoAction funding can be allocated to the following environmental priorities: Climate Change, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Nature. $4.2M
- Total Environment $2.8B
Multiple / Other
Program Program description Federal funding commitment
International Climate Finance (ECCC/GAC) The Government supports a wide range of programs and initiatives that help developing countries manage risks and build resilience to the impacts of climate change, deploy clean energy technology, and manage natural resources sustainably. $2.65B
National Trade Corridors Fund (Transport Canada) One of the National Trade Corridors Fund's four program objectives is to help the transportation system withstand the effects of climate change and make sure it is able to support new technologies and innovation. $2B
Canadian Agricultural Partnership – FPT cost-shared programs (AAFC) Programs are FPT cost-shared (60:40), and provincially/territorially delivered to address on-farm environmental sustainability issues, including the reduction of GHG emissions and support to adapt to climate change. $436M
Smart Cities Challenge (INFC) Smart Cities: A challenge for communities to address local issues their residents face through new partnerships, using a smart cities approach that relies on the use of data and connected technology. Finalists will receive support to develop their project. $300M
- Total Multiple / Other $5.4B

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