Environmental Damages Fund- Quebec Active Transportation
This guide includes:
- general information about the Environmental Damages Fund
- how to apply for funding
- how to use the online Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System (GCEMS) to submit your application
Please contact the Quebec EDF office to discuss project ideas and learn more about available funds in the Province of Quebec.
Important notice: The text below is formatted for accessibility. The PDF is the official applicant guide.
What is the Environmental Damages Fund?
The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) is a specified purpose account administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), on behalf of the Government of Canada. ECCC collaborates with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Parks Canada, and Transport Canada to deliver the program.
The EDF directs funds received from fines, court orders and voluntary payments to priority projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment. Through its support of priority projects, the EDF helps to ensure environmental good follows environmental harm.
Federal departments are responsible for the enforcement of legislation that may be used to direct funds to the EDF. The enforcement of legislation includes:
- Fisheries Act
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999
- Migratory Birds Convention Act 1994, and
- Canada Shipping Act 2001
The primary goal of EDF-funded projects is to restore the environment and conserve wildlife and habitats in a scientifically sound, cost-effective, and technically feasible way.
October 2023 call for proposals
The objective of this call for proposals is to reduce transportation-related air pollution in the province of Quebec by increasing the total amount, usage, and quality of active transportation projects, and enhancing urban mobility in the province.
The call for proposals will support projects that encourage a modal shift away from automobiles that contribute to air pollution towards active transportation.
Defining active transportation
Active transportation refers to the movement of people or goods powered by human activity. Active transportation includes:
- walking
- cycling
- rollerblades
- snowshoes
- cross-country skis, and more.
Active transportation also includes the use of human-powered or hybrid mobility aids such as wheelchairs, scooters and e-bikes.
For more information on what Canada is doing to promote active transportation please refer to the National Active Transportation Strategy.
Source of funds
The funding available for this call for proposals is an element of the settlement agreement for the Association Québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA) v. Volkswagen Group of Canada Inc. et al., class action lawsuit, which was approved by the Quebec Superior Court on June 16, 2022.
Applicants to the EDF must be not-for-profit groups. They may include:
- non-government organizations (e.g. environmental community groups)
- Indigenous organizations, defined as:
- National, provincial, and territorial Indigenous organizations
- Tribal councils
- Indigenous communities
- universities and academic organizations (e.g. community colleges)
- provincial, territorial and municipal governments.
Applicants must provide an identification number for their organization in their proposal, such as a Charitable Number, Non-Profit Organization Registration Number or First Nations Band Number.
Projects must take place within the province of Quebec and the benefits of the project activities must accrue to Canadians.
Ineligible applicants
Individuals, businesses, and federal government departments and agencies are not eligible to apply for funding but are encouraged to partner with eligible applicants.
Offenders that have been fined or made monetary payments directed to the EDF are not eligible to apply OR to partner with eligible groups for fines or monetary payments they have made that were directed to the EDF.
International entities are not eligible funding recipients, but they may partner with or support a project.
Projects and activities
Projects and activities
EDF funding is available for projects that address one or more of the program’s priority areas. These are referred to as funding categories. Please note that the EDF funding categories have been adapted for this call for proposals.
Category 1: environmental quality improvement
- Improve or enhance different natural resources in the province of Quebec
- Improve air quality and reduce air pollutants in the province of Quebec
- Promote the reduction of emissions of the main pollutants in the transport sector, such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and fine particles
- Improve or enhance environments previously degraded by pollutant discharges or other human induced alterations (e.g. carbon dioxide emitted by the transportation sector).
Category 2: research and development
- Undertake the evaluation or research of solutions related to the reduction of atmospheric pollutants from the transportation sector
- Develop and propose innovative solutions intending to reduce atmospheric pollutants, such as urban mobility and active transportation plans
Category 3: education and awareness
- Promote awareness of active transportation and urban mobility
- Promote community capacity building for behavioural change
Environmental Quality Improvement projects will be prioritized.
