How to use Single Window: guidance

This guide will help you use the Single Window submission system and its administrative module, the Single Window Information Manager (SWIM) 1 . If you require additional information or assistance, please email us at

Navigating SWIM

This section outlines how both returning and new users can log into Single Window.

Returning users

If you completed a submission using the Single Window system in the past, follow these steps to navigate the system:

  1. Go to Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window and select your language
  2. Log in to the system using the same option you used the last time you logged in: either Sign-In Partner or GCKey
  3. If you are logging in using GCKey, you can click on Manage Your Email Address and add or edit the email address associated to your GCKey. This will allow you to recover your GCKey (username and/or password) if you forget your credentials. You will need to enter your two-factor authentication code to proceed.
  4. Verify your profile information by clicking on the My Profile tab on the left menu
  5. Update the information as needed to keep it current
  6. Verify your organizational information by clicking on the Organization tab on the left menu. You will have the same access and permissions as you did the last time you logged in. If you can see your organization in the organization table, the facilities in the facility table and the program(s) on the home page you have the access/permissions you need to continue. If you require updated permissions, ask your SWIM Organization Lead to grant you this permission. To find out who your SWIM Organization Lead is for your organization, click the Organizations tab on the left menu, select your organization, then click on the Manage Access tab on the left menu and consult the access table.
  7. From the SWIM home page, select the Single Window partner program you wish to submit to by clicking on the name of the program
  8. Prepare and complete your submission inside the partner program section as per the program’s specific guidance. If you need help with the program submission, please contact the program directly

First-time users

If this is the first time you are using the Single Window system, please follow these steps to gain access. A video is available for this topic.

  1. Go to Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window and select the language you wish to use
  2. Decide whether you want to log in through a Sign-In Partner (use your financial on-line banking credentials) or with GCKey (a secure log-in system used in federal government departments). You will need to use the same log-in option every time you enter Single Window.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to create an account. Remember your username, password and recovery questions
  4. If you are creating an account using GCKey, the system will ask you if you want to link an email address to your GCKey. This will allow you to recover your GCKey (username and/or password) if you forget your credentials. You can proceed with this step or edit the email address at any time once your account is created
  5. When the confirmation message appears, select Continue to set up two-factor authentication.
  6. Enter the Single Window system and complete your account creation
  7. Enter your email address on the New User screen when prompted and select Search
  8. As a new registrant, you won’t appear in the system at this point. Click on Continue to My Profile button. From there, you can set up your profile in SWIM. When finished click Save
  9. You now have a Single Window account
  10. You can follow the steps outlined above for “Returning users” the next time you log into the Single Window system
Two-factor authentication

This section outlines how users can set up their two-factor authentication as well as make changes to the method used. Please note this section is only applicable to users using GCKey.

Setting up two-factor authentication

Starting July 31st 2023 users who use GCKey to access Single Window will be required to set up two-factor authentication.

  1. Go to Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window and select your language.
  2. Log in to the system using your GCKey account or follow the steps for creating an account if this is your first time using GCKey.
  3. Once you enter your login and password you will reach a greeting screen where you can change your password, recovery questions, manage your email address, or revoke your GCKey. To set up two-factor authentication select Continue.
  4. To set up two-factor authentication choose one of the three methods provided.

Use your email address (recommended)

  1. Click on Set up your email from the list of two-factor authentication methods.
  2. Carefully read the terms and conditions on the following page and click on I accept to continue.
  3. On the Register your email address screen, enter the email address you would like to use for two-factor authentication and select click on Continue.
  4. An email with a one-time passcode will be sent to this address. Copy and paste the one-time passcode and click on Continue. If you did not receive an email, you can resend it or go back to the previous step to verify your email address.
  5. On the following screen you will be given five recovery codes. These will be used if you are unable to use your email for two-factor authentication and need to recover your account. Save these somewhere secure and only accessible to you. Once saved, click on the confirmation checkbox and then on Continue.
  6. Two-factor authentication setup is now complete. you can press Continue to access Single Window.

