Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Model

The Government of Canada's Fuel Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Model (the Model) is a tool to calculate the life cycle carbon intensity (CI) of fuels and energy sources used or produced in Canada. The Model helps to support the delivery of regulations and programs as part of Canada's actions on climate change. For example, the Clean Fuel Regulations uses the Model to determine the CI of fuels, material inputs and energy sources for credit creation.

The Model is designed to:

The Model consists of the following 3 documents:

Users of the Model include:

Access the Model

To use the Model:

  1. download and install the most recent stable version of the openLCA software
    • this free and open source software is required in order to use the Model, supported for Windows, Mac, and Linux
  2. download the Fuel LCA Model Database
  3. consult the Fuel LCA Model User Manual for instructions on setting up the Fuel LCA Model Database in the openLCA software

Recorded training sessions

In addition to the Fuel LCA Model User Manual, the following videos provide a walk-through of the Model and an example of calculating a CI. These videos are recordings of training sessions that use the December 2021 pre-published version of the Model.

Ongoing development of the Model

Ongoing development and maintenance activities to the Model are prioritized based on engagement with the Stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), comments received from stakeholders and other governmental departments as well as issues identified by ECCC.

To increase transparency and offer an opportunity for stakeholder feedback on the proposed changes to the Model in advance of the next formal version of the Model (expected in 2026), ECCC will proceed with multiple pre-publications of proposed changes by topic as they are ready.

In addition, predefined fuel pathways (PFPs) are being developed to allow calculation of a CI representative of a Canadian context for a given fuel pathway without facility or supply chain data.

Pre-publications of Proposed Changes to the Model

Pre-publications of proposed changes to the Model

Pre-publications generally include documents that explain the proposed changes to the Model and modules that can be uploaded in openLCA.

Pre-publications are not to be used for compliance with the Clean Fuel Regulations, or other programs or regulations, unless otherwise specified.

Stakeholders will be invited to review the pre-publications and provide comments to ECCC within 30 days following the publication date at modeleacvcarburant-fuellcamodel@ec.gc.ca.

Comments submitted will be considered for the development of the next formal version of the Model.

Stakeholders on the Fuel LCA Model Distribution list will be notified by email the day of each pre-publication. If you want to have your name added to the distribution list, please send a request to modeleacvcarburant-fuellcamodel@ec.gc.ca.

List of recently released pre-publications (each with a 30-day comment period)

List of recently released pre-publications (each with a 30-day comment period)

List of upcoming pre-publications

List of upcoming pre-publicationsFootnote 1 

  • Updated methanol production process (Winter 2024-2025)
  • Updated chemicals processes (Witner 2024-2025)
  • Updated combustion factors (Spring 2025)
  • New grid electricity processes for new countries (Spring 2025)
  • New bagass combustion process (Summer 2025)
  • New transport processes for marine shipping (Summer 2025)
  • Updated compressed natural gas and liquified natural gas processes (Fall 2025)
  • Updated natural gas and propane processes (Fall 2025)
  • Updated processes for liquid fossil fuels (Fall 2025)
  • Updated technology-specific electricity processes (Fall 2025)
  • Updated processes for Canadian electricity (Winter 2025-2026)
  • Updated processes for U.S. electricity (Winter 2025-2026)
  • Updated processes for electricity from Argentina, Mexico and Brazil (Winter 2025-2026)
  • New regionalized crop processes (Winter  2025-2026 or Spring 2026)
Formal publications of the Model

Formal publications of the Model

A new version of the Model is expected to be published every two years (the next formal publication is planned for 2026).