Fund Use Requirements
All project applications must clearly show how they satisfy Fund Use Requirements.
Projects that do not clearly show they satisfy all aspects of the applicable Fund Use Requirements will not be eligible for funding.
Elements of a strong EDF proposal
EDF calls for proposals are competitive processes. Please clearly explain all project details and expected results.
The level of detail provided in your application must support the complexity of your project.
For examples of funded projects, see our EDF project map.
Describing the project:
- describes the project need within the local and/or regional context
- specifically identifies one or more of EDF’s funding categories
- explains how project activities will meet project objectives and results
- includes objectives that are realistic, achievable and measurable
- satisfies the Fund Use Requirement
Project measurability:
- shows that the environment will benefit from the project
- measures results using EDF performance indicators
Showing the project can be carried out:
- is scientifically sound and technically feasible
- is cost-effective in achieving goals, objectives, and results
- demonstrates that the applicant and/or their partners possess the necessary experience, knowledge and skills required to undertake the project
- provides evidence of matching funds or demonstrates the ability to raise non-federal funds (matching funds are not mandatory under the EDF, but are considered an asset)
Appropriate preparation and expertise:
- involves individuals and communities with local experience and knowledge
- demonstrates that the applicant has engaged or consulted with individuals, organizations, and/or communities who may be directly or indirectly impacted by the proposed project (i.e. Indigenous groups and organizations)
Equity and diversity:
- explains how the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) will be meaningfully incorporated into the project and/or identifies concrete EDI-based practice(s) that will be implemented during the project
- includes all necessary information and supporting documentation required to evaluate project proposals
Maximum project duration
There is no maximum EDF project duration, but projects are generally no longer than five years. However, for this call for proposals, applicants are encouraged to demonstrate how they will use funds in an efficient and timely manner.
Ineligible projects and activities
The following types of projects and activities are not eligible to receive funding from the EDF:
- activities required by law and/or mandated by any levels of government
- containment and clean-up of environmental spills
- restoration of contaminated sites
- infrastructure,Footnote 1 particularly related to municipal, provincial, and federal government program areas lobbying or advocacy activities (e.g., the EDF could not finance Electric Vehicle infrastructure, such as the construction of charging stations)
- recreation and tourism projects or beautification initiatives
- preparation of formal curriculum materials
- core organization functions and activities such as meetings, maintenance, and administration (however, project specific administrative support is eligible)
- annual or regular organization events/campaigns
- expenses to attend general conferences and workshops (project specific conferences and workshops are eligible)
- projects and activities already underway
- continuation of projects previously funded by the EDF
- projects outside the province of Quebec
- bursaries or cash incentives
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list. If you are unsure about any of the examples listed above or the eligibility of your project, please contact the Quebec EDF office.
Available funds
Available funds
Funding is available in the province of Quebec for projects that will reduce transportation-related air pollution in the Province by:
- increasing the total amount, usage, and quality of active transportation projects, and
- enhancing urban mobility in the province.
The call for proposals will support projects that encourage a modal shift away from automobiles that contribute to air pollution.
In order to be eligible, applicants must request a minimum of $250,000 from ECCC in the project’s budget. The total funding available for this call for proposals is $4,393,140.
EDF funding is available to cover up to 100% of eligible project costs.
The EDF does not require matching funds; however, evidence of other project funding sources (i.e. additional contributions) or demonstration of your organization’s ability to raise funds from sources other than the federal government (i.e. in a past project) will be considered an asset at the proposal evaluation stage.
Evidence of matching funds can include signed/dated letters of cash and/or in-kind support, as well as confirmation through email messages. It is recommended, but not mandatory, that matching contribution values be indicated in these letters.
Applicants can demonstrate their ability to raise non-federal funds by providing reliable evidence from past projects (i.e. letters, budget summaries).