Use your mobile device or tablet

  1. Click on Set up your mobile device from the list of two-factor authentication methods.
  2. Carefully read the terms and conditions on the following page and click on I accept to continue.
  3. Prepare your mobile device by downloading an authenticator application such as Microsoft Authenticator. While other applications can be used, ensure that it comes from a reputable vendor.
  4. Once you have the application downloaded, open the authenticator application on your device and prepare to add your two-factor account. For Microsoft Authenticator:
    1. Tap on the plus (+) sign on the top right of the application
    2. When prompted "What kind of account are you adding?" select Other.
    3. Select the option to scan a QR code. If you are on a mobile device now that cannot scan a QR code, select the option to manually enter the code.
  5. Click on Continue and on the following page scan the QR code (or enter the secret key) on your mobile device or tablet.
  6. Once scanned, a 6-digit code will appear in your authenticator application. Enter this code at the bottom of the screen and click on Continue.
  7. On the following screen you will be given five recovery codes. These will be used if you are unable to use your mobile device for two-factor authentication and need to recover your account. Save these somewhere secure and only accessible to you. Once saved, click on the confirmation checkbox and then on Continue.
  8. Two-factor authentication setup is now complete. You can press Continue to access Single Window.  

Use your desktop device

  1. Click on Set up your desktop device from the list of two-factor authentication methods.
  2. Carefully read the terms and conditions on the following page and click on I accept to continue.
  3. Prepare your desktop device by downloading an authenticator application from a reputable vendor.
  4. Once you have the application downloaded, open the authenticator application and prepare to add your two-factor account.
  5. Click on Continue and on the following page enter the secret key into your authenticator application.
  6. Once scanned, a 6-digit code will appear in your authenticator application. Enter this code at the bottom of the screen and click on Continue.
  7. On the following screen you will be given five recovery codes. These will be used if you are unable to use your desktop for two-factor authentication and need to recover your account. Save these somewhere secure and only accessible to you. Once saved, click on the confirmation checkbox and then on Continue.
  8. Two-factor authentication setup is now complete. you can press Continue to access Single Window.

Changing your two-factor authentication method

Once set up, you are able to change your two-factor authentication method at any time.

  1. Go to Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window and select your language.
  2. Log in to the system using GCKey.
  3. Once you enter your login and password you will reach a greeting screen. Click on either Continue or Manage your Two-Factor Authentication to proceed.
  4. Enter your authenticator code on the following page. You can now set up a new two-factor authentication method using the steps detailed above.

Recovering your account with a recovery code

If you are unable to complete two-factor authentication you can recover your account using one of the five recovery codes saved when initially setting it up.

  1. Go to Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window and select your language.
  2. Log in to the system using GCKey.
  3. Once you enter your login and password you will reach a greeting screen. Click on Continue to reach the two-factor authentication step.
  4. Click Recover Account. On the following screen, enter one of the 5 recovery codes you saved when setting up your two-factor authentication and click on Continue.
  5. On the next page, you will be able to change your two-factor authentication method if necessary as well as generate additional recovery codes. To access Single Window click on Continue.


Connecting to your organization

This section will walk you through the process of connecting your account to an organization in SWIM. A video is available for this topic.

Most programs using the Single Window system require that your account be connected to an organization. The organization is the top tier of the reporting structure. All other elements (contacts, facilities, parent organizations, and profiles) are connected to the organization even if it changes or its information is updated.

After logging into Single Window and setting up or verifying your profile, click the Organizations tab on the left menu (SWIM menu).

The name(s) and business number(s) of the organization(s) you are connected to will be displayed. If your organization is not listed here, you will need to either connect to it or add the organization to the system.

Once you link your profile to an organization, this organization is displayed on the Organization page.

The 3 ways to connect your profile to an organization are outlined below.

1. Get access through your organization’s SWIM Organization Lead

This is the fastest way to get access to your organization.

