Carry out remediation strategy: step 8 of federal contaminated sites decision-making framework

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Step 8: implement Remediation/Risk Management (R/RM) strategy

Step 8, which is based on the analysis and planning outcomes from Step 7, involves implementing the Remediation/ Risk Management Strategy (which includes the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) and Remediation Management Plan (RMP) to reduce the risk from contaminants at the site to acceptable levels. Other responsibilities include:

This step should include strict documentation control and adherence to the remediation/risk management (R/RM) objectives, as any unanticipated occurrences will require modification of the RAP and potential re-evaluation of the technologies applied. Stakeholders should be consulted as appropriate. Effects of climate change should be taken into consideration, and sustainable R/RMs should be included at all stages of the RAP/RMP. If it is determined that the remediation objectives will not be met, a full review of the R/RM Strategy and RAP/RMP for the site is required. It may be necessary to revisit earlier steps to determine what supplemental work is required or to determine if the site management strategy needs to be refined.

Key decision(s)

Step 8: Implement Remediation/Risk Management (R/RM) Strategy


Long description

All activities in Step 8 should consider the future impacts of climate change on the site and should aim to use sustainable approaches.

Review the R/RM strategy and findings from previous steps. Finalize a sustainable R/RM strategy, which includes RAP/RMP, that considers future effects of climate change in consultation with stakeholders, and identify and address Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) and other federal requirements. Develop a sustainable procurement plan with sustainable contracting clauses. Select a contractor, and conduct R/RM activities. Then conduct operation, maintenance and monitoring activities. Determine if the performance objectives of the R/RM strategy have been met, and update applicable sections of the SCT (including the Tool for Risk Assessment Validation [TRAV]). Update to the FCSI as required (at minimum on an annual basis), and proceed to Step 9.

How Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) expert support can assist

How Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) expert support can assist

How Health Canada (HC) expert support can assist

How Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) expert support can assist

How the FCSAP Secretariat can assist

Supporting documents and tools specific to Step 8

Please also refer to the list of supporting documents and tools useful throughout the 10-step process at the beginning of the document.


General guidance


Page details

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