Zero plastic waste initiative


The Zero Plastic Waste Initiative aims to effect change across the plastics lifecycle to increase waste collection, improve value recovery, and prevent and remove plastic pollution. It supports projects that use innovative approaches leading to measurable, positive impacts to reduce plastic waste and pollution in Canada.

This initiative is no longer accepting applications.


Projects must improve the understanding, mitigation or remediation of plastic waste and pollution in Canada. They must clearly demonstrate activities that are measurable and will contribute to the implementation of Canada’s zero plastic waste vision. This includes our commitments under the Ocean Plastics Charter and Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste.

Eligible applicants

Eligible groups include:

Geographic location

All projects must take place in Canada. We will strive for geographical representation across Canada.

Eligible projects

All projects must clearly demonstrate activities that will help to capture and remove plastic pollution or prevent plastic waste from entering the environment. They must reflect at least one of the following priority areas:

Ineligible projects include:

Funding available

Projects are eligible for funding up to a maximum of $250,000 over its full duration, and must have a minimum ask of at least $25,000. There are no matching funding requirements but applicants are encouraged to secure project support through partner funds.  This current request for proposals is for projects that will begin on or after April 1, 2020 and completed no later than March 31, 2022.


Projects must result in the prevention or reduction of plastic waste and pollution in Canada. Proponents will report on key project targets and one or more of the following indicators:

Related links

Contact us

Zero Plastic Waste Initiative
351 Boulevard Saint-Joseph
Gatineau, QC K1A 0H3


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