  • Contact your SWIM Organization Lead within your own organization
  • Your SWIM Organization Lead will send you an ECCCKey by email
  • Copy and paste that ECCCKey to the Redeem ECCCKey page and click Redeem

2. Get access through SWIM

  1. Click on the Organization tab on the left menu
  2. Click Search for an organization
  3. Search for your organization
  4. If you can’t find your organization, broaden your search criteria by shortening the name, trying different spellings of the name, or using the business number
  5. Click on the name of your organization in the table results
  6. Choose which program you need to access (choose Single Window Information Manager to gain access to the organization and/or to programs that do not require a specific access)
  7. Choose the program role you need
  8. Choose the specific facilities (if applicable)

This will send a request to the applicable program. Processing these requests can take up to three business days. Follow any instructions sent by email in order to gain access to your organization.

Please note that if there is a SWIM Organization Lead listed under the organization, we will send back an email with instructions and contact information for the SWIM Organization Lead so they can grant you access.

3. Create your organization in SWIM

If you cannot find your organization in SWIM then it will need to be created. It is important to not create duplicates.

  1. Click on the Organization tab on the left hand menu
  2. Select Search for an organization on the Organizations page
  3. Enter your organization’s name or business number and click Search
    • if you can’t find the organization, broaden your search criteria by shortening the name to try to find different spellings of the name
  4. If you can’t find your organization through Search, select Add a New Organization
  5. Complete the organization profile page and click Save. You are now the SWIM Organization Lead of this newly created organization. You can grant yourself access to programs and grant others access to the organization and programs
Managing your facilities

This section will tell you how you can manage access to your facilities in SWIM and maintain specific information about those facilities. A video is available for this topic.

Some programs require your organization to be associated with a facility. After logging into Single Window and setting up or verifying your profile and organization in SWIM, you can verify your facilities.

See which facilities you have access to

  1. Click on the Organizations tab on the left menu
  2. Click on the name of the organization
  3. Go to the Facilities tab on the left menu
    • all facilities associated with the organization will be listed, whether you have permission to access them or not
    • the facilities you have access to will be hyperlinked

Get access to other facilities in the organization

The fastest way to get access to other facilities already under your organization is through your SWIM Organization Lead.

  • Contact your SWIM Organization Lead found on the Manage Access tab
  • Your SWIM Organization Lead will send you an ECCCKey by email
  • Copy and paste that ECCCKey to the Redeem ECCCKey page and click Redeem

If your SWIM Organization Lead is not available, you can request access through SWIM.

  1. Go to the Request Access tab on the left menu
  2. Select the required program
  3. Select your required role
  4. Enter the name of the organization
    • if the search does not find anything, shorten the name of the organization, check the spelling, or search using the business number
  5. If you’ve chosen a facility-specific role, you must choose at least one facility
  6. If the role was not facility specific, you will get access to all facilities within the organization

Create a new facility in an organization

If the organization has a new facility that has not been created in SWIM it will need to be created. Only create facilities that are not already in SWIM. If your organization has purchased a facility from another organization, a trade request will place this facility under your organization.

  1. Click on the Organizations tab on the left menu
  2. Select the organization to add a facility
  3. Go to the Facilities tab on the left menu to display a list of facilities connected to the organization (if any)
  4. If there are already facilities connected to the organization, you will see them listed
    • if you have access, the facility name will be hyperlinked
    • if you require access to a facility, please see the section above: “Get access to other facilities in the organization”
  5. To add a facility that is not already connected to your organization, select Search for facility
  6. Search the database by facility name or postal code/zip code, to see if the facility is already in the system

There are three possible results from your facility search:

  1. The facility is found, but is already linked to another organization (facility will have a hyperlink)
    • click on the facility name to see which organization it is already connected to
    • if it is connected to a different version of the organization you created, get access to this organization instead of using the duplicate you mistakenly created
    • if you need to add the facility to your organization because the facility was purchased by your organization, select Add this Facility link next to the facility name and follow the instructions to request a trade.
  2. The facility is found, but it is not linked to any organization
    • the facility name will appear in the search results, but it will not be hyperlinked
    • select Add this Facility next to the facility name
    • on the next screen, select Submit to immediately link to this facility without ECCC approval
  3. The facility is not found
    • broaden your search criteria by shortening the name to try to find different spellings of the name
    • if it is still not found, select Add a New Facility to open the facility profile page
    • complete all mandatory information on the page including the three address tabs. Please ensure that if your facility does not have a physical address that you complete the geographical address tab
    • select Save

