Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): COSEWIC assessment and status report 2018 : page 3

Threats and limiting factors

Many DUs were assigned a general risk rating using the IUCN threats calculator (the calculator), a fillable Excel spreadsheet that can be completed on a DU-by-DU basis to evaluate threats and limiting factors.

The calculator characterizes threats to DUs based on scope, severity, and timing. Scope is defined as the percentage of the species reasonably expected to be affected by the threat within 10 years. Severity is the level of damage (percent population loss) to the species from the threat that can reasonably be expected within 10 years or three generations (whichever is longer), if current circumstances and trends continue. Timing is defined as the projected and estimated duration of the threat over the next 10 years or three generations (whichever is longer).

Scope, severity and timing rankings are assigned based on cumulative scores for eleven different threat categories comprised of forty different sub-categories. Main threat categories include:

  1. Residential and commercial development
  2. Agriculture and aquaculture
  3. Energy production and mining
  4. Transportation and service corridors
  5. Biological resource use
  6. Human intrusions and disturbance
  7. Natural system modifications
  8. Invasive and other problematic species and genes
  9. Pollution
  10. Geological events
  11. Climate change and severe weather

Each sub-category is assigned a score ranging from Negligible to Pervasive (scope), Negligible to Extreme (severity), and Insignificant/Negligible to High-continuing (timing), with uncertainty ranges and Unknown or Neutral options also available. Once scores are assigned to each sub-category, the calculator provides a cumulative score for each main category. The roll-up of these main category threats is done manually to provide a grade for the population's overall threat impact, following the interpretations of Master et al. (2012). Threat impact grades include A-Very High; B-High; C-Medium; and D-Low.

Threats calculators were produced for this report using a two-stage approach. The first stage relied on literature, document review and existing data (reported here). This method supplied relevant information regarding threats and limiting factors for each DU and permitted the production of a preliminary set of threats calculator results.

Some of the metrics used to evaluate threats (for example, harvest, mortality) are based on information gathered from indicator stocks, which have coded-wire tag (CWT) individuals released from hatcheries. DUs with CWT indicator stocks are listed in Table 17. For those DUs without indicator stocks, proxy indicator stocks were used.

Table 17. Designatable Units (DUs) with indicator stocks and, where available, the first year of release of any hatchery fish released in the DU, including those originating from within the DU and from other DUs
DU ID Indicator stock Indicator stock code Indicator stock used as proxy Year of first release Year of 1st release from DU Year of 1st release from outside DU
DU1 Not applicable Not applicable SAMb 1984 1984 1991
DU2 Harrison River HAR HAR 1972 1972 1997
DU3 Not applicable Not applicable DOM 1978 1978 1989
DU4 Not applicable Not applicable DOM 1982 1982 Not applicable
DU5 Not applicable Not applicable DOM 1982 1982 1982
DU6 Not applicable Not applicable SHU 1990 1990 Not applicable
DU7 Not applicable Not applicable DOM Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU8 Not applicable Not applicable DOM Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU9 Not applicable Not applicable DOM 1983 1983 1995
DU10 Not applicable Not applicable DOM 1981 1981 Not applicable
DU11 Dome Creek DOM DOM 1981 1981 2014
DU12 Shuswap River-Lower SHU SHU 1982 1982 Not applicable
DU12 Not applicable Not applicable SHU Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU13 Not applicable Not applicable DOM 1984 1984 Not applicable
DU14 Not applicable Not applicable NIC Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU15 Nicola River NIC NIC 1981 1981 Not applicable
DU16 Not applicable Not applicable DOM 1986 1986 Not applicable
DU17 Not applicable Not applicable DOM 1985 1985 Not applicable
DU18 Not applicable Not applicable BQR 1979 1979 1984
DU19 Not applicable Not applicable PPS Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU20 Puntledge River PPS PPS 1972 1972 Not applicable
DU21 Not applicable Not applicable COW 1983 1983 1984
DU21 Cowichan River COW COW 1980 1980 Not applicable
DU21 Nanaimo River NAN NAN 1974 1974 Not applicable
DU21 Qualicum River BQR BQR 1968 1968 1985
DU22 Not applicable Not applicable BQR 1989 1989 Not applicable
DU23 Quinsam River QUI QUI 1971 1971 1999
DU24 Somass River RBT RBT 1973 1973 Not applicable
DU25 Not applicable Not applicable RBT 1980 1980 Not applicable
DU26 Not applicable Not applicable RBT 1983 1983 Not applicable
DU27 Not applicable Not applicable ATN Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU28 Not applicable Not applicable ATN 1986 1986 Not applicable

b The Nooksack River Fall Fingerling (NKF) indicator stock in Washington State, USA was used as the proxy indicator stock for DU1 (CU CK-02).

One challenge was quantifying severity because a direct causal link could not be established between most threats/limiting factors and impacts to populations. However, in some populations, metrics (for example, harvest) could be quantified if there was an indicator stock present. This preliminary method did not provide sufficient depth and breadth to assign final threats calculator grades, but it did supply useful data informing the next stage.

For the second stage, a workshop of Chinook Salmon experts was convened in Nanaimo, BC in February 2017 to apply the IUCN threats calculator to Southern BC Chinook Salmon. This group of experts reviewed data supplied by the first stage and added new information based on expert knowledge of different DUs. The workshop provided a rich source of data, fleshing out the previous information and permitting the completion of threats calculator grading for several DUs as well as the assignment of proxy DUs for other DUs that could not be completed at the workshop. Table 18 shows the full list of DUs and indicates those that had threats calculators completed at the workshop as well as those that were assigned proxies. Where applicable, notes regarding status, priority levels, other relevant comments, and overall threats calculator grades are supplied.

Table 18. Designatable Unit threats calculator Results Completed at the IUCN threats calculator Workshop, February 2017. A = Very High; B = High; C = Medium; D = Low
DU ID DU name Status, priority and proxies Comments Overall threats calculator results
DU1 Southern Mainland - Boundary Bay Ocean Fall High Priority to be completed. Small population, little quantitative info Not applicable
DU2 Lower Fraser Ocean Fall Completed at Workshop Not applicable High-high (B)
DU3 Lower Fraser Stream Spring Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU4 Lower River Stream Summer Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU5 Lower Fraser Stream Summer Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU6 Lower Fraser Ocean Summer High Priority to be completed. Unique DU, single spawning area Not applicable
DU7 Middle Fraser Stream High Priority to be completed. Unique DU, single spawning area Not applicable
DU8 Middle Fraser Stream Fall High Priority to be completed. Unique DU, single spawning area Not applicable
DU9 Middle Fraser Stream Spring Completed at Workshop Group used DU11 as starting point. Both Beringia origin fish, with similar habitats and run-timings High to Medium (B/C)
DU10 Middle Fraser Stream Summer Use results from DU17. All are Beringia-origin summer Chinook Salmon, with similar habitats, but different and more stable habitats than the springs. Not applicable
DU11 Upper Fraser Stream Spring Completed at Workshop Not applicable High to Medium (B/C)
DU12 South Thompson Ocean Summer Not Complete, lower priority Workshop considered this stock to be in good shape. Not applicable
DU13 South Thompson Stream Summer 1.3 Use results from DU15 Drought prone springs of the Southern Interior. DUs 13, 14, 15 could share same threats calculator Results High to Medium (B/C)
DU14 South Thompson Stream Summer 1.2 Use results from DU15 Drought prone springs of the Southern Interior. DUs 13, 14, 15 could share same threats calculator results High to Medium (B/C)
DU15 Lower Thompson Stream Spring Completed at Workshop Drought prone springs of the Southern Interior. DUs 13, 14, 15 could share same threats calculator results  High to Medium (B/C)
DU16 North Thompson Stream Spring Use DU11 results here. Beringia origin fish, with similar habitats and run-timings  High to Medium (B/C)
DU17 North Thompson Stream Summer Not applicable All are Beringia-origin summer Chinook Salmon, with similar habitats, but different and more stable habitats than the springs. Not applicable
DU18 South Coast - Georgia Strait Ocean Fall Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU19 East Vancouver Island Stream Spring Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU20 East Vancouver Island Ocean Summer Completed at Workshop Not applicable High (B)
DU21 East Vancouver Island Ocean Fall Completed at Workshop Not applicable High (B)
DU22 South Coast - Southern Fjords Ocean Fall Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU23 East Vancouver Island Ocean Fall (EVI + SFj) Completed at Workshop Not applicable High to Medium (B/C)
DU24 West Vancouver Island Ocean Fall (South) Completed at Workshop Not applicable High (B)
DU25 West Vancouver Island Ocean Fall (Nootka and Kyuquot) Completed at Workshop Not applicable Medium (C)
DU26 West Vancouver Island Ocean Fall (WVI + WQCI) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
DU27 Southern Mainland Ocean Summer Use DU28 results here Data Deficient DU Low (D)
DU28 Southern Mainland Stream Summer Completed at Workshop Data Deficient DU Low (D)

Figure 33. Map of DU1 – Southern Mainland Boundary Bay Ocean Fall. To be in Part Two.

