Management Response and Action Plan - Horizontal Evaluation of the Clean Air Agenda Adaptation Theme

Health Canada'sFootnote 1 Management Response and Action Plan Evaluation of the Clean Air Agenda Adaptation Theme
Recommendations Response Action Plan Deliverables Expected Completion Date Accountability Resources
Recommendation as stated in the evaluation report Identify whether program management agrees, agrees with conditions, or disagrees with the recommendation, and why Identify what action(s) program management will take to address the recommendation Identify key
Identify timeline for implementation of each deliverable Identify Senior Management and Executive (DG and ADM level) accountable for the implementation of each deliverable Describe the human and/or financial resources required to complete recommendation, including the source of resources (additional vs. existing budget)

Recommendation 1:
Review current adaptation program delivery to identify opportunities to expand engagement among new and existing stakeholder groups and increase awareness of information, products, or activities.


Since the development of the recommendations included in this Evaluation, Health Canada (HC) has been actively engaged in reviewing stakeholder needs and awareness levels, and completed actions in response to this recommendation.   

Specifically, there was health stakeholder engagement to support the development of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, and Public Opinion Research completed to better understand current awareness levels.  Some new program activities have already been implemented as a result, such as expanded health outreach activities during Spring/Summer 2017. This included new radio advertisements and news articles, and the establishment of the National Heat Health Community of Practice (CoP), which facilitates the sharing of information, experiences and best adaptation practices among health stakeholders and officials across the country.

HC also expanded its Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program (CCHAP) to include First Nations South of 60.  As part of this expansion, the program held engagement and awareness workshops in all regions south of 60 as well as hosted similar sessions in the Northern Regions in support of previous and ongoing activities. The Northern Region also collaborated with Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) in the development and delivery of these sessions.

In support of ongoing continuous improvement, FNIHB also reviewed its current activities to identify further opportunities to expand engagement and increase awareness, including its internet presence.

1. a) Host a stakeholder Workshop to identify stakeholder priorities, awareness, and engagement needs.

b) Conduct environmental scans and review levels of stakeholder engagement needs and awareness.

c) Conduct public Opinion Research to better understand current awareness levels of climate change and health information.

1. a) Completed June 2016.

b) Completed March 2017.

c) Completed March 2017. 

1. Safe Environments Directorate (SED) – DG 1. No additional resources required (funding from Budget 2016 & Budget 2017 for Climate Change Adaptation programming).

2. Workshop reports from engagement sessions

2. Completed October 2017

2. Executive Director (ED), First Nations Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) Office of Public and Population Health (OPPH) and FNIHB, Regional Executive for Northern Region

2 and 3: Resources will come from the Adaptation component of the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF) announced in Budget 2017.  Budget 2016 announced a renewal of resources for Adaptation.

3. Successful launch of website

3. Completed July 2017


Recommendation 2:
Review mechanisms for collaboration and information sharing between the Adaptation program elements, as well as with federal and non-federal program partners, in order to leverage best practices and resources, and avoid duplication of effort.   


HC actively participates in federal government-led forums dedicated to climate change adaptation, including the inter-sectoral Adaptation Platform and the recently established Pan-Canadian Framework governance tables. HC is also strengthening coordination and information sharing across Departments and Agencies that work on climate change and health adaptation programs through the implementation of structured working-level and senior management level engagement.

In response to this recommendation, HC also reviewed its mechanisms for collaboration and information sharing with other federal partners with a view to identifying any opportunities for continuous improvement. 

1. a) Support the establishment of the Pan-Canadian Framework Governance structures, which will include HC and DISC members.

b) Develop draft Terms of References for Health Coordination Committees to coordinate on climate change and health issues.

1) a) Completed May 2017

b) March 31, 2018

1) SED DG 1) No additional resources required. (Funding from Budget 2016 and 2017 for Climate Change Adaptation programming.)
2. Terms of Reference for the Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program (CCHAP) Selection Committee refined to leverage expertise and best practices from First Nations experts across southern Canada with varying backgrounds – e.g. social work to environmental science. 2. Completed August 2017 2). FNIHB, ED OPPH

2 and 3: Resources will come from the Adaptation component of the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF) announced in Budget 2017.  Budget 2016 announced a renewal of resources for Adaptation.

3. New MOU between HC-FNIHB (now DISC) and INAC on the Adaptation program delivery to avoid duplication of effort and leverage federal and non-federal resources.

3. MOU between HC-FNIHB (now DISC) and INAC was signed August 2017.


Recommendation 3:
  Review the current performance measurement framework and data to improve tracking and reporting on progress toward Adaptation-theme level intended results.


HC is supporting a range of federal initiatives on results reporting, such as providing health expertise to the Secretariat of the Expert Panel on Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Results.

Specifically in response to this recommendation, with new investments in climate change programming, the 2011-2016 theme level performance measurement system was replaced by the Horizontal Management Framework for Clean Growth and Climate Change (HMF).  Relevant HC indicators, outcomes and actions have been developed and approved by senior management. Targets for adaptation programming were included in the HMF that was approved September 2017. 

1. Finalize the Horizontal Management Framework for Clean Growth and Climate Change

1. Completed September 2017 as part of TB Submission.

1. SED DG with support from FNIHB, ED OPPH

1. No additional resources required. (Funding from Budget 2017 for Climate Change Adaptation Programming.)

Recommendation 4
In collaboration with the departments' respective Chief Financial Officers, review current processes for opportunities to improve the tracking and reporting of financial information for Adaptation program elements.


HC has robust mechanisms in place to report and track on its financial commitments. However, as part of our continuous improvement efforts, HC will review current processes for opportunities to improve financial tracking and reporting.

1. Review of current processes, including identification of opportunities for improvement to be implemented according to the established timelines.

1. March 31, 2018

1. SED-DG (lead) in collaboration with the Branch Senior Financial Officer (BSFO) for the Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch (HECSB) and the financial office for DISC.

1. No additional resources required.  

Footnote 1

The First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB), formerly a part of Health Canada, was transferred to the Department of Indigenous Services Canada (DISC) on November 30, 2017, by way of an Order-in-Council. As a result, all follow-up actions related to the FNIHB mandate will be handled by DISC.

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