Compliance information for dry cleaning owners and operators: Tetrachloroethylene (PERC) regulations

Every dry-cleaning facility that uses tetrachloroethylene (PERC) is subject to the Tetrachloroethylene (Use in Dry Cleaning and Reporting Requirements) Regulations. Under these regulations, as an owner and/or operator, you have three primary responsibilities:

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Handling, recovering and disposing of tetrachloroethylene (PERC)

Dry cleaning facility requirements for PERC handling

You must store all PERC, residue and waste water containing PERC in closed containers. Any container holding PERC, waste water and/or residue, including stills as well as button and lint traps, must be kept closed except when you need to access them [Section 4]. 

A factsheet on this requirement can be found here:

What is residue?

Residue means any solid, liquid or sludge waste containing PERC. Examples may include lint, muck/sludge, solvent filters (cartridge and spin disk), still bottoms, etc. Waste water is not considered residue.

Requirements for PERC recovery from machines

PERC disposal practice requirements

A factsheet on this requirement can be found here:

Preventing spills

As an owner and/or operator of a dry-cleaning facility, you have the obligation to prevent PERC spills. In the event of a spill, you must contain the spill and prevent PERC from getting into the environment by using a second containment system. This means placing the container or machine containing PERC inside another container that will contain any spills. Your secondary containers must:

Facsheets on these requirements can be found here:

Recording and reporting

Records you need to keep

If you own or operate a dry-cleaning facility that uses PERC, you have to keep records concerning the purchase and disposal of PERC-containing waste, including receipts and accounting books. Other records may include journals, logs, letters, emails and other supporting documentation. Receipts and accounting book entries must be kept of:

How long you need to keep records

You need to keep these records for five years after the end of the year in which an annual report was filed (see below for more information on reporting). For example, if you purchased and disposed of PERC in 2009 and reported on these activities in 2010, you need to keep your records for a further five years, until the end of 2015.

How to file annual reports

Environment and Climate Change Canada provides a mandatory reporting form for owners and operators of dry-cleaning machines using PERC. This form must be filled out completely.

Please note that you can complete and sign your annual PERC report using the PDF forms provided. Additional information on how to sign your report electronically can be found here:

When you need to report

Annual reports must be filed with Environment and Climate Change Canada by April 30th of the following year.

Where to report

You are encouraged to submit your completed and signed report as a PDF by email to ECCC at or you may mail your report to the address listed here: 

Other reporting requirements that may affect you

If you are an owner and/or operator of a dry-cleaning facility and import PERC for any reason or sell PERC to the owner or operator of a dry-cleaning machine, there are additional record-keeping requirements with which you need to comply. See additional information for importers, sellers and recyclers.

Consequences if you do not comply

Failure to comply with the regulatory requirements, or the submission of false or misleading information, is an offence under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) and punishable under the Act. Offences designated under the Regulations Designating Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999) (“Designation Regulations”) that have direct harm or risk of harm to the environment, or obstruction of authority, are subject to an increased fine range following a successful prosecution. To see which sections of the PERC Regulations have been designated under the Designation Regulations, you can consult the Designation Regulations.

In addition, penalties can include fines, imprisonment, court orders and/or other enforcement measures. For further information, you can read the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for CEPA 1999 and examples of recent enforcement actions.

Other resources

Although care has been taken to ensure that this compliance promotion information accurately reflects the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and the Tetrachloroethylene (Use in Dry Cleaning and Reporting Requirements) Regulations, the Act and its regulations prevail over the text of this information in case of any discrepancies or inconsistencies. This compliance promotion information does not supersede or modify the Act or the regulations. Please refer to the regulations to determine your full legal obligations.

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