Figure 34. DU1 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases (see Table 13 for panel interpretation).

Table 19. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 35. DU1 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival (see Table 16 for panel interpretation).

Designatable Unit 2: Lower Fraser, Ocean, Fall population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 3.8 years. These fish exhibit ocean-type life-history variants and fall run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 36. Map of DU2 – Lower Fraser River Ocean Fall.
Long description
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU2, Lower Fraser, Ocean, Fall population.

DU2 overlaps DU5 – Lower Fraser River – Stream Summer. The DU stretches from Harrison River to the north (Lat. 49.79, Long. 122.18) to where the Harrison River merges into Fraser River at the south end (Lat. 49.22, Long. 121.94). The eastern extent of the DU reaches to Bear Creek at Lat. 49.56, Long. 121.69, and the westernmost extent is located at Twenty Mile Creek (Lat. 49.56, Long. 121.96). The DU's centroid is located at Lat. 49.22, Long. 121.95 and its total area is 715.85 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 175 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 87 km, or 0.86 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (10.4 percent), with 0.6 percent of the area dedicated to urban development, and 1.3 percent to agricultural / rural development. Road density in DU2 is 1.0 km/km2 with an average of 0.3 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 15.2 percent of DU2's riparian habitat is disturbed. The DU contains no mining development nor pine stands affected by Mountain Pine Beetle.


All spawner estimates originated from a single site with true abundance data where sampling effort/survey quality was considered high (Figure 37b,d). Twenty-nine generational averages can be generated from relative index spawner time series data, with generational averages for all years estimated at 10,000 spawners or more (Figure 37c).

This DU is enhanced. Of the years where sampling occurred, mature individuals all originated from streams that had low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 37a). Hatchery releases increased from the early 1980s to a maximum of 3,184,390 fish annually in 1992 then declined to around 200,000 fish annually by 2005 (Figure 37e). Only one instance is reported of hatchery releases from outside the DU (Figure 37f). This release occurred when Harrison River-origin fish were brought from Chilliwack River due to insufficient brood stock at Harrison River (there is little differentiation between these stocks in accordance with their common origin – see Beacham et al. 2003). DU2 origin releases continue to occur at a number of sites outside the DU.

Figure 37. DU2 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU2.

Fluctuations and trends

Using the last three generations of data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -57 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 17 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -84 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.85 (Table 20, Figure 38a,c). Using the entire time series of data, the number of mature individuals changed over the last three generations by an estimated -17 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 7 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -35 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.09.

The total exploitation rate declined from a maximum of ~0.9 in 1982 to ~0.3 by 2013 (Figure 38d). The trend from 2005 onward was relatively stable, with exploitation ranging from a rate of approximately 0.4 to 0.2. Marine (smolt-to-adult) survival declined from a maximum of ~0.23 in 1981 and fluctuated between 0.004 and 0.1 from 1982 onwards with a slight downward trend overall (Figure 38e). In 2013 the rate was 0.017. Stock productivity rose to a maximum of ~30 recruits per spawner in 1988 then declined, fluctuating between approximately 1 and 18 recruits per spawner until 2009 (Figure 39). In 2009, productivity was at ~6.5 recruits per spawner.

More recently, escapements to DU2 have declined for all but one brood cycle line. The cause of these declines is uncertain but likely linked to recent poor ocean conditions. Fishing mortality rates have also declined for this DU, and are thought not to be the primary reason for the declines in abundance. The preliminary escapement estimate for 2017 is the second lowest since high precision estimation started in the early 1980s, likely related to the 'warm blob' climate anomaly (Bailey pers. comm. 2018; M. Trudel, pers. comm.).

Table 20. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of Observations
Lower Fraser River Ocean Fall 3.8 2003-2015 -57 -84,17 0.85 0.63 0.22 13
Lower Fraser River Ocean Fall 3.8 1984-2015 -17 -35,7 0.09 0 0 32
Figure 38. DU2 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU2.

Figure 39. Stock productivity, as calculated as the total number of adults (R = natural origin spawners and natural origin catch) produced by spawners from a given year (brood year (BY)) divided by the number of spawners in the brood year. This figure is updated to 2015 from Brown et al. 2013.
Long description

Chart illustrating the trend in stock productivity (recruits per spawner) for DU2.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Chinook Salmon experts who participated in the IUCN threats calculator workshop in February 2017 concluded that this DU should be assigned a threat impact of Medium (C). The most important threat specific to this DU is from harvest. The entire population is exposed to fishing. Exploitation rates have been at 20-30 percent for the last ten years and there is a possibility that this rate is higher than sustainable. Several low productivity years have occurred and it is unclear whether the exploitation rate is low enough to compensate. Ecosystem modifications are also relevant because a large portion of the Lower Fraser River and estuary are significantly altered, leading to a loss of critical tide marsh habitat.

Other less important threats include storms and flooding, habitat shifting and alteration, introduced genetic material, problematic native species, invasive species, channel dredging operations, recreational activities, and logging/shipping lanes (tugs and log booms move through spawning grounds and may disturb redds).

Threats calculator spreadsheets are included with this report (see Appendix 1).

Designatable Unit 3: Lower Fraser, stream, spring population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and spring run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 40. Map of DU3 – Lower Fraser river stream spring.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU3, Lower Fraser, Stream, Spring population.

This DU is comprised of two connected sections draining into Lillooet Lake. The northernmost section extends south from Birkenhead Lake Provincial Park and the drainage of Birkenhead Lake (Lat. 50.65, Long. 122.71) to the confluence of the Birkenhead River with Lillooet Lake at Lat. 50.30, Long. 122.61. The southernmost section includes the Green River, Torrent Creek, Ipsoot Creek and Ryan River drainages. Its northernmost extent occurs at the headwaters of Ryan River (Lat. 50.49, Long. 123.44) and its southernmost extent occurs south of Whistler, BC near Russet Lake (Lat. 50.01, Long. 122.82). The DU's centroid occurs at Lat. 50.32, Long. 122.72, and its total area is 2030.28 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the Extent of Occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 105 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 52 km, or 0.52 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (11.9 percent), with urban development covering 1.2 percent of the DU area, agricultural / rural development comprising 0.6 percent, and mining development comprising another 0.06 percent . Road density in DU3 is 1.0 km/km2 with an average of 0.4 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 12.7 percent of the DU's riparian habitat is disturbed, 10.0 percent of the forest is disturbed, and 0.28 percent of pine stands are killed by Mountain Pine Beetle.


No absolute abundance estimates are available for this DU, only relative abundance indices (Figure 41a and Figure 41b). Sampling effort/survey quality at all sample sites is rated moderate, with the exception of 1980, 1981, and 1983, where sampling effort is rated low. This DU is now classified as low enhancement, which means it is grouped into the wild data stream for assessment (Figure 41a). Twenty-nine generational averages can be generated from relative index spawner abundance time series data, with twenty-five indicating a generational average of 250 - 1,000 fish, and the remaining four estimated at less than 250 fish (Figure 41c)

Hatchery releases increased from 1980 to 1990, with a maximum release of ~240,000 in 1983 (Figure 41e). After 1990, hatchery releases stabilized at ~50,000 fish, with the last known hatchery release occurring in 2003. Only one instance is reported of hatchery releases from outside the DU (Figure 41f).

Figure 41. DU3 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU3.

Fluctuations and trends

Using the last three generations of data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -16 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 217 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -77 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.38 (Table 21, Figure 42a,b). Using the entire time series of data, the number of mature individuals changed over the last three generations by an estimated 21 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 60 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -9 percent) with zero probability of a 30 percent decline.

