Pollution prevention planning notices and your legal obligations

Under the authority of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, pollution prevention (P2) planning notices require facilities to prepare and implement pollution prevention plans.

Your legal obligations

When you are subject to a notice, you must:

Factors to consider:

If you already meet the risk management objective identified in the notice at the time of its publication, you may not have to prepare and implement a P2 plan. Consult the notice in question to determine if such a provision exists. If it does not exist, a P2 plan must be prepared and implemented.

If you are a person or company described in a notice but in your opinion are not subject to that notice, you can submit a notification of non-engagement form to the Government of Canada indicating your reasons. This form is available upon request.

Don’t forget that compliance with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 is mandatory and obligations under a notice are on-going unless otherwise specified.

Record keeping

You should keep records of information pertaining to notices and P2 plans on-site for as long as the notice is in effect.

In addition, you must keep for a minimum of five years following the implementation of the P2 plan or as specified in the notice:

Mandatory reporting

Each P2 planning notice specifies the information that is to be collected within the schedules. You should provide statements that clearly reflect the requested information. The responses must accurately summarize your actions with respect to meeting the requirements of the notice and the actions identified in your P2 plan.

Submit reports for each facility unless specified. If you own several facilities, you may have to prepare a P2 plan and submit separate reports for each facility. However, the notice may specify that a single P2 plan be prepared and implemented for multiple facilities. Consult the notice in question to determine if such a provision exists.

Do not submit your P2 plan to the Government of Canada unless requested.

Strive to achieve the risk management objective (RMO). You will not be out of compliance if you do not meet the RMO but you must indicate why it has not been met in a mandatory report made available to the public. If you feel that more time would allow you to meet the RMO, you can request a time extension. See schedule 3 below.

Reports to submit

Each P2 planning notice specifies what information is to be collected within the schedules and the following reports (schedules) should be submitted via the online reporting tool:

Schedule 1: Declaration of preparation

Schedule 2: Request for waiver of the requirement to consider a factor or factors

Schedule 3: Request for time extension

Schedule 4: Interim progress reports (if required)

Schedule 5: Declaration of implementation

Note: Submitted schedules 1, 4 and 5 are publicly posted and searchable.

There are no further reporting requirements once you have implemented all the actions in your P2 plan and submitted the final report to the Government of Canada.


If you become aware that the information you submitted is false or misleading, you must file an amended report within 30-days of noticing the mistake. Consult the notice for the appropriate contact information.

We could also request an amendment if the report was incomplete, or if an answer needs more clarifications or corrections.

Requesting confidentiality

You may submit a request for the information you are submitting to be treated as confidential at the same time you complete the online reporting form. You must provide justification for each part that requires confidentiality. Each request for confidentiality is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and you will be notified of the decision in writing.

Related information

Contact us

Regulatory Innovation and Management Systems
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 St-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau QC  K1A 0H3

Telephone: 1-844-580-3637
Email: ec.planp2-p2plan.ec@canada.ca

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