While the intent is to provide certainty and stability to stakeholders, unplanned publications of the Model may occur under certain circumstances (for example, if important new information becomes available). The following factors will guide recommendations for unplanned publication:

  1. the degree to which CI values are changed and the implications to programs that use the Model (i.e. GHG reductions, Clean Fuel Regulations credits)
  2. the number of affected stakeholders who would have to update their data
  3. the complexity of the required solution and the proximity to the next planned formal publication

An overview of the main changes made to the Model in June 2024 since the January 2023 publication is provided here:

Predefined Fuel Pathways

Predefined Fuel Pathways

The PFPs allow for the calculation of a CI that is representative of a Canadian context for a given fuel pathway without facility or supply chain data. The PFPs can be used for various purposes including policy analysis, environmental performance optimization and benchmarking of fuels, scientific research, or as a set of default values by Government of Canada programs requiring a CI assessment. They also provide users with access to a more transparent life cycle modelling of low CI fuels produced in Canada.

The PFPs include a data workbook (Excel file) and an openLCA module. They are developed based on the fuel pathways currently available in the Model but are pre-populated with predefined (default) parameters representative of technologies and processes in Canada. The PFPs also offer the option to use specific values from the user when available (more information is provided in the data workbook).

Stakeholders will be invited to review the preliminary version of the PFPs and provide comments to ECCC within 30 days following the publication date at modeleacvcarburant-fuellcamodel@ec.gc.ca.

Final PFPs will be consistent with Model datasets or pre-published datasets but could include modelling options not available in the Model. The module is available in the form of an add-on module which the user can import into their existing Fuel LCA Model database in openLCA.

PFPs are not to be used for compliance with the Clean Fuel Regulations, or other programs or regulations, unless otherwise specified.

List of predefined fuel pathways released for consultation (each with a 30-day comment period)

List of predefined fuel pathways released for consultation (each with a 30-day comment period)

List of upcoming predefined fuel pathways

List of upcoming predefined fuel pathways

  • New predefined fuel pathways for Hydrogen from polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysis
  • Updated predefined fuel pathways for Hydrogen from steam methane reforming with carbon capture and storage
  • New predefined fuel pathways for Hydrogen from autothermal reforming with carbon capture and storage
  • New predefined fuel pathways for Renewable Natural Gas from landfill gas – with avoided emissions
  • New predefined fuel pathways for Renewable Natural Gas from anaerobic digestion of manure – with avoided emissions
  • New predefined fuel pathways for hydrogen biomass gasification
  • New predefined fuel pathways for Sustainable Aviation Fuel
  • New predefined fuel pathways for Hydrogenated-Derived Renewable Diesel
Stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee

Stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee

The Stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) includes representatives from the following sectors (industry or associations): fossil fuel, low carbon fuel, electricity, agriculture, forestry and hydrogen. It also includes representatives from environmental non-governmental organizations, academia, and independent LCA experts. All members of the STAC have expertise in life cycle assessment, GHG quantification or GHG credits trading schemes. 

The STAC is one of the main venues to ensure that the Model constantly evolves, is representative of current practices and technologies, and that various perspectives are considered through the ongoing development of the Model. The STAC contributes to ensure that openness and transparency remain key aspects of future iterations of the Model.

STAC members

STAC members

  • Environment and Climate Change Canada (chair)
  • Canadian fossil fuel association or industry:
    • Canadian Fuels Association
    • Canadian Gas Association
    • Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
    • Canadian Propane Association
  • Canadian low carbon fuel association or industry:
    • Advanced Biofuels Canada
    • Renewable Industries Canada
    • Canadian Biogas Association
    • Canadian Council for Sustainable Aviation Fuels
  • Canadian electricity sector:
    • Electricity Canada
  • Canadian agricultural sector:
    • Canada Grains Council
  • Canadian forestry sector:
    • Forest Products Association of Canada
  • Canadian hydrogen sector:
    • Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association
  • Environmental non-governmental organization:
    • Pembina Institute
  • Academics and life cycle independent experts:
    • University of Toronto
    • University of British Columbia
    • University of Alberta
    • US Argonne National Laboratory
    • (S&T)2 Consultants Inc.
Terms of reference

Terms of reference

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) is to provide technical advice to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) on the ongoing development and maintenance of the government of Canada's Fuel Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Model (the Model).