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival, and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Table 21. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of observations
Lower Fraser River Stream Spring 4.5 2000-2015 -16 -77,217 0.38 0.2 0.05 16
Lower Fraser River Stream Spring 4.5 1975-2015 21 -9,60 0 0 0 38
Figure 42. DU3 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU3.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. This stock is far north migrating so most harvest occurs in Alaska. Further effort is required (for example, by eliciting expert knowledge) to determine a threat grade using the IUCN threats calculator.

Designatable Unit 4: Lower Fraser, stream, summer (upper Pitt) population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
LFR+GStr/Stream/Summer (Upper Pitt)
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and summer run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 43. Map of DU4 – Lower Fraser river stream summer.(Upper Pitt)
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU4, Lower Fraser, Stream, Summer (Upper Pitt) population.

This DU extends along Pitt River from the north at Mount Carr (Lat. 49.64, Long. 122.68) to the south at the Fraser River confluence (Lat. 49.23, Long. 122.77). The easternmost extent is at Vickers Creek (Lat. 49.47, Long. 122.43) and the westernmost extent is at Homer Creek (Lat. 49.85, Long. 123.00). The DU's centroid occurs at Lat. 49.64, Long. 122.68, and its total area is 1217.71 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the Extent of Occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore <20,000 km2. The IAO is 191 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 95km giving or 0.94 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (10.6 percent), with urban development comprising 2.3 percent of the DU area, agricultural / rural development comprising 2.7 percent, and mining development comprising 0.06 percent. Road density in DU4 is 1.0 km/km2 with an average of 0.2 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 11.0 percent of the DU's riparian habitat and 5.5 percent of the forest cover is disturbed. There are no pine stands in this DU affected by the Mountain Pine Beetle.


No absolute abundance estimates are available for this DU, only relative abundance indices. All observed spawners originated from sample sites with moderate sampling effort/survey quality (Figure 44b). Four generational averages can be calculated from relative index spawner abundance time series data, each estimated at less than 250 spawners (Figure 44c).

Of the years where sampling occurred, mature individuals all originated from streams that had low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 44a). Hatchery releases ranging from ~40,000 to ~160,000 fish occurred in the 1980s, but no releases have taken place since 1990 (Figure 44e).

Figure 44. DU4 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU4.

Fluctuations and trends

The entire time series of data is within three generations. Based on these data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -73 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = -32 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -89 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.98 (Table 22, Figure 45a,b). Note that in Figure 45a, the trend in the data is not necessarily representative of the entire DU. This is because it is a survey of a single tributary of a glacial river population. It is unknown if the tributary spawners form a consistent fraction of the total population.

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival, and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Table 22. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of observations
Lower Fraser River Stream Summer (Upper Pitt) 4.5 2002-2014 -73 -89,-32 0.98 0.92 0.60 11
Lower Fraser River Stream Summer (Upper Pitt) 4.5 2002-2014 -73 -89,-32 0.98 0.92 0.60 11
Figure 45. DU4 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU4.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Further effort is required (for example, by eliciting expert knowledge) to determine a threat grade using the IUCN threats calculator. The ocean distribution for this DU is thought to be far north and therefore harvest likely occurs primarily in Alaska. However, due to a later return timing relative to DU3, some harvest also likely occurs in Georgia Strait.

Designatable Unit 5: Lower Fraser, stream, summer population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and summer run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 46. Map of DU5 – Lower Fraser River Stream Summer.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU5, Lower Fraser, Stream, Summer population.

This DU is comprised of two sections extending from the Lillooet River headwaters in the north (Lat. 50.83, Long. 123.76) to the confluence of the Harrison and Fraser rivers in the south (Lat. 49.21, Long. 121.94). The westernmost extent occurs in the northern part along Meager Creek and runs south along Sirenia Mountain (Lat. 50.61, Long. 123.77), the easternmost extent occurs in the southern part east of Harrison Lake (Lat. 49.57, Long. 121.54). The DU's centroid is Lat. 49.70, Long. 122.13, and its total area is 5929.21km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 645 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 323 km, or 3.21 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (10.0 percent), with urban development comprising of 0.09 percent of the DU area, agricultural / rural development comprising 1.2 percent, and mining development comprising 0.02 percent. Road density in DU5 is 1.0 km/km2 with an average of 0.6 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 11.3 percent of the DU's riparian habitat is disturbed, 8.7 percent of the forest cover is disturbed, and 0.6 percent of pine stands are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle.


No absolute abundance estimates are available for this DU, only relative abundance indices. All observed spawners originated from census sites with low and moderate sampling effort/survey quality (Figure 47b). Four generational averages can be calculated from relative index spawner abundance time series data, each with less than 250 spawners (Figure 47c). The available survey data, although considered to be of good quality, reflect relative abundance and it is not known how representative the survey information is of the entire DU.

The number of remaining mature individuals could be less than 1000, assuming that the spawning sites within the DU (Appendix 2) include a similar number as the surveyed population. This assumption cannot be tested.

Of the years where sampling occurred, all mature individuals originated from streams with low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 47a). Intermittent hatchery releases occurred both within and outside the DU during the 1980s. After 1990, the number of hatchery releases averaged ~450,000 fish (Figure 47e). The last recorded hatchery release was in 2013. However, DFO notes there is an annual release of hatchery summer Chinook Salmon into the Chehalis River, as well as releases into the Chilliwack River (not currently included within DU boundaries) (Bailey pers. comm. 2018).

Figure 47. DU5 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU5.

Fluctuations and trends

The entire time series of data is within 3 generations. Based on these data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -36 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 1689 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -98 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.52 (Table 23, Figure 48a,b).

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival, and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Table 23. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of Observations
Lower Fraser River Stream Summer 4.5 2005-2015 -36 -98,1689 0.52 0.43 0.30 9
Lower Fraser River Stream Summer 4.5 2005-2015 -36 -98,1689 0.52 0.43 0.30 9
Figure 48. DU5 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU5.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Further effort is required (for example, by eliciting expert knowledge) to determine a threat grade using the IUCN threats calculator. Threats calculator spreadsheets are included with this report (see Appendix 1). This DU experiences ongoing enhancement from releases of summer Chinook Salmon into the Chehalis and Chilliwack rivers. A significant habitat impact in this DU is the channelization and diking in the Lillooet River upstream of Lillooet Lake. Dredging occurs at the Lillooet Lake outlet and the lake's elevation is lowered. Dredging likely removes prime spawning habitat because the lake outlet is formed by a glacial terminal moraine (Bailey pers. comm. 2018).

Designatable Unit 6: Lower Fraser, Ocean, Summer population (not yet assessed)

Tables and Figures to be in Part 2:

Figure 49. Map of DU6 – Lower Fraser River Ocean Summer.

Figure 50. DU6 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 24. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 51. DU6 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Designatable Unit 7: Middle Fraser, Stream, Spring (FRCany+GStr) (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and spring run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 52. Map of DU7 – Middle Fraser River Stream Spring.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU8, Middle Fraser, Stream, Fall population.

There are two geographically separated sections that combine to form this DU. The DU extends from the north at a mountain ridge close to Haynon Lake (Lat.50.12, Long. 122.07) to the south east of Anderson River at Lat. 49.57, Long. 121.23. The DU's western-most extent is at Nahatlatch River (Lat. 49.96, Long. 122.28) and the eastern-most extent occurs at Anderson River at Lat. 48.86, Long. 121.09. The DU's centroid is at Lat. 49.91, Long. 121.48, and its total area is 1705.57 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 103 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 52 km, or 0.52 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (2.7 percent), with agricultural / rural development covering 0.03 percent of the area. Road density in DU7 is 0.3 km/km2 with an average of 0.4 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 2.9 percent of the DU's riparian habitat and 2.7 percent of the forest cover is disturbed. 2.0 percent of the DU's pine stands are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle. There is no urban development, nor mining development within the DU area.


Annual survey estimates for this wildlife species are available from 2009 to 2017, and range from 2 to 65. Even though these estimates are indices, it is not expected that expansion of the indices would result in population sizes greater than 250 mature individuals.

Fluctuations and trends

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Further effort is required (for example, by eliciting expert knowledge) to determine a threat grade. This DU is considered a high priority for completion of an IUCN threats calculator.

Designatable Unit 8: Middle Fraser, Stream, Fall population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and fall run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 53. Map of DU8 – Middle Fraser River Stream Fall.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU8, Middle Fraser, Stream, Fall population.