Application process
Application process
The deadline for submitting a funding application using the Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System (GCEMS) portal is December 6, 2023, 15:00 Eastern Time, on the date indicated on the available funds page and in GCEMS.
The GCEMS portal will automatically lock applications from being submitted after this time.
How to apply
Step 1: Confirm available funds and project eligibility
- Review funding opportunities and log into GCEMS to confirm funds availability in your project’s location.
- Review Fund Use Requirements associated with each available fund and ensure your project’s activities satisfy all of those requirements and that proposed project activities are eligible EDF expenditures.
- For questions or clarification, please contact the Quebec EDF office.
- Should you be unable to submit your application using this platform, please contact the Quebec EDF office.
- For any technical issues related to website functionality and access (e.g. GCKey and SWIM), GCEMS technical support can be reached at sgesc-gcems-sgesc-gcems@ec.gc.ca.
Step 2: Prepare your funding application using GCEMS
- Develop your EDF funding proposal using the GCEMS online portal and visit the GCEMS application instructions page for technical assistance documents, tutorials, and support throughout your application preparation.
- The website will automatically log you out after 15 minutes of inactivity. Please save your draft proposal in GCEMS frequently or copy and paste content from an external document to avoid losing your work.
- You may contact the Quebec EDF office prior to the application deadline to discuss your project application with an EDF Program Officer.
- Officers can also help provide advice/information on:
- the EDF program
- the funding process
- official languages requirements
Step 3: Submit your application
- You must submit your application in GCEMS before the stated deadline.
- The EDF does not accept applications via email, mail or fax.
- Once you have submitted your proposal, you will receive an email from GCEMS acknowledging the receipt of your submission.
- Following the project review phase, you will receive notification on the funding decision of your proposal.
- If you do not receive confirmation, please contact sgesc-gcems-sgesc-gcems@ec.gc.ca.
If you contact ECCC about a proposal, please always use the four-digit proposal ID number associated with the application.
Online application guide
The following information will enable you to complete an online project application for the EDF. Note that the EDF Applicant Guide is not a technical guide for navigating GCEMS, but rather provides EDF program-specific information to ensure project proposals meet the EDF program eligibility.
Sections 1 and 2
1. Tombstone data
Tombstone Data is a summary of organizational and contact information that auto-populates various sections of your GCEMS application. You must complete all fields:
- organization name, address, email, and phone number
- contact information for the principal applicant representative (individual representing the project/ responsible and knowledgeable about the project and application)
- select your organization type, provide an organization identification number (e.g., Charitable Number, Non-Profit Organization Registration Number or First Nations Band Number), and provide a brief description of your organization (including mandate)
- identify previous funding received from ECCC and/or other Canadian federal government departments/agencies
2. Project summary
Project summary: This section provides an overview of your project. All information is mandatory.
Project title: It is recommended that you use a short title to identify your project.
Project start date/end date: When determining the proposed project start date, please allow for additional time following the funding application deadline. Project start dates should be selected with considerations for the proposal evaluation process, program funding decisions, and funding agreement negotiation with the EDF if your project is successful. Please contact the Quebec EDF office should you require further details or clarification.
Project location: Project activities must be located in the province of Quebec. Latitude and longitude coordinates are mandatory. If your project has multiple activity sites, please note this in your application in the Project Description field and provide the coordinates for your organization’s head office or primary office location in Project Location.
Project goals/objectives: Clearly state the goal(s) and objective(s) of the project and how it will benefit the environment. Provide a clear description of specific and measurable (performance indicator) objectives that are achievable and realistic during the timeframe of the project.
Project description: Provide a summary description of your project, showing the link between the project, the stated goals, and the priority funding category. Identify the main purpose of your project by clearly articulating the environmental issue that the project will address and why it is important. Please provide baseline information about the environmental issue that the project will address. Include details on how the project will help resolve the issue, and how it is linked to project objectives and indicators.
