Summary of Affiliations and Interests
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The following information summarizes the affiliations and interests relevant to the Ministerial Advisory Council on Mental Health’s mandate declared by committee members. Health Canada has considered these declarations as part of the selection process. The Strategic Policy Branch has made this summary available as part of its commitment to be transparent about the membership of its advisory bodies.
Assessment of Affiliations and Interests
Prior to each committee meeting, the Strategic Policy Branch assesses members' affiliations and interests, including direct financial interests, as they may apply to agenda items for discussion. Depending on the nature of the member's affiliations and interests, the Branch, or the chair of the committee in consultation with the Branch, may limit the participation of a member in the meeting or ask them to make a verbal statement of affiliations and interests at the beginning of the meeting. Members' affiliations and interests are reviewed on an annual basis and updated as required based on changes in the status of their affiliations and interests.
1. Direct Financial Interests
- Do you, your spouse/partner, or dependent minor child have any direct financial interests that are of relevance to the mandate of the advisory body, including current employment, investments in companies, partnerships, equity, royalties, joint ventures, trusts, real property, stocks, shares, or bonds?
2. Indirect Financial Interests
- Within the past five years, have you or your spouse/partner received payment for work done or being done, or financial support, from a party that has an interest in the mandate of the advisory body? Include past employment, contracts or consulting, research support, personal education grants, contributions, fellowships, sponsorships, and honoraria for teaching, speaking, or writing engagements.
- Within the past five years, have you or your spouse/partner received materials, discounted products, gifts, or other benefits, or attended conferences or meetings where all or part of the travel and accommodation costs were provided by a party that has an interest in the mandate of the advisory body?
- Within the past five years, have any of the organizations where you or your spouse/partner are currently employed or where you or your spouse/partner participate in internal decision making (that is, as a board member or as an executive or non-executive director) received grants or other funding from a party that has an interest in the mandate of the advisory body?
3. Intellectual Interests
- Within the past five years, have you provided any formal advice or opinion to industry; a Canadian federal, provincial, or municipal government; a foreign government; or a non-government organization on a matter of relevance to the mandate of the advisory body? Include expert testimony or acting as witness (full or part-time), participation on an advisory body, and so on.
- Have you ever made public a statement (speeches, lobbying, and so on) or publicly stated a point of view (including in scientific papers, articles, journals, or other publications, or on websites) on issues of relevance to the advisory body’s mandate?
- Do you currently have any professional or volunteer affiliations (such as membership in professional/scientific societies, trade associations, lobbying, public interest, or advocacy groups) that may have an interest in the mandate and work of this advisory body?
4. Other
- Do you or your spouse/partner have any other affiliations and interests or potential circumstances that might give a well-informed member of the public reasonable apprehension or grounds for concern regarding the integrity and objectivity of your participation in this advisory body?
Summary of Affiliations and Interests
Skye Barbic
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. No
- 2c. No
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. No
- 3c. No
- 4a. No
- Was the Principal Investigator for the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Strategy for Patient Oriented Research Grant.
- Volunteer consultant with Canada Border Services Agency for the National Immigration Detention Framework.
Judith Bartlett
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. No
- 2b. No
- 2c. No
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. No
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Is a member of Doctors Manitoba and The College of Family Physicians of Canada.
- Is a member of the Order of Canada.
- From December 2016 – July 2017, completed an external independent review of tubal ligation and coercion in Aboriginal women in the Saskatoon Health Region (Province of Saskatchewan).
Dillon Black
Summary of Responses
- 1a. Yes
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. No
- 2c. Yes
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Employed by the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women, which receives funding and grants from municipal, provincial and federal governments.
- Has received project grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for the eQuality Project and a project promoting trans youth health and resiliency.
- Has received honorarium from Health Canada for a presentation on LGBTQ Mental Health and Resiliency.
- Provides formal advice to various federal government platforms, including advisory councils and roundtables.
- Has issued public statements through advocacy work for LGBTQ2I inclusion and the prevention of gender-based violence. Has participated in a TEDx Talk in 2017 regarding prevention technology facilitated violence against young women and girls.
Julie Kathleen Campbell
Summary of Responses
- 1a. Yes
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. Yes
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Employed as the Executive Director of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention and as a psychologist.
- Has received travel and accommodations and research support from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) as a Principal Investigator in clinical trials, and funding from the MHCC for a project.
- Has received compensation for providing Suicide Crisis Intervention training to EAP Counsellors at Canada Revenue Agency and Global Affairs Canada.
- Has provided formal advice through various forums and organizations, including to MP Charlie Angus regarding the National Suicide Prevention Action Plan motion project.
- Has issued public statements through professional publications and presentations.
Brooke Chambers
Summary of Responses
- 1a. Yes
- 2a. No
- 2b. No
- 2c. No
- 3a. No
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Has spoken directly with Health Canada officials during lobby day regarding personal mental health issues.
- Attends meetings for Isagenix, a health and wellness company, and uses their products.
Manon Charbonneau
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. Yes
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Is employed as a professor at the Université de Montréal, and as a prevention program instructor with the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Both organizations receive grants from Health Canada.
- Receives benefits through paid travel and accommodation costs from the Mental Health Commission of Canada and the Canadian Mental Health Association for work as a committee member.
- Has provided formal advice and opinions as a committee member and invited guest at various mental health related conferences.
- Has issued public statements through newspaper editorials and professional publications.
Marion Cooper
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. No
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Has received funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada as a co-investigator for The Towards Flourishing Project.
- Has received travel and accommodations support from the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) to attend round table meetings hosted by MHCC.
- Has attended CMHA National conferences and Executive Leadership meetings, with costs for attending these events covered by CMHA Manitoba and Winnipeg.