The Model is a tool used to calculate the life cycle carbon intensity (CI) of fuels and energy sources used and produced in Canada. The Model developed by ECCC provides a consistent quantification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions as well as avoided emissions across the life cycle of products and resources. The Model supports the delivery of regulations and programs as part of Canada's actions on climate change.

The STAC is a key engagement venue for ECCC. The sharing of technical information and best practices, along with a balanced, transparent exchange of views from all members of the STAC informs the ongoing development and maintenance of the Model, and its implementation in programs and regulations.

2. Objective

The main objective of the STAC is to provide advice and support to ECCC in the form of technical recommendations pertaining to the ongoing development and maintenance of the Model. The scope of the STAC is focused on the technical aspects and development of the Model, and its implementation in programs and regulations (such as the Clean Fuel Regulations and the Clean Hydrogen Investment Tax Credit).

Specific duties of the STAC include:

  • advising ECCC on the ongoing development of the Model
  • advising ECCC on the expansion of the Model's scope, including on the integration of new fuel pathways
  • providing feedback on how the Model can best serve a variety of users, including regulators and other programs
  • providing feedback on how the Model can be improved from a user-experience perspective
  • supporting ECCC in the development of a robust science-based Model through the identification of appropriate knowledge transfer and data sharing mechanisms, if available

Other duties may be identified over time.

3. Selection of members

The STAC is comprised of 19 members with equal voice, as follows:

  • a chair from ECCC
  • (4) four members from a Canadian fossil fuel association or industry
  • (4) four members from a Canadian low carbon fuel association or industry
  • (1) one member from the Canadian electricity sector
  • (1) one member from a Canadian agricultural association or industry
  • (1) one member from a Canadian forestry association or industry
  • (1) one member from a Canadian hydrogen association or industry
  • (1) one member from a Canadian environmental non-governmental organization (ENGO)
  • (5) five members from academia or life cycle independent experts
  • additional members, as needed, and as approved by the Chair

Expert representatives from sectors, industry, associations and organizations are invited to sit on the STAC for a period of between two and three years. After that period, ECCC may invite a member to extend their participation on the STAC, invite their associations, industries and/or ENGOs to recommend a new technical expert to contribute to the work of the STAC for the next two to three years, and/or invite organizations with a different set of expertise to join the STAC.

  • ECCC will not restrict renewal of nomination for experts whose organizations wish to recommend their expertise for subsequent 2-3-year mandate
  • ECCC may, following each 2-3-year mandate, amend these Terms of Reference to adapt the STAC membership to reflect evolving technical expertise requirements

Academics and independent experts are asked to commit to the STAC for a period of between two and three years. Similarly, after that period, ECCC shall invite academics and independent experts whose expertise is most likely to fulfill the requirements of subsequent model updates.

Observers can be invited to attend STAC meeting, at the discretion of the Chair. Members can propose alternates or observers, but their invitation remains at the discretion of the Chair.

4. Conditions of membership

The following conditions of membership include:

  • members of the STAC committee must have expertise related to life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment, GHG quantification, GHG credits trading scheme and/or technical expertise related to the supply chain that they represent
  • members should designate an alternate representative in their absence, with appropriate qualifications
  • a member who is absent from three consecutive scheduled meetings without just cause may be asked to resign by the Chair
  • members will adhere to the corresponding roles and responsibilities outlined in this document
5. Resignation or change in representative duties

In the case a member ceases their duties as a representative of an association or organization, they shall notify ECCC within 14 calendar days of these changes being effective. The member will be asked to resign from the STAC, and ECCC will invite the association or organization they represented to recommend a replacement. The same conditions of membership will be required.

In any case, ECCC will ensure that balanced stakeholder representation is respected.

