Corporate services (transition binder 2019)

Corporate services at a glance

Corporate services branch: Structure and responsibilities

IM/IT key responsibilities

Corporate reporting/Project management key responsibilities

Finance and administration key responsibilities


What we do: IM/IT


Priorities over the next 3 years

  1. Enable the implementation of the new Financial Consumer Protection Framework (FCPF)
  2. Maintain a sustainable IM/IT environment that supports FCAC’s resilience
  3. Introduce a focus on IM-IT innovation that bolsters FCAC’s agility and resilience

Priorities 2019-2020

  1. Select an option for our long term case management system
  2. Initiate the FCPF IT components
  3. Move toward FCAC’s compliance with the Record Keeping Directive
  4. Enhance our infrastructure resilience – 'Prepare for the Cloud'
  5. Business Number Directive

What we do: Corporate reporting

What we do: Project management office


  1. Financial Literacy Summative Evaluation
  2. Departmental Results Framework (DRF) Amendment / Performance Measurement
  3. Corporate Risk Profile
  4. Corporate Business Planning
  5. Corporate Reporting (Departmental Report /GC InfoBase, Corporate Scorecard, Annual Report)
  6. Project Support:
    • Financial Consumer Protection Framework (FCPF)
    • Budget Planner
    • CHP Industry Review
    • Seniors Code
    • Supervision FW Phase 2
  7. Staffing (Corporate Planning & Reporting Analyst, Manager)

What we do: Finance and administration

Finance and Administration supports the Agency’s programs by providing internal services and expertise in various areas, including


1. Workplace Modernization (3 year project)

2. Core Control Audit (shared with other divisions)

3. Finance

4. Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP)

Internal & external stakeholders

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