Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products: Nomination call for members

As part of the August 4, 2021 Government of Canada announcement to strengthen the capacity and transparency of review processes for pesticides, the government committed to the creation of a new expert panel process to provide advice, as appropriate, prior to certain evidence-based decisions of Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) on pesticides. Following an initial call for nominations, Health Canada established the Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products (SAC-PCP) on June 27, 2022.

Health Canada is currently seeking nominations (including self-nominations) from experts with experience and expertise in the following areas, as related to pesticides:

The Science Advisory Committee on Pest Control Products provides Health Canada with independent scientific advice to support evidence-based decision making on pesticide health and environmental risk and value assessments as well as development of risk management options in accordance with its Terms of Reference. PMRA maintains the responsibility and the sole authority to make regulatory decisions on pesticides taking into consideration the advice provided by the Committee.

Health Canada plans to appoint one expert to the Committee with experience and expertise in dietary pesticide exposure, and up to three experts to the complementary Community of Specialized Experts (CSE) with experience and expertise in human health, neurotoxicity, and bioaccumulation, relating to pesticides. Members are appointed for a term of three years, which may be extended based on Health Canada's needs and the members' availability and willingness to continue their membership.

Following a conflict-of-interest assessment by an external expert, and a review by the SAC-PCP selection committee, Health Canada will contact selected nominees to appoint them as members of the SAC-PCP or CSE. The selection committee will assess candidate's knowledge of dietary exposure, human health, neurotoxicity, and/or bioaccumulation, relating to pesticides. Health Canada strives in its selection of members to ensure, where possible, equitable and diverse representation from individuals of different sex, gender, age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, migration status, and geographic regions. Information pertaining to the appointed members will be posted online to the SAC-PCP webpage.

To preserve the independence of the federal government as a decision maker, federal government employees are not permitted to be members of the Committee and cannot participate in the formulation of the Committee's advice to Health Canada.

To be considered for appointment, all members must undergo government security clearance, provide a short biography, sign a Confidentiality Agreement, and provide a declaration of their affiliations and interests. A summary of the affiliations and interests declarations and biographies will be posted to Health Canada's website.

Nominations should contain the following information:

In accordance with the Privacy Act, all personal information collected will be protected and treated according to Government of Canada records management standards.

To submit a nomination, or for any questions, please contact the SAC-PCP Secretariat at:

Thank you for your interest in this important initiative.

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