Turkey Lakes Watershed Study reference list: 1989
89-01 Jeffries, D.S., D.C. Lam, A.G. Bobba, and W.G.Booty. Modelling acidifcation processes in remote lakes. Proc. CEC Workshop on Acidification Processes in Remote Mountain Lakes, Pallanza Italy, 73-82, 1989.
Report reviews several mathematical models which can be applied to remote lakes. The Turkey-Mersey model is emphasized. The addition of sub-models for within-lake processes is recommended.
89-02 Semkin, R.G., D.S. Jeffries, R. Neureuther, and M.D. Seymour. Major ion chemistry of the pre-melt snowpack, Turkey Lakes Watershed. Proc. Eastern Snow Conf., Quebec City. 277-281, 1989.
During a nine year study, snow cores from the TLW at 10-11 sites were analyzed for major ions and nutrients. H+, NO3 , and SO4 accounted for 70% of the snowpack composition. Results are compared with precipitation compositions measured at the CAPMoN network close to the watershed. In the snow core, SO4 levels were lower than expected.
89-03 Foster, N.W. Acidic deposition: what is fact, what is speculation, what is needed? Wat. Air Soil Pollut. 48: 299-306, 1989.
Findings from literature and the symposium indicate that air pollutants in Europe and North America are implicated in forest damage. Mechanisms are discussed. Interactions of air pollutants and natural stresses need examining.
89-04 Damsleth E., and A.H. El-Shaarawi. ARMA models with double-exponentially distributed noise. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B, 5(1): 61-69, 1989.
The marginal and bivariate distributions generated from a standard autoregressive moving average scheme are derived, assuming the noise to have a double-exponential (Laplace) distribution. The distributions may differ substantially from their Gaussian counterparts. The AR(1) model with double-exponential noise is applied to a series of weekly measurements of sulphate concentration and is shown to give a significantly better fit when compared with the Gaussian model.
89-05 Johnston, L.M., and D. Craig. Groundwater and acid rain. Nat. Hydrol. Res. Inst. Contribution No. 89032, 8pp, 1989.
A discussion of the implications of groundwater acidification due to acidic precipitation. In groundwaters of the TLW, pH depressions are attributed to weathering of aluminum-silicate minerals, but these acid conditions could become permanent. Long-term monitoring is recommended.
89-06 Hogan, G.D., and N.W. Foster. Precipitation acidity and foliar cation loss from sugar maple. In: Boudreault, G. and G.B. Allard, ed., Atelier sur le déperissement dans les érablieres. Centre de recherche acericole, St.- Hyacinthe, Quebec: 24-28, 1989.
A study to examine cation leaching of leaves as a cause of maple dieback at the TLW. Current levels of acidic deposition are not a threat to maple forests in the short term.
89-07 Kelso, J.R.M, and B.J. Shuter. Validity of the removal method for fish population estimation in a small lake. North Amer. J. Fish. Management 9: 471-476, 1989.
Paper discusses the problems associated with using the removal method to estimate the abundance of lake fishes. Catchability is not constant. Three models fit the data but do not accurately predict abundance. Coordination of sampling is important for more accurate estimates.
89-08 Vet, R.J., W.B. Sukloff, M.E. Still, C.S. McNair, J.B. Martin, W.F. Kobelka, and A.J. Gaudenzi. Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN) Precipitation Chemistry Data Summary 1987. Atmos. Environ. Serv. Rep ARD-89-1, 451 pp, 1989
Report summarizes daily wet-only precipitation data for 1987 for stations in CAPMoN. TLW data are found in Appendix 3 (Algoma).
89-09 Harrison, R.B., D.W. Johnson, D.E. Todd. Sulfate adsorption and desorption reversibility in a variety of forest soils. J. Environ. Qual. 18: 419-426, 1989.
The TLW was one of 20 sites from Canada, the U.S.A., and Norway used by the Integrated Forest Study (IFS) on the effects of atmospheric deposition. Relative SO4 adsorption capacities and adsorption reversibility in forest soils were measured and compared between sites. The amount of SO4 absorbed was a function of extractable Al, pH and native SO4 levels. Inorganic SO4 retention mechanisms dominated. An average of 36% of adsorbed SO4 was not readily water soluble.
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