Main changes made to the Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Model in June 2024

1 Overview

This document describes the changes made to the Government of Canada Fuel Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Model (the Model) since the version published in January 2023.

In 2023 and 2024, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) completed 13 prepublications related to proposed changes to the Model Database in order to increase transparency of proposed changes and allow stakeholders to provide feedback. The comments received were considered, and the final decisions are presented in Section 2.1 below.

ECCC has also made additional changes to the Model Database based on comments received from stakeholders or other groups. Due to time constraints, these changes were not pre-published for comments.  Section 2.2 below presents these changes that are incorporated into the version of the Model published today.

The methodology for the June 2024 Model is available in the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

Finally, Section 3 presents the main changes to the User Manual and Section 4 presents the main changes to the Model Methodology.

2 Main Changes to the Model Database

2.1 Changes from pre-publications for the formal publications

The changes made following the various pre-publications are described in the following sections.

2.1.1 New Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) method using the global warming potential from the International Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)

There is no change from what was pre-published related to the new LCIA method.

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: New life cycle impact assessment method using Global Warming Potentials from the International Panel on Climate Change 6th Assessment Report.

For the LCIA methods included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to section 2.8 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.1.2 Updated technical flow properties and technical unit groups

Compared to the pre-publication, the unit “ft3 (natural gas)” for natural gas at 1 atm and 60 °F has been added to the technical unit groups: Units of energy. The unit conversion factor is 1.0 ft3 (natural gas) = 1.087027 MJ.

In addition, the unit “are”, has been removed from the technical unit groups: Units of area. Previously, the unit conversion factor was 1.0 are = 0.01000 ha.

Finally, most of the unit conversion factors in the technical unit groups have been updated to have 7 significant figures.

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: Updated technical flow properties and technical unit groups.

To see the final technical flow properties and technical unit groups, refer to the ‘Flow properties’ and ‘Unit groups’ folders in the ‘Background Data’ section of the Model Database.

2.1.3 New carbon capture configurable processes

Compared to the pre-publication, the metadata in the new carbon capture configurable processes was updated to reflect a change in scope.

The pre-published versions excluded emissions related to the capture from the scope of the process. These emissions are now included in the scope for both configurable processes.

The final scope of the configurable processes now includes emissions associated with CO2 capture, transportation, and injection for the “CO2 capture and permanent storage” configurable process, and emissions associated with CO2 capture, transportation, injection, and recycle for the “Enhanced oil recovery with CO2 capture and permanent storage” configurable process.

Two processes were removed from the Carbon Capture and Storage folder:

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: New carbon capture and storage configurable processes.

For the description of the carbon capture configurable processes included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to section 4.2.2 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.1.4 Updated carbon intensities for Canadian grid electricity and excess electricity to grid processes

There is no change from the pre-publication related to Canadian grid electricity processes. However, the maximum displaced electricity carbon intensity (CI) changed from 301.7 g CO2e/kWh to 301.4 g CO2e/kWh. This change is the result of changes made to other areas of the Model including those related to natural gas.

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: Updated carbon intensities for Canadian grid electricity and excess electricity to grid processes.

For the description of the modeling approach for CI for Canadian grid electricity and excess electricity to grid processes included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to section 3.3 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.1.5 New and updated carbon intensities for certain chemicals related to fertilizers and predefined chemical mixes processes

The ammonium nitrate process was updated in response to comments received following the December prepublication (the nutrient content was not correctly used in the calculation), resulting in a higher CI for AN and, consequently, urea ammonium nitrate (UAN).

For the multi-nutrient fertilizers monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and diammonium phosphate (DAP), new processes on a per-mass of nutrient basis (N and P2O5) were added to the Model in addition to the per-mass of product basis processes. For these new per-mass of nutrient basis processes, energy requirements, taken from GREET 2022, are allocated to specific nutrients based on factors taken from Ecoinvent (2007), and material inputs are entirely allocated to the nutrient category they represent.

In the Model database, these processes are found in Processes/Data Library/Chemical inputs/Chemicals.

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: New and updated carbon intensities for certain chemicals related to fertilizers and predefined chemical mixes processes.

For the description of the modeling approach for the CI for certain chemicals related to fertilizers and predefined chemical mixes processes included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to section 3.1 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.1.6 Updated carbon intensity of natural gas and propane

There is no change from the pre-publication related to the natural gas and propane processes.

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: Updated carbon intensity of natural gas and propane.

For the description of the modeling approach for the CI of natural gas and propane included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to section 3.6.2 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.1.7 New and updated carbon intensities for transport processes

Instead of splitting the generic truck transport into three processes by feedstock as proposed in the pre-publication, the June 2024 Model includes two generic truck transport processes. One process with a higher payload to account for the trucks in Canada and an additional process with a lighter payload to account for other international jurisdictions. This change is a result of comments received regarding payloads of various types of material, and the confusion between the type of material that would be classified into each process.