NAICS, Identifiers and Permits

On the NAICS, Identifiers and Permits page, there are three separate tabs for your facility information. Enter all information for each tab that applies to your facility.


As NAICS codes are updated in time, returning users should verify that the NAICS codes selected in previous years are still appropriate.

You can add up to three NAICS codes per facility. You can access the codes by using the blue search icon. The codes will be listed as primary, secondary and tertiary according to the order you enter them. Double click on the codes to expand them.


If you are submitting for the first time, you should enter the identifier provided by the program. If you have already made submissions, you do not have to change the identifier.

If you want to update or change the identifier, select the program from the drop-down menu and enter the new identifier. Identifiers that do not appear in the drop-down menu are assigned and managed by Single Window partner programs and you cannot change them.

Please note that some program identifiers can’t be changed without notifying the program directly.

Upstream oil and gas facilities can now enter multiple Petrinex/provincial facility identifiers or license numbers if required.


Enter any permits that are relevant to your facility. You can also delete out-of-date or incorrect permits.

Managing access to your organization

This section will show you how to grant access to other users in your organization for various programs. A video is available for this topic.

Some programs require assigned roles to determine how users interact with data (such as organization, facility, contact, parent company and program required information) and submissions. Other programs allow any user with a SWIM role to access their data.

The following outlines, by program, how the different levels of users can interact with the data.

Single Window Information Manager

SWIM Organization Lead
  • The user that creates the organization is automatically assigned this role
  • Can update organization and facility information
  • Can grant and delete access for all users
SWIM Editor
  • Can update organization and facility information
  • Cannot grant or delete access for users
SWIM Member
  • Can view organization and facility information
  • Cannot edit records
All SWIM roles provide automatic access to
  • CEPA Pollution Prevention Planning (P2)
  • Chemicals Management Plan
  • Electronic PCB reporting
  • Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System
  • Low Carbon Economy Fund (LCEF)/Climate Action Incentive Fund (CAIF)
  • Regulatory Operations Program, Cross-border Movement of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations

ECCC Greenhouse Gas reporting program (GHGRP) and its partners, Output-Based Pricing System (OBPS), British Columbia Greenhouse Gas, Ontario Greenhouse Gas, National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) and its partners

The SWIM role is automatically assigned depending upon which role is granted for this program.

Reporting Lead - All Facilities
  • The SWIM Organization Lead role is automatically assigned to this individual
  • Can update organization and facility information
  • Can complete and submit reports
  • Can grant and delete access for users within organization
Reporting Lead - Specific Facilities
  • The SWIM Organization Lead role is automatically assigned for the specific facilities only
  • Can view organization information and update specific facility information
  • Can complete and submit reports for specific facilities
  • Can grant and delete access for users to specific facilities
Data Entry (Specific to Facilities)
  • The SWIM editor role is automatically assigned to this individual
  • Can view organization information and update specific facility information
  • Can complete, but cannot submit, reports for specific facilities
Signing Authority (Specific to Facilities)
  • The SWIM member role is automatically assigned
  • Can view, but cannot edit, organization and specific facility information
  • Can only submit reports
Read only (Specific to Facilities)
  • The SWIM member role is automatically assigned
  • Can view, but cannot edit, organization and specific facility information
  • Cannot complete nor submit reports

Effluent Regulatory Reporting Information System (ERRIS)

The SWIM roles are not automatically assigned when ERRIS roles are assigned.