This DU extends from the north side of Whitecap Creek (Lat. 50.75, Long. 122.47) along Seton Lake and Anderson Lake to Haylmore Creek in the south at Lat. 50.41, Long. 122.40. The DU's western-most extent is at McGillivray Creek (Lat. 50.61, Long. 122.62) and the eastern-most extent is at the Seton River's confluence with the Fraser River (Lat. 50.67, Long. 121.92). The DU's centroid occurs at Lat. 50.71, Long. 122.27, and its total area is 981.85 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 63 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 32 km, or 0.32 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (5.0 percent), with agricultural / rural development comprising 0.1 percent of the DU area, and urban development comprising 0.9 percent. Road density in DU8 is 0.6km/km2 with an average of 0.5 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 4.5 percent of the DU's riparian habitat and 4.1 percent of its forest cover is disturbed. 3.0 percent of the DU's pine stands are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle. There is no mining development within the DU area. Seton Dam is within this DU and has resulted in degraded habitat below the dam (BC Hydro 2011a).


No absolute abundance estimates are available for this DU, only relative abundance indices. All spawners originated from sample sites with low to moderate or unknown sampling effort/survey quality (Figure 54b). Twelve generational averages can be calculated from relative index spawner abundance time series data, all with less than 250 spawners (Figure 54c).

While the abundance data are indices, expert opinion indicates that the underestimate is not likely more than 50 percent. Of the years where sampling occurred, all mature individuals originated from a single stream (Portage Creek), that had low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 54a). No hatchery releases are on record.

Figure 54. DU8 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU8.

Fluctuations and trends

The entire time series of data is within 3 generations. Based on these data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -67 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 13 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -90 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.90 (Table 25, Figure 54 a,b).

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Table 25. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of Observations
Middle Fraser River Stream Fall 4.5 2000-2015 -67 -90,13 0.90 0.77 0.44 16
Middle Fraser River Stream Fall 4.5 2000-2015 -67 -90,13 0.90 0.77 0.44 16
Figure 55. DU8 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU8.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Further effort is required (for example, by eliciting expert knowledge) to determine a threat grade. This DU is considered a high priority for completion of an IUCN threats calculator because escapement began declining in 2000-2001 and is currently very low (under 20 fish in 2016 and 2017) (Bailey pers. comm. 2018). Chinook Salmon spawning occurred in the Seton Portage, but habitat below Seton Dam has been degraded and is likely limiting (BC Hydro 2011a). This DU also contains an abandoned mine in the lower Nahatlatch River where waste rock was discarded into the Nahatlatch Canyon (Bailey pers. comm. 2018). Threats calculator spreadsheets are included with this report (see Appendix 1).

Designatable Unit 9: Middle Fraser, Stream, Spring (MFR+GStr) population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and spring run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 56. Map of DU9 – Middle Fraser River Stream Spring.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU9, Middle Fraser, Stream, Spring (MFR+GStr) population.

Comprised of nine separate sections, this DU has one of the largest extents in this report. DU9 stretches from Driftwood River close to Bear Lake in the north (Lat. 56.17, Long. 126.97) to Stein River close to Skihist Mountain in the south at Lat. 50.12, Long. 122.01. From the west, the DU extends from Nadina River (Lat. 53.78, Long. 127.27) to Cariboo River close to Mount Lunn in the east (Lat. 53.07, Long. 120.43). The DU's centroid occurs at Lat. 52.72, Long. 123.09 and its total area is 47965.10 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 4490 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 2245 km, or 22.32 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (16.1 percent), with urban development comprising 0.4 percent of the DU area, agricultural / rural development comprising 2.6 percent and mining development covering 0.1 percent. Road density in DU9 is 1.2 km/km2 with an average of 0.5 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 13.5 percent of the riparian habitat and 13.0 percent of the forest cover is disturbed. 24.6 percent of the DU's pine stands are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle.

Chinook Salmon in the Bridge River are restricted to the lower river because of hydroelectric facilities. Prior to the installation of the Mission Dam at the outlet of Carpenter Lake, Chinook Salmon were present in the middle Bridge River and the tributaries Ferguson and Tyaughton creeks, where they were estimated at between 1 to 300 spawners, and 300 and 2,000 spawners respectively (BC Hydro 2011a). Spawning is now limited to areas downstream of the Terzaghi Dam (Komori 1997). Spawner abundance decreased in Yalakom River but increased in Bridge River when comparing the periods 1969-1980 to 1981-1992: the average number of spawners went from 136 to 23 in Yalakom River, and 125 to 529 in Bridge River (Komori 1997).


For most years, no absolute abundance estimates are available for this DU, only relative abundance indices. Seventeen generational averages can be generated from relative index time series estimates, eight with 5,000 - 10,000 spawners and nine with less than 5,000 spawners (Figure 57c).

Most spawners originated from sample sites with moderate sampling effort/survey quality. Exceptions occurred in 2000 and 2015, when a small percentage of spawners came from high data quality sample sites (that is, absolute abundance estimates) (Figure 57b). Fourteen sites provided data for seventeen generational averages of absolute abundance, one site with generational averages of 2,500 to 5,000 spawners, another with 1,000 to 2,500 spawners, seven with 250 to 1,000 spawners, and five with less than 250 spawners (Figure 57d).

Of the years where sampling occurred, mature individuals all originated from streams with low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 57a). However, hatchery releases did occur within the DU from 1980 to 2000, peaking at ~1,200,000 fish in 1986. From the mid-1990s to 2001, a very small number of releases occurred (Figure 57e). Three releases are reported outside the DU prior to 2000. No hatchery releases are reported after 2001.

Figure 57. DU9 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU9.

Fluctuations and trends

Based on the last three generations of data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -28 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 97 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -73 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.48 (Table 26, Figure 58a,b). Using the entire time series, the number of mature individuals changed over the last three generations by an estimated ‑49 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = -9 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -72 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.87 (Figure 58c).

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Table 26. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of observations
Middle Fraser River Stream Spring 4.5 2000-2015 -28 -73,97 0.48 0.22 0.04 16
Middle Fraser River Stream Spring 4.5 1995-2015 -49 -72, -9 0.87 0.47 0.04 21
Figure 58. DU9 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU9.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Chinook Salmon experts who participated in the IUCN threats calculator workshop in February 2017 concluded that this DU should be assigned a threat impact of High - Medium (B/C). The most important threats specific to this DU are from ecosystem modifications. Irrigation diking and ditching in the Lower Fraser Basin contributes to a loss of backwater and off-channel habitat. These practices are increasingly expanding upstream along the Fraser River (Bailey pers. comm. 2018). A loss of rearing and overwintering habitat is also occurring due to conversion of agricultural land use to residential/commercial land use. The DU is also impacted by snowpack and hydrologic regime changes. Placer and hard rock mining, evidence of acid mine drainage, and contaminant leaching exists at several sites in the Cottonwood River (Bailey pers. comm. 2018). Often the aquatic pollution that leaches from these sites is evident by the yellow ochre algae on the river bottom. Acid mine drainage is a serious threat with the potential for long-term devastating impacts to the aquatic community and reduced productive capacity of these rivers. Placer mining has also occurred in the Bridge River.

Other less critical threats include impacts from livestock and farm equipment entering stream habitat, dams and water management, invasive species, droughts, temperature extremes and harvest rates. For this DU, brood-over-brood increases in spawners were generally seen from 2012-2015, but there was high ocean mortality. In addition to resident killer whales, seals and Sea Lions are significant predators.

In 2005, the harvest rate for this DU was 60 percent. Attempts to reduce this rate to 30 percent have not been fully successful – a range of 20-40 percent is probably closer to actual.

Threats calculator spreadsheets are included with this report (see Appendix 1).

Designatable Unit 10: Middle Fraser, Stream, Summer population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and summer run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 59. Map of DU10 – Middle Fraser River Stream Summer.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU10, Middle Fraser, Stream, Summer population.

This DU consists of five geographically separated sections spanning from Middle River close to Nesabut Mountain in the north (Lat. 55.23, Long. 125.58) to Elkin Creek in the south (Lat. 51.39, Long. 123.51). The DU's western-most extent occurs at Stellako River close to Mount Parrott at Lat. 54.12, Long. 126.71 and the eastern-most point is at Niagara Creek close to Mount Sir Wilfrid Laurier (Lat. 52.88, Long. 120.16). The DU's centroid occurs at Lat. 53.50, Long. 123.72, and its total area is 22072.99 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 2616km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 1308km, or 13 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (11.6 percent), with urban development comprising 0.9 percent of the DU area, agricultural / rural development comprising 2.0 percent and mining development comprising 0.1 percent. Road density in DU10 is 1.0km/km2 with an average of 0.32 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 11.4 percent of the riparian habitat and 8.5 percent of the forest cover is disturbed. 21.0 percent of the DU's pine stands are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle.