Instead of using natural gas as a proxy as proposed in the pre-publication for the liquid propane via pipeline process, the June 2024 Model uses crude oil as proxy. This is due to propane being in a liquid state at the pressures used in pipelines, and therefore should be modelled as a liquid. Electricity is responsible for 100% of the energy needed for pump operations. This methodology is similar to GREET 2023.

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: New and updated carbon intensities for transport processes.

For the description of the modeling approach for the CI for transport processes included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to section 3.8 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.1.8 Transition from openLCA 1.11 to openLCA 2.0 for the use of the Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Model Database

There is no change from the pre-publication related to the transition to openLCA 2.0.

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: Transition from openLCA 1.11 to openLCA 2.0 for the use of the Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Model Database.

For more information on how to transition to openLCA 2.0, please consult section 3.2 of the Fuel LCA Model User Manual.

2.1.9 Updated carbon intensities for American grid electricity and excess electricity to grid processes

There is no change from the pre-publication related to the American grid electricity and excess electricity to grid processes.

To see the changes presented inthe prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: Updated carbon intensities for American grid electricity and excess electricity to grid processes.

For the description of the modeling approach for the CI for American grid electricity and excess electricity to grid processes included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to section 3.3 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.1.10 Updated carbon intensity for the Brazilian grid electricity process and new carbon intensities for Argentinian and Mexican grid electricity processes

There is no change from the pre-publication related to the Brazilian, Argentinian, and Mexican grid electricity processes.

To see the changes presented inthe prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: Updated carbon intensity for the Brazilian grid electricity process and new carbon intensities for Argentinian and Mexican grid electricity processes.

For the description of the modeling approach for the CI for the Brazilian grid electricity process and new CI for Argentinian and Mexican grid electricity processes included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to section 3.3 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.1.11 Updated carbon intensities for yellow grease and new raw used cooking oil processes

For both the Data Library processes and the configurable processes, the data source for the process energy requirements and mass input/output data for the rendering process was updated with more recent data for traditional used cooking oil (UCO) rendering data. The Xu et. al (2022) study was used instead of GHGenius 4.03. The data from the study represent industry average practices, covering 61 UCO rendering facilities in the United States. The data represents the traditional UCO rendering method, which consists of high-temperature cooking and tricanting, as this represents the process used in the majority of facilities. The energy requirements taken from the new data source (Xu et al. (2022)) are higher than the previous data used, increasing the CI for yellow grease production processes compared to the CI in the pre-publication. No changes were made to the assumed UCO transport distance from the restaurant to the rendering facility (taken from GREET 2022), but the load-distance is adjusted due to the different assumed water content of UCO.

For configurable processes, truck transport flows were added to allow the user to choose between a 25-tonnes and a 45-tonnes payload for both domestic and international truck transport. The default load-distance is assigned to the domestic 25-tonnes payload flow while the other flows are set at zero. The users will have the choice of using the default value or use their own values.

Note that processes representing the settling method, which consists of heating and settling the raw UCO prior to removing the water, are planned additions to the 2026 version of the Model.

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: Updated carbon intensities for yellow grease and new raw used cooking oil processes.

For the description of the modeling approach for the CI and configurable processes for yellow grease and raw used cooking oil included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to sections 3.5.6 and 4.2.7 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.1.12 Updated carbon intensities for certain crops and oil from oilseed processes

There is no change from the pre-publication related to certain crops.

For the oil from oilseed configurable processes, to allow users to model the transport of oilseeds from the farm to the vegetable oil production facility, the configurable processes now include configurable flows for ship, train, and truck transport modes. For truck transport flows, the Model allows the user to choose between a 25-tonnes and a 45-tonnes payload for both domestic and international truck transport. The default load-distance is assigned to the domestic 25-tonnes payload flow while the other flows are set at zero. The default load distance for transport by ship and by train are also set at zero. The users will have the choice of using the default value or use their own values.

To see the changes presented in the prepublication, please refer to the Pre-publication: Updated carbon intensities for certain crops and oil from oilseed processes.

For the description of the modeling approach for the CI for certain crops and the configurable processes for oil from oilseed included in the June 2024 Model, please refer to section 3.5.2 and section 4.2.5 of the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

2.2 Changes not presented in pre-publications

2.2.1 Data library processes Update to Predefined feedstock transport scenarios for yellow grease to include raw used cooking oil

The names of four processes located in Model folder Processes/Data library/Transportation/Predefined transport scenarios/Feedstock transport are updated to include the option of raw yellow grease transport to the biodiesel and renewable hydrocarbon biofuel plant: Ship Transport

The ‘tanker ship transport, transoceanic’ process was renamed ‘Ship transport’. The methodology and data source for this process were updated to consider more ship types. Data source used are the 2018 fuel consumption data and Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) data taken from the International Marine Organization’s (IMO) Fourth Greenhouse Gas Study published in 2020 (table 35 and 60 respectively).

