Stakeholder collaboration and engagement (transition binder 2019)


FCAC engages and consults with many stakeholders, including

Federally regulated entities

Industry associations

Consumer Protection Advisory Committee (CPAC)

CPAC Members

Chair: FCAC Commissioner


Provincial regulators

Provincial regulators: Institutional arrangements

While institutional arrangements generally vary by jurisdiction, common models have emerged over time. The following provides an overview of the current provincial and territorial institutional models across Canada.

Twin peaks model (one agency for consumer protection, one for financial sector oversight)

Single agency model for consumer protection and financial sector oversight

General agency model (no prudential regulator)

Financial safety net agencies

FCAC is required to be a member of:


CDIC Board of directors

Chair: Robert Sanderson


Financial literacy stakeholders

To implement the National Strategy for Financial Literacy, FCAC works closely with stakeholders across the private, public and non-profit sectors – including

Financial Consumer Protection Organisation (FinCoNet)

G20-OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer Protection

OECD’s International Network on Financial Education (INFE)

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