For most years no absolute abundance estimates are available for this DU, only relative abundance indices. Thirteen generational averages can be generated from relative index spawner time series data, all indicating abundances of 10,000 or more fish (Figure 60c). Most spawners originate from census sites with moderate sampling effort/survey quality. An exception occurred in 2004 when ~20 percent of spawners came from a site with high data quality (that is, absolute abundance estimates) (Figure 60b). Six sites provide sufficient absolute abundance data to generate thirteen generational averages, one with 10,000 or more spawners, another with 5,000 and 10,000 spawners, one with 2,500 and 5,000 spawners, one with 1,000 and 2,500 spawners and two with less than 250 spawners (Figure 60d).

Of the years where sampling occurred, mature individuals all originated from streams with low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 60a). However, hatchery releases did occur from 1980 to 2013, peaking at about 2,200,000 fish then declining to a very small number of releases after 2000 (Figure 60e).

Figure 60. DU10 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU10.

Fluctuations and trends

Based on the last three generations of data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -38 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 28 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -70 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.64 (Table 27, Figure 61a,b). Using the entire time series of data (one additional year), the number of mature individuals changed over the last three generations by an estimated -29 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 39 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -63 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.48 (Figure 61c).

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Table 27. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of observations
Middle Fraser River Stream Summer 4.5 2000-2015 -38 -70,28 0.64 0.26 0.03 16
Middle Fraser River Stream Summer 4.5 1999-2015 -29 -63,39 0.48 0.14 0.01 17
Figure 61. DU10 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU10.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Further effort is required (for example, by eliciting expert knowledge) to determine a threat grade for this DU. Chinook Salmon experts who participated in the IUCN threats calculator workshop in February 2017 recommended using the DU17 threats calculator as a proxy for DU10 (see Table 18), but DU17 was not completed at the workshop.

Expert knowledge indicates placer and hard rock mining, acid mine drainage, and contaminant leaching occurs at several locations in the Quesnel River and Cariboo River (Bailey pers. comm. 2018). Often the aquatic pollution that leaches from these sites is evident by the yellow ochre algae on the river bottom. Acid mine drainage has potential for long-term devastating impacts to the aquatic community and reduced productive capacity of these rivers. The 2014 Mount Polley mining disaster occurred in this DU and involved a breach of the copper/gold mine's tailings pond, discharging toxic mud and water into Polley Lake. The Kenney dam, which is outside of the southernmost extent of the DU (approximate Lat. 53.58, Long. 124.95), may affect temperature and flow rates in the Nechako River, thereby changing the migration timing of Chinook Salmon smolts (Sykes et al. 2009).

Threats calculator spreadsheet templates are included with this report (see Appendix 1).

Designatable Unit 11: Upper Fraser, Stream, Spring population (assessed November 2018

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and spring run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 62. Map of DU11 – Upper Fraser River Stream Spring.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU11, Upper Fraser, Stream, Spring population.

This DU extends from Salmon River around Mount MacKinnon in the north (Lat. 54.62, Long. 123.69) to Raush River at Mount Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the south (Lat. 52.69, Long. 119.73). The eastern-most extent occurs at Holmes River along Mount Robson at Lat. 53.36, Long. 119.41. The western-most extent also occurs in the north near Salmon River. Further south, the DU boundary extends west near Mount Burdett at Lat. 52.98, Long. 121.51. The DU's centroid is at Lat. 53.67, Long. 120.91, and its total area is 24431.59km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 4065 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 2033 km, or 20.21 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (17.5 percent), with urban development comprising 0.09 percent of the DU area, agricultural / rural development comprising 0.7 percent, and mining development comprising 0.01 percent. Road density in DU11 is 0.9 km/km2 with an average of 0.5 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 15.5 percent of the riparian habitat and 16.6 percent of the forest cover is disturbed. 5.5 percent of the DU's pine stands are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle.


Almost all data originate from sample sites with relative abundance indices of moderate sampling effort/survey quality. A small proportion of sample sites provided absolute abundance estimates between 1999 and 2007 (Figure 63b). Seventeen generational averages can be generated from spawner abundance time series data, all indicating abundances of 10,000 or more spawners (Figure 63c). Absolute abundance estimates were obtained from twenty-eight sites, over half of which had less than 250 spawners. One site had 5,000-10,000, another had 2,500-5,000, two sites had 1,000-2,500, and nine sites had 250-1,000 spawners.

Of the years where sampling occurred, almost all observed spawners originated from streams with low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 63a). A relatively high level of hatchery releases occurred in the 1980s, reaching a maximum of ~1,000,000 fish in 1984. After 1989, hatchery releases declined to ~50,000, before halting completely by 2005 (Figure 63e).

Figure 63. DU11 - Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU11.

Fluctuations and Trends

Based on the last three generations of data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -49 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 15 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -77 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.79 (Table 28, Figure 64a,b). Using the entire time series of data, the number of mature individuals changed over the last three generations by an estimated -43 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = -8 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -64 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.81.

The total exploitation rate increased from a low of around 0.1 in 1986 to a high of 0.8 in 1996, but began to decline from 2000-2002 (Figure 64d). The last CWT data available in nuSEDS (shown here) are from brood year 2002 and indicate an exploitation rate of 0.4. More recently, in-river harvest was estimated using a run reconstruction model and was found to fluctuate between 10-20 percent (English et al. 2007). Marine (smolt-to-adult) survival averaged a rate of ~0.01 from 1986 to 2002, and fluctuated little in that time (Figure 64e). Marine survival data are not available past 2002. Stock productivity data are not available for this DU.

Table 28. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of observations
Upper Fraser River Stream Spring 4.5 2000-2015 -49 -77,15 0.79 0.48 0.09 16
Upper Fraser River Stream Spring 4.5 1995-2015 -43 -64, -8 0.81 0.28 0 21
Figure 64. DU11 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU11.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Chinook Salmon experts who participated in the IUCN threats calculator Workshop in February 2017 concluded that this DU should be assigned a threat impact of High - Medium (B/C). Because females in fall actively seek a mix of groundwater and surface water when selecting redd sites, the most important threats specific to this DU are ecosystem modifications due to climate change, cyclical marine climate events (El Niño) and resulting shifts in groundwater availability caused by changes in the volume and timing of snowmelt. Another round of ocean survival impacts as in 2003 and 2007 could terminate groups of Chinook Salmon within the DU. Historic placer mining in the Bowron and Willow River systems also resulted in significant habitat alteration via large amounts of fine sediment washed into the river (Bailey pers. comm. 2018). Sedimentation can reduce egg-to-fry survival and adversely affect the aquatic insect community for rearing Chinook Salmon.

There has been limited success at maintaining a harvest target of 30 percent for this DU, with the most recent brood year at 40 percent. Chinook Salmon encounter nets all the way up the Fraser River and are exposed to constant fishing pressure exacerbated by slow migration speed from the river mouth to spawning grounds.

Other impacts include invasive species (esp. spiny rayed fish), avalanches/landslides, droughts, and temperature extremes.

Threats calculator spreadsheets are included with this report (see Appendix 1).

Designatable Unit 12: South Thompson, Ocean, Summer population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 3.8 years. These fish exhibit ocean-type life-history variants and summer run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 65. Map of DU12 – South Thompson Ocean Summer.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU12, South Thompson, Ocean, Summer population.

This DU extends west to east from Battle Creek around Mount Fehr (Lat. 50.84, Long. 121.20) to Spectrum Creek around Mount Odin in the southeast portion of the DU (Lat. 50.18, Long. 118.30). The northern-most extent occurs near Seymour Arm at the north end of Shuswap Lake (Lat. 51.25, Long. 118.99) and the southern-most extent occurs at Ferry Creek (Lat. 50.05, Long. 118.77). The DU's centroid is located at Lat. 50.67, Long. 119.34, and its total area is 10330.45 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 1125 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 563 km, or 5.60 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

This DU is a combination of two Wild Salmon Policy Conservation Units: CK-13 and CK-15.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (20.3 percent), with agricultural / rural development comprising 6.4 percent, and urban development comprising 0.9 percent of the DU area. Road density in DU12 is 1.5km/km2 with an average of 0.7 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 20.5 percent of the DU's riparian habitat and 13.0 percent of the forest cover is disturbed. 2.5 percent of the pine stands are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle. No mining development is reported within the DU by Porter et al. (2013). However, see comments in the Threats and Limiting Factors section below regarding potential risks associated with the Highland Valley Cooper and New Afton mines.