Wastewater System Effluent Regulations (WSER) Signing Authority
  • Can enter data and approve submitted reports
WSER Regulatee
  • Represents a wastewater facility affected by the WSER and/or a provincial wastewater permit
  • Can enter reporting data

Environmental Emergency Regulations Reporting System (E2)

The SWIM Editor role is automatically assigned when E2 roles are assigned.

Public Safety Authority
  • Can view limited facility information for sites within their province
  • Cannot submit reports
Regulatee or Contractor
  • Can complete and submit reports

Environmental Effects Monitoring Electronic Reporting (EEMER)

The SWIM Member role is automatically assigned when EEMER roles are assigned.

  • Can enter data and submit reports
  • Can enter data
EC coordinator
  • Can view and unlock submitted reports
Authorization officer
  • Authorization role
Pulp and paper effluent regulation (PPER) - Alberta Authorization Officer
  • Authorization role for province of Alberta
Pulp and paper effluent regulation (PPER) - Saskatchewan Authorization Officer
  • Authorization role for province of Saskatchewan

Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System (GCEMS)

This role is not required if you already have a SWIM role but this role can be given to those who don’t have a SWIM role.

GCEMS Submitter
  • The SWIM editor role is automatically assigned to this individual
  • Can update organization and facility information
  • Can create applications and approve submissions

Mine Effluent Reporting System (MERS)

The SWIM roles are not automatically assigned when MERS roles are assigned. ONLY SWIM Organization Leads can grant these roles, you are not able to request access for these roles.

For questions please contact the program directly.

Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulations (MSAPR)

A SWIM role is automatically assigned depending upon which role is granted when MSAPR roles are assigned.

Data entry
  • The SWIM Editor role is automatically assigned
  • Can update organization and facility information
  • Can enter data
  • Cannot submit reports
Authorized submitter
  • The SWIM Organization Lead role is automatically assigned to this individual
  • Can update organization and facility information
  • Can enter data and submit reports
  • The first Authorized Submitter role for the organization must be created by ECCC staff through Request Access; however, subsequent authorizations can come from within the organization

Products Containing Mercury Regulations (PCMR)

The SWIM roles are not automatically assigned when PCMR roles are assigned.

Data entry
  • Can manage the organization’s information
  • Can enter data
  • Cannot submit reports
Authorized submitter
  • Can manage the organization’s information
  • Can enter data and submit reports

Renewable Fuels Regulations Electronic Reporting System (RFRERS)

A SWIM role is automatically assigned depending upon which role is granted when RFRERS roles are assigned.

Authorized Official
  • The SWIM Organization Lead role is automatically assigned to this individual
  • Can update organization and facility information
  • Can grant and delete access for other users in organization
  • Can complete and submit reports
  • The first Authorized Official role for the organization must be created by ECCC staff through Request Access; however, subsequent authorizations can come from within the organization
Data Entry
  • The SWIM Editor role is automatically assigned
  • Can update organization and facility information
  • Can complete reports
  • Cannot submit reports
Read Only
  • The SWIM Editor role is automatically assigned
  • Can view, but cannot edit information
  • Cannot submit reports

Road Salts – Annual Reports (RSAR)

The SWIM Editor role is automatically assigned when RSAR roles are assigned.

Road Organization
  • Can view, edit and submit reports

Vehicle Engine and Emission Reporting Registry (VEERR)

The SWIM roles are not automatically assigned when VEERR roles are assigned.

  • The automobile manufacturer account is only available through the VEERR program

Request Access

If you don’t have access to the organization that you need to submit to you must get access to it first. The easiest way is to get an ECCCKey from your organization’s SWIM Organization Lead or program submission lead.