Explain how the project links to the priorities of the EDF, and its connection to the Fund Use Requirements. It is important that your summary be concise and include the key (performance indicator) results you expect to achieve with your project.
Project team experience: Please describe any relevant qualifications and experience of the project team members that could demonstrate the organization's experience and capacity to carry out the proposed project. Please make clear connections on how the knowledge and experience of team members relate to the stated objectives in the project description.
Financial capacity: Please describe your organization's financial capacity to manage this project. This could include outlining other sources of funding for the project in the project budget, such as letters of support to indicate support from partnering organization(s) through in-kind support. Additionally, this could include a brief summary of past successful projects demonstrating your organization’s experience managing a project budget of similar size and scale.
Project management capacity: Please describe your organization's experience in managing and delivering projects. Provide details on the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) identified in the human resources section of the budget. Who will work on the project (project coordinator, volunteers, consultants, technical experts, etc.) and what are their roles/qualifications? Identify relevant qualifications and experiences of the project team. This section is an opportunity to demonstrate your organization’s experience and capacity to carry out the proposed project.
Section 3. EDF Funding Categories, indicators, environmental responsibility, and permits
Identify the primary EDF environmental funding category that the project will address by selecting one (1) funding category from the drop-down list. Use the details and project examples below to help determine under which EDF funding category your project fits best. Applicants are encouraged to select all EDF Performance Indicators that apply to the project; completing the mandatory indicator is required.
EDF funding categories (ranked from highest to lowest priority):
#1: Environmental Quality Improvement Projects
- Air quality is improved in the province of Quebec by: Reducing air pollutants by increasing the total amount, usage, and quality of active transportation projects, and enhancing urban mobility
- Promoting the reduction of emissions of the main pollutants in the transport sector, such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and fine particles
- Improving or enhancing environments previously degraded by pollutant discharges or other human induced alterations (e.g. carbon dioxide emitted by the transportation sector)
Reduce atmospheric pollutants linked to the transport sector by increasing active transportation.
#2: Research and Development Projects
Knowledge related to cumulative impacts, long-term environmental damage and air pollution or active transportation and urban mobility is improved, including:
- undertaking the assessment or research of environmental damage related to air pollution, including the long-term effects and cumulative impacts of pollutant discharges, in support of planning for active transportation or urban mobility projects; or
- developing environmental damage assessment and air pollution assessment methods, including techniques for the valuation of damage caused by transportation-related air pollution, including its effect on environmental and human health.
- Feasibility studies, profitability analyses and detailed cost estimates
- Urban mobility plans and citizen involvement
#3: Education and Awareness projects
Awareness and knowledge of transportation-related air pollution, active transportation, urban mobility, or compliance with environmental regulations is increased, including:
- promoting education related to transportation-related air pollution including its effects on environmental and human health, active transportation and urban mobility ; or
- promoting community capacity building and environmental stewardship in support of reducing transportation-related air pollution.
- Training local groups and volunteers in reducing transportation-related air pollution, promoting active transportation and increasing urban mobility, to protect and improve the environment
- Raising public awareness of the various pollutants associated with the road transport sector
- Raising public awareness of environmental regulations to improve compliance
Other required information in section 3
EDF Available Funds: Please indicate specific EDF available funds (the total EDF cash funding) for which you are applying. Include the specific location in the province of Quebec, funding amount available, and the Fund Use Requirements. Information on the available funds and proposal deadline can be found on the EDF available funds page. The wording in your application should match exactly what is stated on the EDF available funds page.
Project need: In 500 words or less, indicate why the project is needed within the local and/or regional context and how your project will deliver on the applicable EDF Fund Use Requirements. Please describe the environmental issue being targeted and how the project will help resolve the issue, ensuring that the issue is linked to project objectives, results, and indicators.
Project purpose: Complete the provided sentence (“This Environmental Damages Fund project will …”) in 150 words or less to clearly and succinctly describe the purpose of your project. Your sentence should include the project location and a clear summary of key project goals.