The South Thompson River and Little River were both dredged for shipping traffic. Spawning gravel was removed from the thalweg and or placed on shore or piled in mid-channel berms, which exceed the river level creating islands during spawning season (Bailey pers. comm. 2018). This activity reduced the spawning habitat and productive capacity of the DU.


Most spawner data originated from sample sites with moderate sampling effort/survey quality except in the CK-15 portion of the DU, where from 2005 onward most spawner data originated from sites with high sampling effort/survey quality (Figure 67b). Sixteen generational averages can be calculated from spawner time series data available from CK-13 and thirty from CK-15. In both units, generational averages indicate 10,000 or more spawners (Figure 66c and Figure 67c). The average proportion of spawners contributed by each CK was 0.673 (CK-13), and 0.327 (CK-15). Six sites with absolute spawner data are identified (CK-13 and CK-15 combined). The four sites in CK-13 and one site in CK-15 are estimated at an average of 10,000 or more spawners. The remaining site (Shuswap River-Middle) is estimated at 2,500-5,000 spawners.

Of the years where sampling occurred, all spawners in CK-13 and most spawners in CK-15 originated from streams that had low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 66a and Figure 67a). Depending on the year, approximately 10-30 percent of spawners in CK-15 were from enhanced streams (Figure 67a). Hatchery releases within CK-15 started in 1980 and peaked at over 2 million fish before leveling off over the last fifteen years at around ~750,000 releases annually (Figure 67e). No hatchery releases are reported in CK-13.

Figure 66. DU12 (CK – 13) – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU12 (CU ID: CK-13).

Figure 67. DU12 (CK – 15) – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU12 (CU ID: CK-15).

Fluctuations and trends

Based on the last three generations of data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated 26 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 195 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -45 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.07 (Table 29, Figure 68a,b). Using the entire time series of data, the number of mature individuals changed over the last three generations by an estimated 64 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 95 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = 38 percent) with zero probability of a 30 percent decline (Table 29, Figure 68a,c).

While coded-wire tag indicator stocks do exist, harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are currently unavailable for this DU.

Table 29.   Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of observations
South Thompson Ocean Summer 3.8 2003-2015 26 -45,195 0.07 0.02 0 13
South Thompson Ocean Summer 3.8 1983-2015 64 38,95 0 0 0 33
Figure 68. DU12 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU12.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Further effort is required (for example, by eliciting expert knowledge) to determine a threat grade. This DU is considered a lower priority for completion of an IUCN threats calculator.

While Porter et al. (2013) report no mining development within the DU, the Highland Valley Cooper and New Afton mines have tailings ponds that, in the event of a failure, could result in toxic runoff entering the DU in the Thompson River (Bailey pers. comm. 2018).

Designatable Unit 13: South Thompson, Stream, Summer 1.3 population (not yet assessed)

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 69. Map of DU13 – South Thompson Stream Summer 1.3.

Figure 70. DU13 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 30. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 71. DU13 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Designatable Unit 14: South Thompson, Stream, Summer 1.2 population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

Unlike DU13, the average generation time for this DU at 3 years is atypical of Chinook Salmon (4.1yrs using Nicola River Spring as a proxy as stated in Table 17), like DU13, these fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and summer run-timing – the title suffixes 1.2 and 1.3 are used to differentiate between these life-history strategies.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 72. Map of DU14 – South Thompson Stream Summer 1.2.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU14, South Thompson, Stream, Summer 1.2 population.

This DU extends from Vance Creek in the northwest near Silver Star Provincial Park (Lat. 50.33, Long. 119.39) to Duteau Creek around Buck Mountain (Lat. 50.02, Long. 118.87). The DU's centroid is at Lat. 51.45, Long. 120.08, and its total area is 794.19 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 70 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 35 km, or 0.35 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (24.0 percent), with agricultural / rural development comprising 8.0 percent and urban development 0.9 percent of the DU area. Road density in DU14 is 1.7 km/km2 with an average of 0.7 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 20.4 percent of the DU's riparian habitat and 15.7 percent of its forest cover is disturbed. 5.3 percent of pine stands in the DU are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle. No mining development occurs within the DU boundaries.


Most spawners originate from sample sites with moderate sampling effort/survey quality (Figure 73b). Fifteen generational averages can be calculated from available abundance time series data (Figure 73c), all but two with between 250 and 1,000 spawners. The remaining two generational averages indicate less than 250 spawners. Absolute abundance data are from two sites, each averaging less than 250 spawners (Figure 73d).

Of the years where sampling occurred, mature individuals all originate from streams with low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 73a). No hatchery releases are on record for this DU.

Figure 73. DU14 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU14.

Fluctuations and trends

Based on the last three generations of data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -47 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = 705 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -96 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.59 (Table 31, Figure 74a,b). Using the entire time series of data, the number of mature individuals changed over the last three generations by an estimated -76 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = -31 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -92 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.98 (Figure 74a,c).

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Table 31. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of observations
South Thompson Stream Summer 1.2 4 2003-2015 -47 -96,705 0.59 0.48 0.33 13
South Thompson Stream Summer 1.2 4 1995-2015 -76 -92,-31 0.98 0.92 0.67 20
Figure 74. DU14 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU14.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Chinook Salmon experts who participated in the IUCN threats calculator workshop in February 2017 recommended using the DU15 threats calculator as a proxy for this DU (see Table 18) with the main difference being that, as for DU13, juveniles in DU14 stay in freshwater for one year and utilize smaller rivers. These characteristics make the fish more vulnerable than DU15 Chinook Salmon to water management issues and increased development. In the Bessette and Duteau rivers, for example, Chinook Salmon contend with dewatering events, agricultural runoff and rising stream temperatures (Bailey pers. comm. 2018). Considerable agriculture occurs in the DU with cattle ranching and farming adversely affecting the amount and quality of the riparian habitat. Dams occur in the headwaters of this system, diverting water out of the drainage and affecting mean annual discharge and seasonal low discharge. Based on these points and DU15 results, participants concluded that DU14 should be assigned a threat impact of High-Medium (B/C). Because females in fall actively seek a mix of groundwater and surface water when selecting redd sites, the most important threats in this DU are ecosystem modifications due to climate change, cyclical marine climate events (El Niño) and resulting shifts in groundwater availability caused by changes in the volume and timing of snowmelt. Another round of ocean survival impacts as in 2003 and 2007 could terminate groups of Chinook Salmon within the DU. Other less critical impacts include invasive species (esp. spiny rayed fish), avalanches/landslides, droughts, and temperature extremes.

Threat calculator results for this population are based on those from DU15.

Designatable Unit 15: Lower Thompson, Stream, Spring population (not yet assessed)

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 75. Map of DU15 – Lower Thompson Stream Spring.

Figure 76. DU15 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 32. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 77. DU15 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Designatable Unit 16: North Thompson, Stream, Spring population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and spring run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 78. Map of DU16 – North Thompson Stream Spring
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU16, North Thompson, Stream, Spring population.

This DU extends from Mt. Sir Allan McNab, Mt. Charlotte, and Albreda Mountain in the north, to Dunn Lake and Dunn Creek Protected Area in the south. The westernmost extent is located where Dunn Lake flows into the North Thompson River and the easternmost extent occurs at Mud Creek near Hallam Peak (N: Lat. 52.67, Long. 119.11; S: Lat. 51.38, Long. 120.10; W: Lat. 51.46, Long. 120.17; E: Lat. 52.18, Long. 118.80). The centroid of the DU area is at Lat. 51.88, Long. 119.51, and its total area is 4105.59 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 291 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 146km, or 1.45 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (17.8 percent), with agricultural / rural development comprising 0.4 percent and the urban development 0.2 percent of the DU area. Road density in DU16 is 1.2km/km2 with an average of 0.6 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 15.4 percent of the DU's riparian habitat is disturbed and 17.2 percent of its forest cover is disturbed. 3.3 percent of pine stands in the DU are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle. No mining development occurs within the DU area.


No absolute abundance estimates are available for this DU, only relative abundance indices. Almost all spawner data originate from sample sites with moderate sampling effort/survey quality (Figure 79b). Thirteen generational averages can be calculated from relative index spawner abundance time series estimates, with six years having generational averages between 250 and 1,000 spawners and 7 with less than 250 spawners (Figure 79c). Data originate from two sites, each with generational averages of less than 250 spawners.

