Proposal for the Output-Based Pricing System Regulations: schedule 2
Schedule 2: Content of verification report
The following information respecting the person responsible for a covered facility:
an indication as to whether they are the owner or operator of the facility and their name and civic address;
the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number of their authorized official;
the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number of a contact person, if different from the authorized official; and
the business number assigned to it by the Canada Revenue Agency, if any.
The following information respecting the covered facility:
its facility name and the civic address of its physical location, if any;
its latitude and longitude coordinates using the decimal degrees or the degrees, minutes and seconds, unless the covered facility is a natural gas pipeline transmission system;
its six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada code;
if applicable, its National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) identification number assigned by the Minister for the purpose of section 48 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and, if applicable, its Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program identification number; and
in the case of an electricity generation facility,
the unique name for each unit,
the unit registration number under the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity, if any, and
the unit registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations, if any.
The following information respecting the verification:
the name and civic address of the verification body along with the name, telephone number and email address of the lead verifier for the verification team that conducted the verification;
the name and contact information of the accreditation organization by which the verification body is accredited and the date of the verification body’s accreditation;
the names and functions of individual members of the verification team and the name of the independent peer reviewer;
a description of the objectives and scope of the verification and the verification criteria;
a description of the data and information supporting the verification report;
details of the verification procedures conducted on the data and information supporting the report that are required under these regulations, including
a summary, including results, of the assessments, data sampling, tests, and reviews that were conducted during the verification,
a description of the verification activities undertaken, including information on where each activity was undertaken,
the results of checks made on the GHG emissions information system and controls, and
the date of each visit conducted, for the purpose of subsection 11(3) of these regulations;
the total GHG emissions from all industrial activity for the covered facility for the calendar year and the amount of each type of product produced by the covered facility, as described in the facility report for the covered facility, and the emission limit, as calculated for the facility;
in the case of a verification of an electricity generation facility, the following information as described in the facility report:
the total GHG emissions from each unit and the sum of the total emissions from each unit within the facility for the calendar year, and
the gross amount of electricity generated by each unit from gaseous fuel, liquid fuel and solid fuel and the sum of the total production from each unit that comprise the facility in the calendar year;
in the case of a verification of a facility that permanently stores some or all of its emissions, the quantity of carbon dioxide stored, in tonnes of CO2e;
in the case of a facility to which a OBS calculated in accordance with section 17 applies, the calculated OBS and the information associated with each term in the equation;
a record of errors or omissions, identified during the verification, in the data, information or method used in the preparation of the annual report that specifies,
with respect to each error and omission, if it may be quantified,
related to GHG emissions, the number of tonnes of CO2e to which the error or omission corresponds, the related percentage calculated in accordance with subparagraph 11(4)(a)(i) or (b)(i) of these regulations and a statement indicating whether the error or omission is an understatement or an overstatement, and
related to the production of a given type of product, the quantification of that error or omission, expressed in the applicable unit of measure, the related percentage calculated in accordance with paragraph 11(4)(c) of these regulations, and a statement indicating whether the error or omission is an understatement or an overstatement, and
with respect to the aggregate of the errors or omissions related to GHG emissions, if it may be quantified, the net sum of the errors and omission expressed in tonnes of CO2e, the related percentage calculated in accordance with subparagraph 11(4)(a)(ii) or (b)(ii) of these regulations, and a statement indicating whether the error or omission is an understatement or an overstatement;
a record of any corrections made by a person responsible as a result of the identification of any errors or omissions identified during the verification;
an assessment of the GHG information system and its controls;
the verification body’s conclusions with respect to the total GHG emissions and the amount of each type of product produced, including any qualifications or limitations;
a declaration—signed and dated by the lead verifier—stating that the requirements of subsection 11(2) of these regulations are complied with and that any real or potential conflicts of interest have been effectively managed;
a declaration—signed and dated by the independent peer reviewer—stating their approval of the verification report; and
a verification statement by the verification body as to whether the GHG emissions, the amount of each product produced and emissions limit – as reported by a person responsible for the covered facility in the report – are free from material errors and omissions, and as to whether the report was prepared in accordance with the regulations.