Example: This project will help reduce air pollution by creating an active mobility plan for our city and involving citizens in the process.
Environmental responsibility: In this section, explain what measures will be undertaken to ensure the natural environment will not be negatively affected by project. Groups must conduct activities in a manner that does not harm the natural environment and must explain how the natural environment will benefit from the project.
We may request additional information for technical review and/or for an environmental assessment under the Impact Assessment Act, if applicable.
Permits and authorizations: Explain the necessary permits and authorizations needed to carry out project activities. It is your responsibility to verify requirements and obtain any permits and/or approvals from other federal, provincial/territorial and/or municipal governments prior to commencing activities. Any potential required permits and authorizations for the project must be identified in this section.
Start by confirming the requirement for any permits and authorizations by selecting “Yes” or “No” in the drop-down menu. If you select “Yes,” list the permits and authorizations below and indicate whether they have been obtained. If not yet obtained, please ensure the timeline for obtaining approval is included in your project work plan. Activities undertaken on government or private land may also require a permit and/or approval. Successful applicants will be asked to supply authorization or permit copies to their Quebec EDF office.
Activities on Federal Lands: Indicate whether your project will involve Physical Activities (i.e., construction, modification, operation, expansion, abandonment and decommissioning) on Federal Lands in relation to a Physical Work (structures that are built by humans and have a defined area and fixed location). If yes, please describe the proposed Physical Activities.
According to the Impact Assessment Act, "Federal Lands" are defined as:
- lands that belong to His Majesty in right of Canada, or that His Majesty in right of Canada has the power to dispose of, and all waters on and airspace above those lands, other than lands under the administration and control of the Commissioner of Yukon, the Northwest Territories or Nunavut;
- the following lands and areas:
- the internal waters of Canada, in any area of the sea not within a province,
- the territorial sea of Canada, in any area of the sea not within a province,
- the exclusive economic zone of Canada, and
- the continental shelf of Canada.
- the internal waters of Canada, in any area of the sea not within a province,
- reserves, surrendered lands and any other lands that are set apart for the use and benefit of a band and that are subject to the Indian Act, and all waters on and airspace above those reserves or lands.
ECCC Priority Groups: Indicate which EDF Priority Group(s) the project engages and select all that apply. Note that the engagement of these groups is not a requirement; however engagement of priority groups may strengthen your proposal. The data collected may be used for proposal evaluation and reporting purposes. Program Priority Groups are defined as follows:
- Indigenous Peoples are individuals who identify as First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples
- Youth are considered individuals in Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12; Maternelle-CEGEP in Quebec)
- Small to medium-sized businesses are businesses with fewer than 500 paid employees
Project communications plan: Indicate the title of each planned communication activity along with a description, expected results, as well as the start and end date of the activity. The table in which to include all project activities is as per below.
Title of communication activity | Communication activity description | Expected results | Start date | End date |
Enter title of activity in 10 or fewer words (e.g., Community Volunteer Event Announcement). |
Enter description of the communication activity in approximately 100 to 250 words. |
Enter the expected results of the communication activity in approximately 100 to 250 words. Results may include the number of people reached. |
Enter date of when activity will be launched. |
Enter date of when activity will be completed and results are expected. |
EDF performance indicators: Performance indicators are measurable results that demonstrate how your project objectives are met. Target values should represent outcomes for the entirety of the project.
Please ensure that your target project indicators are achievable within the timeframe of EDF funding. The EDF Performance Indicators are separated by the project funding category; however, an applicant should select all EDF Performance Indicators that apply to their project. All projects must include at least one (1) EDF Performance Indicator as per the tables of performance indicators and must include a target value in the unit of measurement required by the program. For each indicator selected, please use the text box provided to describe the methodology used to estimate and/or calculate the indicator value. Project applications that do not contain at least one (1) indicator and this information will be ineligible.