The modeling considers EEOI and fuel consumption for the following ship types: bulk carrier, container ship, general cargo ship, chemical tanker, and oil tanker. The EEOI is used to model direct emissions while fuel consumption is used to model the amount of energy required for the transport (for upstream emissions).

Direct emissions and energy requirement for the process are calculated by taking a weighted average of EEOI and fuel consumption respectively of ship types, where the weighted average for each ship type is calculated by taking a weighted average of the EEOI and fuel consumption by size category.

The resulting CI for this updated ship transport process increases from the previous version of the Model, from 6.2 to 24.7 g CO2e/tonne of freight * km traveled.

Note that for the 2026 version of the Model, it is planned to include multiple processes representing different ship classes and sizes, as opposed to one aggregated process. Sugar Cane

In the January 2023 Model, there were 21 processes representing regional Brazilian sugar cane CIs. In the June 2024 Model, these processes were replaced by one consolidated process for Brazil. Both the methodology and the data sources have changed from the January 2023 Model.

The modelling considers the following material inputs, energy inputs and output emissions for the CI calculation:

The main data source for the new process is RenovaCalc, a datasheet from the RenovaBio certification program (RenovaBio) implemented by the Brazilian government though 2019 and 2020. This program involved producers submitting CI data for the ethanol derived from sugar cane that they produced, including for the production of sugar cane. In total, 67 mills published performance data, which were averaged and used to update the sugar cane production process in the Model. In order to avoid underestimating the CI, plants that utilized the default data inputs (which would result in a lower CI calculation) rather than custom inputs were excluded.

For data on the application rate for pesticides, assumptions from GREET 2023 Feedstock CI Calculator were used. The IPCC 2019 disaggregated N2O emission factors for a wet climate were used for the direct and indirect volatilized emission factor (EF1 and EF4), while the aggregated values from IPCC 2019 were used for the indirect leached emission factor (EF5) and the fractions leached and volatilized from synthetic and organic fertilizers (IPCC 2019, Tables 11.1 and 11.3).

The data sources used for the updates to the sugar cane production process are listed below.

The resulting CI for this updated Brazilian sugar cane process increases from the previous version of the Model, from 60.6 to 100.6 g CO2e/kg sugar cane (dry weight). Generic biogenic waste feedstock

A new process named “Generic waste, biogenic (energy)” (Process UUID: 2bff0127-990b-4597-ba26-951e13fd6cca) was added to the Model Database.

In addition, the name of the process with the UUID: 303d4801-4ec6-43aa-a5e2-487616debea1 changed from “Generic waste, biogenic” to “Generic waste, biogenic (mass)”.

2.2.2 Configurable processes Oxygen configurable processes

New configurable processes for oxygen production using cryogenic separation have been added to the Model Database.

Processes have been modelled for a two-column cryogenic air separation plant where three compressors and one pump are used to isolate nitrogen and oxygen liquid flows (at a 5 bar pressure). The electricity input for the three compressors and pump is based on the report Energetic, exergetic and economic assessment of oxygen production from two columns cryogenic air separation unit (2015).

After separation, the liquid oxygen flow is pressurized to a gaseous phase at 29.2 bar. The electricity input for the pressurization is based on the 2023 Gate-to-Gate Carbon Intensity Hydrogen study from National Research Council Canada (NRC). This pressure is suitable for pipeline injection. Possible recompression and losses along the pipeline are excluded.

As a conservative assumption, it is assumed that only oxygen is used and that all nitrogen is considered to be vented. Hence, all impacts are allocated to oxygen output.

The user can replace the dummy flow for electricity with an electricity flow to represent the grid mix of their geographical location.

The new processes are:

List of main data sources used for the modelling of oxygen: Animal Fat Configurable processes

To allow users to model the transport of animal by-products from the slaughterhouse to the rendering plant, the configurable processes now include configurable flows for ship, train, and truck transport modes. For truck transport flows, the Model allows the user to choose between a 25-tonnes and a 45-tonnes payload for both domestic and international truck transport. The default load-distance is assigned to the domestic 25-tonnes payload flow while the other flows are set at zero. The default load distance for transport by ship and by train are also set at zero. The users will have the choice of using the default value or use their own values. Corn oil Configurable processes

To allow users to model the transport of corn from the farm to the ethanol production facility, the configurable processes now include configurable flows for ship, train, and truck transport modes. For truck transport flows, the Model allows the user to choose between a 25-tonnes and a 45-tonnes payload for both domestic and international truck transport. The default load-distance is assigned to the domestic 25-tonnes payload flow while the other flows are set at zero. The default load distance for transport by ship and by train are also set at zero. The users will have the choice of using the default value or use their own values. Avoided emissions configurable processes

There are four processes, with different functional units, that can be used to model avoided emissions associated with the use of some waste feedstocks. These processes were previously part of the pathways for biogas and renewable natural gas. They are now available in the configurable processes folder and can be used when modelling other fuels.