  • Contact your SWIM Organization Lead within your own organization
  • Your SWIM Organization Lead will send you an ECCCKey by email
  • Copy and paste that ECCCKey to the Redeem ECCCKey page and click Redeem

If you can’t reach your any SWIM Organization Lead, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Request Access tab on the left menu
  2. Select the program you need to access
    • to access the CEPA Pollution Prevention Planning, Chemical Management Plan, Electronic PCB, Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System, Low Carbon Economy Fund/Climate Action Incentive Fund, or Regulatory Operations Program, Cross-border Movement of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations select Single Window Information Manager
  3. Select the level of access you require
  4. In the search window, enter the organization name or the business number of the organization you are trying to access
  5. Select the organization in the search results
  6. If you have selected a role that requires access to a facility, select the facility
  7. The details of your request will be displayed in the Request Access Confirmation screen. You will receive an automated confirmation immediately and ECCC will respond to your request within three business days

Grant Access

If you are the SWIM Organization Lead, you can grant access to others in the organization immediately by completing the following steps:

  1. Go to the Organizations tab on the left menu
  2. Select the name of the organization to which you are granting access
  3. Go to the Manage Access tab on the left menu
  4. Click on the Grant Access button at the top of the page
  5. Select the required reporting program or initiative
  6. Choose the role you wish to assign
  7. Select the applicable facilities if the role requires it
  8. Enter the number of keys you wish to create – one per person – and click the Generate button
  9. Automatically generated keys will appear on your screen
  10. Copy the keys and send them to the team member(s) who requires access
  11. Team members need to log into their own account and redeem their keys in the Redeem ECCCKey section of the left menu

Remove Access

SWIM Organization Leads can remove team members access to their organization by selecting an organization and selecting the Manage Access tab on the left menu. Select the person you wish to remove and select Delete all Selected. If an employee leaves the organization or changes roles within the organization, it is a good practice to remove that employee.

Redeem ECCCKey

ECCCKeys are alphanumeric codes that connect users to the system. ECCCKeys can be created by SWIM Organization Leads and by ECCC administrators. Follow these steps to redeem a key:

  1. Go to Redeem ECCCKey on the left menu
  2. Copy and paste your key into the box indicated
  3. Select Activate Key

Do not copy any spaces before nor after the key or you will receive an error message.

The key can only be used once.

Recovering your GCKey and/or your account

This section will show you how to recover your GCKey and/or your Single Window account, as well as your SWIM information, if you have forgotten your log-in information.

If you already have a GCKey and you have forgotten your login credentials, but you associated an email address to your GCKey when you previously logged in (as described in the Navigating SWIM section), you can use the “Forgot your username?” or “Forgot your password?” functions. You will then recover your GCKey and your account through your email address.

If you already have a GCKey, you have forgotten your login credentials, the security questions proposed through the “Forgot your username?” or “Forgot your password?” functions are not helping and you did not associate an email address to your GCKey, you will need to create a new GCKey. To do so, follow these steps to reconnect to your old account permissions. A video is available for this topic.

  1. Create a new GCKey and log into the system
  2. The New User screen will open. Enter your email address and select Search
  3. If your email address is the same as for your old account, you will be emailed an Account Recovery Key code
  4. Click on Continue to go to the screen to submit the recovery key
  5. Copy the alphanumeric code key from the email
  6. Paste the alphanumeric code into the box on the Redeem ECCCKey page and select Activate
  7. Navigate to the home page. Links to programs you previously had access to and information from your old account will be linked to your new account. All of your organizations and facilities will be available to you

If you have a new email address, the recover account process will not work. You will need to complete your profile and ask a SWIM Organization Lead for access or request access through the system.

Managing your contacts

This section will show you how to create or delete contacts in SWIM. A video is available for this topic.

Most programs in the Single Window system require you to list some contacts in your program submissions. These contacts may or may not have an account in Single Window. If the contact does not have an account and thus is not already registered in SWIM, you must add them to the contact list by completing the following steps:

  1. Go to the Organizations tab on the left menu
  2. Select the organization to which you wish to add a contact
  3. Go to the Contacts tab on the left menu
  4. Select Add a New Contact
  5. Complete and save the mandatory information (given name, family name, email address).

To delete a contact, follow steps 1 to 3 above to go to the Contacts screen, then check the box next to the contact to delete and select Delete all Selected.

Please note that deleting a contact from the list does not delete the contact’s access to Single Window or any permissions they may have.

