Food and Drugs Act Liaison Office

Who we are
The role of the Food and Drugs Act Liaison Office is to improve relations between external stakeholders and representatives of Health Canada, as well as to increase the openness and transparency in the regulatory process.
We are an impartial and confidential resource for individuals, business and organizations when they experience problems with how Health Canada administers the Food and Drugs Act.
What we do
We receive complaints, concerns or enquiries about alleged acts, omissions, improprieties and broader systemic problems on matters pertaining to the Food and Drugs Act.
We listen, offer options, facilitate communication, and examine issues impartially.
We act as an intermediary and help the parties arrive at a mutually agreed upon resolution.
We help prevent similar issues by making recommendations to the Department.
How we can help you
Our conflict resolution specialists offer a range of flexible services to help you with concerns about how Health Canada administers the Food and Drugs Act.
You might be
- A business owner unhappy with the way a licensing decision was made
- An individual concerned about the process for approving a drug or other product
- A stakeholder frustrated by the communications between you and the department
- Someone having trouble with the regulatory process or enforcement of the Food and Drugs Act
We can
- Work with you to address the issue in a confidential and impartial manner;
- Liaise between you and Health Canada;
- Facilitate meetings between you and Health Canada; and
- Provide mediation services to help you and Health Canada staff resolve issues quickly and efficiently.
Our past work provides examples of how we can help in various situations.
Related Resources
For questions about Health Canada's programs and services you can call (866) 225-0709, or contact General Inquiries.
For concerns or complaints about a food product, please contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
For information on Health Canada's compliance and enforcement activities or to place a trade or consumer complaint related to the health products covered under the Food and Drugs Act, please visit the Compliance and Enforcement section.
To report an adverse reaction or side effect from a drug or health product, go to the MedEffect Canada Web site.
Contact Us
For more information on our office, please contact the Food and Drugs Act Liaison Office.
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