Pest Management Regulatory Agency: Accomplishments and next steps
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The Pest Management Regulatory Agency is making significant progress across its 4 key transformation areas of work ('pillars').
Increased transparency
We've established a formally trained science communication team to explain how we make decisions in plain language. We're also posting plain language summaries and consultation notices for regulatory decisions online. This will help people in Canada to better understand our work.
We've published a series of online science resources, including new web content, video and infographics that will explain our regulatory processes and decisions. We've also updated web content like the public registry to make it easier to access our processes and decisions.
We now publish applicant names in the public registry while a regulatory application is under review.
Anyone can request confidential test data and will receive it on a secure USB drive.
We've implemented a process to notify the public when there's a new application to set or change pesticide maximum residue limits (MRLs) to permit their import. These notices let you know about upcoming consultations about MRLs.
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Increased use and availability of real-world data and independent scientific advice
We work with the Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products and consider their independent scientific advice across several areas of work. The committee meets once every 1 to 2 months to advise on a range of topics, including:
- our science literature review strategy under continuous oversight
- our science policy note for reviews of published scientific literature
- a draft framework for pesticide water monitoring programs
- a template document for proposed MRL consultations
Federal, provincial, Indigenous and local partners worked together to launch a 2-year pilot water monitoring program. The data generated through this program is publicly available, and you can access it through the:
As the pilot program nears completion, we're exploring the development of a long-term national-scale water monitoring program. As part of this, we're developing a national framework for pesticide water monitoring programs. We'll post a public consultation on this framework online once launched.
We're developing a pesticide use information framework under the Pesticide Use Information Program, based on input from different partners and stakeholders. We've held several technical working group meetings and are developing a 'what we heard' report based on them.
We're also considering surveys and pilot projects to advance this work.
Learn more:
- Water monitoring pilot program
- Pesticides and pest management consultations
- Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products: Meetings
Modernized business processes
We're working on a new portal that will allow registrants to file and manage their own applications, and eventually allow us to release data more effectively. This will:
- make it easier for us to search and analyze information
- store and manage all pesticide and pest management regulatory processes
We're consulting on a policy about the continuous oversight of pesticides and developing a proportional effort framework alongside it. These will allow for a more systematic lifecycle and risk-based approach to the pesticide evaluation and re-evaluation process. In turn, this enables us to deploy resources in a manner that supports:
- transparency
- timely decisions
- increased efficiency
We'll adjust the policy and framework as needed during implementation.
Targeted review of the Pest Control Products Act
Health Canada decided to make no legislative changes to the Pest Control Products Act based on feedback from the Spring 2022 public consultations.
Instead, we're proposing to update the pest control regulatory regime through the Pest Control Products Regulations. We put up a notice of intent on June 20, 2023 to seek public input on these potential amendments.
These amendments would:
- make it easier for people to access confidential test data, including for:
- research
- re-analysis purposes
- increase transparency for MRL applications for import food products
- require registrants and applicants to submit available information on:
- species at risk
- cumulative environmental effects
- make sure the department considers cumulative effects on the environment during risk assessments
Learn more:
- What we heard: Targeted review of the Pest Control Products Act
- Notice of Intent: Strengthening the regulation of pest control products in Canada
Next steps
We will continue to engage our stakeholders and partners to develop and carry out initiatives like:
- a draft pesticide use information framework
- a draft framework for pesticide water monitoring programs
- consultations on a proportional effort approach
We'll make sure that the work begun under our transformation agenda integrates into and shapes how we conduct regular business.
We'll continue to consult on the proposed regulatory amendments to further strengthen pest control product regulation in Canada. Analyzing consultation feedback refines our approaches and helps us strive for regulatory excellence as a global leader.
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