Managing your parent organizations

This section will show you how to add parent organizations in SWIM. A video is available for this topic.

Some programs in the Single Window system require you to list your parent organizations in your program submissions. The parent organization is the highest-level company or group of companies. The parent organization owns or directly controls the organization submitting, or the organization that owns or controls the submitting facility. 

To add a parent organization, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Organizations tab on the left menu
  2. Select the organization to add a parent organization
  3. Go to the Parent Organizations tab on the left menu
  4. Select Add a New Parent Organization
  5. Complete and save the mandatory information marked with an asterisk
  6. You can now add more parent organizations if applicable

This section is a handy reference that gives more information about specific terminology used in Single Window and in different Single Window Information Manager (SWIM) data fields.

If you aren’t sure about some terminology or what to enter in the SWIM data fields, check the descriptions and examples below:

Glossary terms
Word Definition
Alberta EPEA approval number or Code of Practice Registration number
The first eight digits of the facility approval or registration number under Alberta’s Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. Alternatively, the code of practice registration number can be entered.
Business legal name The legal name of an organization as of the end of the reporting year.
Business number The nine-digit business number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency for corporate income tax, import/export accounts, payroll deductions or GST/HST. There are a few exemptions, see Organization profile screen in SWIM for a list of exemptions.
Contacts A contact is generally not responsible of filling out a submission and therefore will not have an account in Single Window. However, that person can be designated as contact person in a submission and can be contacted by a program if more information is needed. Any contact person should therefore be documented in the contact list.
Copy to physical This is a feature that allows you to complete the physical address section in SWIM. If the location of your company is the same as the mailing address then you can just click the button and the whole mailing address will be copied over to the physical address as well.
Delivery mode Used by Canada Post if a recipient doesn’t have an actual mailing address. This mode does not affect the majority of people. If you have this situation choose a special type of delivery (General Delivery, Rural Route, Suburban Services, Post Office Box or Mobile Route).
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number The DUNS number is a unique nine-digit number that D&B (formerly Dun and Bradstreet) uses to identify companies in its financial database.  
ECCCKey This is a code that is created by Environment and Climate Change Canada or by a SWIM Organization Lead in order to give you access to either an organization or a program. ECCCKeys only need to be redeemed once. The permission will last until it is removed by someone in your organization.
Email Your own business email address.
Facility Entity responsible for submitting to most programs, such as a plant, a building, etc. The organization owns the facility.
GCKey This is the login process required to enter the Single Window system. This process is managed by the Treasury Board and is secure. For more information see GCKey FAQs.
GHGRP Identification Number If you have already reported to ECCC’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP), enter the identification number assigned to your facility by ECCC.
Grant Access
The process that the SWIM Organization Lead uses to give and remove access to the organization and/or programs.
Land survey description
Enter the dominion land survey type in the following format: quarter-section (2 digits), township (3 digits), range (2 digits) and meridian (W + 1 digit), such as: NW-01-012-01-W5.
Language of correspondence Select your preferred language for corresponding.
Latitude A geographical coordinate that specifies north south position on earth surface.  
Longitude A geographical coordinate which specifies east west position on earth surface.
Mailing address This is the address where mail is received.
My Profile The information you enter should be your own business information not company information. This section of SWIM is used for contacting you if needed.
National Emission Reduction Masterplan
If you have previously reported to the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada’s National Emission Reduction Masterplan, enter the identification number that has been assigned to your facility. Please note that this reporting is done simultaneously with that of the National Pollutant Release Inventory.
National topographical description The national topographic land description in the following format: A-111-B/222-C-33.
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code Use the Statistics Canada search tool to find the six-digit NAICS code that best describes your facility’s primary activity.  
Organization This is your business, the first level of the SWIM information structure. All other information, such as contacts and facilities, is associated to it. The organization manages the facilities it owns and is considered a subsidiary of the parent company.
Parent Organizations A parent company is a company that owns enough voting stock of an organization to control management and operation by influencing or electing its board of directors. The organization is deemed a subsidiary of the parent company.
Percentage owned The parent organization’s share of ownership.
Permits Include the issuing agency and full permit number for any permits issued to the facility.  
Petrinex Facility ID Number (Upstream Oil & Gas)
If you have an identification number from Petrinex, an organization that supports the Canadian oil industry, please enter it.
Physical address This is the address of the physical location. Physical addresses may be reported in a number of different formats (including civic address or dominion land survey). One physical address type must be reported completely.
PO box or rural route number If you have one enter only the numeral.
Position Your organizational title.
Relationship type Select the drop-down option that best describes the relationship between an organization and a facility.
Request Access This process sends an email to ECCC asking for access to an organization and/or a program/initiative. ECCC will always refer you back to your SWIM Organization Lead within your organization first.
Single Window
Online submission system used by several Environment and Climate Change Canada programs and some partners. Single Window is made of many modules allowing stakeholders to complete required submissions and submit them to appropriate programs. There also is an administrative module named the Single Window Information Manager (SWIM).
Single Window Information Manager (SWIM)
This is the administrative module of the Single Window online submission system. This module allows you to manage your user profile, get the required access and manage organizations and facilities profiles. 
Trade Request This is a process that begins when a user tries to add a facility to their organization that is already owned by another organization. The easiest way after selling a facility and completing all of your submissions obligations is to remove the facility from your facility list so the new organization can add it and start a submission. If the facility remains under the old organization, then the new organization can only complete the trade with proof of sale. Once the trade is complete, the facility is found under the new organization and the old organization. Neither organizations can see each other’s submissions and people are not able to access each other’s information, they are completely separate entities. As soon as the old organization no longer needs to keep the facility for submission obligations, it is recommended that you remove it from your facility list.
UTM If applicable, enter the Universal Transverse Mercator to indicate your facility’s location. Use the following format: Zone (2 digits), East (6 digits), North (6 digits).
Web Site Your company’s website.
List of federal and provincial partners currently using Single Window