2.2.3 Fuel Pathways New pathway for hydrogen

A new hydrogen pathway has been included in the Fuel pathways folder. This pathway has distinct characteristics compared to other fuel pathways, such as a cradle-to-gate (feedstock production to fuel production life cycle stages) scope and a functional unit expressed in terms of mass (kg of hydrogen) instead of MJ HHV. In addition, the pathway includes two modelling options: simplified and advanced. The simplified modelling approach is largely similar to the current approach used by other pathways (but excluding distribution and combustion). The advanced modelling approach allows users to break the production life cycle stage in more than one unit process. This option offers the possibility to apply energy or mass-based allocation to co-products generated by unit processes that are part of the production life cycle stage, allowing for a more representative modelling of the product system. Users can refer to instructions of programs for more information related to the use of this pathway.

This pathway is not to be used for credit creation purposes under the Clean Fuel Regulations but can be used for the Clean Hydrogen investment tax credit. For details on how to apply for the tax credit, including on the use of the Fuel LCA Model for carbon intensity modelling, please refer to the Clean Hydrogen Investment Tax Credit (ITC). Updated renewable natural gas pathway

Three new processes have been added in a new Database folder Processes/Fuel Pathways/Renewable natural gas pathway/Other inputs for RNG production.

Model users can use the following processes if a pathway involves an anerobic digester to enter data on the emissions related to the methane (CH4) leakage from the digester or to the digestate storage.

Model users can use the following process to enter data on the fugitive methane emissions that occur in the process of upgrading biogas to RNG.

In addition, the Database folder Processes/Fuel Pathways/Renewable natural gas pathway/Avoided emissions has been moved to the folder Processes/Fuel Pathways/Configurable processes/Avoided emissions.  For more information, see section Updated biogas pathway

Two new processes have been added in a new Database folder Processes/Fuel Pathways/Biogas pathway/Other inputs for biogas production.

Model users can use the following processes if a pathway involved an anaerobic digester to enter data on the emissions related to the methane (CH4) leakage from the digester or to the digestate storage.

In addition, the Database folder Processes/Fuel Pathways/Biogas pathway/Avoided emissions and its processes have been removed. For more information, see section

3 Main Changes to the User Manual

The User Manual was updated to support the transition from openLCA 1.11 (and lower versions) to openLCA 2.0 (and higher versions). As such, instructions and screenshots of the software were updated to reflect what is being seen in openLCA 2.0.

In addition, Chapter 3.2 provides instructions to transition existing Model Databases to version 2.0 or higher, as well as to import previous modelling into the current version of the Model Database.

4 Main Changes to the Model Methodology

The Model Methodology was updated to reflect changes in the Model Database.

In addition to this, the Methodology no longer contains the appendix A GHG impact factors, which listed the global warming potential (GWP) of each greenhouse gas (GHG) included in the Model. Model Users can consult the GWP of each GHG included in the Model Database in the folder Indicators and parameters/Impact categories/Carbon intensity.

Finally, changes made to the former Appendix B (now Appendix A) are presented below.



Description of the Change


Grains, Barley: wet lbs/bushel

Value presented in wet lbs/bushel instead of dry lbs/bushel


Grains, Corn: wet lbs/bushel

Value presented in wet lbs/bushel instead of dry lbs/bushel


Grains, Wheat (non-durum): wet lbs/bushel

Value presented in wet lbs/bushel instead of dry lbs/bushel


Field peas, Field peas: wet lbs/bushel

Value presented in wet lbs/bushel instead of dry lbs/bushel


Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF): HHV (MJ/kg), HHV (MJ/L), and Density (kg/m3)

New data source


Renewable gasoline: all parameters



Renewable naphtha: all parameters



Renewable hydrocarbon biofuels, Light hydrocarbons: all parameters



Renewable fuels, Pellets, from agricultural residues: HHV (MJ/dry kg)

New data source


Renewable fuels, Wood chips from sawmill co-products: HHV (MJ/wet kg)

New data source


Renewable fuels, Wood pellets from sawmill coproducts: HHV (MJ/wet kg)

New data source

Page details

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