Of the years where sampling occurred, mature individuals all originated from streams that had low or unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 79a). Only two hatchery releases in the 1980s are reported for this DU (Figure 79e). Finn Creek spawners were the brood source for these fish. Juveniles were released into Finn Creek as 0+ smolts during four separate releases in 1985, all with a CWT. An additional 0+ smolt release occurred from the same brood source in 1989 but was not tagged or clipped (G. Brown, pers. comm.).

Figure 79. DU16 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU16.

Fluctuations and trends

Based on the last three generations of data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -91 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = -81 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -95 percent) with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 100 percent (Table 33, Figure 80a,b). Using the entire time series of data, the number of mature individuals changed over the last three generations by an estimated -88 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = -76 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -94 percent) also with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 100 percent (Table 33, Figure 80a,c).

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Table 33. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of observations
North Thompson Stream Spring 4.5 2000-2015 -91 -95, -81 1 1 1 16
North Thompson Stream Spring 4.5 1999-2015 -88 -94, -76 1 1 0.99 17
Figure 80. DU16 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU16.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Chinook Salmon experts who participated in the IUCN threats calculator workshop in February 2017 recommended using the DU11 threats calculator as a proxy for this DU (see Table 18). Based on DU11 results DU16 should be assigned a threat impact of High - Medium (B/C). Because females in fall actively seek a mix of groundwater and surface water when selecting redd sites, the most important threats specific to this DU are ecosystem modifications due to climate change, cyclical marine climate events (El Niño) and resulting shifts in groundwater availability caused by changes in the volume and timing of snowmelt. Another round of ocean survival impacts as in 2003 and 2007 could terminate groups of Chinook Salmon within the DU.

Other impacts include invasive species (for example, perch), avalanches/landslides, droughts, and temperature extremes.

Designatable Unit 17: North Thompson, Stream, Summer population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and summer run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 81. Map of DU17 – North Thompson Stream Summer.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU17, North Thompson, Stream, Summer population.

This DU includes the drainage of the Clearwater River and the southern portion of the North Thompson River. The area extends southwest-ward from Murtle River around Kilpill Mountain to the North Thompson River's confluence with the Thompson near at Kamloops, BC. The westernmost extent is located near the west end of Mahood Lake and the easternmost extent is located at Bendelin Creek around Saskum Mountain (N: Lat. 52.14, Long. 119.90; S: Lat. 50.68, Long. 120.34; W: Lat. 51.85, Long. 120.53; E: Lat. 51.37, Long. 119.50). The DU's centroid is at Lat. 51.43, Long. 120.15, and its total area is 6168.43 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 714km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 357 km, or 3.55 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (15.2 percent), with urban development comprising 0.7 percent and agricultural / rural development 3.3 percent of the DU area. Road density in DU17 is 1.3 km/km2, with an average of 0.7 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 12.8 percent of the DU's riparian habitat and 11.2 percent of its forest cover is disturbed. 6.8 percent of pine stands in the DU are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle. No mining development occurs in the DU area.


No absolute abundance estimates are available for this DU, only relative abundance indices. Most spawners originate from sample sites with moderate sampling effort/survey quality (Figure 82b). Fifteen generational averages can be calculated from available relative index spawner abundance time series data, six with generational averages of 5,000-10,000 fish, seven with 2,500-5,000 fish and two with less than 2,500 fish (Figure 82c). Spawner abundance estimates originate from five sites (seven spawning sites are documented), one with 2,500-5,000 fish and the remaining four with less than 250 fish (Figure 82d). All five sites are showing declines.

Of the years where sampling occurred, mature individuals all originated from streams that had low to unknown levels of enhancement (Figure 82a). Hatchery releases occurred from 1984 to 1992, reaching a maximum of ~2,000,000 in 1988 before dropping to ~0 in 1992 (Figure 82e). Spawners from Clearwater River, Raft River and North Thompson River have been used as brood stock and 95 percent of all releases were 0+ smolts. The remaining 5 percent were split among fed fry and 1+ smolt releases (G. Brown, pers. comm.).

Figure 82. DU17 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU17.

Fluctuations and trends

Based on the last three generations of data, the number of mature individuals changed by an estimated -62 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = -10 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -84 percent), with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.93 (Table 34,Figure 83a,b). Using the entire time series of data, the number of mature individuals changed over the last three generations by an estimated -64 percent (Upper 95 percent CI = -33 percent, Lower 95 percent CI = -80 percent), with the probability of a 30 percent decline at 0.98 (Table 34,Figure 83a,c).

Harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable for this DU because there is no coded-wire tag indicator stock.

Table 34. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series
DU name Generation length Year range Median percent change 95 percent CI p|30 percent decline p|50 percent decline p|70 percent decline Number of observations
North Thompson Stream Summer 4.5 2000-2015 -62 -84,-10 0.93 0.75 0.29 16
North Thompson Stream Summer 4.5 1997-2015 -64 -80, -33 0.98 0.86 0.26 19
Figure 83. DU17 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts illustrating trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt to adult) survival for DU17.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Further effort is required (for example, by eliciting expert knowledge) to determine an IUCN threats calculator threat grade.

Designatable Unit 18: South Coast - Georgia Strait, Ocean, Fall population (not yet assessed)

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 84. Map of DU18 – South Coast - Georgia Strait Ocean Fall.

Figure 85. DU18 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Designatable Unit 19: East Vancouver Island, Stream, Spring population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 3.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and spring run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 86. Map of DU19 – East Vancouver Island Stream Spring.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU19, East Vancouver Island, Stream, Spring population.

This DU extends eastward from Sadie Creek at Mount Moriarty to Nanaimo River around Mount Hooker. The northernmost extent occurs at Rush Creek around Okay Mountain, and the southernmost extent occurs at Green Creek close to Mount Buttle (N: Lat. 49.16, Long. 124.27; S: Lat. 48.96, Long. 124.33; W: Lat.49.12, Long. 124.52; E: Lat. 49.07, Long. 124.20). The DU's centroid is at Lat. 49.09, Long. 124.23, and its total area is 245.33 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 41 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 21 km, or 0.21 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (23.6 percent), with urban development comprising 3.6 percent, agricultural / rural development 2.7 percent and mining development 0.3 percent of the DU area. Road density in DU19 is 2.5 km/km2 with an average of 0.9 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 20.9 percent of the DU's riparian habitat and 17.0 percent of its forest cover disturbed. This DU is not affected by Mountain Pine Beetle.


This DU lacks consistent abundance, enhancement or hatchery release data. However, limited abundance data indicate that from 1987 to 2007, the maximum number of fish seen in any year was 25. In 1979, 166 fish were recorded, the highest value. More recently, in 2012 and 2013 only 2 and 5 fish were seen, respectively. While the recent survey information is an underestimate by an unknown amount, the number of mature fish is still likely less than the threshold of 250.

Fluctuations and trends

Trends in abundance, harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Further effort is required (for example, by eliciting expert knowledge) to determine an IUCN threats calculator threat grade.

Designatable Unit 20: East Vancouver Island, Ocean, Summer population (not yet assessed)

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 87. Map of DU20 – East Vancouver Island Ocean Summer.

Figure 88. DU20 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 35. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 89. DU20 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Designatable Unit 21: East Vancouver Island, Ocean, Fall population (not yet assessed)

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 90. Map of DU21 – East Vancouver Island Ocean Fall.

Figure 91. DU21 (CK-21) – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Figure 92. DU21 (CK-22) – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Figure 93. DU21 (CK-25) – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Figure 94. DU21 (CK-27) – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 36. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 95. DU21 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Figure 96. DU21 Stock productivity calculated as the total number of adults (spawners and catch) produced by spawners from a brood year (BY) divided by the number of spawners in the brood year. Productivity data are only available for CK-22. This figure is updated from Brown et al. 2013.

Designatable Unit 22: South Coast – Southern Fjords, Ocean, Fall (not yet assessed

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 97. Map of DU22 – South Coast – Southern Fjords Ocean Fall.

Figure 98. DU22 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 37. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data.

Figure 99. DU22 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Designatable Unit 23: East Vancouver Island, Ocean, Fall (EVI + SFj) population (not yet assessed)

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 100. Map of DU23 – East Vancouver Island Ocean Fall (EVI + SFj).