6. Chair’s role

The STAC is chaired by ECCC’s Cross Sectoral Energy Division Executive Director who is responsible for:

  • ensuring the Terms of Reference, including Conditions of Membership, are applied
  • managing the meetings, including ensuring that all participants have an opportunity to speak
  • reviewing agendas and meeting minutes
  • working closely with the Fuel LCA Model team and the STAC members to consider feedback from stakeholders and prioritizing updates to the Model accordingly
  • drafting a work plan to guide the contribution of the STAC to ongoing updates of the Model
  • ensuring all relevant material is shared to members prior to the meeting
7. Secretary’s role

An ECCC official provides secretary services. These include:

  • planning and scheduling regular and ad-hoc STAC meetings
  • seeking member’s input on upcoming meeting topics for the agenda
  • preparing and distributing meeting materials (agendas and presentations) as far in advance as possible
  • drafting meeting minutes and distributing them to STAC members
  • collecting feedback and preparing feedback summaries
  • maintaining the STAC distribution list
8. Member’s role

Member’s role includes:

  • participating in meetings, and designating an alternate, with an equivalent level of expertise, when unavailable
  • providing agenda items and reviewing agendas for upcoming meetings
  • soliciting feedback from their members on upcoming topics, or following a meeting to provide written feedback
  • notifying the Chair in advance when they will be stepping down from their roles. They will be asked to designate a replacement with an equivalent level of expertise
9. Meeting process

Meetings of the STAC are held 3 to 4 times per year. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair, provided that:

  • an agenda stating the time, place, and discussion is distributed by the Secretary prior to each meeting
  • reasonable notice has been given by email to all committee members.
  • reasonable notice is considered to mean a minimum of (14) fourteen calendar days before the meeting

Meetings will be hosted on the MS Teams videoconference platform. This format seeks to be inclusive of all members situated across the country and allow them to voice their recommendations in a uniform way. In-person meetings could be held on occasion, as needed.

10. Meeting minutes

Minutes are recorded in writing by a Secretary appointed by ECCC. A draft copy of the minutes of each STAC meeting are circulated to the members prior to the next meeting for the purpose of verification and adoption.

11. Confidentiality

Any STAC records, material and information obtained by a member of the committee will only be considered confidential if it is clearly identified as such.

12. Amendments

Amendments to the Terms of Reference will be considered as needed and can be recommended by the STAC for ECCC's consideration. ECCC will solicit input from the STAC members on any proposed changes to the TOR prior to implementation.

Instructions on how to import a module into openLCA

Import a module into an empty database

Import a module into an empty database

The following steps describe the procedure to import modules into an empty database in openLCA. The following instructions are modified from “Chapter 3.1: Importing the Fuel LCA Model Database” of the Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Model User Manual.

  1. In the toolbar at the top-left, click “Database”
  2. Select “New database”
  3. Enter the database name
    1. For the database content, select “Empty database”
    2. Click “Finish”
  4. Right-click your new, empty database, and click “Import” and then “File”
  5. In the dialog box that opens, navigate to select the Model Database (zip file)
    1. Select the module (zip file)
    2. Click “Open”
  6. Select “Overwrite all existing data sets”
  7. Click “Finish”
Import a module into an existing Fuel LCA Model database

Import a module into an existing Fuel LCA Model database

The following procedure describes the steps to import modules into the Model Database in openLCA. Updated processes will replace current processes in the Data Library, and new processes will be added to the Data Library. No other processes will be modified, including any processes the user may have modified or created since acquiring the Fuel LCA Model (unless the module affects the fuel pathways).

Before importing the module, it is strongly recommended to make a copy of the existing database to preserve previous carbon intensity modelling. To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. In openLCA, close the database (right-click the database and click “Close database”)
  2. Right-click the closed database and select “Copy”
  3. Enter a new name for the database copy (it must be different from the name of the original database)
  4. Click “OK”
  5. The copy of the database is now available in the navigation pane

To import the module into the copied Model database, open the copied database (double-click the database) and then follow the same instructions as those of steps 4-7 of the “Import a module into an empty database” procedure described above.

No further action is required. The links between the fuel pathways and the updated data library system processes will not be affected. However, the user may observe a variation in the CI result of pathways after importing the module as a result of the updated Data Library processes.

More information

For general questions on the Model, please contact the Fuel LCA Model team at modeleacvcarburant-fuellcamodel@ec.gc.ca.

Related resources

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