Please refer to the following table to identify and learn about EDF performance indicators:
Performance indicator | Description | Target | Units |
Number of hectares where environmental quality activities have been implemented |
Total area where active transportation and/or urban mobility activities will be implemented or proposed, e.g. the implicated area of a study or urban mobility plan; the area that outreach activities will impact; the area of proposed active transportation corridor. |
value |
# of hectares |
Performance indicator | Description | Target | Units |
Number of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions reduced |
Number of tonnes of CO2 reduced following citizen’s adoption of active transportation modes. |
value |
# tonnes |
Percentage of the target population using active transportation methods for a given location has increased |
Increase (%) in the use of active transportation methods (walking, cycling, scootering). |
Value |
% change |
Performance indicator | Description | Target | Units |
Number of methods, tools, and/or techniques applied to reduce transportation-related air pollution |
Total number of methods, tools, and/or techniques applied to reduce transportation-related air pollution. |
value |
# methods/tools/techniques |
Number of studies/reports/mobility plans/ publications developed and distributed |
Studies, reports, management plans or publications must be linked to the development of improved methods or techniques for reducing air pollution through the transition to active transportation and sustainable mobility. |
value |
# of Studies/ Reports/Plans/ Publications |
Number of recommendations from studies, reports or management plans implemented |
Studies, reports or management plans must be linked to the development of improved methods or techniques for reducing air pollution through the transition to active transportation and sustainable mobility. Proponents must provide a copy of the study/report/plan and report on what is being implemented. |
value |
# of recommendations implemented |
Number of partners engaged |
Includes partnerships with various levels of government, individual researchers, non-profits, academia and industry to build capacity for restoration and improved environmental quality. |
value |
# partners |
Number of citizens consulted and involved in the preparation of plans and studies |
Including citizen participation in the research for and implementation of active transportation solutions, notably through surveys, consultations, photo contests on the various obstacles to active transportation, etc. |
value |
Number of citizens |
Performance indicator | Description | Target | Units |
Percentage of target audience that confirmed modification in behaviour as a result of project activity(ies) |
Target audience’s awareness and understanding related reducing air pollution through the transition to active transportation and sustainable urban mobility. Pre and post surveys or other acceptable measurement methodologies are included as part of the project. |
value |
% of target audience |
Number of participants attending project activity(ies) |
Total number of individuals reached via project activities, including people attending the workshops, training sessions and other events organized. |
value |
# of people |
Knowledge transfer: Indicate how benefits to the environment and your community will be maintained after the project is completed. Additionally, provide any details on whether your organization has a knowledge transfer strategy for creating and disseminating knowledge from the project, where appropriate, to support sustainable behaviour changes.
If you selected “Yes” in the drop-down menu to indicate that there is a knowledge transfer component to your project, please provide additional details on how the knowledge is created and how it is disseminated to the impacted groups in your community.
Additionally, if you selected “Yes” in the drop-down menu to indicate that project materials will be produced in a language other than French or English, please indicate which language(s) they will be produced in (excluding English and French).
Outreach: Please indicate how you heard about this EDF call for proposals (e.g., email via the EDF distribution list, social media, Government of Canada website, colleague, or other). If selected “Other,” please specify.
If you would like to be added to the EDF distribution list for your region, please send a request to the appropriate regional inbox. Contact details can be found on the EDF webpage in the “Contact us” section.
Section 4. Project budget
This section will present the project's financial details. Please clearly state the total amount of EDF cash funding being requested for your project.
You will be asked to provide information on all project funders and identify a Contributor Type for each of them in the Project Budget Table (including your funding request from the EDF and your own organization’s contribution to the project). Please provide a “contributor name” in the text field. Other optional contributor types include any other ECCC support for your project, support from other federal government departments, provincial governments, municipal governments or others.