Figure 101. DU23 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 38. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 102. DU23 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Designatable Unit 24: West Vancouver Island, Ocean, Fall (South) population (not yet assessed)

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 103. Map of DU24 – West Vancouver Island Ocean Fall (South).

Figure 104. DU24 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 39. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 105. DU24 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Figure 106. DU24 – Disaggregated ocean and terminal exploitation rates 1970-2015.

Designatable Unit 25: West Vancouver Island, Ocean, Fall (Nootka and Kyuquot) population (not yet assessed)

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 107. Map of DU25 – West Vancouver Island Ocean Fall (Nootka and Kyuquot).

Figure 108. DU25 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 40. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 109. DU25 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Designatable Unit 26: West Vancouver Island, Ocean, Fall (WVI + WQCI) population (not yet assessed)

Figures and tables to appear in Part Two:

Figure 110. Map of DU26 – West Vancouver Island Ocean Fall (WVU + WQCI).

Figure 111. DU26 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.

Table 41. Summary of estimated rate of change (±95 percent credible interval) in spawner abundance and probability of decline over the last three generations (>30 percent, >50 percent, >70 percent). Rates of change over the last three generations are provided based on analysis of the last three generations of data as well as the entire time series.

Figure 112. DU26 – Trends in spawner abundance, exploitation rate, and marine (smolt-to-adult) survival.

Designatable Unit 27: Southern Mainland, Ocean, Summer population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit ocean-type life-history variants and summer run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 113. Map of DU27 – Southern Mainland Stream Summer.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU27, Southern Mainland, Ocean, Summer population.

This DU contains the Homathko River drainage and extends south from Mosley Creek around West Branch Peaks to the Homathko River's outlet into Bute Inlet. The westernmost extent is located at Scar Creek close to Dauntless Mountain and the easternmost point occurs at Doran Creek close to Mount Queen Bess (N: Lat. 51.56, Long. 125.06; S: Lat. 50.89, Long. 124.93; W: Lat. 51.20, Long. 125.33; E: Lat. 51.20, Long. 124.46). The DUs centroid is at Lat. 50.93, Long. 124.86 and its total area is 2836.28 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 154 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 77 km, or 0.77 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (5.8 percent), with agricultural / rural development comprising 1.4 percent of the DU area. Road density in DU27 is 0.4 km/km2 with an average of 0.4 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 5.4 percent of the DU's riparian habitat and 4.4 percent of its forest cover is disturbed. 11 percent of the DU area is affected by Mountain Pine Beetle. No urban development or mining development occurs within the DU.


This DU has little information pertaining to abundance. Chinook Salmon within this DU occur in a large glacially turbid system within this remote area. Recent relative indices of spawners was zero and 267 fish in 2010 and 2011, respectively. In the past (1960s and 1970s), surveys indicated thousands of fish, but the quality of the surveys was uncertain and the comparability of the estimates between the periods is unknown.

Fluctuations and trends

Trends in abundance, harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Chinook Salmon experts who participated in the IUCN threats calculator workshop in February 2017 concluded that this DU should be assigned a threat impact of Low (D). Some risk exists from ecosystem modifications due to independent power producers (minimal) and from avalanches/landslides due to the steep terrain in this system. Threat Calculator results for this population are based on those from DU28. Many issues need to be further investigated. There are a number of 'Unknown' Threat Calculator scores that, if populated, could change the overall threat rating.

While harvest is pervasive and continuing, it is not considered a threat because its severity is not expected to change much over the next three generations of Chinook Salmon. Thus, any harvest impacts on current population levels would be negligible.

Designatable Unit 28: Southern Mainland, Stream, Summer population (assessed November 2018)

DU short name
Joint Adaptive Zone (JAZ)
Life history
Run timing

The average generation time for this DU is 4.5 years. These fish exhibit stream-type life-history variants and summer run-timing.

To review methods pertaining to data reported within individual DU chapters, refer to the preliminary sections of this report.

Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy

Figure 114. Map of inland DU area for DU28 – Southern Mainland Stream Summer.
Long description

Map showing the location and areal extent of DU28, Southern Mainland, Stream, Summer population.

This DU extends southwestward from McClinchy Creek close to Charlotte Lake to the Klinaklini River's outlet into Knight Inlet (N: Lat. 52.24, Long. 125.17; S: Lat. 51.10, Long. 125.61). The easternmost extent is located at Klinaklini River close to Martin Mountain (Lat. 51.96, Long. 124.68), and the west end is located at West Klinaklini River close to Silverthrone Mountain (Lat. 51.42, Long. 126.16). The DU's centroid is at Lat. 51.27, Long 125.61 and its total area is 5,848.22 km2.

As for all DUs considered in this report, the extent of occurrence includes spawning streams as well as the ocean range, and is therefore >20,000 km2. The IAO is 447 km2 based on a total known spawning run length of 224 km, or 2.23 percent of the known spawning length across all DUs.

Habitat trends

Land surrounding this DU's freshwater habitat is altered (5.4 percent), with urban development comprising 0.02 percent, and agricultural / rural development 0.6 percent of the DU area. Road density in DU28 is 0.3 km/km2 with an average of 0.3 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams (the average across all DUs is 1.33 km/km2 road density and 0.62 stream crossings per km of fish accessible streams). 1.4 percent of the DU's riparian habitat and 4.7 percent of its forest cover is disturbed. 15.0 percent of pines stand are affected by Mountain Pine Beetle. No mining development within the DU.


While historical estimates of abundance are available for this wildlife species, the methods have changed over time. The most recent estimate in 2003 was 13,365. No data exist over the past three generations. This DU is not considered enhanced, but one hatchery release of ~233,000 smolts did occur in 1985 (Figure 115e).

Figure 115. DU28 – Abundance, enhancement, and hatchery releases.
Long description

Multi-panel figure containing charts and tables providing abundance, enhancement, and hatchery release data for DU28.

Fluctuations and trends

Trends in abundance, harvest, marine (smolt-to-adult) survival and stock productivity data are unavailable.

Threats and limiting factors

For general threats and limiting factors applicable to all DUs, please refer to the Threats and Limiting Factors section in the introductory material. Chinook Salmon experts who participated in the IUCN threats calculator Workshop in February 2017 concluded that this DU should be assigned a threat impact of Low (D). Some risk exists from ecosystem modifications due to independent power producers (minimal) and from avalanches/landslides due to the steep terrain in this system. Many issues need to be further investigated. There are a number of ‘Unknown' threat calculator scores that, if populated, could change the overall threat rating.

While harvest is pervasive and continuing, it is not considered a threat because its severity is not expected to change much over the next three generations of Chinook Salmon. Thus, any harvest impacts on current population levels would be negligible.

Threats calculator spreadsheets are included with this report (see Appendix 1).

Protection, status and ranks

Legal protection and status

In the United States of America, two Chinook Salmon Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) are li

Table 42. Endangered Species Act current listing status summary for Chinook Salmon (ESU = Evolutionarily Significant Unit)
Status Date listed Lead region Where listed
Endangered 08/02/1999 National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11) Upper Columbia spring-run ESU
Endangered 04/06/1990 National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11) Sacramento River winter-run ESU
Threatened 12/29/1999 National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11) CA coastal
Threatened 12/29/1999 National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11) Central Valley spring-run ESU
Threatened 08/02/1999 National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11) Upper Willamette River ESU
Threatened 08/02/1999 National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11) Lower Columbia River ESU
Threatened 08/02/1999 National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11) Puget Sound ESU
Threatened 04/22/1992 National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11) Snake River spring/summer-run ESU
Threatened 04/22/1992 National Marine Fisheries Service (Region 11) Snake River fall-run ESU

Non-legal status and ranks

IUCN red list – Chinook Salmon has not yet been assessed.

Acknowledgements and authorities contacted

Fisheries and Ocean Canada staff were contacted on multiple occasions. Special thanks to Gayle Brown, Gottfried Pestal, and Mary Thiess for their support through the data development and write up process. Laurelle Santana, Colleen Cranmer and Stella Chen, of ESSA Technologies Ltd. and Gwenn Farrell helped immensely in the formatting and structuring of the report.

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Biographical summary of report writers

Dr. Brian O. Ma and Cedar Morton are Senior Systems Ecologists at ESSA Technologies Ltd. in Vancouver BC. Diana Abraham is a researcher and science writer previously of ESSA Technologies Ltd., with over 20 years of experience.

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