This section is a handy reference that gives more information about what programs/partners are currently using Single Window. To contact one of these programs please refer to our contact page.

  • Alberta GHG Reporting: Specified Gas Reporting Regulation
  • British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Reporting
  • Canadian Fuels Association
  • CEPA Pollution Prevention Planning
  • Chemicals Management Plan
  • Chemical Industry Association of Canada/National Emission Reduction Masterplan
  • Climate Action Incentive Fund
  • Effluent Regulatory Reporting Information System
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
  • Environmental Effects Monitoring Electronic Reporting
  • Environmental Emergency Regulations Reporting System
  • ePCB Reporting Program
  • Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System
  • Low Carbon Economy Fund
  • Mine Effluent Reporting System
  • Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulations
  • National Framework for Petroleum Refinery Emission Reductions
  • National Pollutant Release Inventory
  • New Brunswick Environment and Local Government Greenhouse Gas Reporting
  • Nova Scotia Quantification, Reporting, and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Ontario Greenhouse Gas Reporting
  • Ontario Emissions Performance Standards 
  • Output-Based Pricing System
  • Products Containing Mercury Regulations
  • Regulatory Operations Program, Cross-border Movement of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations
  • Renewable Fuels Regulations Electronic Reporting System
  • Road Salts Annual Report
  • Saskatchewan Greenhouse Gas Reporting
  • Vehicle Engine and Emission Reporting Registry
About Single Window

Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window was initiated to reduce the administrative cost and paperwork burden of regulatory compliance.

It was created in response to the government’s Paperwork Burden Reduction Initiative (PBRI) and was driven by federal/provincial collaboration through the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) and the federal government’s Clean Air Regulatory Agenda (CARA).

Creating one place where industry could report emissions data has allowed for a more efficient and effective submission process, which supports the shared interest across jurisdictions in tracking and reporting progress on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and pollutant releases. Other programs and initiatives subsequently joined the Single Window to benefit from a centralized system and process. The system reduces the financial and submission burden for industry and governments.

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