Cash funding requests from the EDF should be shown in the budget template under “ECCC” in the cash column.
Please note that you will not be able to proceed to the next section if the “Amount Requested” does not match what is stated in the project budget template. Prepare a budget using the budget tables provided in the online GCEMS application. Please consider the following elements:
- fair market value represents the standard rate for a product or service in your area;
- provide the best estimates of all expenses at fair market value;
- volunteer time is valuable. Please calculate all volunteer time at fair market value and include it in your budget as an in-kind contribution;
- expected revenue generated by the project must be included in the budget. Provide an approximate value of the expected revenue. Any revenue generated by the project is expected to be used toward project activities;
- ensure the budget per fiscal year matches with the project work plan per fiscal year;
- ensure the budget per fiscal year is sufficient to reach the objectives and indicators per fiscal year;
- avoid using vague wording in the budget by providing greater details to link budgeted costs with activities per fiscal year;
- you must present a balanced budget; and
- if you indicate ECCC in-kind participation (e.g. professional advice, laboratory analysis, etc.), please provide letters from the supporting organization to confirm this participation. Including in-kind or cash contribution values is recommended.
- The EDF does not provide in-kind services and should not be listed as an in-kind supporter
What project costs are eligible?
Costs related to the following types of expenses are eligible under the EDF program:
- human resources involved in the project realization, including employees’ salaries and benefits who are dedicated to the project (biologists, technicians, bookkeepers accounting, etc.)
- contract and professional services including financial verification by an independent accountant if required, contractors or other professional fees
- travel and mileage, required for the achievement of fieldwork (refer to the National Joint Council’s website for your province/territory kilometric rates)
- materials and supplies required for the achievement of fieldwork
- printing and production (for example, project awareness tools)
- communications and distribution linked to the communication of project activities
- equipment rentals and purchases, including research equipment, laboratories or a vehicle rental
- translation required (Canada’s two official languages) to enable the participation of linguistic minority communities
- a reasonable share (20% or less) of overhead and/or administrative expenditures directly attributed to carrying out the project (for example, rentals and operating offices, liability insurance), including details of what the overhead and/or administrative expenditures will cover.
- purchase of capital assets,Footnote 2 (please note that projects that focus primarily on the purchase or installation of capital assets or equipment are not eligible)
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list. You can contact the Quebec EDF office for any matter relating to this list or the eligibility of your project and activities.
Independently Verified Financial Audit
Should the application be successful, details regarding financial reporting requirements (including potential completion of an Independently Verified Financial Report at the end of the project) will be outlined during the negotiation of the funding agreement.
The costs related to an Independently Verified Financial Report are eligible expenditures if deemed a requirement for the funding agreement during the negotiation process. If not deemed a requirement, the estimated amounts for an Independently Verified Financial Report can be reallocated to other eligible project costs.
If the project includes a fiscal year where the lead applicant expects to spend more than $100,000 in one fiscal year, it is recommended to include an estimate of the cost for an Independently Verified Financial Report in the application’s budget section, typically under the final year of the project.
Department Audits
ECCC reserves the right to audit any EDF project at the Department’s own expense. Projects of all scope may be subject to an audit at any time. An audit could occur while projects are currently active, or after projects have ended.
Section 5. Project work plan
Please complete the table to explain the activities that will be undertaken throughout the project and how your activities will contribute to reduce transportation-related air pollution in the Province by increasing the total amount, usage, and quality of active transportation projects, and enhancing urban mobility in the Province. Indicate a title for each activity.
Include a general “activity category” to frame the description of each activity. Provide details of the activities to be undertaken, timelines, techniques or methods, and the goals for each activity.
The work plan must include information on site-specific details (description), event schedules, seasonal timelines (start and end dates), etc. You may consider organizing activities and targets into quarters according to the following breakdown: April to June, July to September, October to December, and January to March. Remember that you need to clearly describe the link between your activities and the budget in your project proposal.