- Has issued public statements through newspaper editorials and professional publications.
- Is a member of the Manitoba Institute of Registered Social Work.
David Gardner
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. Yes
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Receives research grants and funding from the province of Nova Scotia through Dalhousie University for projects focused on the role of community pharmacists in mental health and addictions care and support, such as the Bloom Program.
- Has received speaker’s honoraria at pharmacy conferences, and has been supported by the Canadian Deprescribing Network to attend a conference.
- Has provided formal advice to various governmental and non-governmental organizations.
- Has issued public statements in professional publications and on social media.
- Is a member of the Canadian Pharmacists Association, and a regular volunteer/invited guest with the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia and Laing House.
Carol Hopkins
Summary of Responses
- 1a. Yes
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. Yes
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Is the Executive Director of the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation whose primary source of funding is a contribution agreement with the federal government.
- Is an Officer of the Order of Canada.
- Previously contracted by Health Canada for support in revising the First Nations Community Health Planning Guide and developing a module on Crisis Prevention and Response Planning.
- Attended the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem in April 2016 as part of the Canadian Delegation. All travel was paid by Health Canada.
- Provided formal advice/opinions as through various federal, provincial, Indigenous, and non-governmental committees/forums.
- Public statements made in professional publications, and national and international presentations.
- Affiliated with the Mental Wellness Committee, Assembly of First Nations, and the Global Indigenous Network Advisory Group.
Shaleen Jones
Summary of Responses
- 1a. Yes
- 2a. No
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. No
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Is employed as the National Associate Director, Peer Support at the Canadian Mental Health Association.
- Has received paid travel and accommodations from the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC).
- Has received honorarium from MHCC for providing advice through the Hallway Advisory Committee.
- Has issued public statements in newspaper on eating disorders.
- Is a board member of Eating Disorder Nova Scotia.
Nick Kates
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. No
- 2c. No
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. No
- 4a. No
- Has received honoraria for a variety of speaking activities from universities, hospitals and health authorities. Has received grants from international, federal/provincial funding sources.
- Has provided voluntary advice/opinions to various hospitals in Ontario and the Government of New Zealand on quality improvement and collaborative mental health care.
- Has issued public statements in scientific papers and presentations on mental health service delivery.
Christopher Lalonde
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. No
- 2b. No
- 2c. No
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Has provided advice to the Provincial Health Officer of British Columbia regarding Indigenous health in BC and has contributed to reports published by that office.
- Has issued public statements on Indigenous youth and suicide through published papers.
- Is a member of the National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research, which was formerly funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR).
Laurence Martin-Caron
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. No
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Has been contracted with the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) for various projects as a francophone partner and as part of the Hallway Advisory Committee.
- Is employed by l’Association québécoise pour la réadaptation psychosociale, which receives funding from various organizations such as la direction santé mentale du ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec and Otsuka.
- Has received paid travel, accommodations and salary compensation from MHCC for meetings several times a year.
- Provides formal advice to MHCC as part of contract work, to public stakeholders and other community organizations in New Brunswick, and to the Quebec provincial government on mental health.
Emma McCann
Summary of Responses
- 1a. Yes
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. No
- 2c. No
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. No
- 3c. No
- 4a. No
- Is employed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
- Receives financial compensation from the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health for participating in community events.
- Provides formal advice to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Ministry of Child and Youth Services/ Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario Project (YWHO); Children’s Mental Health Ontario (volunteer services); and, Frayme.
Jack Saddleback
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. Yes
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Has received funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Community Action Fund through OUTSaskatoon for the Culturally Appropriate Prevention Intervention for Youth and Young Adults.
- Has received payments for public speaking engagement on mental health needs with the Unifor Union, and participating in the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s Youth Council meetings, including travel, accommodations and honoraria.
- Has lobbied the government in 2014 through the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health for the extension of the Mental Health Commission of Canada mandate and for an increased funding for mental health.
- Has volunteered for the NDP election campaign and provided policy advice on mental health and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, and 2-Spirit (LGBTQ2S) topics.
- Volunteers with the National Indigenous Youth Council on Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS and conducts advocacy work with OUTSaskatoon.
Vicky Stergiopoulos
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. No
- 2b. No
- 2c. Yes
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Was previously employed at St. Michael’s Hospital and is currently employed at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and the University of Toronto, which all receive funding from government and philanthropic sources.
- Has provided formal advice/opinions through work as a consultant to the Auditor General of British Columbia in their review of tertiary psychiatric services in the province in 2015-16, for which she received an hourly rate stipend.
- Participated as a volunteer in a number of committees of the local health authority between 2010 and 2016.
- Has issued public statements through published papers in peer reviewed journals.
- Has received speaker’s honoraria from publicly funded agencies such as universities and hospitals.
- Is a member of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.
Petrea Taylor
Summary of Responses
- 1a. Yes
- 2a. Yes
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. Yes
- 3a. Yes
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Was employed with the Provincial Government of New Brunswick with Horizon Health Network, Regional Health Authority, through which travel and accommodations costs were provided.
- Received funding through former employer from MindCare (Saint John, NB).
- Provided formal advice, through previous employment, to administrators and other decision makers within Horizon Health.
- Has issued public statements through professional publications and public events.
Nicholas van den Berg
Summary of Responses
- 1a. No
- 2a. No
- 2b. Yes
- 2c. No
- 3a. No
- 3b. Yes
- 3c. Yes
- 4a. No
- Participates in a mental health knowledge translation platform, Frayme. Receives travel and accommodation from this organization.
- Previously involved in Jack.Org at Bishop’s University, and as a direct representative based in Toronto. Received travel and accommodation from Jack.Org previously.
- Has issued public statements through presentations and as a panel member at his university.
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