Measures Library and National Financial Literacy Strategy Dashboard terms of use
- All content available through the Measures Library or National Financial Literacy Strategy Dashboard (National Strategy Dashboard) is owned or licensed by FCAC or third parties who have submitted information to FCAC in accordance with the Intake Terms of Use (Content) and is protected under applicable law.
- You may only use, reproduce, adapt, translate, modify, create derivative works from, transmit, distribute, publicly perform, display, post or otherwise publish any or all portions of the Content in any manner and media and by means of any technology now known or hereinafter developed to support the Strategy or initiatives relating to financial literacy and financial consumer protection generally (Authorized Use).
- In publishing the Content for an Authorized Use, you will identify the source as “FCAC Measures Library” or “FCAC National Financial Literacy Strategy Dashboard”, as the case may be.
- The Content is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. FCAC is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of the Content. Content may include links to non-Government of Canada websites or resources. Such links and the information accessed through them may not be subject to the official languages, privacy or accessibility requirements of the Government of Canada.
- In no event shall FCAC (i.e., the Agency representing the Government of Canada and its officers and employees) be responsible for any direct, general, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages of any nature or kind (including, but not limited to, the loss of revenue, content, or data) arising out of or in connection with any use of the Measures Library, National Strategy Dashboard, or the Content, even if Canada has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
- FCAC is not acting as agent or partner of any party whose information is available on the Measures Library or National Strategy Dashboard.
- These terms of use may be modified at any time by FCAC without prior notice by revising this posting. You should visit this page regularly to review the current terms of use. FCAC may in its sole discretion discontinue temporarily or permanently any or all parts of the Measures Library and National Strategy Dashboard at any time and without prior notice.
If you have any questions, you may contact our support team at
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