Possible risks to health and safety must be outlined, as well as the mitigation measures you will put in place.
Include your project’s communication activities and how the public will be informed of the project results achieved. Communications material may include news releases, public events, posters, and social media.
Section 6. Evaluation plan and performance indicators
Please describe how you will measure the expected results and successes of your project. It is important to clearly demonstrate how overall project results will be captured.
Identify a specific evaluation plan to measure the progress and success of your project and the methodology that will be used to capture results. The evaluation plan must also include the methodology used to measure results based on the EDF performance indicators.
Section 7. Other supporting information
Providing the following supporting information is recommended. Should it not be provided at the time of submission, it may be required at a later date:
- dated and signed letters from other funding sources confirming cash and in-kind contributions
- dated and signed supporting letters from landowners where restoration activities are occurring on private property, stating that your group has permission to undertake activities on their property and whether the landowner is providing any monetary and/or in-kind support
- community support letters endorsing/supporting the project; these letters are different from partner letters confirming their monetary and/or in-kind contribution
- any information essential to understanding your project, such as pictures of the environmental damage, or maps of the area
- any additional information you think will enhance your proposal (pictures, sketches, etc.)
- if applicable, copies of permits or approvals, species lists, etc.
Additional letters not listed above confirming other funding (both cash and in-kind) may be requested from successful applicants before a funding agreement can be signed and funds provided.
Any information submitted after the deadline will NOT be considered in the application evaluation process.
Section 8. Official languages
Please complete the Official Languages section of the application. It is a mandatory requirement for all applications to ECCC funding programs. Each question must be answered by either yes or no, and all applying organizations must respond to the questions.
Information required:
- Is the organization international, national, provincial or territorial in scope?
- Is the project international, national, provincial, or territorial in scope?
- Is the project delivered in a geographic area with (OLMCs)?
- Is the project’s target audience composed of individuals or groups belonging to both official language communities?
- Is the target audience composed of individuals or groups belonging exclusively to an OLMC?
- Do the project activities include any public events, signage, promotional or other communication activities?
- Is there an opportunity for involvement of OLMCs to participate?
Depending on your project’s audience, and in accordance with the Official Languages Act, you may need to offer products and/or services to the public in both official languages. Please ensure any associated costs (e.g. translation) pertaining to project delivery and/or promotion are included in the budget.
Section 9. Certification
Certification that the information stated in the application is complete and accurate is required.
- Once you complete your application, submit using GCEMS.
Please note that the EDF will not accept project applications by email, fax, or mail.
Steps after application submission
Acknowledgment of receipt
Acknowledgment of receipt is automatically generated by GCEMS. If you did not receive an acknowledgment of receipt, you should contact GCEMS to confirm that your application was received.
Your application is reviewed to verify eligibility and to assess technical and scientific merit. All project proposals are subject to the same evaluation criteria. Project applications are reviewed by the Quebec EDF office to confirm that:
- the proposal has been submitted by an eligible EDF applicant;
- the project is eligible for funding;
- the project addresses one or more of the EDF’s funding categories;
- the project includes the mandatory EDF Performance Indicator;
- the proposal demonstrates how the project fully satisfies the Fund Use Requirements, and
- the proposal describes realistic and eligible activities.
Following this administrative assessment, your project proposal is examined by technical reviewers, which is made up of experts from ECCC, other federal government departments, or provincial departments (as applicable) in order to evaluate your application for its scientific and technical merit. The final step would be to conduct an overall assessment of each of the project applications received.
If your project application is approved in principle, you will be contacted through a notification letter to negotiate a funding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the funding. Federal Members of Parliament and/or their team will be advised about the approval in principle of a project and be provided with information provided in this application, including the applicant’s name, project title, project description, project location, funding amounts, communication activities and contact information.
If your application is not approved, you will also be informed of this decision in writing.
Any questions or comments may be directed to the Quebec EDF office.
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